The time has come for me to honor Maman Brigette Whom is One of the most active Higher Spirit Guardians in my life. In the Voodoo Community there is much talk of our "head" Loa coming to us in dreams, and She frequents my dreams, along with the Great Baron Samedi. With the Ghede as my Guardians i have had to some astral sex work, but am always protected and in a safe feeling place. My Greek Witch Brother tells me that sex work is used in protection, and i am well protected. Not surprising that Her husband is a sex "god". The life of celibacy was the life for me so i feel that She wants to activate my lower chakras to aid in my evolution.
Maman is NOT saying that people should be rooting around and fucking like wild beasts; She wants to see people bring the beauty and Magick back into sex. It is true that an active sex life helps activate the root and sacral chakras so that this is part of obtaining "god-hood". It seems like this is Left Hand Path Maman style. We should have respect for our partners for when we use them we turn something beautiful into something dirty.
It is DANGEROUS and ill advised to seek Incubus & Succubi unless our Gates are well protected. i ain't saying jump in and start doing this, i am saying that These deities can protect you and keep your Gates after a relationship is established with Them. It is dangerous because there are many ill-intentioned entities who will drain you and drive you crazy; however, there are also just plain ole astral Vamps who feed on sex energy and are harmless. It is also well advised to have protection meeting live body partners astrally. There may be other deities Who can do this, but i know not of Them.
i also want to note that i have NO INTENTION of giving any further instruction, and i do not like to talk about sex to people out of my closest circle. This blog is for Maman and Baron.
There have been instances where people have had sightings of the vampires which ofcourse we cannot rely if its true or not but makes the subject fasinating.gamerzandwwe.blogspot.com
Well...looks like i will give out some more info, after-all. This is an excerpt from a Vampire Magick book~
"Moving the astral body~
Sit in a chair, legs directly in front of you and finger tips touching each other. Your hand from the thumb to the forefinger should be raised to your solar plexus level and your two hands touching should form a type of triangle shape with you looking downward at them. Start a careful breathing technique, one, two, three and then add a few more seconds between breathes. You will notice you will soon be able to control your heart rate. If you are ever in a situation of being nervous you will be able to utilize this to make yourself think clearly.
Pressing your fingers together you will want with each exhale to watch and visualize your astral energy to flow through your fingers. This process should continue for several minutes. Visualize your astral body – the color, the extent of which it is larger than
your physical body, etc.
You will now want to begin visualizing and moving a sharpened end of your astral
body to extend out like a serpent would rise up. This will take some practice but extending the astral from your own body you will notice the tendril can be controlled by your will alone.
1. Utilizing a mirror (symbolic of Lilith) have an image of the individual in question ready. This may include photo but could be a drawing or name written on paper, depending on your ability and predilection. If you have something of your chosen, have it in the rite – hold it and focus
upon it.
2. Calling the Vampyric forces in terms of ritual focus – visualize forces coming to you, acting according to your Will.
3. Imagine now your victim in the mirror. Send forth your astral shadow to them, imagine breaking into their astral body through the object and the mirror. 36
4. Draw in 9 deep breaths from both your nostrils and mouth. Exhale slowly, controlling your bodily movements. Keep calm during ritual. 5. You may conduct this several times and different days. You may notice by this process the focus individual will grow tired and sick. Use caution in ritual focused vampirism. Responsibility is of course the most important. People should never be harmed by any vampyric process. 6. Rituals are essential in establishing a link with the Luciferian current. It does not matter if you “believe” in the subjective “spirit” world or if you view it as a psychological link OR BOTH. Practice, practice and practice. Record results!!
1. Utilizing Ahrimanic Yoga techniques (Liber
HVHI) gain complete and calm control of the
body. This calm should be near perfect.
2. Meditate on your chosen victim before
sleeping. Visualize how you wish to drain their energy.
3. Starting with your mind and face, visualize your astral body shape shifting into whatever form you desire. This may be a demonic form or an specific animal – this is your choice.
4. Focus on a mirror or on the image, lie back on your bed and close your eyes. Each breath
should be a focus on your astral body rising.
5. Entering sleep, your dreams will be often 37 of your subconscious being focused on your atavistic and vampyric desires. 6. If you astral project without sleeping, control your movement and move in. Imagine the entire process, see it as clearly as if you were there. Belief is the key to any successful magical working. Drain and leave the victim sleeping.
intense and hungering – this is a prime indication
Attractive Spirit-
Usually a Out of Body Experience
Vampyre who either feels guilty about their practice of energy draining or is seeking another affectionately in dreams – generally non-threatening.
