I found a whole world opened for me to explore and learn when i got my computer. This is my attempt at story telling based on my experiences. Yes, i am Guided to do this as i must be open and honest. I am a Crone now, and this means it is time for the student to become the teacher whether i like my privacy or not. You won't see me making any videos.
I found a whole world opened for me to explore and learn when i got my computer. This is my attempt at story telling based on my experiences. Yes, i am Guided to do this as i must be open and honest. I am a Crone now, and this means it is time for the student to become the teacher whether i like my privacy or not. You won't see me making any videos.

he's pure Magick & his music is empowering to the soul
check him out
check him out
this is a cool blog that discusses the things we have learned as eastern and Western thing about us is that we don't believe in charging for helping ghosts and people :) Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings @
Childhood Terrors
The yips and cries of the ghostly sounding coyotes echoed throughout a clearing in the woods. The little wooden framed house that resided in that clearing was the home of a terrified 6-year-old blonde curly top girl. Each night as bedtime grew closer her stomach clenched tighter and tighter.
It was safe with her parents; alas, little paige knew that when Momma left the room at bed time and the light went out the men with the pointy fingers may happen to slither into her room. She did not where they came from because every-time Daddy came in to check he could not find anything so he would say "you must have had a nightmare. It's okay. Do you see that there is nothing here?"
When her Momma put her to bed she would tell her to think of happy things like birthday parties. Paige did that every night. She remembered to keep happy thoughts, but it did not always work. Although they did not come every night, they did come.
One night that they came is seared into her brain because it was the night that they stayed the longest. It was the middle of the night and she was in a sound sleep, but she woke up from a dream about Sesame Street's Big Bird to see someone standing there. Terrified, she pulled the covers up over her head and closed here eyes waiting for them to go away. After what seemed like forever to her, she slowly opened her eyes and peered through the holes in her blanket hoping that they would be gone.
Unfortunately, they were not gone. Paige saw three figures standing by her bed. There were two tall ones on the outside and a shorter one in the middle, and they stared at her so hard that she could feel it beaming through her covers. The ones she saw were like the photo shown here, but they were brown and did not have robes. The mortified little girl knew that Daddy had to get up early for work so he needed his sleep. She also knew he never found anything although she did not understand why. So she just closed her eyes and turned over and made herself go to sleep.
Vamp Wars Dreams
At 17, paige had forgotten about the mysterious and terrifying visitors to her room when she was a little girl, and she had even forgotten her "Imaginary Friend", Barb. Grandmommy bought some land in the country for her family to move to, and paige loved it out there. The plot began on the top of a rolling hill with a crystal clear crystal lake at the bottom. Daddy had the family a fancy double wide set down on a flat spot with a charming view of the lake from the big windows in the back of the house.
The chickens in the yard laid brown eggs with deep orange yokes. Momma and Daddy said that all the bugs the chickens eat give the eggs more protein and that is why their eggs looks so different from the ones from the store. Merle was paige's cremella gelding, and Trigger, her brothers' black and white paint Shetland was his friend. It was a goodish life even if paige didn't have very many friends. Then, the Vampire dreams began.
Once again, paige was afraid to go to bed, but this time it was because of monsters waiting in her sleep. Her dreams were haunted with Vampire Wars in which she and some other goode Vamps were fighting the evil ones. Nightmare after nightmare the blood of the Vampires flowed through her mind as it left their bodies falling to the ground. The ground was drenched with red as roses that filled her nostrils with the copper scent that blood has.
Paige watched her friends die one by one and two by three as the war waged until she didn't know where anyone else was. Her supply of wooden cross arrows for her bow was running low, so she stopped firing at the quickly approaching line of foul vicious Vampires and began running. Her blond hair streamed behind her as she pumped her muscles to run faster, lungs heaving, and heart pounding. She ran for her life only turning occasionally to shoot a closing monster with her trusty bow. Dwindling was her ammo so she must look for cover.
Off to her right was a fallen tree so she ran for it and jumped over looking for any cover even she knew her time was up. She let her back rest against the rough bark to take some deeps breaths before peeking out and firing some quick shots. Two more arrows left. She killed the closet female on the right, and male coming up on her left, and then she was defenseless.
