Thursday, February 9, 2017

There Was More to Civil War than Slavery : part 2

Agents Reported Swarming the South
          Is it possible that those bankers who wished for war placed agents among the government and armed forces divisions?  Griffin (2007) reports that private bankers viewed America as a threat and did place “spies” to help destroy their threat.  The European bankers saw a connection between England’s cotton manufacturers and Southern aristocracy as the “achilles heel” of America.   Griffin (2007) states that the Illustrated University History, 1878, p. 504 reveals that British agents swarmed the Southern states to conspire with local politicians in order to harm the United States.  “Their carefully sown and nurtured propaganda developed into open rebellion and resulted in the secession of South Carolina on December 29, 1860. Within weeks another six states joined the conspiracy against the Union, and broke away to form the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as President” (Griffin, 2007, para. 8).  It is reported that mints, arsenals, and other Union property as well as armies were raided and that forts were seized by plotters while Buchanan was still the President.  Buchanan made no steps to stop succession even though he claimed to deplored it (Griffin, 2007).  It is very curious that these early aggressions from the South are not widely known.  A particular man that has been revealed reported as a key agent for bankers in the Confederates will be discussed next.

Judah P. Benjamin

Judah P. Benjamin has been named as a banker agent in the South.  The Jewish Virtual Library (2017) admits that Benjamin is called the “brains of the Confederacy” by some historians while other historians blame him for the Confederate loss.  Judah was a Jewish lawyer in New Orleans who was born in the West Indies and reared in Charleston, South Carolina.  Civil War Trust. (2014c) reveals that Benjamin began to speak in favor of secession after Abraham Lincoln’s 1860 presidential election, and that he delivered his farewell address to the U.S. Senate on December 31 of that year.  “In her autobiography Confederate President Jefferson Davis’s wife, Varina, informs us that Benjamin spent twelve hours each day at her husband’s side, tirelessly shaping every important Confederate strategy and tactic” (Jewish Virtual Library, 2017, para.2).  Civil War Trust. (2014c) also refers to Benjamin as the “brains of the Confederacy” because he was the right-hand man of Jefferson Davis.

Judah P. Benjamin

Lincoln Becomes the President
It is possible that earlier attacks may not have started a war because Buchanan ignored them.  Ghosn (2012) reports that seven states formed an alliance on February 7th, 1860 and named Montgomery, Alabama as its temporary capital.  Peace treaties were turned down and most union forts were taken over by the Confederates (Ghosn, 2012).  On March 4, 1861 Abraham Lincoln became the President of the United States (Griffin, 2007).  Lincoln immediately acted to cut off supplies that were pouring into the South from Europe by blockading the Southern ports.  Although it seems warlike tactics may have occurred before the official start date, the Civil War began on April 12, 1861 when the Confederates bombarded Fort Sumter, South Carolina (Griffin, 2007).  A closer look at Fort Sumter may be advantageous to solving this dilemma.

Lincoln's inauguration

Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter is remembered as the first battle of the Civil War and there are peculiar circumstances surrounding it.  The supply ship, The Star of the West, was turned back from Fort Sumter by Confederate fire so that the fort was low on supplies (Ghosn, 2012).  Strangely, Robert Anderson, the Union major, was warned that in an hour the Confederates would fire on the fort in an hour.  Civil War Trust (2014) informs that Confederate Brig. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard ordered fire to begin at 4:30 a.m. and that the battle lasted for 34 hours without a single casualty.  It is reported that the Union held their fire until 7 a.m. and fired less than the Confederates because they were low on munitions (Civil War Trust, 2014).  It seems like a peculiar start to a war, and hopes are that it will become more clear later.  Lincoln’s first message to Congress will examined next.

Fort Sumter

July 4th Message to Congress
          Is it possible that there are even more clues recorded in Lincoln’s own words about why he was making war against the Confederate?  Abraham Lincoln stated that “the policy chosen looked to the exhaustion of all peaceful measures before a resort to any stronger ones. It sought only to hold the public places and property not already wrested from the Government and to collect the revenue” (Abraham Lincoln, 1861, para.5).  It seems that the revenue he was talking about is the money that the government was making from the tariff.  Next, Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury as the Civil War began will be discussed.

