YES!!! i am the first to admit that i circle back around to things that obsess me, but on this subject it may be partly because i see sooo many posts slamming on and hating the alt right. NO!!! i don't believe that that any race is superior to any other, but that white Folks have a right to preserve their race and that those who wish to separate can. It wasn't my white children bullying some black kids but visa versa. There is a real problem with racist Folks in ALL colors, and i am sick of seeing whites demonized. I do believe that the banker shadow government which serves Israel runs this country and that all politics are just their arms. BUT why da fuck is it so popular to slam and hate the alt right ??? why is it sooo popular to slam Dr. David Duke???
I already know that he's getting close to finding out what goes on, and only his religion holds him back. For this, i cannot blame him as he's a goode Christian man. My first blog inspired by Papa Legba was brought on by David Duke's knowledge dropping
The seriousness of attack against the Alt Right makes me think that there more to it than controlled opposition; in fact, i think that the actual Folks of the Alt Right are a real threat to the "establishment" ... shit, fuck, damn....i consider myself an Anarchist

What Are the Possible Ramifications of Me Seeing Any Sense in Politics???
Idk, but i think about the fact that i used to believe the Civil War was about slavery, and that Hitler killed 6 million Jews too. That was until i got this weird feeling like i have now, did some research, talked to some ghosties, and (in the case of the Jews) not enough ghosties.
whose in the Alt Right??? idk, but Dr David Duke says "Unite the right" & he speaks out against atrocities in Israel & other things that are connected to the "powers that be" which go all the way back to the Brotherhood of the Snake.
What Do Ralph Ellis & David Icke Say About Wikipedia???
Ralph Ellis
Unslaved Podcast - Islam: The Danger (with Ralph Ellis).
Streamed live on Feb 25, 2018 @
Streamed live on Feb 25, 2018 @
David Icke
I am just gonna copy & paste this from Mr. Icke, and inform Y'all that tehse are not my words. 'In the latest assault on the freedom to think for yourself, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has announced that YouTube will begin “correcting” controversial videos with “facts” from Wikipedia, an utterly discredited disinfo propaganda website run by pharma trolls who routinely demonize holistic medicine.
“Jimmy Wales and his army of liberal trolls will determine what’s truth and anything which goes too far in countering the narrative will be banned or censored,” warns Information Liberation. Wales, of course, is the former porn king who launched Wikipedia as a thought control “Ministry of Truth” to push big pharma quack science and pro-Monsanto propaganda.
Now, YouTube CEO Wojcicki believes that video content creators who dare mention “conspiracy” topics such as mercury in vaccines, chemtrails or the globalist depopulation agenda must be “corrected” with Wikipedia propaganda. The thought police are hard at work at YouTube, banning or censoring all the videos they don’t want you to see.
The new Wikipedia “corrections” will begin appearing on YouTube videos in the next two weeks, Wojcicki said in a SXSW speech. Notice her doublespeak as she explains how this is going to work:
“When there are videos that are focused around something that’s a conspiracy — and we’re using a list of well-known internet conspiracies from Wikipedia — then we will show a companion unit of information from Wikipedia showing that here is information about the event…”
“When there are videos that are focused around something that’s a conspiracy — and we’re using a list of well-known internet conspiracies from Wikipedia — then we will show a companion unit of information from Wikipedia showing that here is information about the event…”
“Companion” unit of information? What she means is that the YouTube thought police will “correct” the video to make sure the techno-dictatorship properly indoctrinates the minds of viewers with the official (false) narrative on everything. No independent thinking will be allowed on any subject that matters — climate change, the federal reserve, vaccines or science — without being intercepted and “corrected” by YouTube’s thought control monitors.
Yes, George Orwell’s 1984 has arrived, and it’s called “YouTube.”'
What Does Wikipedia Say About Dr. David Duke???
"David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American white supremacist and white nationalist politician, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, convicted felon, and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
A former Republican Louisiana State Representative, Duke was a candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988 and the Republican presidential primaries in 1992. Duke also ran unsuccessfully for the Louisiana State Senate, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, and for Governor of Louisiana.
In 2002, Duke pled guilty to felony fraud. Specifically, he defrauded his political supporters by claiming to claiming to be in dire financial straits, and asking them for money to help him pay for basic necessities. At the time, Duke was financially secure, and used his supporters' money for recreational gambling.[4]
Duke speaks against what he describes as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. federal government, and the media. Duke supports the preservation of what he considers to be Western culture and traditionalist Christian family values, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, anti-communism, and white separatism.[5][6][7].