Paige was good with her crossbow, and it had saved her many times as she was a dead-on shot who got the heart almost every time, but even the best shooter must eventually lose, she guessed. So she knelt down behind the tree and waited for her turn to meet the Grim Reaper.
The Vampires were barreling down with gnashing and saliva dripping from their lolling tongues. Suddenly, there was a whoosh sound that filled her head, and paige was jerked backwards. She flew through the air in the arms of a Vampire who was strong enough to be able to fly. The beat of his wings echoed in her ears. The male Vamp took her to a dark castle that was high on a mountain cliff.
The handsome Vampire carried her through the castle to a room lit by a huge fire and many candles. He sat her gently on an old chaise lounge and stroked her face with a compassionate and loving energy in his eyes. The fear and trembling immediately left her body, and she felt so safe. She reckoned the infamous Vampire King who stood for ethnicity as well as teaching Vamps to feed without causing harm had saved her life.
The most beautiful lady paige ever saw glided up beside the Vampire King and lain one hand on his shoulder and the other on paige's head. Looking into her eyes was oblivion. Paige was embraced by the Queen, and she felt like she was at home.
Truly Trapped in the Vampire's Web
Sometimes even the strongest and Oldest of Souls can become so entrenched in this world that they forget who they were before they incarnated their present vessel. This must be what happened to paige because she forgot Barb, and all her other true friends on the ethereal plane to become saturated in worldly lies.
When paige first started on-line college she was still going to the church house every Wednesday and Sunday. The rest of the time she played on facebook, and did school work as her children were teenagers and off in their own doings. Since the preacher man told her that only Christians were good, she was extremely cautious to check all profiles for the "preferred religion"of Christianity before accepting friend requests. The next event changed her life.
She was just typing a silly post and a strong, sure voice filled her head that she thought must have been Jesus. He said "to truly be like me is to be LOVE. LOVE even devil worshipers. They are not damned to hell until the very last milli-second of their lives." The surety of that voice and energy of LOVE that accompanied it gave her courage begin accepting all friend request. Facebook turned out to be a window to see the world and met exciting people, and that is what paige did since Jesus told her to "love everyone".
Time rolled on, and paige met the Muslim man named Eslam in Egypt who captivated her in his youth, vitality, and dark exotic looks. He said things that got her really hot, and then he would just disappear. This is when the "suicide monsters" first came.
"You should kill yourself" paige heard in a voice that sounded like hers, yet wasn't. Suddenly, her stomach knotted up, and she saw herself in her head. In her right hand was a huge knife like Michael Myers carries in Halloween; the blade was flashing as if some light was reflecting off of it. Then paige saw herself raise the knife up and slash her throat from chin to chest. The blood flowed freely. Then she heard "if you kill yourself you can be with Robbie" who is her true soul mate that she had watched die when she was 17. So, paige became obsessed with suicide as the vision flashed through her brain frequently. She also felt lethargic and confused without knowing why, and was obsessed with Eslam because the only time that she felt good was when he was talking to her. At this point paige did not know about Vampire Magick.
"You should kill yourself" paige heard in a voice that sounded like hers, yet wasn't. Suddenly, her stomach knotted up, and she saw herself in her head. In her right hand was a huge knife like Michael Myers carries in Halloween; the blade was flashing as if some light was reflecting off of it. Then paige saw herself raise the knife up and slash her throat from chin to chest. The blood flowed freely. Then she heard "if you kill yourself you can be with Robbie" who is her true soul mate that she had watched die when she was 17. So, paige became obsessed with suicide as the vision flashed through her brain frequently. She also felt lethargic and confused without knowing why, and was obsessed with Eslam because the only time that she felt good was when he was talking to her. At this point paige did not know about Vampire Magick.
Soon, paige joined a Vampire Coven that she found on-line because she wanted to show them Jesus' LOVE so they might get saved.
When Von de Knight, the Coven's Master, first messaged her she felt so pleasant as a tingly sensation spread through her body. The energy that Von exuberated was enthralling and enchanting. Paige had confessed to troubles with "demons" affecting her son to Von, and asked for his protection. He agreed, and she saw a silvery grey spider web encircling her and her two sons on the astral field. Not only did her son's erratic behavior improve, but the "suicide monsters" went away as well.
