Collective consciousness and unconscious is something that i did not understand for a long time, but a post by Thomas LeRoy of the Sect of the Horned God helped me grasp what it means. Wikipedia on collective consciousness, Mystica tells us about thought forms, Thomas LeRoy describes Jung and hell, after life of Christianity vs. Voodoo, Cameron Day's solutions for the duality afflicted, and choose Your prophesy wisely will be presented in this blog.
Wikipedia on Collective Consciousness
"Collective consciousness, collective conscience, or collective conscious (French: conscience collective) is the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society.[1] The term was introduced by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his Division of Labour in Society in 1893.
The French word conscience generally means 'conscience', 'consciousness', 'awareness',[2] or 'perception'.[3] Commentators and translators of Durkheim disagree on which is most appropriate, or whether the translation should depend on the context. Some prefer to treat the word 'conscience' as an untranslatable foreign word or technical term, without its normal English meaning.[4] In general, it does not refer to the specifically moral conscience, but to a shared understanding of social norms.[5] To avoid the misleading implications of the English words 'conscience' and 'collective', it can be translated as 'common understanding' or 'shared awareness'.[citation needed]
As for 'collective', Durkheim makes clear that he is not reifying or hypostasizing this concept; for him, it is 'collective' simply in the sense that it is common to many individuals;[6] cf. social fact.
In Durkheimian social theory[edit]
Durkheim used the term in his books The Division of Labour in Society (1893), Rules of the Sociological Method (1895), Suicide (1897), and The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912). In The Division of Labour, Durkheim argued that in traditional/primitive societies (those based around clan, family or tribal relationships), totemic religion played an important role in uniting members through the creation of a common consciousness (conscience collective in the original French). In societies of this type, the contents of an individual's consciousness are largely shared in common with all other members of their society, creating a mechanical solidarity through mutual likeness.
The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of a society forms a determinate system with a life of its own. It can be termed the collective or creative consciousness."
— Emile Durkheim[7]
Durkheim used the term in his books The Division of Labour in Society (1893), Rules of the Sociological Method (1895), Suicide (1897), and The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912). In The Division of Labour, Durkheim argued that in traditional/primitive societies (those based around clan, family or tribal relationships), totemic religion played an important role in uniting members through the creation of a common consciousness (conscience collective in the original French). In societies of this type, the contents of an individual's consciousness are largely shared in common with all other members of their society, creating a mechanical solidarity through mutual likeness.
The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of a society forms a determinate system with a life of its own. It can be termed the collective or creative consciousness."
— Emile Durkheim[7]
Mystica Tells Us About Thought Forms
"Thought-forms are nonphysical entities which exist in either the mental or astral plane. Each entity is created from the thought. Every thought is said to generate vibrations in the aura's mental body, which assume a floating form and colors depending on the nature and intensity of the thought. These thought-forms are usually seen by clairvoyants; and may be intuitively sensed by others.
Theosophists and clairvoyants Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater placed thought-forms in three classifications: (1) the image of the thinker (see Bilocation); (2) an image of a material object associated with the thought; and (3) an independent image expressing the inherent qualities of the thought. Thoughts which are of a low nature, such as anger, hate, lust, greed, and so on, create thought-forms which are dense in color and form. Thought of a more spiritual nature tend to generate forms possessing a greater purity, clarity, and refinement.
Thought-forms can be directed toward anyone, but to be effective they must latch onto a similar vibration in the other person’s aura. If they are unable to do so, they can boomerang back on the sender. Thus, working according to the occult theory, one who directs evil toward another runs the risk of having it return.
The strength and clarity of the original thought determines the duration, strength and the distance of travel of its developed thought-form. It is said that thought-forms can have the capability to assume their own energy and appear to be intelligent and independent. Equally strong thought-forms can disperse them, or they may disintegrate when their purpose has been accomplished. Some may stay in existence for years, while others can become uncontrollable and turn on their senders.
Thought-forms, in magic, are also called 'artificial elements,' which are created through ritual involving intense concentration, repetition, and visualization. (see Egrigor) They can be directed toward individuals to protect or heal, or to harm. Also, thought-forms can be created to perform low-level tasks and errands.
