More Evidence that my theory is correct.
Lol... i dont have a computer; for now, so i am using to smart TV to add this bit of evidence. I just watched a BBC video about the rise of white male suicide in America that broke my heart. The video linked evangelism with elevating suicide rates. I propose that this is because they are praying to a false religion that is a tool of the richest men to keep Us spiritually enslaved.
Moloch The Demon-God of Israelites.
“The ancient Israelites would heat this idol of Moloch up with fire until it was glowing, then they would take their newborn babies, place them on the arms of the idol, and watch them burn to death”.
Moloch was one of the deities worshipped by the idolatrous Israelites and the primary means of worshipping him appears to be child sacrifice. What was Child Sacrfice to Moloch Really Like?
Inside the temple frenzied devotees surround the colossal seated winged god Moloch in which is a hollow bronze furnace. The great chest of the god opens for each victim and when the child is slid into the inferno the door closes and open mouth bellows flame.
“There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier.”
Moloch was the god of the Ammonites, portrayed as a bronze statue with a calf's head adorned with a royal crown and seated on a throne. His arms were extended to receive the child victims sacrificed to him. Milton wrote that Moloch was a frightening and terrible demon covered with mothers' tears and children's blood.
Rabbis claim that in the famous statue of Moloch, there were seven kinds of cabinets. The first was for flour, the second for turtle doves, the third for an ewe, the fourth for a ram, the fifth for a calf, the sixth for a beef, and the seventh for a child.
It is because of this, Moloch is associated with Mithras and his seven mysterious gates with seven chambers. When a child was sacrificed to Moloch, a fire was lit inside the statue.
The priests would then beat loudly on drums & other objects so that the cries would not be heard.
Since Times immemorial, Baal was the enemy of God, worshiped by the Israelites, because they always indulged in the sprawling temple prostitution of the Baal worship.
Child sacrifices were part of the cult. It came that so far that the Israelites forgot God´s name – and Yahweh was equated to Baal, till the God of Israel was finally called Baal (means Lord).
Edited shortened version for Facebook, read the full article on
Now, to my original blog :)
Enki and Enlil are relevant to this article because Enki is represented by the Fish or water while Enlil is the air god or hexagram in the symbolism that is exhibited in this view behind the veil.
The bible clearly states "whoa to you oh Earth and Sea for the devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows the time is short. Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number. It's number is 6 hundred and 66." The symbols that not only coincide with 666 geometrically also go to the cube of Saturn which is also known as Pandora's Box that held the troubles of the world. All i did was gather up pics of symbols that are already there.
Amazingly, the hexagram is also a symbol for Moloch/Baal who is known for receiving child sacrifices.
In my dreams i did see this star as the symbol that is used to receive ritualistic fucking and killing of children, and if you care more about making fun of me than trying to help those kids then GET THE FUCK OFF MY BLOG!!! Try feeling the pain and despair get from those kids' ghosties. These videos offers some sad information that backs up my visions "Understanding Blood Libel - Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited (2005)" @ &
"Jewish Woman Talks About Ritual Killing" @
Thus, i propose that the god of raping virgins, sending his son to suffer and die, creating a hell for people who don't mind him, agreeing with slavery, etc is what people call "satan". It seems like their own words and symbols give it away. The Lasting Battle Between Enki and Enlil has further information on this
Jesus said, "Behold, I will make them of the synagouge of satan, which say they are jews, and are not, but do lie" in Revelations 3:9.
Vexen Crabtree (2014) did some great research and created a great article that looks at "satan" from around the world and different beliefs called "Satan and The Devil in World Religions" She tells us that "most people equate Lucifer with Satan because of the mistakes of a large number of enthusiastic Christian writers, relying upon, as they were, a mistranslation and misunderstanding of a verse from the Bible. Popular poems, stories and (nowadays) the film industry, are all compelled towards continuing the association due to a lack of theological knowledge and academic fact-checking. Lucifer is not Satan".
Her article is linked at
A source in the Sect of the Horned god tell us that "10. Satan / The Devil, 1200 CE: Satan’s most notorious deeds are; refusing to worship God, tempting Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit, reproducing with humans to create a race of giants, and marshalling an army of demons to try and overthrow heaven. Ultimately his rebellion failed, and he was cast into a bottomless pit for punishment. Images of Satan as a horned devil do not appear until the 12th century where medieval artists began to depict him with more bestial features. This may be due to the Christian nation studying other heretical religions such as Greek, Norse and Celtic paganism. All these cultures had an ‘amorous’ deity as it’s godhead (e.g. Cernunnos, Shiva and Freyr) who practiced a hedonistic lifestyle, unbefitting to Christian values. As such, the horned god may have been adapted into the images of Satan based on his own indiscretions of fornicating with humans, and challenging the legitimacy of the ‘one and only god’"
Weird how "satan" just pops up later to be associated with Lucifer. Baphomet is a monotheistic deity so even these folks seem to be a little confused, or rather oppressor infiltration is huge.
"The combination of horned gods, one Celtic (Cernunnos), one classical (Pan), produced a very powerful deity around which the 'pagani' rallied. Indeed, so powerful was this god that the Christian priests cast him as the prototype of the Devil . . . "
-- Georg Luck, from Arcana Mundi
"Satan is not a spirit of destruction. There is no essential evil in the universe. Our present form of the devil is merely derived from the Greek nature god Pan.
