Tuesday, June 23, 2020

the Corwin Amendment tells Us that the South seceded because of more than slavery

https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=fB6zvuME&id=AC39F2D596C9129DAEDE526A78D88B688CF3918E&thid=OIP.fB6zvuMEiA_EZmv_rrZWSwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2flh3.googleusercontent.com%2f2dk4dothF-RK49j95os929dtflTm-WMwCmuLqCu4ii-tBg41Z_ceE8kerpOZkzXgxBxlRUnF_M6DbKOWfEGFJMn8sv5Kyf-74SswQPDYDFUUqKVUMA7QVvLIqHOqDZsFCyY_Ih0o&exph=455&expw=467&q=Corwin+Amendment&simid=608026893442417598&ck=C453BEA52F52B8B8184E864CFFF3C43F&selectedIndex=11&ajaxhist=0 June 23, 2020 As tempers flare across the South because BLM is once again attacking our monuments to the Civil War i pray to Papa Legba that we will not have a race war. It is my hope and opinion that education will help Folks see that whitey ain't all evil, and that mainstream media is purposely created strife to make it easier for the "elite" to rule Us ALL. My blog
"Divide and Conquer Must End " @ 

has some relevant information about this subject. 
This blog is very simple because I am just presenting the Corwin Amendment. "On 2 March 1861, in a futile attempt to prevent the secession of the slaveholding states, Congress proposed, and sent to the states for ratification, a constitutional amendment designed to protect slavery in the states where it existed. The amendment, written by Representative Thomas Corwin of Ohio, would have prohibited any future constitutional amendment authorizing Congress to abolish or interfere with the "domestic institutions" of any state. Although the amendment went on specifically to include the institution of "persons held to service or labor," it is not clear what other domestic institutions, if any, might have been protected.
The Corwin Amendment was proposed after President-elect abraham lincoln rejected the crittenden compromise proposals, which would have permitted slavery in some federal territories. Its intended effect was that, although slavery would survive in the existing slave states, there would never be any new slave states admitted to the union, and slaveholders would be an ever diminishing minority. In any case, the Corwin Amendment was largely a symbolic gesture of conciliation, as six southern states had already seceded by the time it was proposed. The legislatures of only two states (Ohio and Maryland) voted to ratify the Corwin Amendment."
Dennis J. Mahoney
Hyman, Harold M. 1967 The Narrow Escape from the Compromise of 1860: Secession and the Constitution. Pages 149–166 in Harold M. Hyman and Leonard W. Levy, eds., Freedom and Reform. New York: Harper & Row

"Corwin Amendment (1861) ." Encyclopedia of the American Constitution . . Retrieved June 22, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/politics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/corwin-amendment-1861



My blog "There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA" @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/there-was-more-to-civil-war-than.html

has more information i gleaned about the UN Civil War 

has some relevant information about this subject 

Thank You for reading my blog

Friday, June 12, 2020

Monday, May 13, 2019

light does NOT mean goode with the Cult of Aton

Image result for Papa Legba

The wonderful skull pic came from bing images, and it honors Papa Legba Who is an awesome Gate Keeper and helper for the protection of Innocents.  My blog explains American Horror Story's lies about Papa Legba @
Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/06/will-real-papa-legba-please-stand-up.html

He first appeared to me as a black mist that society had programmed me to fear, but He has changed the lives of me a,d mine for Goode.  Sometimes the Dark holds truth, love, and protection from those of light who wish to eradicate all dark ones.

There was a time when i believed the narrative that light equals good while dark means evil; however, my Exorcist experience has shown me that this is a false concept.  One of my dearest fb friends who has extensive knowledge of  the Occult and a phd in research has given me some information that has the wheels in my mind turning.  I have traced some child sacrifice rituals to the hexagram which had me hung up "Jews" for a while, but now i see that Judaism is just another religion that was made by those who wish to oppress Us.  Michael Tsarion speaks of the Cult of Aton from Egypt that spread through the world in attempts to control a narrative that fits their agenda.  I theorize that zionism is an extension a Pharonic bloodline because of the Egyptian symbolism that we see in our every day lives.

Image result for dollar bill masonic symbols

it appears to be an old world order.

My friend tells me, "There are no actual Jews. Jews are only a religion, not a race. That 's why Duke still waits for that DNA test with the money on hands. There can't be such test. :p 
The Jewish Royal House was Chaldean and their People were Egyptian followers of Aton.
 The Canaanites expelled them from their lands because they raped and killed some neighbours, so they were forced to go to Egypt. They had nowhere else to go. To the east were the Chaldeans that had already expelled them, to the North were the Assyrians that would make 'm mince :p because they hated Chaldeans and were at war with them. To the South were Arabs and the Amalakites that hated them too because they expelled from the royal family their patriarchs Ishmael and Esaph. Their only way to go was to Egypt. The Bible - Joseph himself - admits the rape and killing.

