"Mainstream Media Ignores Violence by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in Charlottesville – Puts Blame on Unite the Right" https://needtoknow.news/2017/08/mainstream-media-ignores-violence-antifa-black-lives-matter-charlottesville-puts-blame-unite-right/
This is written in response to those who want to jump on the bandwagon of hating Confederates, and i have no ill will to decent folks of any color nor do i approve of slavery. I also don't approve of crappy parents of any color. Self reflection is a goode thing that could make the world better. Politics do not interest me except that i can see that they hurt the country so that i don't like democrats or republicans.
In light of recent hostilities towards the Rebel flags and Confederate statues i have decided to write a blog that deal with the dilemma of welfare babies and lowering intelligence in America as well as they way in which this lowered intelligence is harmful for America as a whole. In college i became obsessed with trying help at-risk youth in the community so that this is a subject that has been on my heart for a long time. This blog will connect welfare babies to lowered intelligence and gullibility to hatred.
Lowered intelligence seems to make people more gullible to the divide and conquer techniques that the "elite" use against us.
There is a serious problem in America with people believing the crap the media hands them and remaining in ignorance such as an unwillingness to look at other sources before making decisions that affect the energy in America. Sadly, there is so much hatred in this country right now, and for all the wrong reasons. First, evidence about the welfare dilemma will be presented.
Evidence About the Welfare Dilemma
There is a growing concern among all races of children growing up in the welfare system. Breeding babies for money who are then not raised properly is evident in America. The tax payers foot the bill for multiple kids to women who are not properly raising them so that they end up in the criminal justice system.
Fagan and Rector (1996) wrote a great article that sums up what i learned in Criminal Justice College that will be presented now.
"The simple fact is that children are suffering because the U.S. welfare system has failed. Designed as a system to help children, it has ended up damaging and abusing the very children it was intended to save" (Fagan and Rector, 1996, para.2).
"Welfare also plays a powerful role in promoting illegitimacy. Research by CBO Director O'Neill also shows, for example, that a 50 percent increase in monthly AFDC and food stamp benefit levels will cause a 43 percent increase in the number of illegitimate births within a state. Illegitimacy, in turn, has an enormous negative effect on children's development and on their behavior as adults. Being born outside of marriage and raised in single parent homes:
Triples the level of behavioral and emotional problems among children;
Nearly triples the level of teen sexual activity;
Doubles the probability a young woman will have children out of wedlock; and,
Doubles the probability a boy will become a threat to society, engage in criminal activity, and wind up in jail.
Overall, welfare operates as a form of social toxin. The more of this toxin received by a child's family, the less successful the child will be as an adult. If America's children are to be saved, the current welfare system must be replaced. The automatic and rapid growth of welfare spending must be curtailed. Welfare should no longer be a one-way handout; recipients should be required to work for benefits received. Steps must be taken to reduce future illegitimacy, beginning with restricting cash welfare to unmarried teen mothers" (Fagan and Rector, 1996, paras.7-9).
The US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute Date did research that was conducted on September 2, 2016 that is presented now.
Percent of the US population on welfare programs 21.2 %
Welfare Demographics | Percent | Total Number |
Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian | 16.8 % | 11,405,000 |
Percent of welfare recipients who are black | 39.6 % | 26,884,000 |
Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic | 21.2 % | 14,392,000 |
Percent of welfare recipients who are Asian or Pacific Islander | 18 % | 12,220,000 |
Percent of welfare recipients who are Other / Mixed | 4.4 % | 2,987,000 |
Welfare Statistics | Data |
Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive some form of welfare | $1,000 |
Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job | 39 |
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job | 6 |
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher | 8 |
Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) | Percent of Recipients |
Less than 7 months | 19% |
7 to 12 months | 15.2% |
1 to 2 years | 19.3% |
2 to 5 years | 26.9% |
Over 5 years | 19.6% |
Department of Congress. (2017).
Updated percentage statistics of African American Public Assistance Participation.blackdemographics.com https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=KTrhIEsH&id=3B99D493E87EB2FC93A1D205B5C1C4580C1A4B3E&thid=OIP.KTrhIEsH7IImp97G8MF_0QEsEV&q=black+versus+white+welfare+statitics&simid=608022870933110927&selectedIndex=7&ajaxhist=0
The demographics can be better understood if we look at the percentages of races in America.
