Although i am writing this blog in response to donutgate, i do not wish to participate in all of the youtube madness. Nevertheless, i am using my words to make a humble & heartfelt request of My Guides, the Haitian Voodoo Diaspora, & all of the Willing Ancestors. I beg Thee to help the Childe victims all the while hexing the predators. The Voodoo Loas, most especialy Papa Legba, Baron Samedi, & Maman Brigette are my Guides so my blog is more like a prayer for Them to deal Justice over this pedophile crap, and especially what's associated with using the Voodoo name for evil. IF Voodoo Donuts is innocent they shall not be harmed. What's Voodoo Donuts, who is Vegan Mikey, & spell to bring relief are presented in this blog.

- What's Voodoo Donuts???
It's a business in Portland, Oregon that has alleged by Vegan Mikey to be associated with Childe trafficking. I did a google search and found some pictures & an article that seem to be some evidence.
Weed, NyQuil, And Dongs: The Secret Ingredients Behind Voodoo Doughnut
"Cereal, penises, NyQuil, even weed. Nothing is off limits for the creative minds behind Voodoo Doughnut, which is exactly what’s made them so darned delightful.
I never thought I’d say ‘Cock-N-Balls’ 50 times a day.
That might sound like a mere phallic joke, but doughnuts like the Cock-N-Balls are also pretty serious business. Not only do they give Voodoo’s brand a late-night edge, Voodoo’s more ambitious creations also open the door to expansive pricing on an otherwise low-return product. Through penises, cereals, and over-the-counter medicines, Voodoo has essentially added a design-driven ROI to the doughnut industry."
The business's sign is like this doughnut

Weed, NyQuil, And Dongs: The Secret Ingredients Behind Voodoo Doughnut
"Cereal, penises, NyQuil, even weed. Nothing is off limits for the creative minds behind Voodoo Doughnut, which is exactly what’s made them so darned delightful.
I never thought I’d say ‘Cock-N-Balls’ 50 times a day.
That might sound like a mere phallic joke, but doughnuts like the Cock-N-Balls are also pretty serious business. Not only do they give Voodoo’s brand a late-night edge, Voodoo’s more ambitious creations also open the door to expansive pricing on an otherwise low-return product. Through penises, cereals, and over-the-counter medicines, Voodoo has essentially added a design-driven ROI to the doughnut industry."
Who Is Vegan Mikey???

This is him & i was already shown him in a dream so that i know he has experienced some awful stuff so he deserves help & not even more torment. He's come out against pedophilia & i wish for Papa Legba to open & shut the right Gates to help him +++ase+++
Paige Moore39 minutes ago (edited)
This blog is being released to just add energy out to the web. +++
this is my blog with links for the Voodoo Death Squad Who don't like hurting Children & are for Justice True http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/links-for-ghede.html