In Egypt they found the followers of Aton and mixed with them. The followers of Aton took them for leaders because they were leaderless and had only priests while these Chaldean monotheists were aristocrats. That 's what happened. 

4-5 centuries later there was a civil war in Egypt, monos vs. pagans. Pagans won, monos left Egypt back to Palestine... That was the "exodus"...

These Jews were later hunted by the Arabs and went North to the Khazars. 

So it 's simple and straight. They were a mix of these two, Egyptians and Khazars. Now most are white like English, French etc. It is only a religion and not a race anymore."

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AkhenWhy does Akenanten look so weird???  i don't know for sure but Atonism comes from Akhenanten, and Aton is equivalent to actual light instead of the Sun.

Image result for chaldean
relief of Chaldean deities

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 another Chaldean relief...notice that it's a bull & who else is a bull???  Molech 

Image result for chaldean
Wikipedia says that Chaldeans merged with Catholism
Image result for catholic church is a sun cult
Catholism is a Sun Cult, and Michael Tsarion informs Us that the upper level Masons are the priesthood of the Pharonic bloodline.

Image result for jesus is the sun
Image result for jesus is the sun
Weird that the life of Jesus biblically coincides with  Astrological movements.

The information presented in this blog agrees with my theory of

Monotheistic Religion is a Control Mechanism of the Annunaki @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/03/monotheistic-religion-is-control.html

My blog here shows an example of people wanting to exterminate Dark ones @

Another Huge Load of Light Worker Type Shit or All Dark Ain't Evil & All Light Ain't Goode @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/04/another-huge-load-of-light-worker-type.html?showComment=1549338517454#c413860133951790093

Thank You for reading my blog :) 

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Issac Kappy's Death & may Issac Kappy's Soul Mission be Shielded from Negative Energy +++

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Issac Kappy was an actor who came out exposing some hollywood names without any solid proof.  There is evidence compiled on Jamie DLUX channel exposing pedowood.  Many brave Folks who use social media to expose the lies that are woven by mainstream media.  May They all be blessed and protected+++ Yes, i do believe in the Rainbow Warriors for it is a Prophesy with hope.  My blog that presents the Native American Prophesies is @ https://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/03/may-rainbow-warriors-make-earth-green.html

Kappy experienced horrendous gang-stalking, and his Twitter, as well as other social medias were shut down.  Furthermore, no-one ever sued him for false allegations.

Kappy presented the idea of survivor stories, but few people took advantage of the situation.  Next, i am gonna present some stuff that i googled.  

strange the the death occurred on route 66...  those people believe that shit they do...

  1. Image result for isaac kappy death Kappy's ibm

Overview (2)

Bornin Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Diedin Bellemont, Arizona, USA  (suicide by jumping from bridge)

Mini Bio (1)

Isaac Kappy was born on February 17, 1977 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. He was an actor and writer, known for Thor (2011), Fanboys (2009) and Terminator Salvation(2009). He died on May 13, 2019 in Bellemont, Arizona, USA.

Trivia (1)

Despite being restrained by two teenagers, Kappy forced himself off the Transwestern Road Bridge onto Interstate 40, where he was struck and killed by a pick-up truck. Kappy was being investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department for threatening two celebrities.

"suicide note"  words taken directly from https://sugerfries.com/news/thor-actor-isaac-kappy-dies-jumps-to-his-death-at-age-42

Isaac Kappy, who previously made headlines for 'choking' Paris Jackson and accusing Seth Green of pedophilia, died jumping to his death from a bridge.
The actor was at the age of 42 and had minor roles in "Terminator Salvation," "Beerfest," and "Thor."

Isaac Kappy Jumps To Death From A Bridge!

On Monday on May 13, 2019, a man took his life by jumping to his death from a bridge in Arizona, which was later confirmed to be Isaac Kappy by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
Reportedly, Isaac jumped from the Transwestern Road Bridge near Bellemont, Arizona onto Interstate 40. The officials confirmed that he was even restrained from jumping by several bystanders but couldn’t stop him from killing himself. He was later struck by a Ford pickup truck.
Twenty-four hours before jumping off the bridge, Isaac posted an ominous and lengthy Instagram post stating he is not a good guy and had been abusive to people who loved him.
Well, on his final Instagram post, he paid tribute to ‘Q Movement’ and apologized for disgracing the greatest military operation of all time. He referenced death claiming to have 'betrayed' Donald Trump and Jesus.

 my blog explains how light isn't always goode... many goode Souls are in the Dark

light does NOT mean goode with the Cult of Aton @ https://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2019/05/light-does-not-mean-goode-with-cult-of.html

i am just gonna present some stuff that i typed on youtube, next.  As i have real life stuff to do.


  whatever human faults he had, he meant it when he stood for the children...he said his spirit told him to come out & as a psychic i believe him on that ... Jamie DLUX has videos about pedowood that are more evidence... this is something that is hidden so it's difficult to get hard core evidence...

