Friday, March 16, 2018

F&%k St. Patrick's Day or Happy Brigid's Day with Maman Brigette & Happy Damaballah Day Too

This Pagan is taking back her holidays with a  twist to suit her own Guardians.  It just doesn't seem right to celebrate the decimation of Folks in Ireland who basically worship Nature and Mother Earth.  Brigid the Healer is the Aspect of this awesome Energy that i wish to honor as i asked Her to heal my hip that is crippling up so that i have to use a cane.  I really don't want to deteriorate so fast as i am only 50.  With the damaged left arm, it's too hard to sleep with a damaged right hip. Please help me Brigid +++ase+++

 Why don't many Pagans celebrate st. patrick's day, Serpent symbolism from Wikipedia, what does Brigid's Flame tell Us about Brigid, Wikipedia has some deeper information on Brigid, Tribe of the Sun Tells Us Brigid's Traits. Brigid synchronizes with Maman Brigette, and Happy Damballah Day !!! will be presented in this blog.

why don't many Pagans celebrate st. patrick's day ???

An article in PaganCentric
"Pagans and Saint Patrick’s Day: The Real Meaning of the Holiday"
by Claire on March 17, 2009 in General Blog tells Us that

"If most people know anything about Saint Patrick, it’s that his one claim to fame is that he drove the snakes from Ireland. What most people don’t realize is that the snake is a Pagan symbol, and that the snakes referred to in the Saint Patrick mythos are not meant in the literal sense, but refer to Pagans; i.e., Saint Patrick drove the Pagans (specifically, the Celts) out of Ireland (although it could be said, and has been argued, that much has been done in Saint Patrick’s name, but that the man himself was relatively unimportant). So what is celebrated on Saint Patrick’s Day with drinking and much cavorting is, ironically, the spread of Christianity throughout Ireland and the subjugation and conversion of the Celts.

It wasn’t arbitrary that the day honoring Saint Patrick was placed on the 17th of March. The festival was designed to coincide, and, it was hoped, to replace the Pagan holiday known as Ostara; the second spring festival which occurs each year, which celebrates the rebirth of nature, the balance of the universe when the day and night are equal in length, and which takes place at the Spring Equinox (March 22nd this year). In other words, Saint Patrick’s Day is yet another Christian replacement for a much older, ancient Pagan holiday; although generally speaking Ostara was most prominently replaced by the Christian celebration of Easter (the eggs and the bunny come from Ostara traditions, and the name 'Easter' comes from the Pagan goddess Eostre)."

Serpent Symbolism from Wikipedia

"The serpent, or snake, is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. The word is derived from Latin serpens, a crawling animal or snake. Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to humankind[1][2] and represent dual expression[3] of good and evil.[4]

In some cultures, snakes were fertility symbols. For example, the Hopi people of North America performed an annual snake dance to celebrate the union of Snake Youth (a Sky spirit) and Snake Girl (an Underworld spirit) and to renew the fertility of Nature. During the dance, live snakes were handled and at the end of the dance the snakes were released into the fields to guarantee good crops. 'The snake dance is a prayer to the spirits of the clouds, the thunder and the lightning, that the rain may fall on the growing crops.'[5] In other cultures[which?], snakes symbolized the umbilical cord, joining all humans to Mother Earth. The Great Goddess often had snakes as her familiars—sometimes twining around her sacred staff, as in ancient Crete—and they were worshiped as guardians of her mysteries of birth and regeneration.[6].

Symbolic values frequently assigned to serpents

Fertility and rebirth
Historically, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing.[7] The ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life.

In some Abrahamic traditions, the serpent represents sexual desire.[8] According to some interpretations of the Midrash, the serpent represents sexual passion.[9] In Hinduism, Kundalini is a coiled serpent, the residual power of pure desire.[10]."

Kundalini activation connects Us to our Higher Selves as described in my blog

Kundalinis Rising @

Bridget's Song by Celia 

Farran @

what does Brigid's Flame tell Us about Brigid???

