Tuesday, September 12, 2017

this Anarchist wonders why the KKK doesn't have freedom of speech??? if Black Lives Matter why aren't abortion rates addressed???

This blog has been formulating in my mind and soul since i saw a post with the clown effigies of the KKK strung from trees, and when i went to retrieve that article i could not find it. So, i will look through my line until i find the original in order to display media manipulation of the public. This is a hateful display against acts that may or may not have been done by KKK members ancestors 40 to 50 years ago. Because we don't even know if the blood line in this organization is steady.

Who are white nationalist, why do i feel like a white majority is goode in the South, 
 if Black Lives Matter why aren't abortion rates addressed, founding of the KKK, why is the KKK still so demonized, what about Neo Nazis, what has been vandalized now, and Russia Insider tells Us who may be behind this recent vandalization will be presented in this blog.

The article located at http://www.koco.com/.../clowns-dressed-in-kkk.../12191843 and it says that they were hung in protest of the rise of White Nationalism.

Who Are White Nationalist? 

Wikipedia says that "White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which holds the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity.[2][3][4] Its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation.[5] White nationalists say they seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white states. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost.[4] Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of nonwhites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race,[6] and some argue that it amounts to white genocide.[6]"

Other that the fact that my gods are black and i don't believe ANY race is superior i do believe in the preservation of the white race as well as all races, and i have noticed systematic genocide against Indigenous whites in Europe. For example, the planned refugee crisis that is flooding Europe with Muslim immigrants who believe it is okay to do some disgusting things. David Icke just posted an article today that says Swedish Police 'Cannot Cope' With Huge Numbers of Rapes Since Migrants Arrived http://bit.ly/2wWIBOE   

I don't want this happening in my country and i get why people are against immigration. Next, the KKK will be touched upon.

Why Do i Feel Like A White Majority Is Goode In The South???

For whatever reasons, it doesn't seem like American blacks as a whole race are ready to be in a majority.  The stats will say why.

Yet many still blame whitey for all the troubles in their own communities.

The US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute Date did research that was conducted on September 2, 2016 that is presented now. 

 Percent of the US population on welfare programs 21.2 %

Welfare DemographicsPercentTotal Number
Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian16.8 %11,405,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are black39.6 %26,884,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic21.2 %14,392,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are Asian or Pacific Islander18 %12,220,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are Other / Mixed4.4 %2,987,000

Welfare StatisticsData
Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive some form of welfare$1,000
Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job39
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job6
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher8

Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)Percent of Recipients
Less than 7 months19%
7 to 12 months15.2%
1 to 2 years19.3%
2 to 5 years26.9%
Over 5 years19.6%

Department of Congress. (2017).

Updated percentage statistics of African American Public Assistance Participation.blackdemographics.com   http://blackdemographics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/2013-Food-Stamp-by-race-chart.jpg


The demographics can be better understood  if we look at the percentages of races in America.


 If Black Lives Matter Why Aren't Abortion Rates Addressed???

These quotes come from 
Abort73.com / Abortion Unfiltered

"Abortion, by the numbers, is a racist institution. That's not to say that all or even most of those who support abortion are racists. Nor does it imply that there are not racists among those who oppose abortion. This statement has nothing to do with agendas or intent. It has everything to do with the simple undeniable reality that in the United States, abortion kills black children at roughly three times the rate of non-Hispanic, white children. The Reverend Clenard H. Childress calls this phenomenon 'black genocide' and has built a national ministry around its exposure. Alveda C. King, daughter of slain civil-rights leader A.D. King and niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., quotes her uncle often when outlining her opposition of abortion. She writes:

[Martin Luther King, Jr.] once said, 'The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.' How can the 'Dream' survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother. The mother decides his or her fate.1

The CDC tells us that on average, 19% are Hispanic, 36% are black, and 37% are white.8 That translates to approximately 497 Hispanic children, 941 black children, and 967 white children. Think about those numbers. Though the white population in the U.S. outnumbers the black population five to one,10 abortion kills close to the same number of black children each day as it does white children. John Piper, a white pastor with a heart for racial justice, remarks on the disparity of abortion this way:

