Monday, January 29, 2018

Annunaki's Brotherhood of the Snake

The Brotherhood of the Snake seems to be from the Annunaki.  This blog will use quotes to describe what has taken me a few years to learn, and some great pics.  The Dark Truth and William Cooper, Angelfire tells a different perspective, Mentis with Manly P. Hall, Prince of EArth and the Brotherhood of the Snake, Humans Are Free tells us about the Serpent, Funkadelic does a great job of summarizing this complicated subject, and quotes from professional scholars will be presented in this blog.

The Dark Truth and William Cooper


~ Broaden Your Perspective

Tells us what the late William Cooper said “…History is replete with whispers of secret societies…

The oldest is the Brotherhood of the Snake, also called the Brotherhood of the Dragon, and it still exists under many different names.

The Brotherhood of the Snake is devoted to guarding the ‘secrets of the ages’ and the recognition of Lucifer as the one and only true God…

Its secret symbol is the all-seeing eye in the pyramid. The heart of the Bilderberg Group consists of 39 total members of the Illuminati. The three committees are made up exclusively of members of all different secret groups that make up the Illuminati, the FREEMASONS, the VATICAN, and the BLACK NOBILITY.

This committee works year round in offices in Switzerland.

Cooper states that he has traced the history of the nefarious Illuminati all the way back to the Ancient Temple of Wisdom in Cairo, long before the birth of Christ.

The Illuminati exist today under many different names and many different occupations, Cooper told us.

They practice Hegalian conflict/resolution. They appear to oppose each other at the bottom ranks, but at the highest levels they are actually organizing and controlling the conflict which they have created to produce the solution that they seek.

The Illuminati are extremely powerful, very wealthy men. They believe that they are the guardians of the secrets of the ages. They believe that the vast majority of people would not know what to do with the real knowledge and the real truth and the real science — and would, in fact, misuse them all.

They further believe that everything that they do is for the ultimate betterment and survival of humankind — even if it means killing two billion people to reach their goal…”

Angelfire Tells Us A Different Perspective 

 "Satan created the Brotherhood of the Snake for humans to be able to advance to higher levels of spirituality.3 The Gods were the teachers. Most are now the ones we know as the Demons. Some of the Gods, such as Thoth and Isis escaped being labeled as Demons. Isis is really Astaroth, but not too many know this. They helped and taught 

I find it amusing that everyone seems to "know" exactly how it happened.  Because of my relationship with Papa Legba Whom seems to be the same Energy as Ningizzida, i have my own theories.  Also, snakes are Sacred in Voodoo, and not evil, at all.  Yet, i am still providing some quotes to give a background, and so i don't have to type off of this up myself.  My blog 

Papa Legba Warns Us Against Hermetics has deeper reasoning for my assumption @

Ningizzida with the Serpent, and His Dad, Enki

Ningizzida is Thoth

Ningizzida with the conduces

Hermes with the Symbol...Papa Legba is synchronized with Hermes

Mentis with Manly P. Hall

Babylon Brotherhood of The Snake
Discover the Brotherhood of the Snake
by Optima Mentis

Tells Us that "the Babylonian Brotherhood and its bloodlines expanded across the Middle and Near East, especially to Egypt, and eventually into Europe and America. The early Egyptian civilization after the ancient flood was the work of the Aryans and if we look at the Sumerian Tablets they more than likely came from the weigh stations on Mars and were called the Igigi. Once on Earth they became known as the Phoenicians, with or without the Anunnaki bloodline mix is not clear, however more than likely they are yet another genetic product of the Anunnaki that became rebellious according to the Sumerian Tablets. But before 2,000 BC they were taking over. The Royal Court of the Dragon was founded by the priests of Mendes in around 2,200 BC and this still exists today as the Imperial and Royal Court of the Dragon Sovereignty.

As Manly P. Hall, the Freemasonic historian wrote: 'While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic, (In Egypt)… the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries… they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government.

Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priest craft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council – a committee of arch-sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.' ~ Manly P. Hall~

The black magicians that Hall says were formerly in Atlantis were the human hybrids of the Babylonian Brotherhood. It’s their secret society network that now spans the globe and operates in literally every country. It allows the coordination of the Agenda across national borders and between apparently unconnected companies and institutions like politics, banking, business, the military and the media.