Salmon P. Chase
Under the watch of Salmon P. Chase internal taxes were implemented in the United States.  In 1861, Chase resigned from the Senate in order to serve as Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, 2010).  The cessation of Southern Customs revenue from cotton trade meant that money needed to be raised for the war so Salmon commenced to taxing Americans.  He implemented the Bureau of Internal Revenue that later became the Internal Revenue Service to collect internal duties and stamp taxes (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, 2010).  In 1863, the IRS began the Nation’s first income tax.  Chase was against Lincoln’s greenbacks so he created the National Banking System in order to “establish uniform currency” and named the greenbacks unconstitutional.  In 1864, Chase resigned as the Secretary of Treasury until Lincoln reassigned him as Chief Justice (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, 2010).  This is interesting information because Salmon P. Chase is known as the “banker’s man” who operated in the Union.  Although Lincoln refused bank loans at the onslaught of the war, it seems like banks were reestablished in a different form.  What could the possible ramifications be?

Salmon P. Chase

Possible Masonic Connections
“Disclaimer: This article and subsequent ones are not in any way a generalisation of Judaism or Freemasonry; they are just a compilation of referenced historical facts about a narrow sector of influential usurists (bankers) and top level members of secret societies who seek far more than simple economic gain from their activities” (Icke, 2009)
This author searched for clues about who may have infiltrated the South and North to arouse aggression.  There is a well-known conspiracy theory that states “the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy -associated to Jewish bankers throughout Europe- can be traced back to the middle ages, and predates “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” by nearly 1.000 years (Icke, 2009, para.1).  This author does not presume to know what the connections really are; nevertheless, she theorizes that there may be connections between bankers and Jews due to history of usury practice by them.  It is possible that there are some deep and high connections between Jewish bankers and Masons.  In the search for concrete clues, some mysterious photos from the Civil War were located.  This meme explains the “hidden hand” which can be seen in previous photos of Salmon P. Chase, Robert Anderson, and a possible variation by Judah P. Benjamin.

Robert E. Lee and his Generals

William T. Sherman

Now, these observations will be left here for the reader’s discretion.  Next, the Secession Acts of the Thirteen Confederate States will be summarized.

Abraham Lincoln. (4 July, 1861). July 4th Message to Congress. Miller Center:
 University of Virginia. Retrieved from
Civil War Trust. (2014a). Fort Sumter. Civil War Trust. Retrieved from
Civil War Trust. (2014b). Secession Acts of the Thirteen Confederate States. Civil
 War Trust. Retrieved from
Civil War Trust. (2014c). Judah Phillip Benjamin. Civil War Trust. Retrieved from

Ghosn, Lauren. (17 Dec, 2012). Civil War: The Battle of Fort Sumter. Retrieved


Griffin, Des. (23 Oct, 2007). The Rothschilds & The Civil War.

Icke, David Forum. (27 Dec, 2009). The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy: How the
 Bankers Took Over the World. David Retrieved from
Jewish Virtual Library. (2017). Judah Benjamin (1811 - 1884). Jewish Virtual
 Library: a Project of AICE. Retrieved from
Lee, Robert E. (20 April, 1861). Letter to General Winfield Scott. Museum
 Management Program. Retrieved from
Livingston, Donald W. (Oct, 2010). Why the War Was Not about Slavery.
 Confederate Veteran. Retrieved from
Morgan, Robert. (Sept.-Oct., 1993). The 'Great Emancipator' and the Issue of
          Race: Abraham Lincoln's Program of Black Resettlement The Journal of
          Historical Review,(Vol. 13, No. 5), pages 4-25. Retrieved from
Rivero, Michael. (2017). ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS! What Really
 Happened. Retrieved from
Scruggs, Mike. (4 June, 2005). UNDERSTANDING THE CAUSES OF THE
 UNCIVIL WAR: A Brief Explanation of the Impact of the Morrill Tariff.
 Tribune Papers. Retrieved from
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY. (11 Nov, 2010). Salmon P. Chase (1861 –
          1864). Retrieved from