When Von de Knight, the Coven's Master, first messaged her she felt so pleasant as a tingly sensation spread through her body. The energy that Von exuberated was enthralling and enchanting. Paige had confessed to troubles with "demons" affecting her son to Von, and asked for his protection. He agreed, and she saw a silvery grey spider web encircling her and her two sons on the astral field. Not only did her son's erratic behavior improve, but the "suicide monsters" went away as well.
Paige still didn't understand Vampire Magick, but she was deeply grateful to Von, and so enamored that all she wanted to do was lay down to bask in the energy he sent while she freely him her energy in return. One great side effect is that whatever charm Eslam had put on her was broken so that she became disgusted with him and blocked him. In paige's mind, Von had saved her so she thought he must be the Vampire King from her dream.
Time Spent in Vampire Coven's
As time moved on paige learned some of the ways of the Vampires. Von provided the Vampire Bible that featured the story of Lillith, Adams' first wife, and Cain parenting the Vampire Breed(interestingly, this book is no longer on the free web site). He gave them the Creed which said Vampires must never feed without permission and to do means one becomes rogue, and that they must also care for their donors. Paige thought that Vampires must be that bad, after all.
As she became more fascinated with the Vampires, she lost interest in gong to church. The preacher man had also been telling the congregation that Muslims are the anti-Christ, and Israel were god's chosen. Paige had learned about Gaza; in fact, she has seen the pictures of dead kids so she knew she wanted nothing to do with worshiping a race of people or a country. The fact that Muslims revere Jesus as a Prophet told paige that the Pentecostal preacher man did not understand Jesus greatest commandment of "LOVE one another as i have loved you" so she stopped going to church all together. She still had great faith in the Catholic church though, as well as it's angels.
Von made many posts about feeding and nutritional supplements. Grape juice and red wine are both blood builders that will help those craving blood, in a pinch. He said you can tell your butcher that you want blood for blood soup if you can stomach animal blood. There was even instructions on how to use a syringe to draw blood from donors. The danger of blood drinking was highly stressed as the Vampires were told to not the health of their donors as sickness is passed through the blood. There were plenty of donors, paige noticed.
The main traits released that stuck in paige's head were, a fondness for blood, weakness when no energy or blood is taken, sunlight is detrimental to Vamps' eyes so that sunglasses should always be worn. It is said that Vampire skin is more susceptible to the sun too. The most interesting thing paige learned was that Von believed the Vampire Soul lives forever through reincarnation, and not the Vampire's body. It was said that Vampires retain a better memory of their past lives. She also noted that some people who are Vampires, and do not know it so they do not feed properly have weight issues. Von said that they are searching for something they crave and keep eating to find it. No, silver, and garlic have no effect; however, it was said that Vampires do; indeed, heal faster. Everyone is entitled to believe as they will. The Vampires have not burned people to death for not believing as they do like the Catholics and Protestants did in the burning times. But they have adapted and learned to feed on chi energy which can also come from Nature in lieu of blood. Von said that the Vampire Breed is as Olde as the Humans.
As she became more fascinated with the Vampires, she lost interest in gong to church. The preacher man had also been telling the congregation that Muslims are the anti-Christ, and Israel were god's chosen. Paige had learned about Gaza; in fact, she has seen the pictures of dead kids so she knew she wanted nothing to do with worshiping a race of people or a country. The fact that Muslims revere Jesus as a Prophet told paige that the Pentecostal preacher man did not understand Jesus greatest commandment of "LOVE one another as i have loved you" so she stopped going to church all together. She still had great faith in the Catholic church though, as well as it's angels.
Von made many posts about feeding and nutritional supplements. Grape juice and red wine are both blood builders that will help those craving blood, in a pinch. He said you can tell your butcher that you want blood for blood soup if you can stomach animal blood. There was even instructions on how to use a syringe to draw blood from donors. The danger of blood drinking was highly stressed as the Vampires were told to not the health of their donors as sickness is passed through the blood. There were plenty of donors, paige noticed.
The main traits released that stuck in paige's head were, a fondness for blood, weakness when no energy or blood is taken, sunlight is detrimental to Vamps' eyes so that sunglasses should always be worn. It is said that Vampire skin is more susceptible to the sun too. The most interesting thing paige learned was that Von believed the Vampire Soul lives forever through reincarnation, and not the Vampire's body. It was said that Vampires retain a better memory of their past lives. She also noted that some people who are Vampires, and do not know it so they do not feed properly have weight issues. Von said that they are searching for something they crave and keep eating to find it. No, silver, and garlic have no effect; however, it was said that Vampires do; indeed, heal faster. Everyone is entitled to believe as they will. The Vampires have not burned people to death for not believing as they do like the Catholics and Protestants did in the burning times. But they have adapted and learned to feed on chi energy which can also come from Nature in lieu of blood. Von said that the Vampire Breed is as Olde as the Humans.