Duke launched unsuccessful campaigns for the U.S. Senate in 1990 and governor in 1991. Villere did not again seek office but instead concentrated his political activity within the Republican organization.[38]
[Duke's] new message was that he had left the Klan, shed the Nazi uniform he had proudly worn in many previous appearances, and only wanted to serve the people. He eliminated his high-octane anti-Semitic rhetoric. He was particularly concerned with the plight of 'European-Americans.' He never blatantly spoke of race as a factor but referred to the 'growing underclass.' He used the tried and true demagoguery of class envy to sell his message: excessive taxpayers' money spent on welfare, school busing practices, affirmative action... and set-aside programs. He also embraced a subject near and dear to every Jefferson Parish voter, protection of the homestead exemption.[37]
1990 campaign for U.S. Senate
Main article: United States Senate election in Louisiana, 1990
Duke has often criticized federal policies that he believes discriminate against white people in favor of racial minorities. To that end he formed the controversial group the National Association for the Advancement of White People, a play on the African American civil rights group, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.[39]
Though Duke had first hesitated about entering the Senate race, he made his announcement of candidacy for the nonpartisan blanket primary held on October 6, 1990. Duke was the only Republican in competition against three Democrats, including incumbent U.S. Senator J. Bennett Johnston, Jr., of Shreveport,[40] whom Duke derided as "J. Benedict Johnston".[41]
1990 campaign for U.S. Senate
Main article: United States Senate election in Louisiana, 1990
Duke has often criticized federal policies that he believes discriminate against white people in favor of racial minorities. To that end he formed the controversial group the National Association for the Advancement of White People, a play on the African American civil rights group, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.[39]
Though Duke had first hesitated about entering the Senate race, he made his announcement of candidacy for the nonpartisan blanket primary held on October 6, 1990. Duke was the only Republican in competition against three Democrats, including incumbent U.S. Senator J. Bennett Johnston, Jr., of Shreveport,[40] whom Duke derided as "J. Benedict Johnston".[41]
What Do I Have to Express About Wiki's Claims on Dr. Duke???
My arguments were researched for my Divide and Conquer blog so i will put it here for reader convenience. The debate between Alex Jones and David Duke on the 18th of August, 2015 helped bring this plea to fruition. In the debate David Duke repeatedly named the oppressors of mankind only to be rebutted by a flailing Alex Jones. The core of Duke’s belief is that a Zionist-Jewish conspiracy systematically controls all other races, and after much research, it seems that he is correct. David repeatedly tells Alex that he is not a white supremist but that because he believes all races have a right to preserve their heritage. Mr. Duke also explains that all heritages and races have been decimated by the Zionist Jews. World-class scholar and historian, Michael Tsarion, agrees with David about the World Wars being orchestrated as ways to kill out some prime white European genes and the genetics of other peoples whose lives were wasted in the wars (ConspiracyScope, 2015). Michael Tsarion has the decimation of people’s by the “ruling class” traced back through the ages to Atlantis, but he does not specifically name Jews except in his research of monotheism and its roots to the Sun Cult, Atenism.
Comprehension of David Duke seems to be an important part of this analysis because he is vehemently referred to as the former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Information about Duke is gathered in an article by Woolf who states that Duke has been driven to believe in Jewish racism since he was 14, and that he was a neo-Nazi on his Louisiana college campus during the 1960’s civil rights movements (Woolf, 2013). Duke founded the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK) in 1967, after he graduated from LSU (Woolf, 2013). Since David was conscious of the negative image the Klan projected, he attempted to modernize by discouraging violence and discarding the robes and hoods as well as discouraging violence (Woolf, 2013). David Duke was not the Grand Wizard of the entire KKK; however, he was the Grand Wizard of the branch he founded called the KKKK in an attempt to recalibrate the KKK ideas. Never-the-less, Duke admitted to Woolf that “I’m a human being, I made mistakes,” and that his history with the Klan “is a storm in a teacup, something the media only brings up to discredit my current criticism of international Zionism” (Woolf, 2013). When Woolf asked David how he views himself, he replied “I call myself a human rights activist,” (Woolf, 2013, para.33).
Duke's Arrest for Denying the Holocaust in Europe... There are places in Europe where people may face legal ramification for doing so little as denying that the Holocaust of Jews in Germany by Adolf Hitler. As I was researching for this article, one source reveals that Duke was detained in and expelled from the Czech Republic in 2009 “on suspicion of denying the holocaust, a crime in many European countries, including Germany” (Rudolf, 2011, para.4). David was arrested in Germany due to his expulsion from The Czech Republic and told that he “was not entitled to stay in Germany” due to a travel ban in an unspecified European country (Rudolf, 2011, para.4). The reason that this arrest is so interesting is not which person was arrested but that anyone was arrested at all for simply denying the holocaust. It seems like this is remnants of the Inquisition in that people met repercussions for not doing as those in power wished simply because those in power have an agenda. There are other great scholars in the holohoax field who have witnessed legal trouble just for denying the holocaust. Some more interesting points that my past studies have revealed are that a holocaust is actually a jewish burnt offering and that Hitler asked for peace with England which England refused because zions offered to get America involved in the war for the land that Israel was established on. Some facts gathered about the holocaust may demonstrate that it was greatly exaggerated by the victors in WW II.