The de facto effect (I don’t call it the main cause, but net effect) of putting abortion clinics in the urban centers is that the abortion of Hispanic and Black babies is more than double their percentage of the population... Call this what you will—when the slaughter has an ethnic face and the percentages are double that of the white community and the killers are almost all white, something is going on here that ought to make the lovers of racial equality and racial harmony wake up.10

In 2014, a total of 303,844 blacks died in the U.S.11 That same year, an estimated 954,000 abortions took place in the United States.12 If 36% were performed on black women, that means 343,440 black babies were aborted. In other words, more blacks are killed by abortion each year in the United States than by all other causes combined."


WwowWzers!!! Unless those who run the abortion go out and round Folks up and force them to get abortions, there is no way abortion can be blamed on anyone but the poor killed baby's Momma or her parents.

I despise all hatred and racism so i express my opinions and take my frustration out in writing my blogs. Most Folks just think i am a weirdo; however, i feel more level headed and rational than those playing divide and conquer techniques.


One source reports that "A group including many former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. The first two words of the organization’s name supposedly derived from the Greek word 'kyklos,' meaning circle. In the summer of 1867, local branches of the Klan met in a general organizing convention and established what they called an 'Invisible Empire of the South.'

From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as blacks won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South.

In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson delivered a speech publicly condemning the Klan and announcing the arrest of four Klansmen in connection with the murder of a white female civil rights worker in Alabama. The cases of Klan-related violence became more isolated in the decades to come, though fragmented groups became aligned with neo-Nazi or other right-wing extremist organizations from the 1970s onward. In the early 1990s, the Klan was estimated to have between 6,000 and 10,000 active members, mostly in the Deep South." http://www.history.com/topics/ku-klux-klan#

Wikipedia says that "Historically, the KKK used terrorism—both physical assault and murder—against groups or individuals whom they opposed.[11]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan

Why Is The KKK Still So Demonized???

The sources claim that their terrorist acts are tapering off. We all know if the KKK did anything negative it would be plastered all over the place. So, i don't know because the US government terrorizes people every day just in the denial of proper medical due to big pharma lobbying, in adding fluoride to our water, and in imprisoning non violent drug offenders with violent ones which sets folks up to be raped.

I'm not even going into the disruptive things that black lives matter does.

What About Neo Nazis???

Although there are radicals in every group, some Neo Nazis have actually looked at history and know that Hitler is one of the most lied about men in history. He was against the banking system that took over after WW2. The cabbalistic banking system that runs USA today. If you call me crazy, i ask you where the FUCK is the forensic evidence of the bodies??? Even bone ash leaves proof that can be found. The holohoax research i have gathered is here

Holocaust Revisionism http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/.../holocaust-revisionism.html

Did Nazis Really Hate Black Folks??? http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/did-nazis-really-hate-black-folks.html

Where Are the Bodies??? & Some Alarming Churchill Quotes Concerning WW2 http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/.../where-are-bodies-some...

Interestingly i found a great  video of a professional geologist and photographic analyzer that answers this question @ 

Photographic Evidence vs the Holocaust with John Ball & Nazi Meme Debunking http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/03/photographic-evidence-vs-holocaust-with.html

What Has Been Vandalized Now???

As "divide and conquer" techniques progress Folks on both sides of this debate seem to be out-of-line in that they would rather sling mud at each other that consider that outside "forces" may be egging things on. 

Confederate monument vandalized at Mt. Olivet cemetery

WKRN web staff
Published: February 6, 2018, 8:09 am Updated: February 6, 2018, 7:10 pm @ http://wkrn.com/.../photos-confederate-monument.../ 

posted an article which features recent vandalization in a cemetery. It states that"Nashville native, Paul white is with Sons of Confederate Veterans. He said they are a historical group that is dedicated to the preservation of Civil War history.

'It’s just sad that people will do something like that, I think primarily out of ignorance of what they are doing,' he explained.