"Brigid is a Celtic triple goddess ruling healing, poetry, and smithcraft. She is one of the great mothers of the Celts. (The Celts had many mother goddesses, including Danu and Morrigan.) Variant forms of her name include Brid, Bride, Brighid, Brigit, pronounced either as 'breed' or with a softened 'g 'sound. She is also known as Brigantia, Briginda, and Brigdu. Her Welsh name in Ffraid. Her modern name is Brigit or Bridget as derived from her Christianization into St. Bridget. Her name, Brighid, thought to be derived from Bhrati in Sanskrit, is originally an epithet meaning 'exalted one'. The Romans equated Brighid with Minerva and she can be similarly equated with the Greek Athena.

Brighid is best known for her associations with healing, poetry, and smithcraft. As a healing goddess, she governs childbirth and the birthing time. Brighid was highly regarded as a healing goddess as can be seen from the numerous healing wells dedicated to her all over Ireland. As a goddess of poetry, she governs not only the inspiration and writing of poetry, but also divination and prophecy. As a goddess of smithcraft, she governs the forge's fire. It is for these reasons that she is considered the 'Bright Goddess'

 and is associated with the element of fire. In all her forms, she brings to one inspiration (a fire quality) and provides the spark for motivation. Her fire associations are so strong that a perpetual fire was set at Kildare in her honour. The fire still burns there today. She also became the goddess of the hearth-fire, the fire of the home, since she contains the mother and fire aspects. As a goddess of the hearth, she is equated to Greco-Roman Hestia-Vesta.

The festival of Imbolc on February 1 is dedicated to Brighid. The Christianized festival is St. Bridget's Day in honour of St. Bridget. Imbolc is associated with the lactation of ewes (Imbolc meaning "

'in the belly' and Oimelc meaning 'ewe's milk') and is one of the four major Celtic festivals (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh also known as the greater Sabbats in Wicca)."

Wikipedia has some deeper information on Brigid

"Familial relations
She is identified in Lebor Gabála Érenn as a daughter of the Dagda and a poet. The same passage mentions that she has two oxen, Fe and Men, that graze on a plain named after them, Femen. She also possessed the king of boars, Torc Triath, and Cirb, king of wethers (sheep), from whom Mag Cirb is named.[6] The animals were said to cry out a warning and thus Brigid is considered the guardian of domesticated animals.[7] As the daughter of Dagda, she is also the half sister of Cermait, Aengus, Midir and Bodb Derg.

In Cath Maige Tuireadh, Bríg invents keening, a combination of weeping and singing, while mourning for her son Ruadán, after he is slain while fighting for the Fomorians. She is credited in the same passage with inventing a whistle used for night travel.[8]

Brigid is considered the patroness of poetry, smithing, medicine, arts and crafts, cattle and other livestock, sacred wells, serpents (in Scotland) and the arrival of early spring.[9][10] In the Christian era, nineteen nuns at Kildare tended a perpetual flame for the Saint, which is widely believed to be a continuation of a pre-Christian practice of women tending a flame in her honour.[11][12] Her festival day, Imbolc is traditionally a time for weather prognostication:
Thig an nathair as an toll
Là donn Brìde,
Ged robh trì troighean dhen t-sneachd
Air leac an làir.

The serpent will come from the hole
On the brown Day of Bríde,
Though there should be three feet of snow
On the flat surface of the ground.[9]

In her English retellings of Irish myth, Lady Augusta Gregory describes Brigit as 'a woman of poetry, and poets worshipped her, for her sway was very great and very noble. And she was a woman of healing along with that, and a woman of smith's work, and it was she first made the whistle for calling one to another through the night.'[13]

A possible British and continental counterpart Brigantia[citation needed] seems to have been the Celtic equivalent of the Roman Minerva and the Greek Athena [14] goddesses with very similar functions and apparently embodying the same concept of elevated state, whether physical or psychological.[citation needed]

