Sunday, December 10, 2017

Rethinking the Khazar Theory or It Sure Seems Like the Talmud Pertains to Enlil

My theory is that the Jews are descendants of Enlil, and i feel that the Khazar theory is just a ploy to throw folks off of the antiquity of the Cabal and the Talmud. Not saying i know; however, i used to believe 6 million Jews were killed by Germans until i became obsessed with Hitler and pushed to do some research. It's purely logical.  

Anyway, this blog is about the Khazar theory as the origins of evil associated with Judaism. Analyzing stuff and writing is just something i do for fun since my college education was blocked. I don't really give a flying fuck where the talmudic/zionist/baal worshipping mother-fuckers came from, i just want them to lose control of the world. My theory is that if people knew what the Abrahamic religions really are monotheism will lose its grip on humanity, and the world will a better place for us all.  Additional evidence for the Holohoax theory, Dr. David Duke presents scientific evidence, a refuter of Dr. Duke, background information for my theory, John Lamb Lash tells Us about the archonic infection, Enki seems to be the Giver of Knowledge, and Enlil's symbols will be presented in this article.

Additional Evidence for the Holohoax Theory

Even burned bodies leave forensic evidence, and there is not any in Germany or it would have been plastered all over the place. Evidence so the reader may see for themselves
1) Scientific experiment of burning a whole pig with information about claims that the bodies of all those killed just burned with no troubles"Holocaust Hoax: Science Repudiates Mass Cremation Stories" @
2) "Cremation of human body" @ 3.33 they show how many bones are left that must be crushed after a a proper burning in a professional facility @
3) Archaeologists show off what they found in the camp that supposedly killed many, "Excavating a Secret Gas Chamber" @

My other work on the Holohoax theory begins with 

"Part 1 Holocaust Revisionism - Why Did Germany Target Jews?" @  & it took 3 blogs to document all of the data i found after Spirit pushed me to look into it.   

Anyway, this blog is about the Khazar theory as the origins of evil associated with Judaism. Analyzing stuff and writing is just something i do for fun since my college education was blocked. I don't really give a flying fuck where the talmudic/zionist/baal worshipping mother-fuckers came from, i just want them to lose control of the world. My theory is that if people knew what the Abrahamic religions really are monotheism will lose its grip on humanity, and the world will a better place for us all.

Dr. David Duke Presents Scientific Evidence
Despite his obvious delusions about Christianity, I have liked/loved Dr. David Duke since i saw him school Alex Jones on Zionism in the debate they had @
I was already sitting on expressing my feelings that the Khazar theory is a load of shit when I found Dr. Duke's talk on this subject @ He said that he will fight shoulder to shoulder against anyone against Zionism if they agreed with his work or not, and he asked Folks to pass his research around.
So, i went to his site
"Rethinking the Khazar Theory!" @

He says "Interestingly enough, the Khazar theory was launched, and is still to this day, driven primarily by Communist Jews and other Jews who promote it in the Gentile community as a refutation that the Jews can’t be racist because they are not a race! It is ironic that the three most prominent exponents of the theory that 'the Jews are not a race' all have almost exaggerated caricatures of features people ascribe as Jewish. 

Above, left to right: Zionist extremist and Communist Party member Arthur Koestler (author of the “The Thirteenth Tribe”); Jewish geneticist Eran Elhaik; and Shlomo Sand, an Israeli academic and former member of the Union of Israeli Communist Youth (Banki). 

All three maintain that large numbers of present-day Jews are completely genetically unrelated to the Middle Eastern-origin Jews who wrote the Babylonian Talmud."

There are several studies cited.
1) This link is still good.. A 1999 study titled “Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes” (M.F. Hammer, Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences 6769–6774, doi: 10.1073/pnas.100115997) found that:
“[D]espite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level.

“Admixture estimates suggested low levels of European Y-chromosome gene flow into Ashkenazi and Roman Jewish communities . . . Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations were not statistically different. The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora.”

2) This link is good. A November 2001 study titled “The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East” (Almut Nebel et. al., American Journal of Human Genetics, Nov 2001; 69(5): 1095–1112) found that in most Jewish populations, male line ancestors appear to have been mainly Middle Eastern.

The study found that Ashkenazi Jews in particular “share more common paternal lineages with other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than with non-Jewish populations in areas where Jews lived in Eastern Europe, Germany and the French Rhine Valley. This is consistent with Jewish traditions in placing most Jewish paternal origins in the region of the Middle East.”

