Thursday, March 16, 2017

Egyptian Amarna Period of Monotheism with Akhenaten

  Amarna Period Ancient Egypt.... Archaeology ran a tour of Egypt in March 2010 with special interest in the Amarna Period of the 18th Dynasty the period when Egypt was ruled by Akhenaten.

This article will delve into the Amarna Period of Atenism in Egypt. The Amarna Period of Egyptian history is significant because Akhenaten changed Egypt's religion from polytheism to monotheism. "Most of the research and excavations surrounding this period focus on five areas... These areas include the main players during the period...the city founded by Akhenaten from which the period derives its name, the religion of the period, the art of the period and the period's literature (specifically correspondence known as the Amarna Letters)" (Dun, 2017, para.1). Amenhotep III was the father of Akhenaten while Tutankhamun was his son. Most say that the Amarna Period lasted from the end of Amenhoteps III's reign to the beginning of Tutankhamun's reign.

Egypt's theology was centered around the king and the sun god because the sun guaranteed the existence of creation and the king enacted symbolically with the god's priest. "The primary reason that most sources begin the Amarna period with the latter part of Amenhotep III's reign is probably due to the fact that this was the period when Akhenaten, originally Amenhotep (IV), rose to crown prince and was subjected to the influences that would eventually cause him to attempt to altar Egyptian religion" (Dunn, 2017, para.3). Egypt's polytheism was becoming increasingly solarized by the end of Amenhotep the III's reign. The Armana Period end with Tutankhamun's reign because he brings backs polytheism.

 King Tut

American Mysteries & Conspiracies (2016) reports that Akhenaten and Nefertiti believed that were living gods who made offerings to Aten who was represented by the solar-disk. Akhenaten considered himself to be the son of Aten who even replaced the Creator God, Atum. Modern interpretations see the "unearthly" being as a "god" due to the odd proportions of his body and face. It was also believed that Nefertiti and their daughters were "goddesses".
  Sculpture head of a daughter of Akhenaton and Nefertiti.
  Statue of Akhenaten in the early Amarna style.

 Giant Elongated Skull Bill Schnoebelen has studied UFOS for more than 35 years, He reveals how flying saucers and "alien abductions" may well figure into the end-time plans of the Beast.

Akhenaten and Nefertiti stressed that the citizens could only reach Aten by praying through them (American Mysteries & Conspiracies, 2016). "During the New Kingdom, the use of intermediaries had been increasingly important to access the gods. However, worshipers had been able to turn to a variety of these, including sacred animals, statues, dead men who had been deified who functioned in this capacity. Now, there only recourse was the king, who becomes the sole prophet of their god. Hence, the faithful of the Amarna period pray at home in front of an altar that contains a picture of the king and his family. The new religion could be summed up as 'there is no god but Aten, and Akhenaten is his prophet' " (Dunn, 2017, para. 21). Tsarion (2012) reports that the goddess worship was scaled back for the sun cult so that Akenanten removed the underworld cycle.

  Akhenaten Ancient Egypt Statue

  Helicopter Ancient Egypt Carvings The Abydos carvings showing what appears to be helicopters and other futuristic Vehicles Located in the Temple of Seti The First – Abydos,

Akhenaten demanded the descration of the Olde Temples to be replaced only with Aten's temples and he even had the masons wipe out all existence of the god Amun by destroying ancient works. Dunn (2017) reports that "before Akhenaten, the placing of one god in a privileged position never threatened the existence of the remaining gods. The one and the many had been treated as complementary throughout Egyptian history and gods were not mutually exclusive. Now they were and we witness the formulation of a new logic. Although his qualities are not absolute, the Aten becomes a monotheistic God by virtue of this. He becomes a jealous god, who will tolerate no other gods before him" (para.22). Fortunately, the Armana Period ended and the Priests of Aten were exiled. Enter Moses, according to many scholars. This author's theory that these exiled Atenists became "Israel" who later collaborated with Rome to make the Vatican is shared by some great scholars including Sigmund Freud and Michael Tsarion. 


American Mysteries & Conspiracies. (17 September, 2016). Ancient Egypt - Akhenaten & Nefertiti - Blue Blood Royal "Gods" Of Egypt - TYRANTS PERSONIFIED. American Mysteries & Conspiracies. Retrieved from

Dunn, Jimmy. (2017). The Amarna Period. Tour Egypt. Retrieved from

Tsarion, Michael. (14 January, 2012). Michael Tsarion - Biblical Deception Egypt Jews and Jesus. seektruthandwisdom. Retrieved from 

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