Monday, July 31, 2017

It Seeems Like Fort Sumtner was Just Another American False Flag

As i watch the "establishment" work to destroy our rich Southern Heritage, i am plagued by the strange circumstances around Fort Sumtner.  Although it's too difficult to track down very much information about the Civil War, it is very easy to demonstrate more  recent false flag attacks in America such as 9/11.  That mean that my hypothesis that Fort Sumtner is a false flag is partially based on America's treatment of everybody that has something they want.  A small portion of evidence as to America's atrocities against others will be presented next.
 "All the (intelligence services) of America and Europe...know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take Iran (and) Afghanistan"

Ferdinando Imposimato is the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy, and former Senior Investigative Judge,

This photo was given to me by a  trusted friend who lives over there, and the comment i made with it seems relevant.  i am 100% aware that being a soldier or a cop doesn't mean a soul is bad; however, when folks honor soldiers killed in retaliatory actions without realizing those soldiers r killing the babies of those striking back, U need to do some deep soul searching, in my opinion, p.s. if the western soldiers did not keep on attacking the Mid East, there would not even be a refugee crisis these r kids killed in Afghanistan by American armed forces ....p.s.s....American government wants Afghanistan for the poppy fields to bring heroin for the streets & morphine for the x soldiers into US.  "A picture is worth a 1000 words", heh?

"Ken OKeefe Exposes 9-11-01 in 2016" does a fast rundown of the ample information available on 9/11 here 

The failed drug war is  a prime example of people who are not free when they are imprisoned for using drugs anyway.  The Shamans have used drugs in their spirituality for millions of years so they are not all bad.  An interesting article to compare a place where drugs are legal to US is "Drug War Facts: Netherlands vs US" @
 so sad especially if U consider lots of police forces release drugs on streets to get people.

When we consider the disastrous coverups in the medical industry just concerning cancer to the ridiculous "war on drugs" (while legal drugs cause more grief than illegal ones) to the politics that are simply two heads to the same beast, it should be obvious to anyone that the American government is way out of control. 

Native Americans can attest to the careless ferocity of the United States government.  It seems like i have briefly provided evidence of the untruthfulness and greed of the US government   or the shadow government as the case may be.  So, i will go back to the Civil War.

Ghosn (2012) very nicely states that "the American civil war was a house divided that could not stand, a war that posed potential danger to rip the nation apart; A war that took the lives of over one half a million citizens and soldiers.

There are many battles that took place in the civil war, but the brutality of the war was initiated by the confederate's bombardment of fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Shortly after Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, seven southern states succeeded from the union. On February 7th, 1860 the seven states formed their alliance and established a temporary capital in Montgomery, Alabama.  Confederate forces had taken over nearly all union forts, and peace treaties were turned down.

Early in 1861 the union had sent a ship named The Star of The West to fort Sumter's garrison carrying supplies and reinforcements. The confederates whom were surrounding Fort Sumter fired upon the ship and turned it back.  At this point, the federal government still maintained the garrison of Fort Sumter despite the Star of the West's failure to deliver.

In early-April, both the North and the South seemed to be pushing to have the final match, the final, explosion that would finally plunge the country into war because so many people seemed to want it.  April 12th, 1861 Union major Robert Anderson was informed by confederates that fort Sumter would be fired on by confederate artillery in one hour.  Confederate General Pierre Beaugaurd ordered for his army to open fire on Fort Sumter.  The first canon to fire was at 4:30 am; With the first cannon the flames of war quickly spread to consume all of America. Gen. Anderson held his fire until seven am. The fort had limited amount of weaponry and gun powder, and he avoided using canons.
The battle lasted for 33 ½, with no valid casualties. On April 14th, 2 pm Anderson agreed to a surrender, in exchange for a gun salute for Private Edward Galloway and Private Danni How who had died in an accidental cannon discharge. They were the first fatalities in the civil war. This was only the start of the bloodshed that lasted four years; over six hundred and twenty five thousand Americans lost their lives. That is more American deaths than World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam War, and the Korean War combined".

