Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Lasting Battle between Enki and Enlil

This is the theory that fits what i have learned.  In my studies I have noticed a definite battle between the tribes of Enki and Enlil. Those who created monotheism are the Tribe of Enlil whereas Pagans/Heathens are the Tribe of Enki. Matthew LaCroix (2017) explains that Enki is the Serpent and Enlil is the Eagle with some valuable new information for my theory. USA is of Enlil as represented by the Eagle while Enki gave us the kundalini/inner Dragon (LaCroix, 2017). My blog, "Will the Burning Times Ever End?" features some of the decimation that monotheism has wrought against Pagans and Heathens  LaCroix (2017) adds to my list by adding the Serpentine South Americans who were destroyed by the Spaniards with an eagle flag, and the Serpent Folk who were ran out of Ireland by St. Patrick.  For evidence I offer Trump's recent attack on Syria for something that is not his business.

Enki and Enlil are the Annunaki, those who came from the sky to the Earth, from the Sumerian archeological evidence who will be featured in this blog. Anu is the father of Enki and Enlil with Enlil being in the first in line to rule because his mother was Anu's wife whereas Enki's mother was a concubine. Enki was the elder brother who is noted as the creator of the Annunaki and Earth being hybrids whom was noted as wiser than his brother. Enlil was the younger brother who was noted as being more cruel with the humans/adapa.

Dragon Magick tells us that Enki put the kundalini or "inner Dragon" along the spines of his children so that we could regain the power that he had originally given us. Ancient texts relate that Enlil was angry with Enki for making humans so intelligent and that Enlil wanted a "dumbed down" version.  In other theories, this symbol is for genetics; however, this is my theory.

Enki correlates with the Greek god Prometheus Whom was punished by Zeus for giving fire to men. Lucifer is another incarnation of Enki as the Serpent in the garden of Eden Whom was cursed by Yahweh for giving mankind knowledge. 

 Titans Greek Mythology Prometheus
Here’s Prometheus being chained to the Caucasian mountains and having a giant eagle devour his liver on a daily basis all because he stole fire from Mount Olympus for

The Serpent, Enki, featured here was said to warn his son of the flood that Enlil was sending to wipe out the abomination of the humans or Nephilim.

There does seem to be an ongoing battle in which those of monotheism continue to wage war on those who love knowledge.  LaCroix (2017) stresses the that  Jesus was of the Serpent and Rome of the eagle crucified Him.

LaCroix, Matthew. (12 January, 2017). "The Battle for Earth & Your Soul - Enki vs Enlil - Eagle vs Serpent - History Altered". Leak Project. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. explaining the push for sharia & jihad to make Islam the ultimate religion, and why social justice warriors like Islam as did Hitler.
