Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Moses, Akenaten, and the Divisionof the Tribes of Israel

This article will present information that is associated with the theory that monotheism was created as a control mechanism for some of the Annunaki. The theory that Moses and Akhenaten are connected and that the Cult of Aten eventually led to the establishment of the Israelis will be presented in this blog.

Michael Tsarion (2012) reports that the bible has numeric, and symbolic codes that are almost Kabbalistic, and that it was written 100s of years after the events happened. He further informs that many people and events in the bible are fictitious and that other characters in the bible are analogs to royal Roman families. Pope (2004) reveals that "the authors/editors of the ancient Israel record in the Bible drew from a number of disparate traditions dating at least from the time of the Egyptian 12th Dynasty and onward. The resulting composite account makes it very frustrating for us to analyze today. However, this effort can (and is) being facilitated by disciplined minds from Religion, Archaeology, and many other fields" (para.43). Pope (2004) also stated that "religious organizations have the most to fear from archaeological findings that indicate the Bible was less than forthright in its portrayal of the lives of the Patriarchs in Egypt (para.33). Next, a dissection of some of Moses will be presented.
 Akhenaten and Moses History https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=4PPfgYEV&id=87E5B57334594A3E3DAB40A1DCE776BBCC5E103B&q=moses%20and%20akhenaten&simid=608019739593671940&selectedIndex=22&qpvt=moses%20and%20akhenaten&ajaxhist=0

Akhenaten and the Biblical Moses The work of two scholars will be presented in this section. Ahmed Osman is an Egyptian lawyer who deeply researched Egyptian connections to the bible as a devout Muslim (Pope, 2004). In Part 1 of "out of Egypt" by Mr. Osman the association between the the historical Egyptian 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Akhenaten and the biblical Moses is firmly established. Pope (2004) summarizes that "Akhenaten, king of Egypt (1378-1361 B.C.), was the first monotheistic ruler in history. He abolished the worship of the different gods of Ancient Egypt and introduced a deity with no image, 'Aten,' biblical Adonai, to be the sole God for all people" (para. 51).  It is also recorded that a military coup overthrew Akhenaten in 1361 B.C. when he used the army to force his new religion onto the people; he was replaced by Tutankhamun (Pope, 2004) . Ralph Ellis will be presented next.

 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=bcsV%2byEJ&id=7CCBAD7495D4CC2F3E94325D510262A69390A18D&q=ralph+ellis&simid=608054898199562657&selectedIndex=7&ajaxhist=0  Ralph Ellis The Grail Image
Ralph Ellis (2004) states that " I have been following a theory for many years now, that the Israelites were actually pharaohs of Egypt. This idea has been championed by Ahmed Osman, amongst others" (para.1). Ellis (2004) further states "the details of the Hyksos exodus out of Egypt are remarkably similar to the accounts of the Exodus from the Book of Genesis. Indeed they only seem to differ in date" (para.4). Ellis (2004) also reveals that the courts of Solomon and David are missing in Israel. Elli's (2004) final words to be presented are that "all in all, the evidence constantly points towards the Old Testament being a reliable and highly detailed account of the life and times of the royal court of the Lower Egyptian pharaonic line. The Torah is simply the 'Day Book' from the Egyptian royal court (para.7). The wisdom of two scholars that tie Moses to Akenaten have been delivered in this section to demonstrate that Moses is most likely associated with Atenism. Next, the division of the Cult of Aten will be presented.
  Akhenaten and Nefertiti with Their Children. It is reported in videos that Akhenaten claims to be the son of the Sun and that his father was to be the only god to be worshiped in Egypt, and that he was built different than "normal" people. This piece of evidence indicates that he may have been from another planet. Although this is not a direct tie to the Annunaki, it is still incriminating.  http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/egyptian-civilization-new-kingdom-dynasty-xviii-bust-of-news-photo/122221853#egyptian-civilization-new-kingdom-dynasty-xviii-bust-of-queen-picture-id122221853

In order to comprehend that Cult of Aten's divisions it is beneficial to understand the Astrological Ages that deal with position of the plants in the Universe. Astrological Ages (n.d.) reports that the Age of Cancer lasted from 8640 to 6480 BC to be followed by the Age of Gemini from 6480 to 4320 BC then the Age of Taurus from 4320 TO 2160 BC. The schism in the tribes of Israel occurred in between the Age of Taurus and the Age of Aries (Tsarion, 2012). The Age of Aries was from 2160 to 0 BC, then the Age of Pisces from 0 BC to 2160 occurred, and the Age of Aquarius will be from 2160 to 4320 (Astrological Ages, n.d.).  The division will be further explained next.
The lost tribes are described by Michael Tsarion. Mr. Tsarion (2012) begins the explanation of the schism by asking if the Zionists massacring Palestinians really Jews? He answers this question by explaining that Ralph Ellis has proven that 10 tribes of Israel were not interested in the Aten cult so that there was division among the Jews. The "lost tribes" assimilated into the West and claimed that their bible was the Torah and they were Jewish by conversion. The Levi/Levite and Benjamin tribes went back to the temple and remained loyal to the Talmud and the Olde Traditions. The house of Judah and Cult of Aten are not the true Israelites and they are the ones responsible for funding the Illuminati, and creating the Vatican, Jesuits,as well as Masons. and they are bringing murder and mayhem to the world in the name of Judaism and Christianity (ie) Judaeo/Christianity. Simply put, the "lost tribes" preferred to stay in the Age of Taurus or the Bull god while the Aten Cult moved into the Age of Aries the ram. Mr. Tsarion (2012) plainly states that the 12 tribes of Israel were no more than exiled Egyptians. He ponders what slaves can get enough gold to build a golden calf because they don't want to worship the ram.

This blog has outlined the theory that Moses is connected to Akenaten and shed some light on the division of the Israeli tribes.  Although there wasn't any solid evidence of Annunakis in this blog I am still working on my theory.  The next article will deal with the establishment of Christianity in Rome. 

Astrological Ages. (n.d.). Astrological Ages. Signs of the Times. Retrieved from http://www.signsofthetimeshistory.com/ages.html

Ellis, Ralph. (25 November, 2004). The Israelites were Egyptian pharaohs. Daily Grail. Retrieved from http://www.dailygrail.com/.../Israelites-were-Egyptian.

Pope, Charles N. (2004). Review of Ahmed Osman's Out of Egypt, The Roots of Christianity Revealed. Domain of Man. Retrieved from http://www.domainofman.com/ankhemmaat/osman.html 

Tsarion, Michael. (14 January, 2012). Michael Tsarion - Biblical Deception Egypt Jews and Jesus. seektruthandwisdom. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtH2eSpjosA