This bit of information raises some important questions.  What kind of soldier tells his enemy when the attack will be?  How did a fort low on ammunition fight for 33 hours without losing anyone?  How did the attacking Confederates manage to avoid any causalities when they were being fired on from men in a sheltered place?

The key players are 

& Robert Anderson

 There is some evidence of bankers agents who infiltrated the North and South to bring America under the control of bankers, but that is documented by other people already.  On my search for Civil War answers i found the Masonic symbolism in pictures very fishy.  Especially since these types have been connected to other wars such as the French Revolution. 

Robert E. Lee and his Generals
It's possible that some high up Masons may have conspired with bankers.  Notice who  else had a hidden hand?  Union General Robert Anderson.  The Civil War Trust sure does seem like a biased cite because Lincoln took no time to do anything but invade and plunder the South when he should have just  let them go.

Civil War Trust (2014a) states that "the election of Abraham Lincoln in November, 1860 brought to a head the issue of slavery in the United States...  The new Lincoln administration sought not to provoke armed conflict, but refused to surrender Federal installations to the Confederates.  Instead, Lincoln chose to resupply Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor and other forts when required.  One attempt to resupply Sumter took place in January but the ship was turned away by Rebel guns. Negotiations continued in Charleston with Confederate Gen. Pierre G.T. Beauregard, in command of the Confederate forces there and Maj. Robert Anderson, the Sumter garrison commander.  The talks failed to resolve tensions, forcing Beauregard to action.  Early in the morning of April 12, 1861, Confederate guns around the harbor opened fire on Fort Sumter.  At 2:30pm on April 13th, Major Robert Anderson, garrison commander, surrendered the fort and was evacuated the next day.  The Union would not recapture Fort Sumter for nearly four years".

What kind of soldiers negotiate before a battle that sees to have such  weird circumstances as warning of attack and no deaths?  Maybe ones who are conspiring false flags.

Johnny Cash 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down'


Civil War Trust. (2014a). Fort Sumter. Civil War Trust. Retrieved from

Ghosn, Lauren. (17 Dec, 2012). Civil War: The Battle of Fort Sumter. Retrieved

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Confederate Monument Removal Represents History Manipulation and Divide and Conquer Techniques

 "I Am Proud Of My Confederate Ancestors" pic cite

We are witnessing an example of the "elite" changing history right before our eyes with the removal of Confederate monuments and hatred stirred up against us Southerners.  Divide and conquer techniques are being used to put us into separate groups and divide us from one another because 

The monuments are important to Us because they represent our dead.  How would You like it if the markers for Your loved ones were decimated???

It says "for many years, the number of soldiers killed in the Civil War was estimated to be 618, 222 ~ 360, 222 Northern soldiers and 258, 000 Southern soldiers.  More advanced research in the early 21st century; however, raised the estimate to 760,000 and suggested that it might have been as many as 850,000.  About 100, 000 boys were under 15."

I bid thee Americans, Republicans and Democrats to remember that our differences really aren't that great.  In addition to various false flag operations, they also do some of the evil stuff to the monuments just to make people mad so that they will lose their heads and start another Uncivil War between the Republicans and Democrats (this time). Rest assured, if such a war is started there will be martial law declared. The media functions to divide Folks so the banker shadow government can conquer them.  

That guy with the Rebel flags that went in that church, and the recent guns found in schools are false flags too.  Ken O Keefe made a great video about Sandy Hook and gun control that was struck from his channel, but is reuploaded @

His newest video covers the pedophile Jimmy Saville, and other things that are very relevant to the world. 

Ken O'Keefe on 'Fake News', BBC Criminality, 9/11& more – Part 1 of 2

I highly recommend 

ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS! by Michael Rivero @

Here is an excerpt from this piece "You are BRAINWASHED!

