"When You are bourne in a world You don't fit in, it's because You were bourne to help create a new one."
This blog will function to provide information that will help You begin to create a better world. This is Your warning, don't read this blog if You're not ready to go to the bottom of "down the rabbit hole". It's so weird because i write these Spirit guided blogs, and i don't always understand why, but i see it clearly. I am weaving a web of writing that i would want to leave for myself when i was younger or my own Offspring. If You don't like it, just leave; however, i am happy to freely share what the Spirits are teaching me because They LOVE me for it. Plus, i really want to make a new & better world for said Offspring. Spider Grandmother tells Us to weave our web as we wish for it to be.
Spider Grandmother or Don't Y'all Know Spiders Can Be Sacred??? @
The movie A Wrinkle in Time is an example of the powers that manipulating mankind to fear something that is just a part of balance. Emancipate Yourselves from mental slavery, A Wrinkle in Time, an interpretation of Darkness from Michael Tsarion, the electromagnetic spectrum, Yin Yang, Carl Jung and the Shadow Self, working with the Darkness is common in Shamanism, religious dogma is trapping souls, proof that Ancestors are being demonized, possible solutions, as well as choose Your Prophesy wisely & declare Your Sovereignty will be presented in this blog.
Emancipate Yourselves from Mental Slavery
"Emancipate Yourselves from mental slavery...none but ourselves can free our long shall they kill our Prophets while we stand aside and look???"
Part 1: Big Pharma Controls the Medical Industry @
Yet another method is political divide and conquer techniques which is discussed in my blog
Divide and Conquer Must End @
This is the god of the wanna be "elite", Moloch.
These are Moloch's symbols, as he is based on the cube or Saturn.
This is the quote by Hillary Clinton that was revealed in pizzagate. It says "with finger crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, i will be sacrificing a chicken in the back yard to Moloch."
A recent news article.
FBI Obtain ‘Sickening’ Hillary Clinton Child Sex Tape @
Although i really don't give a shit about politics, it seems like my Prophesies about politics are pretty good as demonstrated in my blog
My Prophecies about Vladimir Putin & Hitler & why did NBC cut part of Putin's speech??? @
I have a blog that looks at these symbols @ what's up with all of these symbols and why are masons in the Civil War??? @
My blogs that present further information on this are @
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."~ Voltaire/ "pizzagate" @
Thelema, Aleister Crowley, the Book of the Law, & Masonic Connections??? @
Rethinking the Khazar Theory or It Sure Seems Like the Talmud Pertains to Enlil @
Could the "Slinkies" Be Archons??? Could the Hexagram be the Mark of the Archonic Infection that Leads to Harming Kids in Rituals??? @
Is the Lion of Judah the Gnostic Pretender "god" Yaldabaoth??? @
I will even give this link that tells about my first vision of these kids because i am so serious about helping these poor kids
Day 14: Halloween Challenge: When the Children from Ritual Sacrifices First Came@
The wanna be controllers seem to go back to the
Annunaki's Brotherhood of the Snake @
The Lasting Battle between Enki and Enlil cites some interesting stuff that is happening today @
A Wrinkle in Time
"As Disney adapted the beloved children's book 'A Wrinkle in Time' (1962) into a major motion picture — with no less than Oprah Winfrey on the star-studded cast list — the studio cut out a great deal along the way. Bible quotes, a reference to Jesus, and even Christian historical figures all got the boot. Could the excising of God help explain why the movie is projected to struggle at the box office?
In the transition from book to movie, many aspects get left on the cutting-room floor. Even so, these omissions proved particularly egregious, partially because they involved rewriting history.
The battle between good and evil (light and darkness) forms a central theme in A Wrinkle in Time, and both book and film mention many historical figures who fought the darkness on behalf of the light. Disney seemed zealous to excise any hint of Christianity from the film, going so far as to cut even historic artists mentioned by Madeleine L'Engle, the book's author." by BY TYLER O'NEIL MARCH 8, 2018 @
In the transition from book to movie, many aspects get left on the cutting-room floor. Even so, these omissions proved particularly egregious, partially because they involved rewriting history.
