Saturday, June 24, 2017

Using the Third Eye, Astrals, & Dimensions

_ American Hippie Psychedelic Art ~ Peter Max. 

When i reflect upon the differences in me since i first began my “journey to enlightenment”, i think what do i wish i would have known when i began my Journey?  

"Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true" ~Advashanti~

Enlightenment is not all rosey roses.  We become able to detect the pain of our past lives, ghosties, plants, and the world around us.   It seems like a person needs to sure that they will experience this.  I propose that some people just make it to the “fake place” and stop. 

There seems to be a fake place that many souls get sorta “trapped in” that I visited on a Spiritual Journey.  This place is shiny, comfortable, and tells you that “nothing is real and you created it all”; when you look around the astral chords you have made to your friends are gone, but there is a sense of oneness.  I came back telling my Sister about the “fake place” that feels blissful but has no astral chords.  It was upsetting because my chords are important to me as they connect me to my loved Ones.  I know not what this place is, but it is worth noting in case someone else goes there.  My theory is that other people go there, but are unaware of astral chords to see if they have been isolated from their web of LOVE.  Hell, I will even say it…lol…i think this is a trap place for people who aren’t aware of the darker side of our spiritual protection.

When i see into astral it’s distorted, colors and other things are opposite, or it is clear as a bell with distortion around the edges.  After playing with my eyes, it seems like what has come to my dimension is easier to see with my eyes open, and when i look into other dimensions it is better to close my eyes.  One thing that you need to remember is that we become very uncomfortable as the soul is leaving the body.  Symptoms may include shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and a heavy chest.  Just go with the flow.  We can make a rope and use that to pull ourselves on out of the body.  Sometimes we will just morph to another place, and sometimes it's like going through a tunnel.   We can look down and see that we  are flying over landscape.

The visions that are clear and come back in full force like a memory that contains remnants of how you felt at the time the vision happened seem to be related to past life experiences, and not looking through different dimensions because there is no distortion.  Of course, we are all different, but I am curious about what else is like me.  I never did fit anywhere, and always made people feel uncomfortable.

My Goode Buddhist friend tells me to detach from the “running horse” in the mind which is fine for him, but it seems like the chatter in the mind is sometimes from Those we perceive with our third eye.   When we are around running water or even water spirit voices often come through our thoughts.  This is telepathy and spirits have no vocal chords so the voices sound like you except that they possess an energy that is separate for most.  You know the way your whole body feels when in the presence of a person, and that each person makes you feel differently?  That is the best way I can describe how to tell who is speaking to you.  The third eye makes a Gate Way for us to be in contact with our Ancestors and Guides Who may appear dark at times.  The Misunderstood Dark Side explains why many Ancestral souls are caught in the dark.  Third eye activation is accompanied by seeing into “underworlds” too.

This blog discusses possession which third eye activation also prepares us to sense and use for our benefit. “What is Possession? (Banishing, Exorcism, and Possession; Part 2)

The dangers of astrals have been explained in previous blogs or you can get protection from where you wish, but have some.  There are lots of fun things we can in astral travel and dimension hopping.  We can see our astral self in different dimensions.  It seems like we have even more than one dimension we can see as per my experience.

 An interesting new theory showed up in a group i am in. “‘A world we never imagined’ Study finds Human brain operates in ’11 different dimensions’! “ @

We can spend time with our spirit spouses or other loved ones in the astral plane and other dimensions.

We can go see places we never dreamed we would.  I did make it to the Northern Lights on a recent Journey but i still need to work on focusing after i make it to my intended place.


In electrical engineering, it is an established principle that all electrical currents moving through a wire produce surrounding electromagnetic

 “You've been out of your body at will, and if it is not a result of special training, you have an in-born capacity to journey to the astral “

My third eye has opened the door for adventure that helps me deal with the world so that i would not change anything, but I wish I knew how painful the process is.

 This is the meme for Astral Projection 07: Astral selves.


  1. If that is your wish so mote it be.
    May the universe conspires to grand every wish of yours )0( BB

  2. thanxso much <3 may U always be blessed & happy<3