You have been raised by a public school system and media that constantly assures you that the reasons for all these wars and assassinations are many and varied. The US claims to bring democracy to the conquered lands (they haven't
; the usual result of a US overthrow is the imposition of a dictatorship, such as the 1953 CIA overthrow of Iran's democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh and the imposition of the Shah, or the 1973 CIA overthrow of Chile's democratically elected government of President Salvador Allende, and the imposition of Augusto Pinochet), or to save a people from a cruel oppressor, revenge for 9-11, or that tired worn-out catch all excuse for invasion, weapons of mass destruction. Assassinations are always passed off as 'crazed lone nuts' to obscure the real agenda.

The real agenda is simple. It is enslavement of the people by creation of a false sense of obligation. That obligation is false because the Private Central Banking system, by design, always creates more debt than money with which to pay that debt. Private Central Banking is not science, it is a religion; a set of arbitrary rules created to benefit the priesthood, meaning the owners of the Private Central Bank. The fraud persists, with often lethal results, because the people are tricked into believing that this is the way life is supposed to be and no alternative exists or should be dreamt of. The same was true of two earlier systems of enslavement, Rule by Divine Right and Slavery, both systems built to trick people into obedience, and both now recognized by modern civilizatyion as illegitimate. Now we are entering a time in human history where we will recognize that rule by debt, or rule by Private Central Bankers issuing the public currency as a loan at interest, is equally illegitimate. It only works as long as people allow themselves to believe that this is the way life is supposed to be."

GMOs, big pharma, the private prison industry, vaccinations poisoned with heavy metals, and fluoridated water are great clues that the American government cares more about corporations than its citizens.
This is why the People need to keep level heads, and remember that there are players on top who want Folks to start a war with each other, and leave them alone. As bad as liberals are, they are letting themselves be controlled by their party leaders. Do you remember the ebola epidemic in Africa??? Obviously God must be helping Us or that would have got away when it came to Dallas.

Other examples of the history the "establishment" wants kids to remember are that we celebrate Columbus Day when his actions resulted in the decimation of millions of Natives, same with Thanksgiving.  Passover is another fine example of people making a holiday out of the murder of all of the first born in Egypt.  When Hitler is discussed there is no mention of the 20 million killed in Russia by America's WW 2 Allies.  The refugee crisis is a great one; many US citizens don't want to help refugees who were created by the bombs the US government is dropping on their homelands.    I can go on, and have documented a lot in earlier blogs already, but too much for me to go back through.  The holohoax research that i have gathered is here 

Holocaust Revisionism

The Confederate thing is what is all in the news.  The "establishment" is LYING about the war about the causes of the Civil War, Lincoln made it about slavery to keep Europeans from siding with the South, if he would not have lied the South may still be Independent from the corrupt US government.  Also, the European bankers wanted to stop America's growth.  Civil War research is located here

 We have "Roots"  on TV to demonstrate how "warped" us white folks are without one mention of the Barbary Slave Trade in which blacks and arabs in Africa enslaved white Europeans, and that white Irish "slaves" were used in America during slavery as well.  This is an example of the media being used to manipulate people.  Strangely, hollywood  and the media are also predominantly jewish.  I know it's an elite faction but when you trace them back to Atenist we find all kinds of stuff that's not so good.   As partially documented in "Divide and Conquer" @

Another valid point is that not all Southerners owned slaves yet they were all attacked in the Civil War?

"Less than 5% of Southerners owned Slaves"

As a Pagan, i wish to interject that slavery is an okay practice according to the bible so we better start taking all the churches out too for being "racist".  See how ridiculous that sounds???  The reason i write is express things tat we see when we look behind the veil, and not to personally attack anyone.  I know that descriptive categories don't define the state of a person's soul.

I Am Proud Of My Confederate Ancestors states very well that we can "Ask any average American what the Emancipation Proclamation did, and the answer you’ll likely receive is, 'free the slaves.' It didn’t, not really.

