Friday, November 10, 2017

Willy Teaches Us Self-Hypnosis Eastern Style

1... Laydown your body... choose the comfortable position

2.. take a breathing long. In and out. The point is relaxing. Maybe breathing 10 -15x

3.. say all my physic body part being limp/soft. Like a cotton

(dont make everything process hurry . Give some seconds before continue)

Feel it. Start from your feet..leg. stomach. Chest
.fingers. palm. Hand. Shoulder. Neck. Until head. Everything become like a cotton... and im in deep hypnotize sleeping

4.. in 3 counting ...I will more deep 1 billions x 1....2.....3..... ( let it be manifest some second..enjoy it)

5. Put the mind suggestions like what u want. U have to remember your concept.

6.. after all done.. now is time to wake up..

In 3 counting.. i will wake up so freeshhhhh
..very comfortable....
And all mind suggestions program working ..eternal..

1......2........3.......... u just waking up.

If u want to go to past life Change number 5

You see the time door.. you visualize you open that door. And u just say. I want to look my past life.. 100years ago? 500years ago?.. then u will look like a road. Walking there. Until u find your past life.

Honestly this way i never try. Usually my vision just automatic ... but this is worth to try also.. This is type of journey hypnosis. Not wish...

My sifu actually said. Hypnotize is works for many things.. Like.. im always saved from all danger situation. Or better put. Even that never comes... Or my son problem case as suddenly as weird be gone. Or finished. Or as magicaly. Money always come to me although in bad situation. And im always do good thing to gain my good karma

Whatever things. And say this works eternal.

Willy would want perfect English grammar, but i think he already typed it perfectly. This was taken from a casual conversation, and i don't even have to give it away, and neither does he. But he has compassion to help people learn, and said i can release his wise words.

Willy is an excellent musician and he is as great at Shamanic stuff as he is at playing guitar. One of my fave is Dragon Rider @

Shamanic Journey is another exce;;ent song of his @

my blog

"Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings"  has more on Willy 

Thank You for  reading my blog :) Blessed Be )O( 


  1. Awesome stuff! Thx Willy and Paige for sharing. ❤

  2. thanx loads @Skala for reading...Blessed Be )O(
