Tuesday, June 23, 2020

the Corwin Amendment tells Us that the South seceded because of more than slavery

https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=fB6zvuME&id=AC39F2D596C9129DAEDE526A78D88B688CF3918E&thid=OIP.fB6zvuMEiA_EZmv_rrZWSwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2flh3.googleusercontent.com%2f2dk4dothF-RK49j95os929dtflTm-WMwCmuLqCu4ii-tBg41Z_ceE8kerpOZkzXgxBxlRUnF_M6DbKOWfEGFJMn8sv5Kyf-74SswQPDYDFUUqKVUMA7QVvLIqHOqDZsFCyY_Ih0o&exph=455&expw=467&q=Corwin+Amendment&simid=608026893442417598&ck=C453BEA52F52B8B8184E864CFFF3C43F&selectedIndex=11&ajaxhist=0 June 23, 2020 As tempers flare across the South because BLM is once again attacking our monuments to the Civil War i pray to Papa Legba that we will not have a race war. It is my hope and opinion that education will help Folks see that whitey ain't all evil, and that mainstream media is purposely created strife to make it easier for the "elite" to rule Us ALL. My blog
"Divide and Conquer Must End " @ 

has some relevant information about this subject. 
This blog is very simple because I am just presenting the Corwin Amendment. "On 2 March 1861, in a futile attempt to prevent the secession of the slaveholding states, Congress proposed, and sent to the states for ratification, a constitutional amendment designed to protect slavery in the states where it existed. The amendment, written by Representative Thomas Corwin of Ohio, would have prohibited any future constitutional amendment authorizing Congress to abolish or interfere with the "domestic institutions" of any state. Although the amendment went on specifically to include the institution of "persons held to service or labor," it is not clear what other domestic institutions, if any, might have been protected.
The Corwin Amendment was proposed after President-elect abraham lincoln rejected the crittenden compromise proposals, which would have permitted slavery in some federal territories. Its intended effect was that, although slavery would survive in the existing slave states, there would never be any new slave states admitted to the union, and slaveholders would be an ever diminishing minority. In any case, the Corwin Amendment was largely a symbolic gesture of conciliation, as six southern states had already seceded by the time it was proposed. The legislatures of only two states (Ohio and Maryland) voted to ratify the Corwin Amendment."
Dennis J. Mahoney
Hyman, Harold M. 1967 The Narrow Escape from the Compromise of 1860: Secession and the Constitution. Pages 149–166 in Harold M. Hyman and Leonard W. Levy, eds., Freedom and Reform. New York: Harper & Row

"Corwin Amendment (1861) ." Encyclopedia of the American Constitution . . Retrieved June 22, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/politics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/corwin-amendment-1861



My blog "There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA" @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/there-was-more-to-civil-war-than.html

has more information i gleaned about the UN Civil War 

has some relevant information about this subject 

Thank You for reading my blog

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