Do note that no matter what people want to believe, the mind is directly affected
by the body and its state therein. If you resist food during the day and retire to sleep without eating, hunger will run its course in your body, affecting the subconscious. If focused o 39 someone around a vampiric rite, your mind will go active therein.
Water, Emotional identity and instinct, oriented to self-gratification.
The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions, wrath and sexuality.
Draining through sexual contact or from
the elevation of the Black and Red Serpents – sexual vigor and dreaming projection i.e. succubus. Focus on your sexual attraction towards your target, think of the
horrifying form you will take before visitation. Once you have done this, visualize this before sleep and imagine yourself flying out in that form."
Another source gives this information that explains why sex Magick can be so important.
Human Orifices are Portals
"In the human body design, all orifices function as divine principles which serve as a physical conduit to its spiritual counterpart connected in another dimension. In most people that are spiritually activated at the soul level, all seven orifices on the face are directly connected to the archetypal mind in the fifth dimension and directly connect to the throat chakra.
"In the human body design, all orifices function as divine principles which serve as a physical conduit to its spiritual counterpart connected in another dimension. In most people that are spiritually activated at the soul level, all seven orifices on the face are directly connected to the archetypal mind in the fifth dimension and directly connect to the throat chakra.
Male Organs are the Earth Principle Let us review all five of the male sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions: Prostate Gland (hidden, accessed through rectum)
Right Testicle to Right Ureter
Left Testicle to Left Ureter
Because Male sexual organs are mostly external, they have slightly less vulnerability to energetic attack. Female Organs are the Spiritual Principle Let us review all six of the female sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions: Cervix Opening to Uterus
Right Ovary
Left Ovary
Because Female sexual organs are mostly internal, and there is a culture of Misogyny on the earth, the female organs have a much higher vulnerability to energetic attack from consistent sexual abuse. Furthermore.... When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with male sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Twelve (12). The correct pattern of the electrical spin for the Universal Male principle is 12:12. The same architecture in the planet body is the 12 Tree Grid and when the 12:12 is projected as the first image of God as a Hu-Man (Adam), it is called the Albion.The Geometric Form of Six is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a female. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with female sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Thirteen (13). The correct pattern of the electrotonal spin for the Universal Female principle is 13:13. The same architecture exists in the planetary core as Mother Arc. When the 13:13 is projected as the first Sound field of God from the Universal Creatrix, it descends the Holy Spirit and the colors created fill the Albion with a palette of colored music. This music is called the Cathar. When these electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff. That sums it up."
Right Testicle to Right Ureter
Left Testicle to Left Ureter
Because Male sexual organs are mostly external, they have slightly less vulnerability to energetic attack. Female Organs are the Spiritual Principle Let us review all six of the female sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions: Cervix Opening to Uterus
Right Ovary
Left Ovary
Because Female sexual organs are mostly internal, and there is a culture of Misogyny on the earth, the female organs have a much higher vulnerability to energetic attack from consistent sexual abuse. Furthermore.... When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with male sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Twelve (12). The correct pattern of the electrical spin for the Universal Male principle is 12:12. The same architecture in the planet body is the 12 Tree Grid and when the 12:12 is projected as the first image of God as a Hu-Man (Adam), it is called the Albion.The Geometric Form of Six is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a female. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with female sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Thirteen (13). The correct pattern of the electrotonal spin for the Universal Female principle is 13:13. The same architecture exists in the planetary core as Mother Arc. When the 13:13 is projected as the first Sound field of God from the Universal Creatrix, it descends the Holy Spirit and the colors created fill the Albion with a palette of colored music. This music is called the Cathar. When these electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff. That sums it up."
For those who do not understand the African based Spiritual System, they have a Supreme Deity that the Loa/Orishas work for as intermediaries between men and "God". I do not even presume to know about "God" anymore and i will NOT let anyone else tell me who or what it is; however, the majority of people in these systems do believe in one all powerful "God". The Loas are sorta like angels, but much more powerful, closer to our dimension, easier to get help from with an offering. Although, monotheism calls the Orishas "demons", They are not, and there is no concept of "satan" in these religions for the majority.
YORUBA AFRICAN ORISHAS: These are the gods & goddesses of the IFA Religion which originated in Nigeria West
Part 1:What An Honest & Pure Hearted "Insider" Says About the Orishas @
Part 2: What An Honest & Pure Hearted "Insider" Says About the Orishas @
The Orishas and the African system migrated around the world with the slave trade. As far as i know, Maman Brigette migrated to Haiti with the Irish slaves to evolve into Haitian and New Orleans Voodoo. Interestingly, She shares many traits with Oya.

