astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence
postulated by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), medieval, oriental
and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions.imgarcade.com" @ https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=3Tph6Krb&id=CEE217C519C37DF9C31504E4A429A2360A8BBF27&thid=OIP.3Tph6KrbdlkNj-4GppVFoQHgEY&q=astral+entities&simid=608041691343094703&selectedIndex=101&ajaxhist=0
Sometimes negative things in our energy field will bring us down. While others say go to a therapist, i say clean your energy field first. I must stress that my intention is not to imply that all of your problems can be linked to psychic attack; but whether, that some of them can be. There are numerous videos on youtube about saging, salting, and cleansing your areas. A dirty environment lays space for negative energy to take hold so keeping your area tidy is important.
The computer can act as a portal for astral entities so that any contact we make with people who have negative entities attached to them may open us up to be attacked as well. If people could see how much the energy around them affects them, they may clean it up to find themselves loads happier. I propose that some victims of psychic attack go to psychiatrists who give them pills which just makes it even easier for attack to occur.
The electromagnetic spectrum scientifically explains that humans are only aware of certain frequencies of energy as represented by this diagram.
Signs of Astral Attack
Signs of astral attack may be, but are not limited to: sudden feelings of 1) dread, 2) confusion, 3) stomach discomfort, 4) lethargy; these symptoms may also creep up on us gradually. Other signs may be lethargy accompanied by a blissful feeling and this is done by astral Vamps or other entities who return a pleasurable feeling, but if your lethargic it is harming you. There is a larger list of psychic attack symptoms located here http://astral-psychic.com/2011/09/definite-signs-of-psychic-attacks/.
There are some entities that do whisper in our ears much like the cartoons, but most people are unaware so that it seems like our own thoughts. If you are having thoughts that are uncharacteristic of you, or if information just comes into your brain that you know is new is to you those are signs that you are hearing some form of entity. If you hear "kill yourself" or some other negative thing that is an undesirable, but if you hear helpful stuff it could be an Ancestor of Guide.
Cleansing Method
One method to do a thorough cleanse will be summarized next. 1) First, you should cut all harmful & negative astral chords to you. If you wanna cut an emotional cord between yourself and a person or entity just believe it is cut, that simple. It is nice/fun to add a lil' ritual; for example 1) make a bolt of lightning in astral and strike the cord with the lightning, 2) use a real cutting implement to strike the ground 3 times and BELIEVE U just cut that cord, 3) you can draw or cut a picture and label it then physically use scissors to cut the cord, 4) you can draw a pic in sand or with chalk etc etc etc . This method works for chords to live people and to astral entities.
I will elaborate on the paper ritual as i have improved it. Cut out a paper doll of you and the person that wish to be free from with a strip of paper still holding the dolls together. Write (your name) shall be freed from all negative attachments & harmful to (their name or put in astral field if is for broad spectrum cleansing) by the burning of the flame on your doll, and on the other doll indicate that all negative energy and attachment from this person/entity/energy will be burned away in the flame. You cut the paper and burn separately the throw your ashes to sky to indicate your new freedom and ground the ashes of the other in the ground and sprinkle with sea salt or table salt. Sea salt is more pure and worth the investment if You do a lot of work or to improve Your diet, but table salt is okay.
Finally, take a cleansing bath and believe that all of the negative
energy and entities are leaving you during this process. Sea salt is one of the most powerful
cleansers, but there are many different forms of cleansing baths. I add herbs and flowers that I steep in
coffee pot, water that was ran through tea or coffee grounds, and sea salt to
every bath I take. Rubbing yourself with
coffee grounds in the shower will also remove nasties.
In order to add more strength to your cleansing, you can use crystals, candles, and incense. AA Michael is a goode helper for cleansing as well; his number is 55 and his color is royal blue.
A black crystal will absorb negative energy while quartz will bring in goode energy. Crystals can be placed in an area to cleanse nasty energy, but they should be buried for 3 days afterward for Mother Earth to transmute the negative energy absorbed. Burning a black candle will absorb negative energy while a white candle will bring in goode energy. I like to get a candle to match the deity’s color no matter who I work with, and for the cleansing you would want a blue candle for AA Michael. These steps are not set in stone, but will suffice as a guide to help others learn their own ways to clean. In addition, these are great steps for negative energy and most astral entities; however, some are more nasty and no amount of Light work will remove them, in my humble experience. However, if entities keep returning the steps can be repeated or to a lesser degree. The reason for taking so many steps is to remove the different kinds of energies or entities and get them all at once.
If this does not work, it is safe to give Papa Legba an offering to cleanse. Papa Legba, Mercury, runs the Crossroads between the dimensions. It is not necessary to pay someone to cleanse when it is really not that difficult to try first. If you are interested in further help, He can do it.
my blog @
Meet Papa Legba Who Is the First Step in Voodoo @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/meet-papa-legba-who-is-first-step-in.html
Long Distance Cleanse with Baron Samedi @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/12/long-distance-cleanse-with-baron-samedi.html
Protection can come in many forms, but one of the best forms is to “feed” energy to those beneficial astral entities who are around you, in Voodoo these entities are known as our Eguns. Ancestral Reverence in whatever form you choose to participate will energize the protection that is already with you. My Path is Hoodoo, but this setup can be altered for your Path. Water does feed spirits, so do candles, incense, crystals, playing their songs and other things. I make altars for my Ancestors to create a sacred space for continuous “feeding” by using their photos as focal points. The article "How to Setup Ancestor Altar & Give Offerings" to give you ideas is located @http://www.salimyers.com/how-to-set-up-an-ancestor-altar-g…/
Crystals can be used for protection as well. Grids can be made around our home and/or our child’s bed. Due to the problems that i have had with malevolent Shadow Folk, the “Imaginaries”/imaginary friends showed me a way to make a protection screen around my home. You put a black crystal and a quartz at each corner of your home and under the windows. As close as you can get to the center of your home put the biggest piece of quartz and black crystal; i use obsidian because it resonates with me. The obsidian absorbs negative energy while quartz draws in goode energy. This can be done under the child’s bed as well. As you are laying the crystal form a barrier shield in your mind that will seal out negative energy and entities.
When you first get your crystals try to leave them out on Mother Earth to absorb the elements and cleanse and charge. Mother Earth can take all negative energy and return Goode energy so just ask Her to help you protect your Childe and prepare the crystals if you feel so inclined.
A Bit on Shadow Folk
There are many different kinds of Shadow Folk, and theories to explains to them. I have noticed that some may look scary, but they can be ghosts or our Guides. Sometimes i see Papa Legba as a puff of black smoke, but He is so cool and now that i know it's Him it doesn't scare me like it used to. The ones who look like this seem to be some kind of Ancient primordial vamps. They are beastie boys and slinkies to me. Their energy is black and sucking.
Some look more like this, and they don't seem to be malevolent. They have some brown in their colors and their energy vibrates just a little-tiny-bit.
Thank You for reading my blog :)
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