The battle between good and evil (light and darkness) forms a central theme in A Wrinkle in Time, and both book and film mention many historical figures who fought the darkness on behalf of the light. Disney seemed zealous to excise any hint of Christianity from the film, going so far as to cut even historic artists mentioned by Madeleine L'Engle, the book's author." by BY TYLER O'NEIL MARCH 8, 2018 @
In the first place, those who created the bible tried to rewrite history, as arranged and presented in the given blog links. In the second place, what they are pushing is keeping Folks weak because People need to be whole & acknowledge all of themselves. If we awaken our own powers/energy we can beat them. I believe that's a great theory, and it has changed my life.
the Biggest Trick that "Satan" Ever Pulled Is Convincing the World that it's "God"? & Sacrificial Rituals with Children @
In the first place, those who created the bible tried to rewrite history, as arranged and presented in the given blog links. In the second place, what they are pushing is keeping Folks weak because People need to be whole & acknowledge all of themselves. If we awaken our own powers/energy we can beat them. I believe that's a great theory, and it has changed my life.
"They" are a Sun Cult....that is light.....all light ain't good & dark ain't bad...
"Constantine and his bishops VOTED a bunch of books as THE WORD OF GOD (325 AD). They pick & chose what they want in the bible. Then burn all other pre-Christian document that proved the religion was ficticious (391AD) In order to make the religion popular they kill everyone who don't agree with the new religion and made laws prohibiting any public talk about religion. It was illegal to disagree with the church (389 AD). But today christians running around with the bible don't know that what they are believing in was purposely planned out for them to believe by men".
This excerpt is from my blog
the Biggest Trick that "Satan" Ever Pulled Is Convincing the World that it's "God"? & Sacrificial Rituals with Children @
Monotheistic Religion is a Control Mechanism of the Annunaki @
Moses, Akenaten, and the Divisionof the Tribes of Israel @
Egyptian Amarna Period of Monotheism with Akhenaten @
The Flavian/Piso Creation of Catholism/Christianity @
are my blogs that discuss the theory of Sigmund Freud and others that Akhenaten was part of the putting out the fire hidden within Mankind.
An Interpretation of Darkness from Michael Tsarion
One interpretation of the differences between "light" and "dark" can be explained by the differences in Sun and Moon cults. The Sun cults include monotheism with the Underworld cycle was taken out, and they are masculine like the Sun. Moon cults are feminine like the moon and do feature the underground which is a place of the dead and not evil. The bible is based on the Atenist sun cult.
One example of horrors in the "light" can be found in the catholic church that went around killing and torturing so many while they were calling the "dark ones"(Pagans who believed in the dark underworld) evil. My blog looks at this in further detail. Michael Tsarion explains that the masculine Sun cults that made monotheism took away the feminine Underworld dark side and forced the masculine upper world onto people which threw their souls out of whack from lack of having soul preparation for death. It seems like MORE killing has been done in the name of light/Jesus/Sun than almost any other force.
This excerpt is from my blog
This excerpt is from my blog
The Misunderstood Dark Side @
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
This spectrum seems to explain light and darkness by frequency. This part is my theory from the way i see entities both light and dark from their vibrations.
"The electromagnetic spectrum is the collective term for all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. The 'electromagnetic spectrum' of an object has a different meaning, and is instead the characteristic distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by that particular object."Electromagnetic spectrum - Wikipedia, the free encyclo…
ADJECTIVE ~ "of or relating to the interrelation of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields."
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press · Translation by Bing Translator
Humans are only aware of a small portion of the spectrum as shown in the diagrams.
Visible Light is labeled right above the Sun. It seems like things that vibrate above this frequency is light because it vibrates higher than Us. I don't know this technical stuff but i am 100% certain that Ghosts and Other Underworld Entities vibrate lower than Us. I figured this out from the frequency. It may be wrong but it's a hella lot more logical that light is good and dark is evil.
This is from my blog
Magick is Energy, the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Light/Dark, White/Black Magick @
Yin Yang
"In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another". Next, Sun and Moon cults will be discussed.