Maman Brigitte - Haitian voodoo goddess who protects the graves in cemeteries that are marked with the
"Maman Brigitte holds a special place in New Orleans Voodoo. Some say she was one of the patron deities of Marie Laveau. The Voodoo Spiritual Temple, of which I am a long standing member has frequently performed rites and rituals for her. The veve pictured here was for a rite we performed for her over a decade ago, notice it incorporates St. Bride crosses. Carolyn Wise, of the Fellowship of Isis, speaks to the special connection between this Celtic deity and New Orleans. A large number of Irish immigrant women relocated to New Orleans in the 1800 and brought their spiritual beliefs with them. Wise makes the interesting connection between the Voodoo dolls in the city and St. Bride dolls, and also states one of my favorite quotes about this deity,“She does not suffer fools.”For more information about traditional aspects of Brighid please visit my fellow Patheos bloggers posts Encountering Brighid and What is Brigidine Paganism?" (Dorsey, 2014, para.2).
It is strange for me to talk about such a subject, but it is possible that the Ghedes enjoy hooking folks up because They get some sex energy as well. The Ghede number is 9 and Their colors are black and purple. They like cigars, drugs, cussing, dirty jokes, rum, and other offerings that can be located on your favorite search engine. Maman also LOVES getting Her pic shown and people talking about Her. She helps me do things from saving lives to exorcising demons, and She is a FIERCE Protector of Children.
"Maman Brigitte"
To pursue this type of workings we need to be familiar with chords
the blogs that i wrote Guided by the sex gods and Ghede King and Queen are @
the Other Side of Spiritual Spouses @
Safe Astral Sex is Possible with the Ghedes 369 @
Links for the Ghede is @
On 2/5/2018
WwowWzers !!! Miss Zeena just posted some FANTASTIC infor for sex Magick that explains what Maman was telling me. I have a deep aversion for the majority of humans so Maman set me up with an astral/Incubus who is just awesome. Anyway, i saw her in a vision that i had during a shroom season Shamanic Journey & She was at a sacred place in the Jungle where there was beautiful and tasteful sex worship. So hard to describe, but it's lovely to have the shame and ugliness taken out of sex, and making it Magickal & wonderful & powerful. This is a great and quick video of an interview she did before she left the Church of Satan and went to Tantric Buddhism @
Zeena Schreck interview on KJTV @
"Journalist Tony Sokol asks Zeena about the role of cunnilingus in magical alchemy and Eastern tantric practices for his review of the popular US TV show Salem: Book of Shadows
Below, we share with you the complete, unedited quotes she gave him, from her book Demons of the Flesh.
[Note: The phrase Feminine Daemonic was first coined by Zeena and Nikolas Schreck in Demons of the Flesh. 'Daemonic' in this context does not mean 'like a demon' but rather uses the classical greek spelling and definition to mean 'spirit,' hence the 'feminine principle' or 'feminine spirit.']
Vedic left-hand path Tantrikas place great emphasis on the vaginal secretions of the female, ingesting them as the pure distillation of feminine energy in rites venerating the shakti's vulva. This fluid, called amrita, or 'elixir of immortality' is sometimes believed to be vitalized with magical properties
transformative of human consciousness, an agent quickening the process of Kundalini, the awakening of the Feminine Daemonic in the male. The female amrita consumed in left-hand path sexual rites is considered most powerful in shakti at the time of menstruation, a fact which has sometimes been compared to the elusive 'ruby elixir' referred to in Western alchemical texts as a medicine for the soul. Erotic statuary in India's celebrated Khajuraho Temple depicts scenes of ritual cunnilingus that indicate a strong left-hand path influence. In the Chinese sex-magical tradition, the orgasmic flow of the female partner's Bartholin's gland fluid was also thought to be a substance rich
with yin, the feminine life-force potable in a physical libation granting immortality.
transformative of human consciousness, an agent quickening the process of Kundalini, the awakening of the Feminine Daemonic in the male. The female amrita consumed in left-hand path sexual rites is considered most powerful in shakti at the time of menstruation, a fact which has sometimes been compared to the elusive 'ruby elixir' referred to in Western alchemical texts as a medicine for the soul. Erotic statuary in India's celebrated Khajuraho Temple depicts scenes of ritual cunnilingus that indicate a strong left-hand path influence. In the Chinese sex-magical tradition, the orgasmic flow of the female partner's Bartholin's gland fluid was also thought to be a substance rich
with yin, the feminine life-force potable in a physical libation granting immortality.
In both the Taoist and Tantric traditions, great emphasis is placed on the necessity of absorbing the sexual secretion only from consorts demonstrating obvious physical health and vitality. Illness is said to nullify or even poison the effects of the amrita upon the adept.