As Goethe says, Mephistopheles, or Satan, “is part of the power that
still works for good while ever scheming ill.” Satan is really karma,
but he is more than that. He is the temptation from which arises
strength. When the Mysteries were celebrated in ancient Egypt, there was
an evil spirit called Typhon or Set who brought about the death of the
good Osiris. It is the red Set that has given us our concept of the
devil; but Set was nothing but the material world, the ground of man’s
temptation, and also the environment in which he gains immortality
through self-discipline. Therefore, Set, or Satan is divine opportunity;
the world into which we come in ignorance but from which we depart in
~ Manly Palmer Hall
May we take a moment to pause and consider the types who claim to be men of "god"?~ Manly Palmer Hall
Suicidal Tendencies has some lyrics that are awesome.
"I was in meditation and prayer last night
I was awakened by a shining bright light
Overhead a glorious spirit, he gave me a message and you all need to hear it'Send me your money," that's what he said
He said to 'Send me your money'...
Here comes another con hiding behind a collar
His only God is the almighty dollar
He ain't no prophet, he ain't no healer
He's just a two bit goddamn money stealer
Send me your money" @
The bible book also calls Jesus and Lucifer the "bright morning star" which is strange when we consider the symbolism associated with Jesus and an earlier incarnation of Lucifer known as Ea/Enki. The fish also represents the Picean Age, but i feel sure that it is a double symbol. "Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God" @
It is true that the Vatican seems to hold Lucifer in reverence, and the "Vatican" put the bible together for Constantine with the Nicene Council.
"Constantine and his bishops VOTED a bunch of books as THE WORD OF GOD (325 AD). They pick & chose what they want in the bible. Then burn all other pre-Christian document that proved the religion was ficticious (391AD) In order to make the religion popular they kill everyone who don't agree with the new religion and made laws prohibiting any public talk about religion. It was illegal to disagree with the church (389 AD). But today christians running around with the bible don't know that what they are believing in was purposely planned out for them to believe by men".
I have read that the bible made by the Catholics did not change until King James commissioned an interpretation of the book compiled by the Vatican in the early 1600s. It is quite simple to recall the history of the Vatican (Crusades, Witch burnings, Inquisition, conquest of South America, etc.) and realize there weren't many changes to their book.
Further similarities between Jesus and Lucifer as Enki can be found. Jesus says "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father" I am not the only one who attributes our kundalini that allows us achieve "godhood" to Enki's team.
We are far more powerful than we realize. The oppressors have spent thousands upon thousands of years convincing us that we need them when it is them that need us. They are nothing but parasites who fear the day we realize we are our own saviours. Jesus ain't stingy with power, and He would not mind some help +++ase+++
In astrology, the ruling Planets of Jesus and Lucifer is Venus. The ruling Planet of "satan" is Saturn.
Because i am against an apocalypse in which are harmed, i am working to bring about an apocalypse in which the veil that religion has put upon mankind disintegrates +++ase+++
'The word 'apocalypse' comes from the Greek word apocalupsis which means “revealing, disclosure, to take off the cover.”
Those who wish to oppress mankind seem to be descendants of a Pharaonic bloodline that is managed by Masons and other secret societies going back to the Brotherhood of the Snake which is presented @
Annunaki's Brotherhood of the Snake @
The Lasting Battle between Enki and Enlil @
blogs that discuss monotheism
Monotheistic Religion is a Control Mechanism of the Annunaki @
Moses, Akenaten, and the Divisionof the Tribes of Israel @
Egyptian Amarna Period of Monotheism with Akhenaten @
The Flavian/Piso Creation of Catholism/Christianity @
the Biggest Trick that "Satan" Ever Pulled Is Convincing the World that it's "God"? & Sacrificial Rituals with Children @
what's up with all of these symbols and why are masons in the Civil War??? @
Thelema, Aleister Crowley, the Book of the Law, & Masonic Connections??? @
My blog that presents further information on this & has links to dastardly deeds done by Israel is,
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."~ Voltaire/ "pizzagate" @
Day 14: Halloween Challenge: When the Children from Ritual Sacrifices First Came @
tells about my visions of the poor Kids used in rituals'
My blog
what's up with all of these symbols and why are masons in the Civil War??? @
looks at some symbolism. We all know that the upside down star is related to satanism. The eagle sigul is associated with the tribe of Enlil. My blogThe Lasting Battle between Enki and Enlil @ looks deeper into this subject.
A great video is
The Battle for Earth & Your Soul - Enki vs Enlil - Eagle vs Serpent - History
Altered @
I also know that peace can be found within myself and on the astral plane with my beloved Eguns.
The way out is back in
look within Yourselves for the key.
The way out is back in

Kundalinis Rising @
has a summary and some great cites to help those interested in beginning to awaken the Power that is the kundalini within us all.
Divide and Conquer Must End is a good blog that shows how these "oppressors" try to control Us by ptting Us against each other @
Thank You for reading my blog :) Blessed be )O(
Quite apocalyptic thank you very much.