I can live in Peace with all but the pedophiles, but i am sick of going through my fb line & seeing the organized hatred towards non liberal & nonconformist type Folks. Occult University made some post about killing all homophobes, racists which includes Neo Nazis, Unite the Right, etc. Actually, cleansing the Earth with our blood

"Definition of homophobia
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
— homophobic play \ˌhō-mə-ˈfō-bik\ adjective"
Sooo... what's wrong with being a homophobe as long as we don't harm others or do anything to infringe upon their rights??? I have been scared and revolted by gay stuff since i was a wee lass, but i never hurt any of them so don't infringe on my right not to like gay stuff

This is the type that i feel aversion to, and that seems like a healthy reaction to lewd behavior.
Why wouldn't a person uncomfortable with sex not feel aversion to this sort of public behavior??? I sure wouldn't want kids to see this & i didn't let my kids watch TV as kids due to oversexualization of women

I did ask 3 adult teens if i am being irrational to feel aversion to this pic, and all 3 said it makes them feel aversion too. They even agreed that gay pride parades are no place for young children.
Ouch, should lil' kids even be learning about sexuality???
The Rabbi further explains that that is how it went from country to country killing out the intelligent people so that the Jew is the only intelligent one left. Trotsky built the Russian army and he was a genius and anti Semite like no other and he created Jewish division in the Communist party. The Jews created the KGB. Another excerpt from Hitler's book stated that "the Jews destroyed religion and faith. They spread in Germany the heresy in God. I feel like the messenger to God to exterminate the Jews because they don't believe in Him " ( 3 min).
The Rabbi irritatingly reports that the same Leftists Hitler was against wrote the school curriculum. At 3 minutes and 30 seconds the Rabbi says "of course they will not write that Hitler wanted to kill the Jews because they are the fore fathers of the Left, and the Forefathers of Marxism, Communism, and Hellenism. But that's what he writes. They destroyed all the values Poisoned literature and theater. Who did it? Torah observant Jews poisoned the German theater? Out of 9 large German newspapers 7 were owned by Jews". The respectable Jewish Rabbi ends with a prayer that Jewry will be humble and stop sinning against God as they did when the golden calf was made.
Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTYSv_YQOVo

I can look at this picture without feeling grossed out, so i ain't all "bad" :P 
Then there is the matter of this movement demonizing Us Rebels as shown in this gif.
It seems like it would be better for Folks to work on overcoming fear and hatred to each other with some open minded education. I did an extensive research article on the Civil War back i first realized there may have been more to it than slavery.
There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/there-was-more-to-civil-war-than.html
I wonder why we can't just come together against the tyrannical government???
Jacob Passy wrote an article called Why LGBT pride festivals have become increasingly corporate from which i include an excerpt.
For major pride events though, corporate sponsors represent a major — and irreplaceable — source of the event’s funding. “We wouldn’t have been able to grow into who we are today, the size and scope of the events, without the corporate sponsorships,” Fallarino said. “I don’t know if we’d even be able to produce just the march and two other events without corporate donations.”
And many of the companies that sponsor these events don’t just provide support for one. Wells Fargo WFC, +1.81% , a long-time supporter of LGBTQ pride events, is providing $50 million of support to roughly 60 pride celebrations nationwide this year, including the ones in Washington, New York and Los Angeles. “We just see it as the right thing to do,” said Kali Caldwell, senior communications consultant at Wells Fargo.
Many companies will also pay to have a float or group march in the parades, even if they’re not a sponsor. And that’s not surprising, given that the LGBTQ community represents a large consumer base. In the U.S., the total buying power of LGBTQ adults adds up to nearly $1 trillion, according to a 2016 report from Witeck Communications, a communications firm that specializes in LGBT outreach. @
And many of the companies that sponsor these events don’t just provide support for one. Wells Fargo WFC, +1.81% , a long-time supporter of LGBTQ pride events, is providing $50 million of support to roughly 60 pride celebrations nationwide this year, including the ones in Washington, New York and Los Angeles. “We just see it as the right thing to do,” said Kali Caldwell, senior communications consultant at Wells Fargo.
Many companies will also pay to have a float or group march in the parades, even if they’re not a sponsor. And that’s not surprising, given that the LGBTQ community represents a large consumer base. In the U.S., the total buying power of LGBTQ adults adds up to nearly $1 trillion, according to a 2016 report from Witeck Communications, a communications firm that specializes in LGBT outreach. @
I will just add that corporations run America through lobbying and i don't trust them. The example i give You is big pharma as cited in my blog
Part 1: Big Pharma Controls the Medical Industry @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/03/part-1-big-pharma-controls-medical.html
Hmmm...the whole point is that maybe the vilification of Southerners, gun owners, National Socialist, Pagans, & whatever else media or organized religion, or anything connected to the establishment is done on purpose to keep Folks from really uncovering the root of the problem in lieu of tearing out each other's throats... i don't even fit in with those around me; however, i can plainly see & feel a great anger rising in the South for the treatment of our Dead. I can feel just fine....even most of my "friends" don't even really give a FUCK abt the ramifications of standing aside while these fuckers demonize yet another group of People that i feel attached to ,even if i am just a lone Unicorn circle & looking in i can plainly see that these Redneck Rebels ain't that bad, but they are a threat to the system at the political levels. An interesting video that makes my point about how only those against the "system" are vilified.
More people should know about the awful bounty system that paid settlers to kill Native Americans tells Us a bounty put on the heads of Native Americans by the government @
Now, i wanna bring up Neo Nazis with an excerpt of information i gathered up in Holocaust Revisionism blog @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/holocaust-revisionism.html