On the morning after Pope Francis was named as the new pope, Von's post congratulating the Catholic church on their new Pope was one of the first that she saw. It made her feel so warm inside that this Left Hand Path Vampire was kind enough to recognize a Christian church on his line. Paige was most especially impressed because this man who did not believe Jesus was a god exhibited more compassion than the preacher man at the last church she attended who said he wanted to "be like Jesus". Further, into the silvery web she was wrapped. (the Left and Right Hand Paths are explained @ )
Von also used the name Pendragon, and he had multiple wives who believed they were Vampires too. Groups were formed were teaching many different schools of Magick, but Voodoo was not among them. High Priestess Kathie was intoxicately sweet, and she conversed with paige for Von after the "introduction" in which the first astral chord was form. High Priestess Roxy was a saucy lady who enjoyed the group for soft core porn. High Priestess Heather was a Native soul from the Lakota Tribe and she was different as her energy held traces of fear, but also deep kindness that the other Sister Wives lacked.
Olde "Imaginary Friends" that paige had forgotten came back as she absorbed the energy from the Vampiric Magicians. High Priestess Kathy was checking in on paige one day, and told her the dreams she had about the Vamps Wars when she younger. She asked her, "Miss Kathie, are you the Vampire Queen from my dream."
Von also used the name Pendragon, and he had multiple wives who believed they were Vampires too. Groups were formed were teaching many different schools of Magick, but Voodoo was not among them. High Priestess Kathie was intoxicately sweet, and she conversed with paige for Von after the "introduction" in which the first astral chord was form. High Priestess Roxy was a saucy lady who enjoyed the group for soft core porn. High Priestess Heather was a Native soul from the Lakota Tribe and she was different as her energy held traces of fear, but also deep kindness that the other Sister Wives lacked.
Olde "Imaginary Friends" that paige had forgotten came back as she absorbed the energy from the Vampiric Magicians. High Priestess Kathy was checking in on paige one day, and told her the dreams she had about the Vamps Wars when she younger. She asked her, "Miss Kathie, are you the Vampire Queen from my dream."
"That may well be, i will discuss it with my husband, Von" she replied. "What other things do you have in your head to tell me?"
"Von has so much compassion", said paige. "He saved me from the visions i was having of killing myself, and my son has not been having his weird fits".
"That is good news, then", replied High Priestess Kathy, "i must go now, Little Sister, Blessed Be )O( ". Awww, paige was so touched in her heart to finally be accepted by someone that she was wrapped even deeper into the wispy silver astral web of the Vampire Coven.
Realizing Something Is Wrong Whilst in the Vamps Web
"Von has so much compassion", said paige. "He saved me from the visions i was having of killing myself, and my son has not been having his weird fits".
"That is good news, then", replied High Priestess Kathy, "i must go now, Little Sister, Blessed Be )O( ". Awww, paige was so touched in her heart to finally be accepted by someone that she was wrapped even deeper into the wispy silver astral web of the Vampire Coven.
Realizing Something Is Wrong Whilst in the Vamps Web
After some time passed paige realized that she was still too tired to get out a bed after her last night to stay up late chatting in the Coven. It was also getting difficult to concentrate on her school work. Night times were fascinating though as there was so much to learn about Magick ranging from Native American to Satanism.
Cool Ass Natural Witch Aunt Sammy came to visit one day, and paige excitedly told her about the Vampire Coven and all of the different schools of Magick that she was learning. "He's so beautiful, Aunt Sammy, dark, and exotic; he is my Brother and the three Sister Wives are so wise. I can see a silver web around me as he is protecting me from astral Vamps."
Aunt Sammy looked her and started laughing, then stopped and looked dead in paige's eyes with sharply intense stare that registered fear, and said, "Paige, honey; they have you in there to feed on you."