Knowledge is not good nor bad, it just is. It’s how we use that knowledge that is positive or negative. At the upper levels of this network they know of the true power of the Sun, magnetism and the mind; the effect of the planets on human behavior; how to manipulate time, consciousness, energy, the weather and much more. If used malevolently, this knowledge can be incredibly destructive and manipulating and this is what has happened in our world as we see it today.

At the same time the Brotherhood of the Snake have used their secret societies to create institutions in the public arena such as religions and political parties to suck this advanced knowledge out of circulation. The Inquisition was a wonderful example of this technique. Merely to speak about esoteric matters was to sign your own death warrant. This scam has been so effective that still today you have Christians condemning esoteric information as the Devil’s work when this same knowledge is the very foundation of their religion.

Yet Christianity or any form of religion has been used quite brilliantly as the major vehicle for removing vital knowledge from the public domain. Whenever Christianity and other religions took control of a country or region, the ancient texts and records were removed or destroyed.

This took out of circulation the very knowledge the Babylon Brotherhood have used and still use to manipulate an ignorant population. It was also in the name of religion that most of the accounts of the true history of humankind have been destroyed, along with knowledge of the influence on human affairs of extraterrestrial races, both positive and negative. This allowed an alternative invented history to be written which has removed humanity from its origins. Controlling history is so important because if you manipulate how people see."

I sense that it may have been taken over the Brotherhood from its original purpose of helping us, but i really cannot be sure.  I do believe that the kundalini was given to us by Enki and Ningizzida when they genetically altered the Earthians.  I also believe the kundalini was given to us to help us reach our "godhood" by Enki in a manner which Enlil could not detect.  This is also what some Dragon Magick entails.  Still, i do try to not be too biased in my presentation; however, this is my theory.*2EHab1Oa-O64hMAvDC3j18kw-TwpbbYocKrRH6e1wfbS/ChakraActivation.gif

"The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all started thousands of years ago with the 'Brotherhood of the Snake', a secret society set up by an alien named Ea or Enki. This story is very carefully told in the Sumerian scriptures, which go back at least 6000 years. There it says man was created by draconian aliens, who came to this planet to exploit its resources - especially gold. But the work was heavy, so the alien race wanted someone else to do the hard work. Thus Ea, who was a brilliant scientist, created homo sapiens as a hybrid between a primitive earth life-form and the alien race.

First homo sapiens was only meant for slave labor and couldn’t breed. Later on this was changed. Ea didn’t like, though, how his created race was treated and wanted to enlighten them by telling them who they were and where they came from. He also wanted to tell them the well hidden truth that each individual is a spirit inhabiting a body and that after body death the spirit lives on and reincarnates on Earth.

Ea’s superiors didn’t agree to this, as they were afraid of chaos and turmoil, but Ea told them anyway. The early homo sapiens revolted against their Masters, but were forced to retire. Ea then started this secret society, the Brotherhood of the Snake, to enlighten people in secret. But he was discovered and judged by the alien laws, which meant that Ea was deported to Earth for eternity - to die here and be reborn here in endless cycles, using fragile, short living human bodies. If this is right, he might still be here ...

In the meantime, as time passed by, the 'Brotherhood of the Snake' was infiltrated by the Draconian Master aliens and the knowledge was distorted to trap man instead of enlighten him. The Egyptian Era was in fact real 'space opera', with aliens walking around among us, even taking the throne as pharaohs on mostly. By that time the Brotherhood was very infiltrated and its purpose to manipulate the masses, making them believe in false gods and masters.

In the background through all history there are the secret societies. The original Brotherhood soon split up in cults, when certain people on top were in disagreement with each other and different powers of control developed, with them even fighting each other (which still is the case today) totally above an ignorant population.

They invented the different religions and sects and cults so man would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what the Brotherhood was doing. It was also a way to control people by not telling the truth about God and Jesus, so that people would miss the point and never be able to be set free. Religion has always been connected with guilt and punishment, which is NOT the way it is supposed to be. They put themselves in charge of the churches to entrap people and to spread conflicts between different belief systems. Most wars throughout history have been religious wars."

It says that "enlil tethered and imprisoned Enki in an energy field because he have Ti-Amat (the first Eve) and Adamu self-awareness and reproduction.  Eve, conscious before Adam is, has adorned her belly and genitals, proud of her source of pleasure.  She stares at Enki, her Dad, in tethers."

