Sunday, February 4, 2018

why did i leave the Learning Voodoo group???

Yes, i could have stayed, but i was overcome with deep confusion.  Papa Legba told me it was time to leave because i have already shared all of the blogs i wrote about Voodoo, anyway.  I have too many fires burning elsewhere, on astral and in life, to worry about who is attacking me for interfering with their means of making money.  

There is so much confusion involved in there that it is not beneficial for my walk to continue  & that's it.  It's not my business if Folks get ripped off, anyway.  Voodoo is like any other religion; infiltrated by Folks who ain't so ethical.  Except these Folks know how to curse me with angry Ancestors.  I would rather use my blessings and protection against those who harm kids than hang in because of pride.

So, please don't think that Papa Legba ain't cool and Da Bomb.  It's just that people have needs, and i have no desire to stop them from eating.

The only reason that i am even writing a blog about this is because i just feel like i should.  Lol... more like because i know someone is gonna be snooping ;) or possibly curious :)  My pride told me to stand strong, but Papa told me to just back down and tend to my other jobs.  

The thing about Voodoo is that it varies regionally, and each region is different so that each region has its own dogma & that's too much for me.  I care much more about exposing those who hurt kids in rituals, anway.

this is how Palestinians live every day...what if it was Your Children???  

Here are two older kids who are on fb

Axis Of Resistance Podcast (Ep.1 Palestinian child Prisoners 

"Occupation forces just arrest 14 year old Mohammad Bornat, kidnapping him at 2 o'clock in the morning, they also arrested another 17 year old, Yaseen Shahrar Yaseen.
Mohammad's 17 year old brother, Abdul Khaliq Bornat, was also taken two months ago and still is facing interrogation as his court dates have been pushed back time and time again.
Ahed Tamimi has become the symbol of Palestinian child prisoners, but we should not forget that this is no rare occurrence, this happens almost daily and to children much younger. Mohammad and I could only communicate in broken english and my extremely limited arabic, but still shared many fun times together, which included days picking olives during harvest.

I really am saddened to the very core after hearing this news, but I know my little brother will stay strong, just as his older brother is. All my heart goes out to the children of Palestine suffering through this brutal occupation, I truly wish I could do much more for you all."

I follow Robert on fb, and he is a great guy who went over to Palestine and reported back what he saw.  He is a true hero & i would prefer to use my talents blessing him & those he helps, as well as others who have no voice.  Trust me, there's plenty of negative energy from these fuckers, that it';s ot fair to ask Papa Legba to protect me from butt-hurt Voodoo Priest.  IF i was preoccupied i would give thema  run for their money & don't You doubt it.

May the Orishas and Ancestors have pity on all of the kids who are victims of this "archonic system" +++ase+++  may Robert Inkalesh be blessed in his work and protected +++ase+++  ,ay the Folks realize what's going on +++ase+++ 

Some Videos

Seven year-old child violently detained by Israeli forces @

Group Member films brutal arrest of child by Israeli Occupying 

Soldiers @

The Israeli army continues to arrest children 

and teenagers @
there's more at 

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."~ Voltaire/ "pizzagate" @


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