Kappy believed in false things cuz Q keeps Folks lazy and complacent, and Trump is helping saudi starve millions in Yemen...Kappy trusted in things with dirty energy & those people made the abrahamic religions....yahyew is one god among many....Mother Earth is more real than yahyew...see council of Nicaea and You can see Christianity came from Paganism.

Monotheistic Religion is a Control Mechanism of the Annunaki http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/03/monotheistic-religion-is-control.htm


Moses, Akenaten, and the Divisionof the Tribes of Israel @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/03/moses-akenaten-and-divisionof-tribes-of.html

Egyptian Amarna Period of Monotheism with Akhenaten @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/03/egyptian-amarna-period-of-monotheism.html

The Flavian/Piso Creation of Catholism/Christianity @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-flavianpiso-creation-of.html

are my blogs that discuss the theory  of Sigmund Freud and others that Akhenaten was part of the putting out the fire hidden within Mankind.

i did follow all his youtube videos..... he had information from victims on his Twitter....he said all that evidence was taken when his Twitter was shut down. He knew someone who was abused by stephen king.... he did say that he was talking to so many victims which will bring bad energy around too this shit and gang stalking scares others from coming out...the way the gang stalkers did Vegan Mikey and Kappy makes them all look like pedo protectors ...Kappy did say that Jeffrey Epstein is a key a few days before he died .... i think he knew he had to for that weird ass Magick those people do in the bracket jacket video or the one before he did say that Epstein is a root in the pedo crap & that Trump has connections to Epstein. The way he believes in Trump in Q may have just made him a weaker target for psychic warfare that causes suicide...

Image result for isaac kappy death
Q did it cuz they didn't trust him....maybe ???

Image result for isaac kappy death
Original Blog from around August 2018

When Issac Kappy stood up against pedowood he said that he felt moved by Spirit, and i knew that he is another on the same Soul Mission as I.  He is asking for help for David Shruter so i offer any help he may take if the Ancestors are willing.

On his latest video he called the FBI to turn in a tip for David Shruter is an eye witness to the Franklin credit scandal  @ tips.fbi.gov

This blog may have more than one function.  1) I am freely showing Folks how easy it is to do goode Magick  2) I am sending out a Voodoo spell to help the poor Innocents who are harmed by the Pedowoods  3)  I am asking for protection for Issac Kappy's Soul Mission  & 4) My awesome Guides Who have the power to help against this black Magick the Satanist do will get an introduction.

The thing about the computer is that the chords have some quartz & there is ample energy from the electricity.  Words can make Magick so writing spells into the computer does work.  I can't really explain why, but am willing to give tips to empower others.  You should work with whichever Spirits are Your Guardians.  My idea in being so open is just to give others ideas for making their own forms of Magick.  I am a Crone with a Spirit Mission against the pedos, and my spell is only meant for Folks who don't mind the help & the children or Innocents who have no choice.

There is a video on youtube that puts Kappy in a
negative manner when he had a breakdown from no-one standing with him against Pedowood, and the awful energy that has come from him from what seem to be pedo protectors.  May Issac Kappy & David Shruter be shielded from this negative energy+++

ISAAC KAPPY KILLS HIMSELF IN A DRESS !! @  https://youtu.be/JllTnKnZ6jE

Published on Oct 1, 2018


Epic 40 minute meltdown from satan worshipping

i started my spell on this video & wrote

thanx for upload :) Kappy is right on point.... CPS is a haven for pedos so it's great that goode souls are in it too. The people just ignore the pedo shit, & make fun of Folks who are brave enough to say something. Kappy has been open, and this break down is just proof that his heart is into it. I wish him the best & will send some healing energy +++ If just 15% of Pedowwods would have made a stand with Kappy something wonderful could happen. FUCK PEDOWOOD !!! may the Ghede & other Protective Dark Souls help this cause & may the Ancestors be empowered to protect & Guide the Souls of the Innocent Children +++ come together+++

Now my spell~~~

Voodoo by Godsmack @

May  Papa Legba open & shut the right Gates to help Issac in his Soul Mission+++

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Hey Papa Legba by Elton John @ https://youtu.be/npQZfJtE__Y

Papa Legba is Da Bom... He is a Messenger between Us and Higher as well as Lower Spirits & i have a blog abt Him @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/11/papa-legbas-day-is-monday.html

my blog Will the Real Pap Legba Please Stand Up???  debunks American Horror Story LIES  @  http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/06/will-real-papa-legba-please-stand-up.html