My blog 

The Lasting Battle between Enki and Enlil cites some interesting stuff that is happening today @

Notice the Symbol by Enlil :O

Humans Are Free tells us about the Serpent

 This great article that i will get some quotes from.  The conduces seems to have dual meanings as it is used for the kundalini as well as the gene.  They say that "OF ALL THE animals revered in ancient human societies, none were as prominent or as important as the snake.

The snake was the logo of a group which had become very influential in early human societies of both Hemispheres. That group was a disciplined Brotherhood dedicated to the dissemination of spiritual knowledge and the attainment of spiritual freedom.

This Brotherhood of the Snake (also known as the 'Brotherhood of the Serpent,' but which I will often refer to as simply the 'Brotherhood') opposed the enslavement of spiritual beings and, according to Egyptian writings, it sought to liberate the human race from Custodial bondage.*

*Because Brotherhood teachings included physical healing through spiritual means, the snake also came to symbolize physical healing. Today the snake is featured on the logo of the American Medical Association.

 The Brotherhood also imparted scientific knowledge and encouraged the high aesthetics that existed in many ancient societies. For these and other reasons, the snake had become a venerated symbol to humans and, according to Egyptian and biblical texts, an object of Custodial hatred.
When we look to discover who founded the Brotherhood, Mesopotamian texts point right back to that rebellious 'God,' Prince Ea (later known as Enki). Ancient Mesopotamian tablets relate that Ea and his father, Anu, possessed profound ethical and spiritual knowledge. This was the same knowledge that was later symbolized as trees in the Biblical Adam and Eve story.

In fact, the Biblical tree symbol came from pre-Biblical Mesopotamian works, such as one showing a snake wrapped around the trunk of a tree, identical to later portrayals of the snake in Eden. From the tree in the Mesopotamian depiction hang two pieces of fruit.

To the right of the tree is the half-moon symbol of Ea; to the left is the planet symbol of Anu. The drawing indicates that Ea and Anu were associated with the snake and its teachings.

This connection is affirmed by other Mesopotamian texts which describe Anu’s palace in the 'heavens' as being guarded by a God of the Tree of Truth and a God of the Tree of Life.

Related: Prince Charles: 'I Am A Descendant Of Dracula' + Reptilian Correlations;

In one instance, Ea reportedly sent a human to be educated in that very knowledge:
Adapa [the name of an early man], thou art going
before Anu, the King;
The road to Heaven thou wilt take.
When to Heaven thou has ascended, and hast
approached the gate of Anu, the 'Bearer of Life' and
the 'Grower of Truth' at the gate of Anu will be
We therefore find Ea designated as the reputed culprit who tried to teach early man (Adam) the way to spiritual freedom. This suggests that Ea intended his creation, Homo sapiens, to be suited for Earth labor, but at some point he changed his mind about using spiritual enslavement as a means.

 If Ea was a true historical personality as the Sumerians claimed, then he was the probable leader of the Brotherhood at its founding on Earth.

The Brotherhood may have adopted the snake as its logo because Ea’s first home on Earth was said to have been constructed by a serpent-infested swampland which Ea called Snake Marsh.

Another possible explanation for the snake logo is offered by Mr. Sitchin who says that the biblical word for 'snake' is nahash, which comes from the root word NHSH, meaning 'to decipher, to find out.'
Despite all of their reported good intentions, the legendary Ea and early Brotherhood clearly failed to free the human race. Ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and biblical texts relate that the 'snake' was quickly defeated by other Custodial factions.

The Bible informs us that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was overcome before it was able to complete its mission and give Adam and Eve the 'fruit' from the second 'tree.' Ea (who was also symbolized as a snake) was banished to Earth and was extensively villainized by his opponents to ensure that he could never again secure a widespread following among human beings.

Ea’s title was changed from 'Prince of Earth' to 'Prince of Darkness.' He was labeled other horrible epithets: Satan, the Devil, Evil Incarnate, Monarch of Hell, Lord of Vermin, Prince of Liars, and more.

He was portrayed as the mortal enemy of a Supreme Being and as the keeper of Hell. People were taught that his only intentions were to spiritually enslave everyone and that everything bad on Earth was caused by him.

Humans were encouraged to detect him in all of his future lives ('incarnations') and to destroy him and his creations whenever he was discovered.

