In fairness, i must critique the Rebels who are full of hatred based on ignorance. I have left many Rebel groups because some of the people are just so dense that they play the "divide and conquer game".
1) One oxymoronish thing that makes my soul scream "get away from these people" is boasting Christianity while exuding hatred.
Believing in "God" and the bible doesn't make You better than anyone else. If You claim that Jesus is Your Lord, yet You cannot understand the concept of considering individuality before stereotyping people in a hateful manner You have missed Your Lord's whole message.
I agree that some of them truly are disgusting, and they are so dumb; so that we gotta be smart enough to avoid reflecting such an undesirable behavior. It's hard because so many of them are so full of hatred based on pure stupidity. We gotta keep in mind that they are the dumb ones, and be better people than them. If we start some kinda war the shadow government that took over in the Civil War will declare martial law for they wish to break America once again. Death will take care of those who desecrate His and we'll all dance with the Reaper one day so they'll get theirs.
Marley quote
3) Mexicans and Blacks are humans too, and they deserve respect as well as human dignity.
"Different races hold the different ancestors memories and mysteries of their culture which are unique to that tribe, place, and people. To have something Divine that connects you to where your from running through your veins is race."
i got this from a comment on David Icke.
We all have a right to be proud of our Ancestry, and to be respected as the Natural humans that we are bourne to be.
4) The "Yankees" ain't any more responsible for the Civil War than American citizens are for America's continued behavior of bombing and decimating Innocent Peoples for corporate and political greed.
5) If You're proud to be an American You may have missed the whole point of secession.
"Origin of confederate
Middle English confederat from Late Latin confoederatus, past participle of confoederare, to unite by a league from foedus, a league: see faith
a person, group, nation, or state united with another or others for a common purpose; ally; associate
an associate in an unlawful act or plot; accomplice
[C-] any Southern supporter of the Confederacy"
noun [ C/U ] US /kənˈfed·ər·ə·si/ also confederacy
US history the eleven southern states that left the US and fought against the north in the US Civil War
A confederacy is also a confederation."
Well, i think that was 13 states that seceded, but the whole point is that they no longer wanted to be a part of America for the same reason America declared independence from Britain.
Although some in the Rebel groups are more educated about the real causes of the Civil War, they seem confused to be proud, really...i pose??? How confused are they if they praise the country that invaded them??? Did i miss something???
6) I already did a blog about the football players right to kneel in national anthem called "is freedom really free in a statist country???" that points out many reasons to protest America @
7) "Two wrongs don't make a right".
Races that have been targeted by the "Zionist"/Atenist who seem to have descended from the Pharaonic bloodline of Akhenaten, who was most likely Hyksos, include but are not limited to... ALL Indigenous Folk who are/were in touch with my Goddess, Mother Earth

In my Shamanic work i bring 2 "opposing" realities together. I am producing healing energy that ripples through my Web of Creation +++ase+++ first i did work with some slave African it's Ghosts of the Confederacy ... may the Compassion of These Ghosties spread to the physical realm +++ase+++
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