Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sundays Are For Orunmilla

Regretfully, i have never connected to Orunmila and know naught about Him, except that i wish to honor Him.  


"Orunmila (known as OrúnmilaOrunmiláOrúnla, or Orúla in Nigeria and Latin America) is an Orisha. He is the Orisha of wisdom, knowledge, and divination. This source of knowledge is believed to have a keen understanding of the human form and of purity, praised as being often more effective than other remedies. Orunmila is recognized as a primordial Irunmole that was present both at the beginning of Creation and then again amongst humanity as a priest that taught an advanced form of spiritual knowledge and ethics, during visits to earth in physical form or through his disciples. Orunmila is the spirit of wisdom among the Irunmole and the divinity of destiny and prophecy. He is "Ibikeji Olodumare" (second in command to Olodumare) and "eleri ipin" (witness of fate). It was also Orunmila who carried Ifá (the wisdom of Olodumare) to Earth. Priests of Ifá are known as babalawosand Priestesses of Ifá are known as Iyanifas.
Orunmila is considered a sage, recognizing that Olodumare placed Ori (intuitive knowledge) as prime Orisha. It is Ori who can intercede and affect the reality of a person much closer than any Orisha.

Priesthood and initiation[edit]

Awo in every tradition study the 256 Odu; each Odu is traditionally considered to include stories and prayers that have been passed down from the time that Orunmila walked the Earth as a prophet.
Some initiatory lineages have only male priests of Orunmila, while other lineages include female priestesses. The term "Awo" is a gender-neutral title for an initiated priest of Orunmila. The debate surrounding gender is a result of diversity in the history of Ifá in various locations. In Latin America and some areas of West Africa, only men may become full priests of Orunmila, while in other regions of West Africa the priesthood is open to women. Ifá practitioners believe in the duality in life: males exist because of the female essence and females exist because of the male essence, so every major rite or ceremony includes both genders.
Every Ifá stanza has one portion dedicated to the issue of teaching the Iwa that Ifá supports. This Iwa, which Ifá teaches transcend religious doctrine is central to every human being, and imparts communal, social and civic responsibility that Olodumare supports. Central to this is the theme of righteousness[1] and practicing good moral behavior.

Yoruba Religion

"Orunla has the accumulated knowledge of the secret things of the human being and nature, as well as knowledge on the history of the humanity. In the human plane it represents the spiritualities of all the Awó of Orunmila. He is the governing Orisha and interpreter of the Odun of Ifá Oracle. Orunmila isn't crowned as guardian Orisha and the Oracle only communicates through him. He enjoys the privilege to know the principle and origin all the things, including the Oshas and Orishas. He allows men to know their future and how to influence it. He is very related to Eshu and Osun.

Orunmila is present at the moment at which the spirit who is going to incarnate to an individual is choosing his destiny. It represents the security, the support and the consolation before the uncertainty of the life. With his aid everything is possible. Their priests should be organized, the most mystical and wisest ones. Eshu is its assistant. The priesthood of the Orisha Orula exists in the concept in which the priesthood to other Oshas and Orishas can exist with the difference of which he is exclusive for men and within these for people who do not fall in critical moment. The women can arrive until the consecration of Ikofafún and have the privilege of being listened with the more success than men; the women who are Apetebí Ayafá are the true owners of the foundation of Ifá of the priest who they attend.

Their colors are green and the yellow. Pictured as Saint Francis of Asisi (4 of October). It is greeted Orula Iboru, Orula Iboyá, Orula Ibosheshe!"

About Santeria

How Orula Became a Diviner

The divining tray
"Some patakís talk about Orula's life in heaven, and others talk about his life on earth.  In his earthly form, he's usually considered to be the brother of Eleguá, Changó and Ogún, and the son of Obatalá and Yemú (Yembó).  When Ogún disgraced himself trying to have sexual relations with his own mother, Obatalá was so furious, he ordered that all of his male children be killed. Those who were old enough to survive on their own, like Ogún and Eleguá, left home, but Eleguá, like always, kept an eye on things at Obatalá's house. When Changó was born, Eleguá knew that Obatalá would kill him if he found out the baby was male, so he scooped him up and ran to the house of his older sister, Dadá, and gave her the baby to raise.  A while later, Orula was born, and Eleguá again grabbed the baby and ran. He didn't know what to do with him, so he buried him at the foot of a Ceiba tree and took food to him every day so he wouldn't starve.  Time passed, and one day Obatalá fell gravely ill.  Eleguá knew that Changó had become a great healer, so he went to get him and take him to Obatalá, so Obatalá could be cured.  Changó worked a miracle and Obatalá was restored to health. Eleguá thought this would be a good time to ask Obatalá for a favor, so he asked his father to pardon Orula.  Obatalá agreed, and to celebrate this, Changó cut down the Ceiba tree and carved a beautiful divination tray out of the wood, and he gave the secret of divination to Orula. That's when Orula became the owner of the até (wooden divination tray) and the only Orichá who can work with the oracle of Ifá.  And that's why Orula's best friends are his brothers, Changó and Eleguá.  Orula figures prominently in many patakís.  In some he was married to Ochún, and in others he was married to Yemayá.  One story says that Yemayá learned the skills of divination (with cowrie shells) by spying on Orula from behind the door. 

Orula's Traits

Orula possesses and personifies wisdom, but he's also a powerful healer. He works with herbs and roots to cure people.  His colors are yellow and green, and his eleke (beaded necklace) is made of yellow and green beads, alternating.  Men and women who've received the mano de Orula or cofá de Orula wear a simple yellow and green beaded bracelet on the left wrist to protect them from premature death.  Orula knows the moment when everyone is destined to die, and those who wear the idé (bracelet) of Orula on the left wrist won't be carried off by mistake by Ikú (death).  Orula protects against mental illness and insanity. In the Catholic religion, he's syncretized with St. Francis of Asis, whose feast day is October 4.  On October 4, it's important for all the godchildren of a Babalawo to visit him and offer him some kind of derecho (money or gift) to honor Orula. The traditional gift is two coconuts and two candles. In the home, Osún is often kept next to Orula as a guardian.  Those who have received cofá or mano de Orula should attend to Orula in a formal way once a month, usually when the moon is new.  He receives red palm oil and honey, and we burn two candles in his honor while we whisper prayers and special requests to him.  In some lineages, Orula's day of the week is Sunday, but in other houses, every day of the week is Orula's. "

Thank You for reading about Orunmila :) Blessed Be )O( 

This blog introduces the Orishas @

This one provides my introductory information from a fabulous lady who grew up in an Orisha Religion @     and part 2 @
Orishas Days of the Week with some info from a different site is @

Blogs have been prepared for each Orisha's Day:

"Sundays are for Obatala" @

"Monday is for Eshu" @

"Tuesdays are for the Orisha Ogun" @

"Babalu Aye has Wednesdays" @

"Thursday Is for Olorun" @

"Chanogo Gets Friday" @

"Yemoja Has Saturday" @

"Friday Is for the Orisha Oya"  @

"Oshun's Day Is Saturday and We Need to Protect Our Waters for Her" @

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