All beliefs and practices named after his various appellations ('Satanism,' 'Devil Worship,' etc.) were to be made so horrific and degrading that no right-thinking person would (or should) have anything to do with them. He and his followers were to be viewed by human beings with nothing but the utmost loathing.

This is not to say that Ea was actually portrayed by ancient Sumerians as a saint. He was not. He was described in Mesopotamian texts with distinct character flaws.

If Ea was a real person, then he appears to have been a genius who could get things done, but who was often careless about anticipating the consequences of how he went about accomplishing his goals. By engineering a work race (Homo sapiens), Ea wound up giving his enemies a powerful tool of spiritual repression.

Ea then appears to have compounded the blunder by founding and/or empowering the early Snake Brotherhood which, after its reported defeat, continued to remain a powerful force in human affairs, but under the domination of the very Custodial factions that Ea and the original Brotherhood were said to have opposed.

History indicates that the Brotherhood was turned under its new Custodial 'Gods' into a chilling weapon of spiritual repression and betrayal, despite the efforts of many sincere humanitarians to bring about true spiritual reform through Brotherhood channels all the way up until today.

By reportedly creating a work race and the Brotherhood of the Snake, the 'God' Ea had helped build a trap for billions of spiritual beings on Earth.

As we shall now begin to carefully document, the Brotherhood of the Snake has been the world’s most effective tool for preserving mankind’s status as a spiritually ignorant creature of toil throughout all of history.

During all of that time, and continuing today, the Brotherhood and its network of organizations have remained intimately tied to the UFO phenomenon.

This corruption of the Brotherhood, and the overwhelming effect it would have on human society, was already apparent by the year 2000 B.C. in ancient Egypt— the next stop on our journey."


Monotheistic Religion is a Control Mechanism of the Annunaki

Moses, Akenaten, and the Divisionof the Tribes of Israel @

Egyptian Amarna Period of Monotheism with Akhenaten @

The Flavian/Piso Creation of Catholism/Christianity @

are my blogs that discuss the theory  of Sigmund Freud and others that Akhenaten was part of the putting out the fire hidden within Mankind.

Funkadelic Does a Great Job of Summarizing this Complicated Subject

from Truth Control 
The Brotherhood Of The Snake
by funkadelic_14 on December 12th, 2013

"Enki was declared/demonized as 'evil' by enlil and anu (and their systems/empire) for his many benevolant deeds towards mankind wich were considered a great crime against the system/empire ( not following the prescribed orders for creating mankind as just a slave race, but enhancing them more than the others/empire had requested and he used his own DNA which was even more special than just the 'royalty', and the DNA/ of the Falcon Masters, the feather of the Akhu, and so giving them passion, free will and destiny, wich had to do with FREEDOM and that was considered (one of) the greatest crime to the systems/empires of ORION & SIRIUS, and enki was punished for a few thousands of years for all that...)
when someone say something is evil, it depends on their perspective, somewone who thinks freedom is evil, could probably think giving the humans benevolance is something BAD/EVIL, and destroying or abusing and keeping them hostage is something good,
but thats something evil in their eyes/perspective!
but for benevolant humans , it could probably be the reverse of that!
take a good look at the word EVIL and now read it in the opposite direction --> LIVE

and now see the word DEVIL in the opposite direction we're used to--> LIVED!
this is more than just a sick joke/game on humanity, but they find it pretty amusing to abuse humanity in such cruel ways they did troughout history, making them worship them in obedient servitude and make them love their fear and their slavemasters!
look at all those religions nowadays and troughout history supporting this all and making the people be ignorant fanatics of it!(and aggressive towards others/ fighting each other)
this is and has been so many times used as an excuse, reason and cause for WAR, so the WARSHIPPING people fight and kill eachother off and loving it for thier obedience&loyality towards their 'god'(an intra/extraterrestrial/dimentional being who claims he is the creator of everything to make people worship and comply with the(ir) commandments & agenda...