3) This link is broken. A September 2006 study titled “European Population Substructure: Clustering of Northern and Southern Populations” (Michael F Seldin, PLOS Genetics, DOI: 0.1371/journal.pgen.0020143) found that both Ashkenazi Jews as well as Sephardic Jews showed more than 85% membership in the ‘southern’ European group which made their results “consistent with a later Mediterranean origin of these ethnic groups.” 

4) Another broken link. 4. An April 2008 study titled “Counting the Founders: The Matrilineal Genetic Ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora” (Doron M. Behar, PLoS ONE. 2008; 3(4): e2062. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002062) found that about 40% of Ashkenazi Jews originate maternally from just four female founders, who were of Middle Eastern origin.
Good link. 5. A January 2009 study titled “A genome-wide genetic signature of Jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full Jewish ancestry in a large random sample of European Americans” (Anna C Need, Genome Biology, 2009; 10(1): R7. doi: 10.1186/gb-2009-10-1-r7) found that “individuals with full Jewish ancestry formed a clearly distinct cluster from those individuals with no Jewish ancestry.”
This study showed that in DNA terms, Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, cluster as a distinct group—something that, if the Khazar theory was true, would be impossible.
12) The Jewish HapMap Project, a joint project of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and New York University School of Medicine, was created to “understand the structure of the genomes in Jewish populations” and is an outgrowth of the Human HapMap Project.
According to this project, “Jewish populations are remarkable for maintaining continuous genetic, cultural, and religious traditions over 4000 years, despite residence all over the world.”

Its findings, based on first hand DNA studies amongst Jewish populations around the globe, found no evidence to support a Central Asian DNA origin for Jewry.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the “Jewish HapMap Project in New York City has so far shown “in exquisite detail what had been conjectured for a century. Jewish populations from the major Jewish Diaspora groups – Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi – form a distinctive population cluster that is closely related to Semitic and European populations. Within this larger Jewish cluster, each of the Jewish populations formed its own subcluster.

“A high degree of mixing of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Italian and Syrian Jews caused them to become more closely related to each other than they were to Middle Eastern, Iraqi and Iranian Jews. This genetic split seemed to have occurred about 2,500 years ago.” (Jews: A religious group, people or race?, Jerusalem Post, 8/26/2012)
I did check the studies that i copied, but DAMN, i ain't getting a 100 on this so i will just say that i am impressed with his evidence as a person who holds 2 college degrees and gets research and studies. The link to his article is given.

A Refuter to Dr. Duke

On my search i saw this "
David Duke Gets It Wrong About the So-Called Khazar Theory—Again" @

But this dude did not even mention 12 studies except to say that studies are easily fixed. He is correct that studies are fixed; however, they are usually fixed in favor of Zionist/Big Pharma/governments. So, i say that all his flowery speech, and fancy words, and talk of Darwinism isn't impressive.

Background Information for My Theory

Michael Tsarion's latest broadcast in which he asked those of us who care about seeing mankind "Unslaved" to begin expressing our creative talents in order to reveal hidden knowledge. In the broadcast "Eastern Illuminati" it is stated that Israel and the Vatican are in cahoots @ 46 minutes. Mr Tsarion (2017) also explains that the hexagram represents the Priesthood of El who put a hex on us as demonstrated by the symbolism of the two triangles. 'Eastern Illuminati" (2017) also explains that the origin of the Judaic priesthood is the Fallen Angels, and that Satan is not in early Hebrew scripts. Enki and Enlil will be summarized next.

Enki and Enlil play key roles in the bible without people even realizing it. Robert Morningsky (2010) relates the "myth" of the extraterrestrial brothers Enki and Enlil in an interesting speech. He explains that the Annunaki half brothers Enki and Enlil were sent to planet Earth by their father, Anu, in order to mine gold. Robert explains that Annunaki means those who came from heaven to the Earth. The life work of Zecharia Stitchin has graced us with some fascinating information from ancient Sumerian clay tablets in which their version of the creation of homo sapiens is recorded. Mr. Stitchens (2012) explains that Enki created the modern humans by making a hybrid species from the Annunaki and Indigenous hominids of Earth so they could work the gold mines. It is reported that gold was needed in order to repair the atmosphere of the home planet of the Annunaki brothers. (Stitchen, 2012). Please remember that the bible plainly states "let us create mankind in our own image and our own likeness" when god was creating men from dust.

Mr. Stitchen (2012) relates that there has been strife between Enki and Enlil since before their father sent them to Earth because Enki was the senior yet Enlil was given the kingship because his mother was Anu's wife while Enki's mother was a concubine. When listening to Mr. Morningsky relate the Native American knowledge of the Star Elders we learn that Enki grew angry with Enlil for his harsh treatment of the human slaves so he gave the humans knowledge which deeply angered Enlil. Robert suggests that Enlil then made the commandment "I am lord, thy god, and thou shalt have no god before me" which makes a lot of sense because the bible tells us god is jealous. Next, information about the Brotherhood of the snake will be displayed.

