The Jewish controlled media definitely practices race baiting and racial profiling to keep tensions high between different races. We discussed this dilemma in my psychology school so that I know I am not just making assumptions; however, since this is not a professional article I am going to let myself slide on citing this paragraph. My observation is that the media pays a lot of attention to white crimes against blacks and fails to even mention black on black, black on white, or white on white crimes. This is a difficult subject to approach; yet, it is important to realize that the media does its best not to present rational and logical facts to black folks so that they are stuck with images of white on black crimes. I do not agree with the racial profiling of the rainbow of people around the world or with prejudice against anyone for their race, but I feel the Zionists want us to fuss among each other so we do not realize who the real oppressors are. The following graphs can explain the situation far better than my words.
The fact that white Americans enslaved black Africans is very well known, but other instances of slavery are not taught in schools or discussed in the media so this paragraph will point some other enslaved people and the core of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. It has been reported that 1.25 million white Europeans were enslaved by the Barbary corsairs in Africa around the same time as the Trans-Atlantic slave trade (Holloway, 2014). The first records of slave trade back to the 18th Century BCE in Babylon’s The Code of Hammurabi and all people have been enslaved and enslavers (Holloway, 2014). The following graphs point out that Jews were at the core of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade of Africans, Native Americans were also decimated and forced into slavery by white Europeans who “founded” America, and that Irish folks were used as slaves by Americans at the same time as Africans were. A meme about the first legal slave owner in America explains that black folks were also enslaved by other black folks. I do not condone slavery in any fashion, but I desperately wish for people to realize that slavery is nothing personal and if we do not forget the past to change the future for our descendants will inherit a mess.
Boko Haram & ISIL
Boko Haram and ISIL seem to be products of Israel and Israel’s puppets the CIA. “Boko Haram is an Islamic sect that believes politics in northern Nigeria has been seized by a group of corrupt, false Muslims. It wants to wage a war against them, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria generally, to create a ‘pure’ Islamic state ruled by sharia law” (Walker, 2012, para.1). In an interview with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, he said that Israeli and U.S. intelligence must be engineering the atrocities committed by Boko Haram in Africa and Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq (aka ISIL) (Wright, 2015). “”’I said CIA and the Mossad stand behind these organizations,’ Bashir told Euronews, referring to ISIS and Boko Haram. ‘There is no Muslim who would carry out such acts.’ His comments came in reaction to the video of beheadings by ISIS of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya released this past weekend” (Wright, 2015, para.2). Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is also brave enough to state that Israel is training ISIL Jihadists (ShantiUniverse, 2014). Another clue of Israel’s hand in ISIL is the fact that they are never targeted by them. I am including some photos of Boko Haram’s terror in Nigeria in hopes of helping black folks to realize the horrors Nigerians are presently living through due to the 1% Zionist ruing class because I believe they would not work so hard to keep us separated if we would not be powerful if we came together to end the tyranny.
Boko Haram and ISIL seem to be products of Israel and Israel’s puppets the CIA. “Boko Haram is an Islamic sect that believes politics in northern Nigeria has been seized by a group of corrupt, false Muslims. It wants to wage a war against them, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria generally, to create a ‘pure’ Islamic state ruled by sharia law” (Walker, 2012, para.1). In an interview with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, he said that Israeli and U.S. intelligence must be engineering the atrocities committed by Boko Haram in Africa and Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq (aka ISIL) (Wright, 2015). “”’I said CIA and the Mossad stand behind these organizations,’ Bashir told Euronews, referring to ISIS and Boko Haram. ‘There is no Muslim who would carry out such acts.’ His comments came in reaction to the video of beheadings by ISIS of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya released this past weekend” (Wright, 2015, para.2). Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is also brave enough to state that Israel is training ISIL Jihadists (ShantiUniverse, 2014). Another clue of Israel’s hand in ISIL is the fact that they are never targeted by them. I am including some photos of Boko Haram’s terror in Nigeria in hopes of helping black folks to realize the horrors Nigerians are presently living through due to the 1% Zionist ruing class because I believe they would not work so hard to keep us separated if we would not be powerful if we came together to end the tyranny.
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The News. (22 Aug, 2015). Reports: Boko Haram strengthens bonds with ISIS. The News. Retrieved
Walker, Andrew. (30 May, 2012). What Is Boko Haram? United States Institute of Peace. Retrieved
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Wright, Bruce. (17 Feb, 2015). Who Is Omar Al-Bashir? Sudan President Says CIA, Mossad Support ISIS, Boko
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