Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Babalu Aye has Wednesdays

Babalu Aye seems kinda scary, but he's really cool.  Not sure why, but i think about the lepers who were forced to stay out of towns in the bible; what if those lepers represented Babalu Aye???  Pushed to the edges of society while holding the power to heal???  Anyway, i  gathered up some great quotes about Him for which i ask Him to bless All Who honor Him +++ase+++

Wikipedia tells us that "Babalú-Ayé (Obaluaye in Yoruba language) is an Orisha strongly associated with infectious disease and healing. The name Babalú-Ayé translates as 'Father, lord of the Earth'[1] and points to the authority this orisha exercises on all things earthly, including the body, wealth, and physical possessions. In West Africa, he was strongly associated with epidemics of smallpoxleprosyinfluenzaebola, and HIV/AIDS.[2] Although strongly associated with illness and disease, Babalú-Ayé is also the spirit that cures these ailments. Both feared and loved, Babalú-Ayé is sometimes referred to as the 'Wrath of the supreme god' because he punishes people for their transgressions.[3] People hold Babalú-Ayé in great respect and avoid calling his actual name, because they do not wish to invoke epidemics.[4]
His worship is widely associated with the Earth itself, and his shrines are often separated from commonly travelled areas. His ritual tools include a ritual broom for purification,[5] a covered terra-cotta vessel, and abundant cowry shells.[6] Usually considered hobbled by disease, he universally takes grains as offerings.[7]

In Latin America[edit]

Omolu, in candomblé of "Ile Ase Ijino Ilu Orossi".
In Santería, Babalú-Ayé is among the most popular orishas.[15] Syncretized with Saint Lazarus, and regarded as particularly miraculous, Babalú-Ayé is publicly honored with a pilgrimage on December 17, when tens of thousands of devoteess gather at the Church and Leprosorium of Saint Lazarus in El Rincón, in the outskirts of Santiago de Las VegasHavana. Arará communities in Cuba and its diaspora honor the spirit as Asojano.[16] Both traditions use sack cloth in rituals to evoke his humility. The spirit also appears in Palo as Pata en Llaga.
In Candomblé, Obaluaiê's face is thought to be so scarred by disease and so terrifying that he appears covered with a raffia masquerade that covers his whole body.[17] He also manifests in Umbanda and Macumba.

Relationship to other Orisha[edit]

There are several, sometimes contradictory, accounts of Babalú-Ayé's genealogical relationships to other orisha. Babalú-Ayé is often considered the son of Yemoja and the brother of Shango.[19] However, some religious lineages maintain that he is the son of Nana Burukú, while others assert that he is her husband.[20][21][22]
Some lineages of Candomblé relate myths that justify Babalú-Ayé being the child of both Yemoja and Nana Burukú. In these myths, Nana Burukú is Babalú-Ayé's true mother who abandons him to die of exposure on the beach where he is badly scarred by crabs. Yemoja discovers him there, takes him under her protection, nurses him back to health, and educates him in many secrets.[23]
Because of his knowledge of the forest and the healing power of plants, Babalú-Ayé is strongly associated with Osain, the orisha of herbs. Oba Ecun (an oriate in La Regla de Ocha) describes the two orisha as two aspects of a single being,[24] while William Bascom noted that some connect the two through their mutual close relationship with the spirits of the forest called ijimere.[25]"

Who can forget Badass Babalu by Ricky Ricardo bringing the Orishas to prime timke television

Tribes of the Sun has a nice list.

Traditional Colors: Brown and earth tones
Number: 17
Areas of Influence: Diseases, infirmities and healing, the sun
Entities associated with: St Lazarus
Symbols: Crutches
Offerings: Popcorn, roasted corn, beans, rum, tobacco
Feast Day: December 17th
Astrology: Sun
Tarot: The Sun, Six of Swords
Chakra: Solar plexus
Gemstones: Leopard skin jasper and other jaspers, snowflake obsidian, bloodstone, tanzanite
Animals: Vultures and other carrion eating birds
Entities of Similar Energy: unknown
Herbal Associations: Calendulaoatmealaloe vera"

 Yeyeo Botanica Blog did a fantastic write up, and i recommend reading the whole thing @

"Babalu Aye was punished by Olofi with all sorts of sickness & afflictions. He lost his riches & prosperity for not having good character. Babalu Aye, for not balancing his life & behaviors, lost everything!
In that same way, his trials on earth should be a lesson to us: Balance & good character are integral keys to leading successful lives.
It is through self-discipline, humility & hard work that we appreciate ourselves & everything around us.
He is also known as a protector of all animals, but especially dogs. Dogs were his only companion (besides Elegua) when he was suffering his trials & tribulations for living a disobedient life. It is for this reason, many who have to receive this orisha or if he is very close to that person, may need to have a dog with them! They must ALWAYS respect dogs & animals of all kinds, lest they incur the wrath of this loving but stern orisha.
His colors are royal purple, yellow and brown. His ritual or sacred number is 17. December 17th is a day commonly associated as his feast day, many set up shrines & altars to him to offer their thanks for his many blessings.
Burlap is sacred to him and is used in his offerings & items made for him, as well as Mariwo or Palm Fronds. At one point he was so poor & his body so ravaged by illness, he could only clothe himself in Palm Fronds as that was the only thing available to him.
Toasted Corn of all types
Toasted Corn Kernels, Popped corn (plain nothing on it)
Beans, Grains & Legumes of all kinds
Bread, Dry White Wine & Cigars
Special Oil Spell for Health & Healing
Items needed:
  • Toasted Corn
  • Saint Lazarus Oil
  • Open Road Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Life Everlasting Herb
  • Cedar Herb
  • Basil Herb
  • Chrysanthemum Flower
  • Marigold Flower
  • All Heal
  • Small Jar with Metal Lid that screws closed(Like an empty glass baby food jar, one of the larger ones)
  • Small Key-that will fit into jar
  • Saint Lazarus Candle
What to do:
Take the jar, put in the key, 17 grains of toasted corn and the herbs(about a good big "pinch" will do).
Then fill the jar with Olive Oil, Open Road Oil & Saint Lazarus Oil. Close the jar & shake it up very good so the herbs & oils are mixed well. 
Then put this jar next to the Saint Lazarus Candle. Use a little of the oil to anoint the candle. Pray for the things you need, health, healing to be free of sickness. Maybe read your favorite psalms in the bible, whatever you choose. 
Let the oil jar sit next to the candle until it finishes burning out. This oil is now blessed for use in the future. Whenever you are feeling sick, wear some of this oil or if you are having health problems, wear a little every day. You can give some to a friend or family member if you choose. 
Every once in a while, burn a Saint Lazarus Candle next to this oil to ask for continued blessings in health and to 'charge' it with healing vibrations." 

That sounds like a great idea, and i am going to make some.  I will give grain offering outside for birds, and give the dog a treat as offerings.  Babalu Aye feels very kind as long as we are righteous in character.  I had success the few times that i honored Him, but He does not come in my dreams and we don't have soul communion.  He is a face of Saturn that is not very cruel as later faces.

Thank You for reading about Babalu Aye  :) 

Another blog about Him is @

the days of week that i am using is @

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