Paige didn't believe it until she read a post in the Coven that was made by someone other than Von's Family. "Join light worker groups, and take energy from them", and gave further instructions for using the computer lines to pull energy from the group. Although this is not granted permission, it's okay to pull from a large group as it will not drain them. Believe it or not, the guidelines that Von released said that only rogues feed without permission so she thought that she was safe in the Vampire Coven. Besides, she had granted permission in return for protection from the "suicide monsters".
She didn't have any bad thoughts or feelings at all; however, she just wanted to lay down and beam energy so much that she couldn't maintain normal life functions. It was blissful as a mellow drug, but it was obsessing as well. Her school as well as work fell further and further behind as time passed on.
Cool Ass Natural Witch Aunt Sammy came to visit one day, and paige excitedly told her about the Vampire Coven and all of the different schools of Magick that she was learning. "He's so beautiful, Aunt Sammy, dark, and exotic; he is my Brother and the three Sister Wives are so wise. I can see a silver web around me as he is protecting me from astral Vamps."
Aunt Sammy looked her and started laughing, then stopped and looked dead in paige's eyes with sharply intense stare that registered fear, and said, "Paige, honey; they have you in there to feed on you."
Paige didn't believe it until she read a post in the Coven that was made by someone other than Von's Family. "Join light worker groups, and take energy from them", and gave further instructions for using the computer lines to pull energy from the group. Although this is not granted permission, it's okay to pull from a large group as it will not drain them. Believe it or not, the guidelines that Von released said that only rogues feed without permission so she thought that she was safe in the Vampire Coven. Besides, she had granted permission in return for protection from the "suicide monsters".
She didn't have any bad thoughts or feelings at all; however, she just wanted to lay down and beam energy so much that she couldn't maintain normal life functions. It was blissful as a mellow drug, but it was obsessing as well. Her school as well as work fell further and further behind as time passed on.
That's when paige met Tyler from the group after he commented on a post she made asking about the orbs at the cemetery. He explained that they are not all stuck, but some of them are just visiting. They clicked and made instant friends; even though she was in her 40s and he was 16. Tyler believed he was a fairy incarnated and paige believed him because he had amazing energy and he was openly gay too. He was amazing !!!
After time moved on Tyler frantically came to paige one day and told her that Von made passes at him. "I told HP Kathie, and she told me not to make trouble. She said she didn't believe me" he sobbed. Paige could feel him sobbing as they had made astral contact. It's weird to feel what others feel, but it is what it is. Not all moments are open, but moments can be open for communication between the astral selves that is also known about by the physical selves. Sounds crazy, but humans have had their true power hidden from them for many turns of the Earth, the Sun, and the moon.
Paige believed Tyler so she started being wary and paying attention. She dared not leave the Coven because they were learning about Dragon Magick. Whether or not peoples souls are really Dragons, there really are traits of Dragons Souls and all humans have their own Dragon in their kundalini. Dragon Magick believes that if we awaken the kundalini we awaken our inner Dragon. The Lords in their books and paige's Lords are NOT the same; however, the kundalini belief goes back in the Ancient Indian teachings as well. The actual Magick is goode for whoever our deity kundalini blog is here
Paige really believes that if enough good souls remember their power the tides can really turn as well documented in her obsession with presenting things in an open and honest manner or showing people behind the veil. Things that folks have been lied to about.
Paige believed Tyler so she started being wary and paying attention. She dared not leave the Coven because they were learning about Dragon Magick. Whether or not peoples souls are really Dragons, there really are traits of Dragons Souls and all humans have their own Dragon in their kundalini. Dragon Magick believes that if we awaken the kundalini we awaken our inner Dragon. The Lords in their books and paige's Lords are NOT the same; however, the kundalini belief goes back in the Ancient Indian teachings as well. The actual Magick is goode for whoever our deity kundalini blog is here
Paige really believes that if enough good souls remember their power the tides can really turn as well documented in her obsession with presenting things in an open and honest manner or showing people behind the veil. Things that folks have been lied to about.
Paige and Tyler Escape the Coven
Fortunately, Tyler and paige had met another woman in the Vampire Coven who was not like Von and Von's wives. This Warrior Soul Lady helped Tyler get away who, in turn, helped paige. They blocked the Coven members on facebook and cut the astral chords that were attached to them from the Vamps. The chords were made with permission so they were easy to cut. Although Von was a mischievous creep in many ways, he was also bound to the Creed so that it was easy for Tyler to escape the Vampire's clutches.