(This meme was located on bing a couple of years ago; however, it has since been removed so that it could not be located to cite. Other evidence will be presented in this article to demonstrate that Solomon, Abraham, and Jewry are of Enlil's tribe instead of Enki's as represented by this meme. What if someone did not want this meme to be seen and had it removed from bing? All the more reason to include it in this presentation of my theory.)

The Brotherhood of the Snake or Dragon is one of the oldest secret societies that is dedicated to guarding the secrets of the ages, and to the idea that Lucifer is the true god. The Brotherhood of the Snake seems to have evolved to various secret societies throughout time. Cooper (2011) reveals that the snake is associated with wisdom and that Lucifer is the personification of wisdom such as the serpent in the garden who offered Eve knowledge. The Sumerian tablets explain that kingship/civilization was brought down to Earth from the heavens both before and after the great deluge/flood (Stitchen, 2012). It seems logical that the Brotherhood of the Snake is Enki and Enlil. More information about the absence of Satan is early script will be presented next.

Although the tale of the Garden of Eden makes the Serpent out as evil, it is possible that Enlil was angry because Enki gave knowledge to the "slaves". Bill Cooper (2011) states that it is believed by some that Enlil was holding men hostage in the garden of Eden and that Enki/Lucifer/Prometheus gave mankind knowledge to better themselves until they became their own gods. Mr. Cooper thinks that slavery to Enlil is preferable to learning to create for ourselves with the guidance of Enki.

This is excerpt is from by blog
Monotheistic Religion is a Control Mechanism of the Annunaki" @

John Lamb Lash Tells Us About the Archonic Infection

Research definitely reveals a system that oppresses mankind that seems to be related to the hexagram as revealed by their own symbolism. I am not sure if his theory is 100% correct, but it sure is worth documenting and considering. Mr. Lash tells is that the Jews who follow the racial supremacy are tools of the archons. He says that some of them have an archonic infection which is a plague/virus/infection used for archons and carried in the brain. Mr. Lash believes that some Jews carry this virus, and that Saul/Paul was a plague carrier that was infected from the Zaddakites to spread it to Christianity. It's the best explanation of the brutality of monotheism that i have heard (Lash, 2014).

He quotes a man called something like Herenaius from an early Christian idealogue against the Gnostics. Book 1 chap 30 section 10 condemned the practices and beliefs of the Gnostics as part of the prosecution against the Gnostics. Herenaius (sp?) is exposing it as hearsay. Yabadaof (sp?), Himself, chose a certain man named Abraham from the Nations and made a covenant with him in which they would give him the Earth for his seed's inheritance if his seed would serve him. Abraham's descendants were brought forth from Egypt by Moses, given the law, and made Jews (Lash, 2014).

From my blog "
Could the 'Slinkies' Be Archons??? Could the Hexagram be the Mark of the Archonic Infection that Leads to Harming Kids in Rituals???" @

Enki Seems to be the Giver of Knowledge

Dragon Magick tells us that Enki put the kundalini or "inner Dragon" along the spines of his children so that we could regain the power that he had originally given us. Ancient texts relate that Enlil was angry with Enki for making humans so intelligent and that Enlil wanted a "dumbed down" version.  In other theories, this symbol is for genetics; however, this is my theory.

Enlil's Symbols

If we go to archaeological evidence, we can plainly see that Enlil is represented with the 6 pointed star used by Zionist.


Cooper, William. (18 June, 2011). William Cooper - Brotherhood of the Snake (Full Length). Conspiracy Scope.Retrieved from

Lash, John Lamb. (4 August, 2014). "Jewish Supremacists are Proxies of the Archons". The Rape of Justice. Retrieved from

Morningsky, Robert. (23 August, 2010). Star Elders. Lars mich. Retrieved from

Sitchin, Zecharia. (9 May, 2012). Zecharia Sitchin - Sumerians & The Anunnaki. ZeroSixtyFive. Retrieved from

Tsarion, Michael. (12 March, 2017). Eastern Illuminati. Unslaved Podcast. Retrieved from

"Moses, Akenaten, and the Divisionof the Tribes of Israel" is my blog with pictorial evidence @ and
"The Flavian/Piso Creation of Catholism/Christianity" presents evidence of Roman and Jewish creation of organized Christianity @

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