She is the goddess of all things perceived to be of relatively high dimensions such as high-rising flames, highlands, hill-forts and upland areas; and of activities and states conceived as psychologically lofty and elevated, such as wisdom, excellence, perfection, high intelligence, poetic eloquence, craftsmanship (especially blacksmithing), healing ability, druidic knowledge and skill in warfare. In the living traditions, whether seen as goddess or saint, she is largely associated with the home and hearth and is a favorite of both Polytheists and Catholics. A number of these associations are attested in Cormac's Glossary.[citation needed]"

Tribe of the Sun Tells Us Brigid's Traits

"brigid (aka maman brijette)
This article was written with the help of Elm, a member of Tribe of the Sun who follows the Celtic path.
Traditional Colors: red, white, and sometimes green
Number: 3
Areas of Influence: Smithcrafting, reiki, healing, poetry, prophecy and divination, fertility and motherhood, intersection of 3 rivers
Entities Associated with: Danu, Dagda, Ruadan
Symbols: Brigid’s cross, flame, Brigid’s bell, books of poetry
Offerings: blackberries (cobbler, wine, etc)
Feast Days: Imbolc
Astrology: Aquarius
Tarot: Queen of Wands, Priestess, Empress
Chakra: Root
Gemstones: garnet, carnelian, bloodstone
Animals: oxen
Entities of Similar Energy: Hecate, Chango, Pele
Plants associated with: all herbs used for healing

Brigid, 'The Exalted One' is a great mother goddess, and she is a triple goddess of smithcraft, healing, and poetry. She is also a goddess of fertility, creative inspiration, fire and the sun, agriculture, medicine, crafting, and music. Brigid and Lugh are the two “crafty” celtic deities. In one story, Brigid was born from the second acorn of Danu and Bile.

properly showing respect to brigid

Bring your passion to the conversation; she’s a fiery and passionate woman, so you should be matching that when interacting with her. Her offerings should either be burned in a fire or dropped in a river.

where to find brigid
At a junction of three rivers (Pittsburgh is a 3 rivers city AND a steel mining town), where ever healing is occurring, or anywhere else she pleases.

brigid’s children

They have fiery personalities, may or may not have children, are probably involved in healing processes with an interest in herbs and empathic abilities."

May Tribe of the Sun be blessed for their well-done-efforts +++ase+++

An Excellent Explanation Written by Mirrors of Isis as to how Brigid Synchronizes with Maman Brigette

"The religion of Haiti is Voudoun, brought to Haiti with the African slaves. It is said the beliefs of the people are 98% Catholic and 110% Voudoun. Its origins lie in the Yoruba peoples from Nigeria, the Arada tribe from Benin, plus tribes from the Congo and other areas. It was passed on down the slave generations by word of mouth, although it was made illegal by the slave owners’ governors who feared anything that fired the spirits of their captives.

There is no doubt that the cohesion among the people, separated at different locations on the island with no basic human rights, and the subsequent revolts and final rebellion in Haiti, were helped by Voudoun. The slaves suffered unimaginable tortures and executions for any sign of revolt. The secret language of the drums as a way of communication gave practical help. The sheer faith that their gods could help them through extreme adversity gave them heart.

It is widely believed that the slaves hid their gods and goddesses among the Roman Catholic saints of their overlords’ faith, but I wonder if the two religions also became entwined as future generations who never saw Africa were exposed to Catholicism. Voudoun evolved as new influences appeared.

But how did she come to be in Haiti and the wider Diaspora of the African slaves? I first heard of Maman Brigitte when I visited Fellowship of Isis members in New Orleans. I was told that the introduction of poppets, now commonly called voodoo dolls, came from St. Bride/ Brighid. Many Irish women were shipped to New Orleans for crimes such as prostitution (in Ireland in those days it could have been for holding hands with a boy, or becoming pregnant due to rape). These poor women were put to work along side the black women, forced into the horrific task of draining the swamps. They told their black counterparts about St Brighid, and the poppets they brought with them were the ‘Bridie dolls’ of Scottish and Irish origin.

Interestingly, when plague spread through Louisiana due to the mosquitoes in the swamps, the Irish women became nurses by necessity, and this lead to a subsequent raise in status. I always see the matron-goddess of nurses as Brighid.