so enlil and anu, also known as the biblical yahweh, commanded the beasts(in their eyes) to consider themselves sinfull and anything to do with enki as evil, and those who do not comply with his rules were banned from the eden facility/'garden' just like he banned enki(the serpent) who had sneaked back into the garden and gave man the fruits of life from the three of knowledge--> gave them the ability to procreate&enjoy it=sex, a moment of pleasure in their miserable lifes as slaves, and he taught them knowledge of the ancestry and awesomeness of their&his dna and much more, wich was forbidden for them to know, as knowledge is power)
so the bringer/bearer of light/wisdom of mankind was DEMONIZED(the word demon'ized itself was demonized/converted into something bad) and that resulted into the demonizing disinfo & the twist on perspective & history about 'Lucifer'
but he is not to be called lucifer anymore, he has never been that character/insult put upon him,
some satanists still worship him like that, wich is another designed form for ultimate blasphermy towards enki, and so he will not accept that name anymore even by some confused and misinformed satanists admiring/worshipping him)

enki is not to be worshipped, he does not ask for this, in contrary to the many other beings(mostly e.t/d. malevolant selfish greedy controlfreaks) who wish to suppress/downpress mankind for their own profit, and for the systems of control...

'the brotherhood of the snake' is not what it used to be and what it was meant to be, because it has been infiltrated and abused by the malevolent rulers and their ruling servants, puppeteers and puppets set into powers of position in societies to tyrannically control and manage the populations while keeping them unknowing and ignorant about their malevolant agendas

this worshipping of enki under the name lucifer is all 'blasphermy' towards enki who has to see his creations participating in such an horrible act of foolish servitude empowering/cooperating with the 'dark powers'...

while enlil himself could be considered as the real evil lucifer guy for his tyrannical torturing destructive behaviour/didctatorship towards mankind and all the other bad/evil things he did...(in the eyes of benevolant human beings)

so this is a huge and important twist and religions are just another fundamental backbone or cornerstone for supporting/empowering this prop-agenda wich makes humanity serve/work for=worship the bad guys as the one and only god(..s) and demonize the one who has stood up against their tyranny and have always tried to do(and he did) good things for humanity!

i was just about to add to this that there always has been benevolent people who unfortunately have been deceived by those systematically deceiving for control trough religions as one example, being a victim of very well planned/organized disinformation systems and the consequences thereof...
but that does not make them bad people, nor does it especially have to imply they are bringing negative vibes, tough in some/many ways it does happen, but its still depending on the persons themselves, but those vibes are food/energy for malevolent 'vampiristic' beings who absorb them, even positive vibes or toughts wich seem to be benevolent, tough their intention may actually be so.., by having them perform in such rituals as religious prayers directed to an entity(or more), and especially when opening and closing them in ritualistic ways, like opening with 'in the name of the father'...holy this and that, forgive us... or whatever they say(i'm lucky to not have experience that much so i dont know exactly), but especially the closing with 'AMEN', it acts like a seal and carries the energies and (re)direct them towards an artificial/'holographic'/energetic entity known as jehovah for example trough an energetic vortex sucking and absorbing, feeding/feasting on this energy which they can use also beside that they managed to keep the population/people in certain thought patters and actions to be enforced so people controllable&controlled in many ways, empowering the ignorance and servitude of mankind and their sneaky systems&tactics of doing so (and keeping it)

the NWO JUST PRETENDS TO BE WORSHIPPING 'LUCIFER', (TOUGH MANY OF LOWER ORDERS DON'T KNOW THAT) so that it all can be blamed on one person or personalisation of 'all evil' and associate that all to centralize/focus all bad things to lucifer and blame him as the cause of it all. and that gives the rest an unconsidered unblamed clear go/path to continue the carnage while its all being blamed in that personification/characterization

and also to confuse those who are coming close to the truths, hoping to make them think is still the bad guy because he is lucifer, but he is not, and yet he is/was a bearer of light/knowledge&wisdom... but i wouldnt call him lucifer nor say he is that, because this an tactic played upon humanity for so long to keep this confusion going on about humanities true origins and father..and their real enemies!(and their agendas)'s family betrayed and plotted on him, his by own 'father'; an.u, his 'brother' en.lil and eventually enlils granddaughter did the dirty work of killing him during an 'ceremonial celebration for the survival of mankind' on cedonia on mars(because enki saved humanity and lots of other life when enlil etc allowed and made the flood to happen), when he approached the tabernackle on the stage, until another another canus being jumped from the crowd and stabbed him in his neck and he phisically died (but soul the lives on and time is illusion..multiple timelines etc) so the good be-ing of enki is not gone!, and btw he lives trough us too! and i think even his physicality could be seen from/of traveling timelines...)