Other thought-forms can occur spontaneously, for example, 'Group minds' that emerge whenever a group of people concentrate on the same thought, ideas, or goals, such as a team of employees or a crowd of demonstrators. To a certain extent the group-mind possesses the group, such is seen in psychic bonding and power that coalesces in crowds, and in the synergy of a close-knit working group. Usually when the group disbands the power of the group-mind dissipates too. A.G.H."
Theosophists and clairvoyants Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater placed thought-forms in three classifications: (1) the image of the thinker (see Bilocation); (2) an image of a material object associated with the thought; and (3) an independent image expressing the inherent qualities of the thought. Thoughts which are of a low nature, such as anger, hate, lust, greed, and so on, create thought-forms which are dense in color and form. Thought of a more spiritual nature tend to generate forms possessing a greater purity, clarity, and refinement.
Thought-forms can be directed toward anyone, but to be effective they must latch onto a similar vibration in the other person’s aura. If they are unable to do so, they can boomerang back on the sender. Thus, working according to the occult theory, one who directs evil toward another runs the risk of having it return.
The strength and clarity of the original thought determines the duration, strength and the distance of travel of its developed thought-form. It is said that thought-forms can have the capability to assume their own energy and appear to be intelligent and independent. Equally strong thought-forms can disperse them, or they may disintegrate when their purpose has been accomplished. Some may stay in existence for years, while others can become uncontrollable and turn on their senders.
Thought-forms, in magic, are also called 'artificial elements,' which are created through ritual involving intense concentration, repetition, and visualization. (see Egrigor) They can be directed toward individuals to protect or heal, or to harm. Also, thought-forms can be created to perform low-level tasks and errands.
Other thought-forms can occur spontaneously, for example, 'Group minds' that emerge whenever a group of people concentrate on the same thought, ideas, or goals, such as a team of employees or a crowd of demonstrators. To a certain extent the group-mind possesses the group, such is seen in psychic bonding and power that coalesces in crowds, and in the synergy of a close-knit working group. Usually when the group disbands the power of the group-mind dissipates too. A.G.H."
With this information in mind, it should be easier to comprehend how what we think creates reality. I have noticed that calling thought form beings like Vampires, Dragons, and Unicorns is quite easy. Once i did an experiment in which i made some thought form Teenage Mutant Turtles for my own astral buddies. It took me 6 months to create them, but i did it. They are real to me on my astral, but they are not as powerful as the Dragons, Unicorns, and Vampires in that they are only alive to me in my astral realm. This means they have no power for attacking and protecting like other entities that have received group conscious/unconscious energy.
My faith is with Voodoo and Hindu type stuff, and i no longer believe in neither heaven's angels or hell's demons, nor Jesus or Satan so that these are things i stopped seeing when i left Christianity behind me. These things are still very real to those who believe. I choose to believe in Dragons, Unicorns, and Mermaids, as well Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Next, Mr. LeRoy does a bang-up job of describing the collective unconscious.
Thomas LeRoy Describes Jung and Hell
"The Left-Hand Path to Hell"
Published January 24, 2016 | By sectofthehornedgod
Published January 24, 2016 | By sectofthehornedgod
by Thomas LeRoy @
"According to Carl Gustav Jung, Hell represents, among every culture, the disturbing aspect of the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is universal. Every human being has been endowed with this psychic archetype-layer since his/her birth. One can not acquire this strata by education or other conscious effort because it is innate; for deep in our subconscious the same symbols speak to similar meanings across different cultures and unrelated time periods. The collective unconscious, this universal library of human knowledge, is the very transcendental wisdom that guides us. Jung stated that all religious experiences must be linked with the experience of the archetypes of the collective unconscious. Thus, all gods and demons, and even their locations such as Hell, are part of a psychic experience of the path that leads one to the realization of our psychic wholeness. In Jungian psychology, Hell would then be the place where the 'shadow' resides. ‘'The shadow,' wrote Jung, is ‘'. . . that hidden, repressed, for the most part inferior and guilt-laden personality whose ultimate ramifications reach back into the realm of our animal ancestors and so comprise the whole historical aspect of the unconscious’/....
