Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Papa Legba is Mercury & He LOVES His Children

Once i was a scared Catholic girl who searched churches in my town asking god to stop plaguing me with "demons" and doing what the christian church said i should do.  It doesn't matter what happened.  What matters is that Papa Legba made it all go away and changed my whole life.  I have since traced Papa Legba all the way back to Ninghizzida and the Planet Mercury.

African civilization was before Sumerian.  Eshu is the African Loa of Voudun (the Ancient African ways) Who evolves into Papa Legba of Haitian Voodoo as the captured slaves who carried Him out of Africa moved around the world.  Eshu is the keeper of the Crossroads which connect man and God's helpers, the Loa, and mankind.

 Sumerian civilization in next, and Ninghizzida was the Sumerian "god" who was Son to Enki.

Papa Legba never forgot His children, but they have let the oppressors make them forget Him.

Thoth was the Egyptian god of writing and many other things which you can look up if you want. 

 Notice the symbolism?

Hermes is the Greek god of communication and messenger between the gods and humans.

Papa Legba never forgot His children, but they have let the oppressors make them forget Him.  I cannot say about other "gods", but i am writing this for Papa Legba, and He is guiding me.

An interesting thing about the evolution of Papa Legba is that He has grown from a childe to an Olde Man.

Elegua the wise Childe.

Eshu the man in His prime.

The kind Olde Man with a straw hat and walking stick. 

If you are interested  in working with Papa Legba this video is an excellent start https://youtu.be/bKsUyv4Ysig

i highly recommend be this video for anyone that is interestedin Papa Legba <3 "Papa Legba - The Divine Messenger ( Opener of The Way )" https://youtu.be/ruUASv-6Tso

This is Papa Legba's  veve that can be used to call Him.  He is kind, but you must NEVER try to get one over on Him,and you must always remember that  He comes first and last in Voodoo ceremonies.  He like rum, cigars, toys, food, and some other things that are mentioned in the video.


  1. Hey I would love to talk about him!

  2. sure.... He's One of my Fave things in the whole world
