The wonderful skull pic came from bing images, and it honors Papa Legba Who is an awesome Gate Keeper and helper for the protection of Innocents. My blog explains American Horror Story's lies about Papa Legba @
Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/06/will-real-papa-legba-please-stand-up.html
He first appeared to me as a black mist that society had programmed me to fear, but He has changed the lives of me a,d mine for Goode. Sometimes the Dark holds truth, love, and protection from those of light who wish to eradicate all dark ones.
There was a time when i believed the narrative that light equals good while dark means evil; however, my Exorcist experience has shown me that this is a false concept. One of my dearest fb friends who has extensive knowledge of the Occult and a phd in research has given me some information that has the wheels in my mind turning. I have traced some child sacrifice rituals to the hexagram which had me hung up "Jews" for a while, but now i see that Judaism is just another religion that was made by those who wish to oppress Us. Michael Tsarion speaks of the Cult of Aton from Egypt that spread through the world in attempts to control a narrative that fits their agenda. I theorize that zionism is an extension a Pharonic bloodline because of the Egyptian symbolism that we see in our every day lives.

it appears to be an old world order.
My friend tells me, "There are no actual Jews. Jews are only a religion, not a race. That 's why Duke still waits for that DNA test with the money on hands. There can't be such test. :p
The Jewish Royal House was Chaldean and their People were Egyptian followers of Aton. The Canaanites expelled them from their lands because they raped and killed some neighbours, so they were forced to go to Egypt. They had nowhere else to go. To the east were the Chaldeans that had already expelled them, to the North were the Assyrians that would make 'm mince :p because they hated Chaldeans and were at war with them. To the South were Arabs and the Amalakites that hated them too because they expelled from the royal family their patriarchs Ishmael and Esaph. Their only way to go was to Egypt. The Bible - Joseph himself - admits the rape and killing.
In Egypt they found the followers of Aton and mixed with them. The followers of Aton took them for leaders because they were leaderless and had only priests while these Chaldean monotheists were aristocrats. That 's what happened.
4-5 centuries later there was a civil war in Egypt, monos vs. pagans. Pagans won, monos left Egypt back to Palestine... That was the "exodus"...
These Jews were later hunted by the Arabs and went North to the Khazars.
So it 's simple and straight. They were a mix of these two, Egyptians and Khazars. Now most are white like English, French etc. It is only a religion and not a race anymore."

AkhenWhy does Akenanten look so weird??? i don't know for sure but Atonism comes from Akhenanten, and Aton is equivalent to actual light instead of the Sun.

relief of Chaldean deities
another Chaldean relief...notice that it's a bull & who else is a bull??? Molech

Wikipedia says that Chaldeans merged with Catholism

Catholism is a Sun Cult, and Michael Tsarion informs Us that the upper level Masons are the priesthood of the Pharonic bloodline.

Weird that the life of Jesus biblically coincides with Astrological movements.
The information presented in this blog agrees with my theory of
Monotheistic Religion is a Control Mechanism of the Annunaki @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/03/monotheistic-religion-is-control.html
My blog here shows an example of people wanting to exterminate Dark ones @
Another Huge Load of Light Worker Type Shit or All Dark Ain't Evil & All Light Ain't Goode @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/04/another-huge-load-of-light-worker-type.html?showComment=1549338517454#c413860133951790093
Thank You for reading my blog :)