As i watch the "establishment" work to destroy our rich Southern Heritage, i am plagued by the strange circumstances around Fort Sumtner. Although it's too difficult to track down very much information about the Civil War, it is very easy to demonstrate more recent false flag attacks in America such as 9/11. That mean that my hypothesis that Fort Sumtner is a false flag is partially based on America's treatment of everybody that has something they want. A small portion of evidence as to America's atrocities against others will be presented next.
"All the (intelligence services) of America and Europe...know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take Iran (and) Afghanistan"
Ferdinando Imposimato is the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy, and former Senior Investigative Judge,

"Ken OKeefe Exposes 9-11-01 in 2016" does a fast rundown of the ample information available on 9/11 here
The failed drug war is a prime example of people who are not free when they are imprisoned for using drugs anyway. The Shamans have used drugs in their spirituality for millions of years so they are not all bad. An interesting article to compare a place where drugs are legal to US is "Drug War Facts: Netherlands vs US" @
so sad

When we consider the disastrous coverups in the medical industry just concerning cancer to the ridiculous "war on drugs" (while legal drugs cause more grief than illegal ones) to the politics that are simply two heads to the same beast, it should be obvious to anyone that the American government is way out of control.
Native Americans can attest to the careless ferocity of the United States government. It seems like i have briefly provided evidence of the untruthfulness and greed of the US government or the shadow government as the case may be. So, i will go back to the Civil War.
Ghosn (2012) very nicely states that "the American civil war was a house divided that could not stand, a war that posed potential danger to rip the nation apart; A war that took the lives of over one half a million citizens and soldiers.
There are many battles that took place in the civil war, but the brutality of the war was initiated by the confederate's bombardment of fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Shortly after Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, seven southern states succeeded from the union. On February 7th, 1860 the seven states formed their alliance and established a temporary capital in Montgomery, Alabama. Confederate forces had taken over nearly all union forts, and peace treaties were turned down.
Early in 1861 the union had sent a ship named The Star of The West to fort Sumter's garrison carrying supplies and reinforcements. The confederates whom were surrounding Fort Sumter fired upon the ship and turned it back. At this point, the federal government still maintained the garrison of Fort Sumter despite the Star of the West's failure to deliver.
In early-April, both the North and the South seemed to be pushing to have the final match, the final, explosion that would finally plunge the country into war because so many people seemed to want it. April 12th, 1861 Union major Robert Anderson was informed by confederates that fort Sumter would be fired on by confederate artillery in one hour. Confederate General Pierre Beaugaurd ordered for his army to open fire on Fort Sumter. The first canon to fire was at 4:30 am; With the first cannon the flames of war quickly spread to consume all of America. Gen. Anderson held his fire until seven am. The fort had limited amount of weaponry and gun powder, and he avoided using canons.
The battle lasted for 33 ½, with no valid casualties. On April 14th, 2 pm Anderson agreed to a surrender, in exchange for a gun salute for Private Edward Galloway and Private Danni How who had died in an accidental cannon discharge. They were the first fatalities in the civil war. This was only the start of the bloodshed that lasted four years; over six hundred and twenty five thousand Americans lost their lives. That is more American deaths than World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam War, and the Korean War combined".
This bit of information raises some important questions. What kind of soldier tells his enemy when the attack will be? How did a fort low on ammunition fight for 33 hours without losing anyone? How did the attacking Confederates manage to avoid any causalities when they were being fired on from men in a sheltered place?
The key players are
& Robert Anderson
There is some evidence of bankers agents who infiltrated the North and South to bring America under the control of bankers, but that is documented by other people already. On my search for Civil War answers i found the Masonic symbolism in pictures very fishy. Especially since these types have been connected to other wars such as the French Revolution.
Robert E. Lee and his
It's possible that some high up Masons may have conspired with bankers. Notice who else had a hidden hand? Union General Robert Anderson. The Civil War Trust sure does seem like a biased cite because Lincoln took no time to do anything but invade and plunder the South when he should have just let them go.Civil War Trust (2014a) states that "the election of Abraham Lincoln in November, 1860 brought to a head the issue of slavery in the United States... The new Lincoln administration sought not to provoke armed conflict, but refused to surrender Federal installations to the Confederates. Instead, Lincoln chose to resupply Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor and other forts when required. One attempt to resupply Sumter took place in January but the ship was turned away by Rebel guns. Negotiations continued in Charleston with Confederate Gen. Pierre G.T. Beauregard, in command of the Confederate forces there and Maj. Robert Anderson, the Sumter garrison commander. The talks failed to resolve tensions, forcing Beauregard to action. Early in the morning of April 12, 1861, Confederate guns around the harbor opened fire on Fort Sumter. At 2:30pm on April 13th, Major Robert Anderson, garrison commander, surrendered the fort and was evacuated the next day. The Union would not recapture Fort Sumter for nearly four years".
What kind of soldiers negotiate before a battle that sees to have such weird circumstances as warning of attack and no deaths? Maybe ones who are conspiring false flags.
Johnny Cash 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down'
Civil War Trust. (2014a). Fort Sumter. Civil War Trust. Retrieved from
Ghosn, Lauren. (17 Dec, 2012). Civil War: The Battle of Fort Sumter. Retrieved