A youtube video that features a Rabbi who the reader can evaluate for themselves as the link is in the references. The goode Rabbi reports that important truths were hidden from people during their times of education. The Rabbi confesses that Hitler's book is speaking the truth when it states that the Jews are the Communist who created the Russian Revolution that killed 30 million Russians. Adolf further stated that the smart Russians were killed out so that the Jew was the only smart man left, and that they had it planned for the entire world. The Rabbi states that Germany was next line as the Jews had already formed the Communist and Socialist parties in Germany. An excerpt is read from Hitler's book that says "if we don't defeat them now, they will eliminate us, and they will slaughter another 20 million, all the intelligent people" (1 min 27 sec).
The Rabbi further explains that that is how it went from country to country killing out the intelligent people so that the Jew is the only intelligent one left. Trotsky built the Russian army and he was a genius and anti Semite like no other and he created Jewish division in the Communist party. The Jews created the KGB. Another excerpt from Hitler's book stated that "the Jews destroyed religion and faith. They spread in Germany the heresy in God. I feel like the messenger to God to exterminate the Jews because they don't believe in Him " ( 3 min).
The Rabbi irritatingly reports that the same Leftists Hitler was against wrote the school curriculum. At 3 minutes and 30 seconds the Rabbi says "of course they will not write that Hitler wanted to kill the Jews because they are the fore fathers of the Left, and the Forefathers of Marxism, Communism, and Hellenism. But that's what he writes. They destroyed all the values Poisoned literature and theater. Who did it? Torah observant Jews poisoned the German theater? Out of 9 large German newspapers 7 were owned by Jews". The respectable Jewish Rabbi ends with a prayer that Jewry will be humble and stop sinning against God as they did when the golden calf was made.
Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTYSv_YQOVo
I am sure that i am not the only one that is called a Neo Nazi for holocaust revising that isn't evil. I also see that Unite the Right has every reason in the world to protest the Jewish lobby in America.
My blog for those with strong stomachs and interested in going down the rabbit hole considering why a person may be anti semitic in the first place is
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."~ Voltaire/ "pizzagate"
There certainly seems to be a "force" that is provoking these techniques of division so we won't come together against them as discussed in
Divide and Conquer Must End @ https://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/divide-and-conquer-must-end.html
I do hope that those Folks can love more than just than themselves, and dangerous homophobes won't interfere with gay rights either, as well as that gay Folks will remember to represent themselves in ways that are not disrespectful in public.

Thank You for reading my blog :)