Yin and yang - Wikipedia
Yin and yang - Wikipedia
"We are not meant to be perfect, we are meant to be whole". ~Jane Fonda~
"Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and philosopher. He is best known for his various works on psychology and is widely considered to be the Father of analytical psychology."
Wikipedia does a fine of job describing this concept. “In Jungian psychology, ‘shadow’ or ‘shadow aspect’ may refer to (1) an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself. In short, the shadow is the ‘dark side’.
Because one tends to reject or remain ignorant of the least desirable aspects of one's personality, the shadow is largely negative, or (2) the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. There are, however, positive aspects which may also remain hidden in one's shadow (especially in people with low self-esteem, anxieties, and false beliefs).[1] To know yourself, you must accept your dark side. To deal with others' dark sides, you must also know your dark side” (paras. 1 & 2,
"If you comprehend the darkness, it seizes you. It comes over you like the night with black shadows and countless shimmering stars. Silence and peace come over you if you begin to comprehend the darkness. Only he who does not comprehend the darkness fears the night." ~Carl G. Jung~
"Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but my making the darkness conscious."
~Carl Jung "The Philosophical Tree"~
Individuation inevitably raises that very possibility. As the process continues, and ‘the libido leaves the bright upper world ... sinks back into its own depths...below, in the shadows of the unconscious,’[24] so too what comes to the forefront is ‘what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow,’ with the result that ‘ego and shadow are no longer divided but are brought together in an — admittedly precarious — unity.’[25]
The impact of such ‘confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a stand-still that hampers moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective...tenebrositas, chaos, melancholia.’[26] Consequently, (as Jung knew from personal experience) ‘in this time of descent—one, three, seven years, more or less—genuine courage and strength are required,’[27] with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless, Jung remained of the opinion that while ‘no one should deny the danger of the descent ... every descent is followed by an ascent ...enantiodromia’;[28] and assimilation of—rather than possession by—the shadow becomes at last a real possibility” (paras. 13 -15,
This is an excerpt from my blog
Can One Who Has Not Done Their Shadow Work Truly Enlighten Others and Should They Charge to Help People? @
Working with the Darkness is Common In Shamanism
Wikipedia says that "White magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural or powers or magic for selfless purposes. With respect to the philosophy of left-hand path and right-hand path, white magic is the benevolent counterpart of malicious black magic. Because of its ties to traditional pagan nature worship, white magic is often also referred to as 'natural magic'."
"Black magic or dark magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes.[1] With respect to the left-hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, black magic is the malicious, left-hand counterpart of benevolent white magic. In modern times, some find that the definition of "black magic" has been convoluted by people who define magic or ritualistic practices that they disapprove of as 'black magic'.[2]"
Necromancy (/ˈnɛkrəˌmænsi, -roʊ-/[1][2]) is a supposed practice of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the deceased as a weapon, as the term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft.[3][4]"
"Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.[1]
A shaman (/ˈʃɑːmən/ SHAH-men or /ˈʃeɪmən/ SHAY-mən) is someone who is regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.[2]"
If these are correct definitions, Shamans are practicing black Magick because they are working with spirits of the dead. Also, anyone communing with their loved ones on the Other Side are doing black Magick. This does not seem malevolent to me. My blog
@ at the Left hand Path.
The sad fact of the matter is that many souls are getting trapped in the afterlife as ghosts because they have not been prepared for it. This is discussed in my blog
They are separating Us Southerners from our Ancestors, even the way they are attacking our Ancestors.
"Black magic or dark magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes.[1] With respect to the left-hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, black magic is the malicious, left-hand counterpart of benevolent white magic. In modern times, some find that the definition of "black magic" has been convoluted by people who define magic or ritualistic practices that they disapprove of as 'black magic'.[2]"
Necromancy (/ˈnɛkrəˌmænsi, -roʊ-/[1][2]) is a supposed practice of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the deceased as a weapon, as the term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft.[3][4]"
"Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.[1]
A shaman (/ˈʃɑːmən/ SHAH-men or /ˈʃeɪmən/ SHAY-mən) is someone who is regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.[2]"
If these are correct definitions, Shamans are practicing black Magick because they are working with spirits of the dead. Also, anyone communing with their loved ones on the Other Side are doing black Magick. This does not seem malevolent to me. My blog
@ at the Left hand Path.