Even within the sometimes austere constrictions of the Islamic world, home to an ancient magical heritage, decidedly left-hand path sex-magical traditions continue to be practiced by Muslim magicians. Often these involve the use of sexual secretions and menstrual blood as sorcerous agents, as in the societally disreputable but fairly common utilization of sihr sufli, which has
sometimes been described as a form of Arabic black magic. Such rites require that the sorcerer performs a prolonged act of copulation with a female – as is often the case in the Tantric Vama Marga, the sorcerer's consort must not be married to him. It is also considered preferable if the woman is menstruating, a condition every bit as much of a taboo within Islam as it is in Hindu culture.
sometimes been described as a form of Arabic black magic. Such rites require that the sorcerer performs a prolonged act of copulation with a female – as is often the case in the Tantric Vama Marga, the sorcerer's consort must not be married to him. It is also considered preferable if the woman is menstruating, a condition every bit as much of a taboo within Islam as it is in Hindu culture.
At the completion of the act, the mingled semen, feminine secretions, and blood are carefully permeated into an absorbent piece of fabric. The erotically charged fabric is then ritually burnt, whilst the sorcerer calls upon one of the djinn – the demons of Arabic sorcery – to act in his stead in the daemonic realm. This rite, which draws on the veiled, repressed power of the Feminine
Daemonic surging beneath the outwardly male-oriented surface of Arab life,
Daemonic surging beneath the outwardly male-oriented surface of Arab life,
is of course considered a defilement by orthodox Islam. As with all left-hand path procedures, it is the taboo-breaking nature of the activity that endows this kind of sexual sorcery with its force.
The Aghori's preferred initiatrix in sexual congress is a menstruating woman of the 'untouchable' lower caste, whose menstrual blood mingled with his own semen is sometimes consumed at the conclusion of the rite.
This Aghori practice has a secular analogue in a modern Western 'sect' dedicated to taboo-transgression; a well-known rite of initiation for the Hell's Angels motorcycle club decrees that the Angel must 'earn his wings' by performing cunnilingus on a menstruating woman."
Interesting that is familiar to Vampiric "feeding".
what are some Vampire traits??? are all Vamps really evil??? @
Of course, Maman isn't the only goddess who will help Us use our sexuality to grow more powerful, and do powerful Magick. There are two other goddesses that i know of who are suitable for this; however, i bet that Folks with different resonances know different deities. Lilith is awesome.
Heart of Lilith - Inkubus Sukkubus @
The Controversy About Lillith @
Zeena Schreck - Kali Invocation, (Live performance clip) Jan. 14,
2017 @
Dissection - 11 Maha Kali @
A great article from Collective Evolution called
tells us that
"Tantric sex is an ancient Eastern spiritual practice that is meant to broaden one’s consciousness and to connect the polar masculine and feminine energies.
Practicing tantric sex can enable you to reach new levels of sexual energy by exposing sexual energy you never knew you had. You and your partner will undergo an intense focus of concentration that can ultimately allow you to experience hours of incredible sex, intense orgasms, and a new connection to both each other, yourselves, and the outside world.
The 5,000-year-old practice of tantric sex is about enlightenment and reverence for your partner that extends far beyond an orgasm.
Practicing tantric sex can enable you to reach new levels of sexual energy by exposing sexual energy you never knew you had. You and your partner will undergo an intense focus of concentration that can ultimately allow you to experience hours of incredible sex, intense orgasms, and a new connection to both each other, yourselves, and the outside world.
The 5,000-year-old practice of tantric sex is about enlightenment and reverence for your partner that extends far beyond an orgasm.
The 5,000-year-old practice of tantric sex is about enlightenment and reverence for your partner that extends far beyond an orgasm.
'In the classical sexual ritual, the participants worship each other as embodiments of deities,' explains Mark Michaels and Patricia Johnson, authors of Great Sex Made Simple: Tantric Tips to Deepen Intimacy and Heighten Pleasure. 'We encourage people to bring an attitude of reverence into their lovemaking and to all their interactions. The tantric approach has far more to do with your mental approach than with technique. It’s certainly got nothing to do with bragging about staying power."
'In the classical sexual ritual, the participants worship each other as embodiments of deities,' explains Mark Michaels and Patricia Johnson, authors of Great Sex Made Simple: Tantric Tips to Deepen Intimacy and Heighten Pleasure. 'We encourage people to bring an attitude of reverence into their lovemaking and to all their interactions. The tantric approach has far more to do with your mental approach than with technique. It’s certainly got nothing to do with bragging about staying power."
there is lots more information in this article @
Thank You for reading my blog :)
Dorsey. LIlith. (25 January, 2014). "Voodoo’s Bride of Death: Maman Brigitte." Patheos. Retrieved from
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