Monday, November 6, 2017

Part 1:What An Honest & Pure Hearted "Insider" Says About the Esux or Possibly the ?Ghede?

The information in this blog is a pertinent part of my own evolving because it had a great deal to do with the choices i made and the power that i have gained in Magick.  The lady who taught me this stuff is pure and true in soul.  May she be blessed +++ase+++

The vision i had that saved me during my 9/11 exorcism was actually a dream that instructed me to do blood Magik in which none was harmed and the act was one of pure love.  

My friend had just explained Yemoja to me when i posted the Orishas pics on my fb line, and i inquired about the "Dark Man" i was chasing.  The conversation with her starts @

My story about this exorcism is @

onJune 27, 2014 at 4:27pm
 Paige Moore thank U so much !!! i always knew that U r One i can learn from & have adapted the Angel rituals U taught very well (((  much gratitude, Love, & Light  ))) btw..i know it sounds crazy, but when i called fro protection b4 an Exorcism some Vamp spirits came to U know the trutth of where they are fom??? what they channeled to me is that there are good and bad Vamps just like everything else, they are not understood, and they want to help...they also told me that White Vamps only take blood offered in pure love & do not harm & that they can sip energy from nature & people without harming

Do they use a cape? or have a skull face?

Paige Moore they are lovely and powerful & shiney with a purplish caste... but they are darkly shiny, but good,,,but they blend in better than other entities i see & some did have skull faces

maybe but not sure....Esu/Exu have legions of Souls that were once lost. They are like "Black Guardians that are protecting people from the Underworld. They do good thigs and seek light to one day overcome the underworld. They are loyal and they don't do any harm . but you must respect them at all costs. they are misunderstood for true. Not by Candomble. There are some rituals with blood "the more traditional houses of Candomble" but it's chickens blood. But it's become out of use. They are not vampires at all. 

Paige Moore  oh... i thought they are Vamps because they taught me a little blood Magik...i bet that is them !!!! thank U so much !!!! Spirit is so awesome & i see y i been being told not to channel Africans...damn bad voices still get through.... but not like b4 

They are almost alive like us. they live 1 or 2 dimensions lower than us. so they are very close to us and all the earthly problems. They are the ones you call first for everything. They live in the crossroads, they like the night but they trully seek the light (ALWAYS CALL Exus Guardians!) they are the oness you need to call first for this conquest about the child traffic, they open all paths. and always show gratitude! They save my life for countless times! In the worst times they are always there! Just call them! 

Paige Moore i shall...they have came to me & i respct & LOVE them & want to help them... i will post the pic i found like them

Always call for the Guardian Exus that seek the light...because some of them are not true...they are scam and these are not friends.. Always ask them " I now call The Guardian Esus the trully ones that seek the Light . Light candles always outside your home, never inside as they bring energy from lower dimensions (not from harm but because they work from there) they are quick and effective and if you are in danger always call them and alwas say and sho that all jobs are for the light. They don't like injustice of any kind and you you shown them how angry you are with the situatiion they seek for justice for this to stop! 

let me check a picture

This one...he is Mighty... the most of them and He's the trully one that seeks the Light he has more than 4 billion years old...all the legions respond to him! He very very serious but he is the one you can trust the most! Esu Caveira = Esu, The Skull 

Paige Moore awwww WowW!!!  i always hadda learn to fight the bad ones away from me before i met Them  he is one of the most ancient spirits of Earth...he was once alive...he was very cruel and he was "entrapped" until he regretted all of what he did. He truly regretted and asked for forgiveness but instead of going to heaven He stayed in the "underworld" and swear to protect human kind for all eternity. So he "receives" spirits that once harmed and teach them to find the path of light and forgiveness by protecting us! It's like someone do a bad thing to you and dies...and becomes your Guardian Spirit in hope for your forgiveness! 

Paige Moore i will tell the truth about him???

Because he is not bad he is just serious as he carries the world problems to resolve. Christianity does not understand him. In Yoruba religion there are actually 404 Gods. 202 from them Left side and 202 from the right side. In Brazil we only worship 16. Esu is one of them. The Gods from the Left side are tiranic and cruel so they were bannished. Only black sorcerers in deep Africa jungle use them. Don't be afraid as they are forgotten and almost no one knows their names, they are powerless. Esu is in the middle he is from the right but people see him as if he was a left tiranic God and it's not like that. In Yoruba tradition he help Oduduwa and Obatala (and Orumila) to create the World! Orumila created him and he's one of Obatala and Yemoja sons - the first one acually. He's like a rebellion Teenager as a Orisa! Esu Caveira however is like one of his many faces! THe serious one and the most protective one! 

 part 2 is here...this format won't hold all this info in one blog @

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