Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Subliminal Messages

Lol...yes, Dominique, we have studied some perspectives of subliminal messages and our text states that they have not been developed because the public is cautious of them (Robinson & Robinson, 2012). Another source that I found explains that the psychology profession believes that the ability of subliminal messages to influence us stems from the idea that they find their way around our conscious awareness as well as its critical functions (Dobson, 2013). The route taken by subliminal messages is similar to hypnosis or auto-suggestion in that the "subject" is induced or encouraged to relax so that suggestions are capable of reaching the deeper part of the mind which is argued to be incapable of refusing subliminal suggestions or hypnosis (Dobson, 2013).

Do you remember that song called "Subliminal" by Mike Muir? Well, it has an interesting definition that goes,"Flashing pictures on my screen. Shown too quickly to be seen. Thoughts not registered in the conscious mind. Propaganda of another kind" (Muir, 1985, para.1). A few versus later it states, "Mind control the easiest way. Sponsored by the CIA. It's a weapon you cannot see. It's propaganda subliminally" (Muir, 1985, para.5). Don't worry, Dominique because I can even clarify this frightening claim by Muir.

As I was searching for information to verify Mr. Muir's claim of the CIA involvement in the possible misuse of subliminal messages I found a national anthem TV station sign off that has been slowed down to reveal subliminal messages. It plainly has messages that say "trust the US government", "believe in government god", "rebellion will not be tolerated", and "obey, consume"(Truthstream Media, 2013). The article for this video explains that in 1969 “Krugman monitored a person through many trials and found that in less than one minute of television viewing, the person’s brainwaves switched from Beta waves — brainwaves associated with active, logical thought — to primarily Alpha waves. When the subject stopped watching television and began reading a magazine, the brainwaves reverted to Beta waves' (Dykes, 2013, para.6). Anyway Dear, when one considers fluoridated water, GMOs allowed in our food, and chem-trails among other things, I would suggest that TV is not very healthy.

Thank You & Best Wishes,

Dobson, Andrew. (2013). What are Subliminal Messages? Mindfit Hypnosis. Retrieved from


Dykes, Melissa. (11 Aug, 2013). TV: Your Mind. Controlled. Truthstream Media. Retrieved

from http://truthstreammedia.com/.../11/tv-your-mind-controlled/

Muir, Mike. (1985). Subliminal. Bing Lyrics. Retrieved from http://www.bing.com/search...

Song link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Be7Xryos4

Robinson-Riegler, B., & Robinson-Riegler, G. (2012). Cognitive psychology: Applying the

science of the mind (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Truthstream Media. (11 Aug, 2013). 1960s Government Subliminal National Anthem Video —

It's THEY LIVE! Truthstream Media. Retrieved from


1 comment:

  1. So many ways to enslave the human mind, it is unbelievable. We are said to be living free while there are traps everywhere. Thank you Paige Moore!