It was as if she had walked out of a fog to clearly see the mess around her for the first time in she didn't know how long. Paige didn't know why, but she knew that she seeing visions of her slashing her throat once again, and she knew that her son's fits increased once again. She found an "Exorcist"that gave her some bible versus that did not help, and when she went back to ask for further help he was unable to provide it so she vowed to learn to be an Exorcist, and even posted it on facebook like an electronic prayer.
Then paige fell into the light working community looking for help, and trying everything she could find to ease her son's fits and her suicidal visions because she loved life. She learned that light workers don't support light Warriors, and that they think that all dark is evil. That's when she met Willy who was dark to her because he called himself a "Satanist".
Her span of time in the Coven with those who did much Magick had greatly increased paige's intuition. Most likely from the energy exchange with people who knew how to fly astral and feed from the astral plane such as Incubi and Sucubi. That's right, there are Vampires who feed on sex energy and can come in your dreams as is claimed that demons do. Paige still believed in demons then, but she had never understood what it is that they actually do. She did know now that the spirit of her soul mate who died, Robbie, came to her and did things liked Von explained for astral feeding on sex energy. One thing was for sure, paige knew that all entities who feed on sex energy are not evil so they must not all be demons, either. She also figured out that Eslam was an low vibrating sexual feeder whether he knew it or not. He had all of the characteristics explained by Von. "Can you dig it???" ~Stephen King~
This should indicate that others who feed like this are out there manipulating women or men with this charm they have. It's actual Magick rituals that work on the unsuspecting. Sometimes these things are natural in people as well. The actual traits given in the Coven for us to learn match up to certain people that life brings along.
next story is @
It was as if she had walked out of a fog to clearly see the mess around her for the first time in she didn't know how long. Paige didn't know why, but she knew that she seeing visions of her slashing her throat once again, and she knew that her son's fits increased once again. She found an "Exorcist"that gave her some bible versus that did not help, and when she went back to ask for further help he was unable to provide it so she vowed to learn to be an Exorcist, and even posted it on facebook like an electronic prayer.
Then paige fell into the light working community looking for help, and trying everything she could find to ease her son's fits and her suicidal visions because she loved life. She learned that light workers don't support light Warriors, and that they think that all dark is evil. That's when she met Willy who was dark to her because he called himself a "Satanist".
Her span of time in the Coven with those who did much Magick had greatly increased paige's intuition. Most likely from the energy exchange with people who knew how to fly astral and feed from the astral plane such as Incubi and Sucubi. That's right, there are Vampires who feed on sex energy and can come in your dreams as is claimed that demons do. Paige still believed in demons then, but she had never understood what it is that they actually do. She did know now that the spirit of her soul mate who died, Robbie, came to her and did things liked Von explained for astral feeding on sex energy. One thing was for sure, paige knew that all entities who feed on sex energy are not evil so they must not all be demons, either. She also figured out that Eslam was an low vibrating sexual feeder whether he knew it or not. He had all of the characteristics explained by Von. "Can you dig it???" ~Stephen King~
This should indicate that others who feed like this are out there manipulating women or men with this charm they have. It's actual Magick rituals that work on the unsuspecting. Sometimes these things are natural in people as well. The actual traits given in the Coven for us to learn match up to certain people that life brings along.
next story is @
my NDE then the Exorcist and the Demon
lol...Thank You for reading my story :)
the blogs that i wrote Guided by the sex gods and Ghede King and Queen are
the Exquisite Maman Brigette & Astral Sex @
the Other Side of Spiritual Spouses @
Safe Astral Sex is Possible with the Ghedes 369 @
my blogs are cleansing are
When Children are Afraid to be Alone with a Bit on Protecting Your Childe
" @ , and
"Signs of Astral Attack and a Goode Light Cleasnsing Method" @ have some further details and some tips for cleansing and protection that are not always published in other articles written by those who have never been part of the Community.
" @ , and
"Signs of Astral Attack and a Goode Light Cleasnsing Method" @ have some further details and some tips for cleansing and protection that are not always published in other articles written by those who have never been part of the Community.
Long Distance Cleanse with Baron Samedi has a cleanse that i use on tougher cases @
Thank You for reading my blog :)
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