Wednesday, March 7, 2018

ALL LIVES Matter or "i am an Anarchist ...Anarchy in Bedrock"

After perusing Unite the Right, i can see that i don't fit in there for numerous reasons that i already recorded.  Weird how i circle back around.  I will come back and develop this, but my writing is an important part of my soul mission.  I just want the Universe to know that i don't wanna be collective with those Unite the Right Folks who are full of hatred based on a descriptive classification.  I totally get their right to gather & would have gone myself for General Lee, but the hatred they hold keeps them from being their true selves and seeing behind the veil so changes can be made for the Innocents & Offsprings

it seems like ALL LIVES MATTER  including those of animals and plants   trust me i HATE the fucking "system" so much it burns BUT i CANNOT allow myself to hate People... 
poor things are so doped up on propaganda & shit like fluoride that i must remain compassionate... if a person is trapped in one of the many snares laid by the establishment they may just be lost in a way  we can isolate ourselves on astral and still allow our physical body to mingle

it's perfectly okay to either mingle or not mingle Your race ...stuff like this doesn't matter as long as our soul develops  what is NOT okay is hating a whole group of people based on the actions of some people in that group....this includes ALL groups including Satanists, Muslims, Christians, Nazis, Yankess, Rebels, KKK Members, BLM Members ....etc etc etc

just think if all the People would beam all that anger & hate back at the ones who designed it.....
FIRST goddam clue....The Media ...& just follow the Trail 

 the thing abt collectivism is that it implies that we should all be alike so that we don't develop our own strengths & until we develop ourselves we will be stuck... the way out is back in to what is right for Us....the reasons for races to remain separate is to preserve Ancestral genes and me... also....mixing races is goode...."to each his own i always say"

Anarchy in Bedrock @

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