The Emancipation Proclamation actually declared that 'all persons held as slaves' in those states still fighting on behalf of the Confederacy 'are, and henceforward shall be free.' It didn’t apply to slave states loyal to the Union – the so-called border states. It didn’t even apply to areas like Tennessee and certain parishes in Louisiana (including New Orleans) where the Union had regained military control by that point in the war. Further exemptions were extended to the counties that would soon become West Virginia. It only declared free slaves in states where the Union government held no sway. In practice, it did very little. 

It's a shame that people cannot realize how notorious America is for invading other people. Why can't people see that they demonized and invaded the South for basically trying to leave the tyranny.

 “Save in the defense of my native state shall I ever again draw my sword” ~Robert E. Lee 1961~

I am not so worried about the monuments, it's just that i can see it happening, and i know that we're all gonna dance the Grim Reaper one day, and that He despises disrespecting the dead.  In other words, don't worry because they'll get theirs when they die.  I see how silly it is to play such games and let them divide us.  At the same time, as a Necromancer, i ma bound to report what the ghosties moan to me.  The Rebels were mostly defending their homes. 

Thank You for reading my blog :) Blessed Be )O( & please remember that war for central banks is not worth losing our children.

Divide and Conquer Must End

I have learned a lot since i wrote this blog, and it seems like those who play these dividing techniques on Us are not Jews, but seem to be the creators of monotheism from Egypt.  I have also learned that there are no truths, but only different perceptions of reality; and that a mind closed by belief is very dangerous.

other blogs that look deeper into those who wish to divide are @

what's up with all of these symbols and why are masons in the Civil War??? @

traces symbols back to the Brotherhood of the Snake which is presented @ 

Annunaki's Brotherhood of the Snake @

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."~ Voltaire/ "pizzagate" @

Thelema, Aleister Crowley, the Book of the Law, & Masonic Connections??? @

I STRESS that only the highest upper levels of these institutions work together while most lower levels are INNOCENT of malignancy.

Divide & Conquer

I am writing this article with the intention of applying healing energy to the white/black relations in America and around the world. This article contains some controversial information in hopes of causing folks to realize that there is no need to allow them to divide and conquer us as the human species. It seems obvious that the Zionist controlled media has carefully instilled race baiting to maintain oppressive control of the populations. Despite the fact that this article stresses black/white relations in America, I sincerely wish for everyone to realize that the oppressors use division as a constant tactic to keep us under their control. The debate between Alex Jones and David Duke, David Duke and his European arrests for denying the Holocaust, the holohoax, Jewish religious text, the manipulation of racial tensions, slavery, as well as Boko Haram and ISIL will be discussed in the following article.

A bing search revealed an old article that demonstrates the divide and conquer strategy as used in the past.

The debate between Alex Jones and David Duke on the 18th of August, 2015 helped bring this plea to fruition. In the debate David Duke repeatedly named the oppressors of mankind only to be rebutted by a flailing Alex Jones. The core of Duke’s belief is that a Zionist-Jewish conspiracy systematically controls all other races, and after much research, it seems that he is correct. David repeatedly tells Alex that he is not a white supremist but that because he believes all races have a right to preserve their heritage. Mr. Duke also explains that all heritages and races have been decimated by the Zionist Jews. World-class scholar and historian, Michael Tsarion, agrees with David about the World Wars being orchestrated as ways to kill out some prime white European genes and the genetics of other peoples whose lives were wasted in the wars (ConspiracyScope, 2015). Michael Tsarion has the decimation of people’s by the “ruling class” traced back through the ages to Atlantis, but he does not specifically name Jews except in his research of monotheism and its roots to the Sun Cult, Atenism.

Comprehension of David Duke seems to be an important part of this analysis because he is vehemently referred to as the former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Information about Duke is gathered in an article by Woolf who states that Duke has been driven to believe in Jewish racism since he was 14, and that he was a neo-Nazi on his Louisiana college campus during the 1960’s civil rights movements (Woolf, 2013). Duke founded the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK) in 1967, after he graduated from LSU (Woolf, 2013). Since David was conscious of the negative image the Klan projected, he attempted to modernize by discouraging violence and discarding the robes and hoods as well as discouraging violence (Woolf, 2013). David Duke was not the Grand Wizard of the entire KKK; however, he was the Grand Wizard of the branch he founded called the KKKK in an attempt to recalibrate the KKK ideas. Never-the-less, Duke admitted to Woolf that “I’m a human being, I made mistakes,” and that his history with the Klan “is a storm in a teacup, something the media only brings up to discredit my current criticism of international Zionism” (Woolf, 2013). When Woolf asked David how he views himself, he replied “I call myself a human rights activist,” (Woolf, 2013, para.33).

