Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Songs as Signs of Spiritual Communication Because Spirits Don't Have Vocal Chords

My theory is that some Spirits use songs to communicate with us.  It works by telepathy and for telepathy to happen there must be sort  of access to the data in our brains.  So the spirits could use telepathy to replay song memories in our minds as a way to give messages.

Some Channels are Telepathic
An article that rang true said that hearing the voices of actual people is more like hallucinatory "imaginary friends" because spirits don't have vocal chords and speak to us in a different manner than normal speaking.  It also said that real channels sound like our own voice or come in pictures or other types of telepathy type communications.  WwowWzers, that how it is for me.  That cite is long since lost, but what i learned stuck in my head.

Obsession and Possession
Sudden obsessions with things that you normally have no interest in is a great sign that you are partially possessed.  As a headbanger i am usually bored with rebel or country music, but have developed an unusual obsession for Civil War stuff.  It is actually for natural for a Necromancer to become obsessed with souls who need help in the general area of said Necromancer.  Isn't it?

Arachnia's Web (2017) eloquently tells us about possession.  She says that
  1. "Obsession: An obsession is where an entity follows a person. The entity may or may not be attached to the person, but resides outside of the body. However, when an obsession is attached to a person, it may try to invade the physical vessel and become a possession. Common attachments may be guides, “feeders”, even dead loved ones. Before performing a banishing or exorcism, you need to determine what type of obsession and entity it is. This way you’ll know the proper technique needed to get rid of the obsession, if needed.
  2. Partial Possession: These are the most common possessions. This allows the host to be mostly in control, and lets the entity sit in the physical vessel. This may be a parasitical or symbiotic relationship. Invocation of other beings can display as a partial possession, where both the host and the entity are in control. This type of possession may have such manifestations as odd behavior, or a brief change in vocal patterns. However, most long term partial possessions are nearly undetectable" .

To me Spirits come to us differently by speaking in feelings and such, but after time the spiritual communication grows it becomes easier to interpret what the Spirits are telling me.  Music is energy, frequency, and vibrations...369...Spirits are too; so, doesn't it make sense that Spirits could use songs as a means of communication and giving signs?

 Maman Brigette tells me that the dead are as real as the living, but in different forms

"hear the stories from beyond the grave so many left untold...Southern Wind blow on ...hear the cry of Confederates lost many years ago" "Southern Wind" ~Rebel Son~

Maybe if we pay attention to clues around us and in our heads we can help we need to work out our worries  Maybe if we hear a  song that reminds us of a loved one it is there way to reach  us across the dimensions?

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