According to a historical marker at the site, the monument was established by Women of Nashville and named Confederate Circle, which features a towering 45-foot memorial with a solider atop. The memorial marks the graves of some 1,500 confederate soldiers, whose remains were moved there from Nashville area battlefields.

'There are quite a number of them that have been marked by the official VA markers
and they desecrated those as well. There were four or five that had Nazi Swastikas spray painted on them. In addition to being monuments that commemorate people that they perhaps think don’t need commemoration, they are also quite elegant and valuable pieces of public art.'

White said the fact that anyone would deface a grave is sad.

'That was still somebody’s son, somebody’s brother, somebody’s father. These are people that lived lives just like we do, they have the same passions and the same loves and the same dreams and hopes that we do as people and I think it’s extremely disrespectful to damage anyone’s grave,' White explained.

Antifa and B.L.M. for Black Lives Matter are also among the graffiti on the monument.

'I don’t know rather they are behind it or not. I have no way of knowing that. I do know whoever did it wanted to make the statement at least on their behalf,' White said.

White told News 2 he would like both sides to sit down and have a conversation to better understand where each is coming from.

'Yes, I would like to have a conversation to understand why these people think that they have the right to destroy someone else’s heritage and view of American history,' he said.

He added, 'I would encourage them to use their energies to raise money and erect monuments that raise their point of view not just tear down and destroy, damage and deface the monuments that other people have.'

Russia Insider Tells Us Who May Be Behind This Recent Vandalization

The Real Deep State Is the Old-Money Plutocracy - Bureaucrats Are Their Operatives by Jon Hellevig
" ... the US Deep State is not the entrenched government officials functioning on bureaucratic inertia, but the plutocracy behind these operatives, which is hell-bent on destroying Russia." 

http://russia-insider.com/.../real-deep-state-old.../ri22465 weird that this article is now forbidden 


Washington DC: National Museum of American History - Greenough's Washington
This 11-foot, 4-inch marble statue of George Washington was executed by Horatio Greenough in 1840. The piece was commissioned by Congress on July 14, 1832, to commemorate the centennial of Washington's birth. It arrived from Italy on July 31, 1841 and was installed in the Capitol Rotunda in December 1841.



Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Vol 1 - The New Atlantis (Part 1 of 5) @ https://youtu.be/tuoEvFuJDuU
is a very interesting video

other blogs that look deeper into those who wish to divide & are in line with this film are @

what's up with all of these symbols and why are masons in the Civil War??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/08/whats-up-with-all-of-these-symbols-and.html
traces symbols back to the Brotherhood of the Snake which is presented @ 

Annunaki's Brotherhood of the Snake @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/annunakis-brotherhood-of-snake.html

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."~ Voltaire/ "pizzagate" @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/to-learn-who-rules-over-you-simply-find.html

Thelema, Aleister Crowley, the Book of the Law, & Masonic Connections??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/thelema-aleister-crowley-book-of-law.html

I STRESS that only the highest upper levels of these institutions work together while most lower levels are INNOCENT of malignancy.

One of my fb channeled lessons

it seems like ALL LIVES MATTER  including those of animals and plants   trust me i HATE the fucking "system" so much it burns BUT i CANNOT allow myself to hate People... 
poor things are so doped up on propaganda & shit like fluoride that i must remain compassionate... if a person is trapped in one of the many snares laid by the establishment they may just be lost in a way  we can isolate ourselves on astral and still allow our physical body to mingle

it's perfectly okay to either mingle or not mingle Your race ...stuff like this doesn't matter as long as our soul develops  what is NOT okay is hating a whole group of people based on the actions of some people in that group....this includes ALL groups including Satanists, Muslims, Christians, Nazis, Yankess, Rebels, KKK Members, BLM Members ....etc etc etc

just think if all the People would beam all that anger & hate back at the ones who designed it.....
FIRST goddam clue....The Media ...& just follow the Trail 


My hopes are to see citizens come together in lieu of fighting.  This is said to have happened at a BLM  demonstration in Dallas, in my home state.  I LOVE it.  My intention is not to put Folks down, but to encourage self assessment before hating others and blaming them for everything.  


Thank You for reading my blog :) 


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