There is a similar story about the introduction of Brighid to Haiti. It is little known that many thousands of Irish people were shipped to Haiti as slaves. It is cunningly referred to as ‘indentured labour’. It was slavery pure, simple and wicked. They had little or no price, unlike the African victims, and were therefore treated even worse, if that is possible. Their beloved goddess/Saint Bride went with them.

As the wheel of the year turns to the festival of Brigantia, let is light a candle for Brighid, goddess of light, nursing, and healing. Let’s remember her people in Haiti, bereaved, bewildered, homeless, starving and grieving. May Maman Brigitte lead their dead to the ancestors. Let us remember the sheer humbling faith and resilience, too, of those who had little, and now have nothing, but who we have witnessed on our TV screens singing in praise as they are rescued form the rubble. Brighid, may they be given healing and all the help they need – no strings attached – for a new beginning." +++ase+++ on that Blessing for the Haitians. May Maman Brigette bless Mirror of Isis for these lovely words +++ase+++

My blog has a personal look at Maman Brigette as well as some links to other articles about Her, including some about astral sex because She and Her Olde Man are the Ultimately F&%kin' Cool Sex & Death Gods of Voodoo @  

Maman Brigette is for Justice @

Links for the Ghede @

Happy Damballah Day !!!

Since we are talking about Serpents, it's only fair to include my blog inspired by the Awesome Dumballah Who is synchronized with st. patrick @ 

Damballah, Prometheus, Lillith and Kundalini Awakening the Fun Way

"Damballah was a Vodoun god, in serpent form, who is credited with creating the world and the gods, and is therefore the oldest of the gods. The myth states: “Long ago, the serpent spirit Danbala created the world. He used his 7,000 coils to form the stars and the planets in the heavens and to shape the hills and valleys on earth. He used lightning bolts to forge metals and make the sacred rocks and stones. When he shed his skin he created all the waters on the earth. And when the sun showed through mist settling on the plants and trees a rainbow was born. Her name was Ayida Wedo. Danbala loved her and made her his wife. They are still together today, the serpent and the rainbow. Danbala and Ayida Wedo”. His symbol is the snake, and his color is white. White chickens and eggs are usually sacrificed to him"(THE KINGDOM OF THIS WORLD, n.d., para.1).

"Damballah is often called the most important god of the voodoo-religion in the Caribbean. He is the snake god, and is usually seen living in trees near water or springs. He is also the fertility god and the father of the voodoo divinities. In Haiti he is called “Bon Dieu” or “good god”. His wife is the rainbow goddess and together they bring the male and female qualities of life into tension and balance. Damballa is seen as innocent and benevolent. He has a quiet presence and his holy color is white. In the novel he is referred to as the Master of the Roads" (THE KINGDOM OF THIS WORLD, n.d., para.2).

THE KINGDOM OF THIS WORLD. (n.d.). Damballah. Retrieved from 

"When You are bourne in a  world You don't fit in, it's because You were bourne to help create a new one."  

This blog  functions to provide information that will help You begin to create a better world.  This is Your warning, don't read this blog if You're not ready to go  to the bottom of "down the rabbit hole".  It's so weird because i write these Spirit guided blogs, and i don't always understand why, but i see it clearly.  I am weaving a web of writing that i would want to leave for myself when i was younger or my own Offspring.  If You don't like it, just leave; however, i am happy to freely share what the Spirits are teaching me because They LOVE me for it.  Plus, i really want to make a new & better world for said Offspring. 

The movie A Wrinkle in Time is an example of the powers that manipulating mankind to fear something that is just a part of balance.    Emancipate Yourselves from mental slavery,  A Wrinkle in Time, an interpretation of Darkness from Michael Tsarionthe electromagnetic spectrum, Yin  Yang, Carl Jung and the Shadow Self,  working with the Darkness is common in Shamanism, religious dogma is trapping souls, proof that Ancestors are being demonized, possible solutions, as well as choose Your Prophesy wisely & declare Your Sovereignty will be presented in this blog.

Free Your Mind from the System with Yin Yang & an Example of How the Media Weakens Us with A Wrinkle in Time

 Thank You for reading my blog :)

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