So, as for us on the left-hand path, what are we to do? The collective hell is there whether we like it our not."
I truly do respect and greatly value the knowledge provided by this Cult, but hell is not real to me for i have separated myself from this collective unconsciousness.
My blog
Can One Who Has Not Done Their Shadow Work Truly Enlighten Others and Should They Charge to Help People? @
takes a deeper look at Mr. Jung
After Life of Christianity vs. Voodoo
Tells us that where life after death is concerned Christianity believes in an eternity in heaven or hell with time served in purgatory for some. In Voodoo Vilokan is a submerged and forested island where the deceased and loa reside. They also believe in reincarnation and continuous life.
This is the collective unconscious world that i choose+++ase+++
This is the collective unconscious world that i choose+++ase+++
Cameron Day's Solutions for the Duality Afflicted
Why I Am No Longer a Light Worker
By Cameron Day, on August 23rd, 2013
By Cameron Day, on August 23rd, 2013
Duality of the demiurge basically refers to the spiritual matrix of those who wish to oppress mankind. Duality is the idea that light and dark are enemies instead of complimentary to each other. "So how does a person get out of this duality paradigm? The first step is to engage the Self-Clearing System protocols and revoke all agreements that you have made with any beings that don’t have your best interests in mind. Next, revoke all agreements to see reality in polarized terms. Every time you revoke agreements, be sure to reclaim your energy that had gone into them. Then affirm your commitment to transcend the control paradigms of the corrupt demiurge without being side-tracked by pointless polarity battles.
I also recommend a brief daily practice of revoking all agreements to experience hardship, limitation, bad relationships, health problems, financial problems, family dysfunctions, and anything else in your life that is energy-draining. The number and quantity of agreements that we have unconsciously taken on within this false reality matrix are truly astounding. When you pay attention to the subtle and blatant agreements that point to the invisible bars of your prison, you will indeed find that there is no shortage of agreements to be revoked."
In other words, cut all harmfull chords and declare Your sovereignty. Grounding is also very important. Grounding is akin to tuning our heartbeat with that of Mother Earth because this makes it more difficult for us to be attacked by negative energy and entities.
Mr. Day has an awesome talk for those who are interested in exiting the matrix.
"Are You Possessed? Lightworkers, The Matrix, Archons, The New Age and the Lords of Karma" @
Choose Your Prophesy Wisely
"They will return, they will return again. All over the Earth, they are returning again. Ancient teachings of the Earth, ancient songs of the Earth. They are returning again. My friend, they are returning, I give them to you. And through them, you will understand, you will see. They are returning again upon the Earth"...~
Iron Maiden has lyrics that say "predicting war for millions in hope that one appears" that should give us a clue that some predictions and prophesies may function to bring about what the wanna-be-oppressors wish will happen. For instance, World War 3.
It seems like we are free to choose which reality we wish to create on a collective level; however, i am most interested in creating a reality of my own in lieu of sharing with others. That's not entirely true because i do resonate with the Olde Souls from the Day when Folks knew that Mother Earth is alive and She is Goddess. We don't have to feed our energy to prophesies of end times, WW3, and horror is we choose not to. In fact, it's best to believe that WW3 as end times shall not occur +++ase+++
I have chosen to feed my energy to the Rainbow Warrior prophecies. Here is one of many.
~Prophecies on a Circular Wing, His Crazy Horse. 1842-1877~
"They will return, they will return again. All over the Earth, they are returning again. Ancient teachings of the Earth, ancient songs of the Earth. They are returning again. My friend, they are returning, I give them to you. And through them, you will understand, you will see. They are returning again upon the Earth"...~
♥~ ~His Crazy Horse~
May the Rainbow Warriors Make the Earth Green Again +++ase+++ @
has more information about these Great Prophesies.
My blog
Kundalinis Rising @
is good for pointing the way to self empowerment by opening a channel to our own Higher Selves to find our own True Paths.
"The connection to the higher self is probably the most important thing that could happen in Your life."
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