Duke's Arrest for Denying the Holocaust in Europe... There are places in Europe where people may face legal ramification for doing so little as denying that the Holocaust of Jews in Germany by Adolf Hitler. As I was researching for this article, one source reveals that Duke was detained in and expelled from the Czech Republic in 2009 “on suspicion of denying the holocaust, a crime in many European countries, including Germany” (Rudolf, 2011, para.4). David was arrested in Germany due to his expulsion from The Czech Republic and told that he “was not entitled to stay in Germany” due to a travel ban in an unspecified European country (Rudolf, 2011, para.4). The reason that this arrest is so interesting is not which person was arrested but that anyone was arrested at all for simply denying the holocaust. It seems like this is remnants of the Inquisition in that people met repercussions for not doing as those in power wished simply because those in power have an agenda. There are other great scholars in the holohoax field who have witnessed legal trouble just for denying the holocaust. Some more interesting points that my past studies have revealed are that a holocaust is actually a jewish burnt offering and that Hitler asked for peace with England which England refused because zions offered to get America involved in the war for the land that Israel was established on. Some facts gathered about the holocaust may demonstrate that it was greatly exaggerated by the victors in WW II.

Holohoax is a term used by holocaust deniers who dare to consider the actual facts of the circumstance. Nearly 15,700,000 Jews were in the world in 1939, and after WWII that number raised to 18,000,000 Jews (Soldier of Yah, 2009). It has been reported by the International Red Cross that less than 300,000 of detainees of all nationalities in German camps died of all causes while barely more than half of the deaths were of Jews and a typhus epidemic as well as war conditions affected this toll (Soldier of Yah, 2009). There were 2.4 million Jews in the whole of German-occupied Europe yet 3.8 million Jews claimed survivor benefits from Germany’s government after the war (Soldier of Yah, 2009). The Diary of Anne Frank was written in ballpoint pen even though they did not exist on the market until after the war (Soldier of Yah, 2009). “When the Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the war, asking whether they had witnessed alleged ‘gassings,’ the response was universally negative. According to IRC document #9925, June, 1946: ‘The detainees themselves have not spoken of them’” (Soldier of Yah, 2009, para.14). There is so much more evidence that suggests the Holocaust was manipulated by the zions and it can be easily found by typing holohoax or holocaust deniers in on Youtube

Holocaust Revisionism @

. For the purpose of brevity, I believe that a look into some Jewish religious writings speaks for their sense of entitlement to run the world. 

Manipulating Racial Tensions

The Zionist controlled media definitely practices race baiting and racial profiling to keep tensions high between different races. We discussed this dilemma in my psychology school so that I know I am not just making assumptions; however, since this is not a professional article I am going to let myself slide on citing this paragraph. My observation is that the media pays a lot of attention to white crimes against blacks and fails to even mention black on black, black on white, or white on white crimes. This is a difficult subject to approach; yet, it is important to realize that the media does its best not to present rational and logical facts to black folks so that they are stuck with images of white on black crimes. I do not agree with the racial profiling of the rainbow of people around the world or with prejudice against anyone for their race, but I feel the Zionists want us to fuss among each other so we do not realize who the real oppressors are. The following graphs can explain the situation far better than my words.