Data Concerning Crime Statistics
Blacks commit 25 times more violent assaults on Whites than Whites do against Blacks.twitter.com https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=JXICWl3w&id=4C9C83A37E049AF6ECC274CED32ABE20C10A5099&thid=OIP.JXICWl3wear39UOvXoKRWwB8Es&q=graph+for+black+on+white+crime&simid=608045960654424734&selectedIndex=2&qpvt=graph+for+black+on+white+crime&ajaxhist=0
In criminal justice school they taught us that poor neighborhoods, lack of parental involvement in life, as well few after school programs in poor neighborhoods greatly increase the chances of a youth and young adults winding up in the system. Child abuse is also a huge issue that affects youths. I did used to believe that it was my place, as a white woman, to take my time to learn how how to help these youths; however, recent hostilities to me as a"KKK/racist/Nazi" because i am a Proud Southern Rebel (who is against slavery and any kind of race supremacy) has made me realize that the black folks need to fix their own problems.
Also, i feel the welfare program needs radical transformation. My suggestion is that every mother who has babies on welfare should be "fixed" after two kids in a manner that can be reversed if they get money to pay for their babies later on. Not being born is better than being born to a mother who does properly care for you so that you end up in the penal system.
When the black man blames the white man for all his woes without looking at himself to see what he can do to make life better for the kids in their own communities he's just doing what the system wants. Part of this dilemma is the black man's fault because he has stopped taking care of his people, but it's all the white/cracker/honkey/KKK's fault. Divide and conquer seems to be beginning to work on me, and that is very sad because i used to have a loving and compassionate heart. Ignorant white people are a real problem as well, but Papa Legba has been pushing me for a while that the black man needs to man "up" and take care of the youth in their communities.
The thing that bothers me most is that the memorials for dead Confederates are being removed and desecrated, and those demanding removal are ignorant of all of the reasons for the Civil War. Not only are they ignorant, they are too dense to even look at the evidence that USA is an invasive country to many around the globe.

The IRS was established after banker agents infiltrated the USA and instigated the Civil War as discussed in my blog
There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/there-was-more-to-civil-war-than.html
Other Blogs on this Subject
It Seems Like Fort Sumtner was Just Another American False Flag @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/it-seeems-like-fort-sumtner-was-just.html
The Confederate Monument Removal Represents History Manipulation and Divide and Conquer Techniques @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-confederate-monument-removal.html
Divide and Conquer Must End @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/divide-and-conquer-must-end.html
The Real Reason for the Civil War {War Between the States} & Besides Slavery is a Biblical Concept @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-real-reason-for-civil-war-war.html
The Welfare Dilemma is Breeding Ignorance in America or Maybe the Black Man Needs to Take Care of His Own & Stop Blaming Whitey for Everything??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-welfare-dilemma-is-breeding.html
what's up with all of these symbols and why are masons in the Civil War??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/08/whats-up-with-all-of-these-symbols-and.html
What Did President Licoln Say, the Morrill Tariif Act, & Masonic Connections??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/08/what-did-president-licoln-morrill.html
Seccession Is Not Illegal, North Fired First Shots in the Battle of Penscola, History Changing Example @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/08/seccession-is-not-illegal-north-fired.html
Just Wait a Minute and Leave the Monuments for the Dead Alone and Look at Trump Making NWO With Saudi @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/09/just-wait-minute-and-leave-monuments.html
this Anarchist wonders why the KKK doesn't have freedom of speech??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/09/this-anarchist-wonders-why-kkk-doesnt.html
ending cycles of hatred~~~ Rebels Shouldn't Do What They Accuse Y'all Of @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/09/ending-cycles-of-hatred-rebels-shouldnt.html
Hateful Rebels Are Pawns in the Divide and Conquer Strategy @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/hateful-rebels-are-pawns-in-divide-and.html
Black Folks Practiced/Practice Slavery Too So Why Not Stop Hating Whitey??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/black-folks-practicedpractice-slavery.html
Thank You for reading my blog :) Blessed Be )O(
Fagan, Patrick and Rector, Robert. (5 June, 1996). How Welfare Harms Kids. The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.heritage.org/wel.../report/how-welfare-harms-kids