enki had gave us his dna, wich included much more than just the royality wich gives us the divine right to rule this planet on our own, as it is now being ruled by others who lie about it for malevolant raping reasons...

we're all gods but we need to acknowledge and seek the 'god' withIN us, as humanity has much more potential & awesomeness than is commonly acknowledged, considered, perceived and taught by/in society..

the real universal force/life power /'holy' or great spirit of all/everything, wich we are all part of, is the one and only real one, and we can direct our intentions to it/us to make it fulfulled as we have the right as we are a part of it but as long as it is in the benevolance of all it can come truely true...

instead of the aliens listening to /monitoring us and the many of them abusing it...
tough you can also direct it to someone in particular, but you best to do that if you're sure its someone benevolent and in your own benevolent ways/intentions."

My blog 

the Biggest Trick that "Satan" Ever Pulled Is Convincing the World that it's "God"? & Sacrificial Rituals with Children cites some of these claims @

Quotes from Professional Scolars

Michael Tsarion

Behind the masonic lodges hides the same "Brotherhood of the Snake," or Cult of Aton, that created Christianity (and its many denominations), that established the Vatican, and set its many popes, bishops, and priests in place. This same organization established the Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and Knights Templar that, in turn, control the world's myriad secret societies, fraternities, and charities. Let us not doubt why it is that Per me reges regnant ("through me kings reign") is a chief masonic motto. Let us not doubt what historical person masons have enthroned at the top of their Egyptian pyramid.

Michael Tsarion / The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume 2
The various masonic lodges are dependent upon the patronage of the descendants of the Atonists, the great royal dynasties of Europe (Hapsburg, Hanoverian, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Merovingian, Guise, Stuart, Savoy, Battenberg, Bowes-Lyon, and so on). Senior members of these Houses were, and still are, either the biological or the ideological descendants of Akhenaton's Cult of Aton and of the "Brotherhood of the Snake." Their symbolism betrays this if nothing else does. In the case of the name Merovingian, we might again note that the syllable mer meant "pyramid," and also "high ones." In regards to the name Capetian, we see the word is similar to cap, and also to captain which, again, connotes a chief or leader. The Capetians were known as the "big heads."

Michael Tsarion / The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume 2
The dragon was the emblem of the Dragon Court of Egypt, the Brotherhood of the Snake, headed by the Hyksos pharaohs and later by the renegade Akhenaton (Moses). This so-called "Dragon Bloodline" still exists. It was preserved in the Merovingian, Carolingian, Plantagenet, Tudor, Stuart, Hapsburg, Hanoverian, Savoy, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Battenberg, Bowes Lyon, Guelph, and Windsor dynasties (and others).

David Icke

 / The Biggest Secret
The vehicle for the opium trade from India to China and elsewhere, was the East India Company, a group of Scottish merchants and Freemasons who were aligned with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Malta) and the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits. Some researchers believe that the company’s real masters were the banking families of northern Italy, the Black Nobility, but by then they were centered in London, anyway.

David Icke / The Biggest Secret
More than anything, drugs have been used by the Brotherhood throughout history to destroy societies so they can be easily taken over.

David Icke / The Biggest Secret
When Brotherhood organizations use a word in their name they invariably mean the opposite.

David Icke / The Biggest Secret
Some researchers say that the upper hierarchy appears to consist of the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, Council of 9, Council of 13, Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also known as the ‘Olympians’), and the Committee of 500. Many groups have no name to avoid detection.
David Icke / The Biggest Secret
The Brotherhood name organizations in a way that leads people to believe their aim is the opposite of what they are really there to do. For instance, if you want to run drugs without being suspected, do it through an anti-drug agency. If you want to destroy land and kill wildlife, do it through a wildlife protection agency. If you want to run a Satanic ring, do it through the Christian Church.

Although David and Michael may not be 100% correct or whatever You wanna say.  They do release some great information that i am perfectly able to discern.  For instance, change Brotherhood of Snake to reptilians and You sound crazy.  I wonder if the dinos were really Dragons, and they lied to cover this up???

When i hear this ong, i think of Enki. 

Bruce Dickinson - Tears of The Dragon (Official 

Video) @

Thank You for reading my blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank-You, This covers what i know with added information. Humanity is waking up. exciting to seethe veil lifting, yet sad so many are suffering..