The fact that white Americans enslaved black Africans is very well known, but other instances of slavery are not taught in schools or discussed in the media so this paragraph will point some other enslaved people and the core of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. It has been reported that 1.25 million white Europeans were enslaved by the Barbary corsairs in Africa around the same time as the Trans-Atlantic slave trade (Holloway, 2014). The first records of slave trade back to the 18th Century BCE in Babylon’s The Code of Hammurabi and all people have been enslaved and enslavers (Holloway, 2014). The following graphs point out that Jews were at the core of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade of Africans, Native Americans were also decimated and forced into slavery by white Europeans who “founded” America, and that Irish folks were used as slaves by Americans at the same time as Africans were. A meme about the first legal slave owner in America explains that black folks were also enslaved by other black folks. I do not condone slavery in any fashion, but I desperately wish for people to realize that slavery is nothing personal and if we do not forget the past to change the future for our descendants will inherit a mess.

Boko Haram & ISIL

Boko Haram and ISIL seem to be products of Israel and Israel’s puppets the CIA. “Boko Haram is an Islamic sect that believes politics in northern Nigeria has been seized by a group of corrupt, false Muslims. It wants to wage a war against them, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria generally, to create a ‘pure’ Islamic state ruled by sharia law” (Walker, 2012, para.1). In an interview with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, he said that Israeli and U.S. intelligence must be engineering the atrocities committed by Boko Haram in Africa and Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq (aka ISIL) (Wright, 2015). “”’I said CIA and the Mossad stand behind these organizations,’ Bashir told Euronews, referring to ISIS and Boko Haram. ‘There is no Muslim who would carry out such acts.’ His comments came in reaction to the video of beheadings by ISIS of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya released this past weekend” (Wright, 2015, para.2). Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is also brave enough to state that Israel is training ISIL Jihadists (ShantiUniverse, 2014). Another clue of Israel’s hand in ISIL is the fact that they are never targeted by them. I am including some photos of Boko Haram’s terror in Nigeria in hopes of helping black folks to realize the horrors Nigerians are presently living through due to the 1% Zionist ruing class because I believe they would not work so hard to keep us separated if we would not be powerful if we came together to end the tyranny. 

                    Other blogs that pertain to this area are

There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA


Meme Debunking with Ulysses S. Grant & What Does the Bible Say About Slavery??? @

Were There Black Confederates in the Civil War??? @

There Were Only 2 Battles Listed Under Southern Invasion of the North

Is Freedom Really Free In A Statist Country??? @

Just Wait a Minute and Leave the Monuments for the Dead Alone and Look at Trump Making NWO With Saudi

Hateful Rebels Are Pawns in the Divide and Conquer Strategy

Black Folks Practiced/Practice Slavery Too So Why Not Stop Hating Whitey???

Thank You for reading my blog :)   


Acharya, S. (n.d.). Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Retrieved
from link back

ConspiracyScope. (18 August, 2015). Alex Jones Show: Commercial Free - Tuesday (8-18-15) David Duke Debate.
ConspiracyScope. Retrieved from

Holloway, April. (6 Oct, 2014). The White Slaves of Barbary. Ancient Origins. Retrieved from http://www.ancient-

Rudolf, John. (29 Nov, 2011). David Duke Arrested In Germany, Ex-Klan Leader Faces Deportation.
Huff Post: Crime. Retrieved from

ShantiUniverse. (8 Dec, 2014). Putin Says Israel is Training ISIS Jihadists. Retrieved from

Soldier of Yah. (19 Sept, 2009). Fun Facts - The Holohoax for Dummies. HolyHoax Museum. Retrieved from link
back to Historical Review Press

The News. (22 Aug, 2015). Reports: Boko Haram strengthens bonds with ISIS. The News. Retrieved

Walker, Andrew. (30 May, 2012). What Is Boko Haram? United States Institute of Peace. Retrieved

Woolf, Nicky. (31 Dec, 2013). David Duke: the former Ku Klux Klan leader at the centre of Scalise scandal. U.S.
News. Retrieved from

Wright, Bruce. (17 Feb, 2015). Who Is Omar Al-Bashir? Sudan President Says CIA, Mossad Support ISIS, Boko
Haram. International Business Times. Retrieved from president...