May Maman Brigette brings Justice for the Innocents https://youtu.be/1PmEwmrt0XQ

my blog about Her is @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/12/maman-brigette-is-for-justice.html

may Baron Samedi empower the Ancestors of the Children in the rituals and help them in all ways both light for healing & darkness for protection https://youtu.be/s-VxrTTetXU

The Fu$%ing Awesome Bawon of Saturday ~ No Censoring Available in Text ;) http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-fuing-awesome-bawon-of-saturday-no.html

may Momma Yemoja & Momma Oshun provide comforting Motherly protection and comfort for the Innocents in Pedowood https://youtu.be/vMkm_CZAnz4

http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/11/yemaja-has-saturday.html  is Yemoja's blog

http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/11/oshuns-day-is-saturday-and-we-need-to.html tells about Oshun 

a chant for Her  https://youtu.be/d3N2EV-aR6s

May Momma Oya bring change for goode  to the Innocents in Pedowood

her blog is @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/11/friday-is-for-orisha-oya.html

may Papa Chango deal Justice for the Innocents https://youtu.be/fWeDev0QWLc

His blog is @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/11/chango-gets-friday_10.html
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my blog @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/11/what-honest-pure-hearted-insider-says.html tells about my first Voodoo spell for the Boko Haram captives,  It's cool because wild animals were attacking the boks in the woods &  i have a cite for it.

Thank You for reading my blog :) 

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

the Ghede, Vegan Mikey, & Voodoo

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Although i am writing this blog in response to donutgate, i do not wish to participate in all of the youtube madness.   Nevertheless,  i am using my words to make a humble & heartfelt request of My Guides, the Haitian Voodoo Diaspora, & all of the Willing Ancestors. I beg Thee to help the Childe victims  all the while hexing the predators.  The Voodoo Loas, most especialy Papa Legba, Baron Samedi, & Maman Brigette are my Guides so my blog is more like a prayer for Them to deal Justice over this pedophile crap, and especially what's associated with using the Voodoo name for evil.   IF Voodoo Donuts is innocent they shall not be harmed.   What's Voodoo Donuts,  who is Vegan Mikey, & spell to bring relief are presented in this blog.

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  1. What's Voodoo Donuts??? 
It's a business in Portland, Oregon that has alleged by Vegan Mikey to be associated with Childe trafficking.  I did a google search and found some pictures & an article that seem to be some evidence. 

Weed, NyQuil, And Dongs: The Secret Ingredients Behind Voodoo Doughnut

"Cereal, penises, NyQuil, even weed. Nothing is off limits for the creative minds behind Voodoo Doughnut, which is exactly what’s made them so darned delightful.

I never thought I’d say ‘Cock-N-Balls’ 50 times a day.
That might sound like a mere phallic joke, but doughnuts like the Cock-N-Balls are also pretty serious business. Not only do they give Voodoo’s brand a late-night edge, Voodoo’s more ambitious creations also open the door to expansive pricing on an otherwise low-return product. Through penises, cereals, and over-the-counter medicines, Voodoo has essentially added a design-driven ROI to the doughnut industry."


The business's sign is like this doughnut 
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 See the source image

Weed, NyQuil, And Dongs: The Secret Ingredients Behind Voodoo Doughnut

"Cereal, penises, NyQuil, even weed. Nothing is off limits for the creative minds behind Voodoo Doughnut, which is exactly what’s made them so darned delightful.

I never thought I’d say ‘Cock-N-Balls’ 50 times a day.
That might sound like a mere phallic joke, but doughnuts like the Cock-N-Balls are also pretty serious business. Not only do they give Voodoo’s brand a late-night edge, Voodoo’s more ambitious creations also open the door to expansive pricing on an otherwise low-return product. Through penises, cereals, and over-the-counter medicines, Voodoo has essentially added a design-driven ROI to the doughnut industry."


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Who Is Vegan Mikey???

Image may contain: 1 person, beard and closeup

This is him & i was already shown him in a dream so that i know he has experienced some awful stuff so he deserves help & not even more torment.  He's come out against pedophilia & i wish for Papa Legba to open & shut the right Gates to help him +++ase+++

i'll say it...fuck it...Grey Voodoo Magick against their weak ass "satan" black Magick ... may the right Gates be open & shut on the Spiritual realm for these fuckrs to be hexed on the astral level that brings down the pedos +++ase+++ https://youtu.be/CW792V3oWI8 hexe ~big hoodoo~ time for some Spiritual War ... may the Ancestors of the Children be empowered to bless the Kiddos & hexe the pedos +++ASE+++ https://youtu.be/NUAdgt5Glk0 Seek & destroy ~metallica~

Connections must be made, hearts must be strengthened, plans to be laid and organized.

This blog is being released to just add energy out to the web.  +++

this is my blog with links for the Voodoo Death Squad Who don't like hurting Children & are for Justice True http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/links-for-ghede.html