Religious Dogma is Trapping Souls
The sad fact of the matter is that many souls are getting trapped in the afterlife as ghosts because they have not been prepared for it. This is discussed in my blog
Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings
Proof that Ancestors are Being Demonized
hmmm??? what abt the black Confederates, and the fact that blacks owned slaves too
Black Folks Practiced/Practice Slavery Too So Why Not Stop Hating Whitey??? @
Ghosties caught on film @ Gettysburg
. i was a devout, bred, bourne, & raised Mary worshipping Catholic girl
who was bourne with the "second sight", but now the demiurge would call me "satanic" or "demonic"
My Patronness, Jean d'Arc, is a prime example of what "they" do to people like me
There are false entities that mess with our minds & they fool many, but there are MANY great entities out there too. The new age and organized religions have thought form beings or Servitors that get close to us for deception. A Servitor is a thought form being that is real on astral which is Chaos Magick. The demiurge has demon and angel thought forms that serve them so that outside of the demiurgic system there is NO SATAN~~~
(empowerment for our lives). Cameron Day explains what i saw before I ever even heard of him, and this sounds like Gnostic stuff to me now that i know what Gnostic is. The link Cameron's video is
Ghosties caught on film @ Gettysburg
The Confederate Monument Removal Represents History Manipulation and Divide and Conquer Techniques @
As covered in my blog in which i found bankers reasons for the war, and masonic connections. Some of the upper level masons and central banks work together for the "NWO" which is really an Olde World Order trying to destroy Paganism.
There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA @
Because i a
m disgusted with half-ass "gurus" flooding youtube and fb i will freely tell U what my "Imaginary Friends"/the Imaginaries tell me. U don't need to pay anyone to enlighten U because it's already within U 







"We are but a product or our thoughts
What we think we become"
"sometimes you gotta fight with Your fists & sometimes you gotta fight with Your mind"
~Mike Muir~
"i am not here to make friends, i am here to make gods"
Possible Solutions
Claim Your godhood
Kundalini activation connects Us to our Higher Selves, and this is one of the most important things we can do in life. CLAIM YOUR DIVINITY for man's ability to create is what the powers that be wish to squash & as longa s we are playing any part of their game, they still have Us
Kundalinis Rising @
"The connection to the higher self is probably the most important thing that could happen in Your life."
Choose Your Prophesy Wisely & Declare Your Sovereignty
Iron Maiden has lyrics that say "predicting war for millions in hope that one appears" that should give us a clue that some predictions and prophesies may function to bring about what the wanna-be-oppressors wish will happen. For instance, World War 3.
It seems like we are free to choose which reality we wish to create on a collective level; however, i am most interested in creating a reality of my own in lieu of sharing with others. That's not entirely true because i do resonate with the Olde Souls from the Day when Folks knew that Mother Earth is alive and She is Goddess. We don't have to feed our energy to prophesies of end times, WW3, and horror is we choose not to. In fact, it's best to believe that WW3 as end times shall not occur +++ase+++
This is an excerpt from my blog
Declaring Sovereignty from the Collective Unconscious and Conscious as well as Their Thought Forms+++ @
An Alternate Prophesy
My hope lies in the Rainbow Warriors. Some Native American Prophesies that seem to fit our times will be presented in this article.
May the Rainbow Warriors Make the Earth Green Again +++ase+++ @
~Prophecies on a Circular Wing, His Crazy Horse. 1842-1877~
"They will return, they will return again. All over the Earth, they are returning again. Ancient teachings of the Earth, ancient songs of the Earth. They are returning again. My friend, they are returning, I give them to you. And through them, you will understand, you will see. They are returning again upon the Earth"...~
"When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying. A New Tribe of People shall come unto the Earth from many colors, creeds, and classes, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They shall be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow." +++ase+++
~Hopi Prophesy~
Thank You for reading my blog :)
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