We learned about the welfare dilemma in criminal justice college which is cited in my blog
The Welfare Dilemma is Breeding Ignorance in America or Maybe the Black Man Needs to Take Care of His Own & Stop Blaming Whitey for Everything??? @
The IRS was established after banker agents infiltrated the USA and instigated the Civil War as discussed in my blog
There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA @
Holocaust Revisionism @
Where Are the Bodies??? & Some Alarming Churchill Quotes Concerning WW2 @
Did Nazis Really Hate Black Folks??? @
Are my blogs on the holohoax.
The Health Ranger ~ Mike Adams ~ Whose Youtube Channel Was Deleted Says Neo Nazis Aren't the Enemies of Blacks @
is a blog inspired by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, that tells Us that "we are all being targeted, but it seems they wanna get rid of black people first. Why doesn't black lives matter target these things??? Your enemy is not even the Nazis and white supremacists; it's the scientist, the pharmacology and vaccine companies, and the abortion providers." Just WwowWzers!!! Then he said that we all need to come together and stop the common "enemy" and stressed that violence will not work because they are ready if we get violent.
The video begins with some news clips that say things that will be paraphrased. For every child born in some black communities 3 more die in abortion which is double the rate among whites. Some say abortion is the number 1 killer in the black community, blacks aren't replacing themselves which is genocide. All i have to say about that is that there seems to be good reasons for white Folks to remain the majority in ruling America because no one is making those women get abortions, and it's worse when we consider the population demographics in America. Sometimes Folks just need to admit that they are their own worst enemy and stop hating a group just because the media tells them to.
"This is the media, an irresponsible media. It will make the criminal look like he is the victim, and the victim look like he is the criminal. If you aren't careful, the media will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. This is a sort of propaganda tactic that I would call psychological warfare."
Dr. Duke has discussed the "white genocide" happening in Europe as has
"There’s an important lesson we can learn from Sweden, the most liberal country when it comes to refugees, and one Swedish police detective is going to teach us.
'Here we go; this is what I’ve handled from Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, rape again, extortion again, and ill-treatment,' the police detective said. 'Suspected perpetrators: Ali Mohammed, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher… what is it true? Yes, a Swedish name snuck in on the edges of a drug crime. Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again,' as per Breitbart."
'Here we go; this is what I’ve handled from Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, rape again, extortion again, and ill-treatment,' the police detective said. 'Suspected perpetrators: Ali Mohammed, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher… what is it true? Yes, a Swedish name snuck in on the edges of a drug crime. Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again,' as per Breitbart."
Ken O'Keefe on The Greater Israel Project @
David Duke Sends Message to President Trump
and AG Sessions @ is a heartfelt speech by Dr. Duke.
His interview with Alex Jones is both fascinating and liberating @
I am going to learn more about "Unite the Right", but my mind is not made up. It all depends on whether or not they support Israel.
By 3/16/2018 i can plainly see that many Folks on teh right are pretty confused themselves so i am sticking with Anarchy.
By 3/16/2018 i can plainly see that many Folks on teh right are pretty confused themselves so i am sticking with Anarchy.
Other Blogs on this Subject
Free Your Mind from the System with Yin Yang & an Example of How the Media Weakens Us with A Wrinkle in Time @
It Seems Like Fort Sumtner was Just Another American False Flag @
The Confederate Monument Removal Represents History Manipulation and Divide and Conquer Techniques @
The Real Reason for the Civil War {War Between the States} & Besides Slavery is a Biblical Concept @
what's up with all of these symbols and why are masons in the Civil War??? @
What Did President Licoln Say, the Morrill Tariif Act, & Masonic Connections??? @
Seccession Is Not Illegal, North Fired First Shots in the Battle of Penscola, History Changing Example @
Just Wait a Minute and Leave the Monuments for the Dead Alone and Look at Trump Making NWO With Saudi @
this Anarchist wonders why the KKK doesn't have freedom of speech??? @
ending cycles of hatred~~~ Rebels Shouldn't Do What They Accuse Y'all Of @
Hateful Rebels Are Pawns in the Divide and Conquer Strategy @
Black Folks Practiced/Practice Slavery Too So Why Not Stop Hating Whitey??? @
what's up with all of these symbols and why are masons in the Civil War??? @
traces symbols back to the Brotherhood of the Snake which is presented @Annunaki's Brotherhood of the Snake @
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."~ Voltaire/ "pizzagate" @
Thelema, Aleister Crowley, the Book of the Law, & Masonic Connections??? @
Rethinking the Khazar Theory or It Sure Seems Like the Talmud Pertains to Enlil @
Is the Lion of Judah the Gnostic Pretender "god" Yaldabaoth??? @
I STRESS that only the highest upper levels of these institutions work together while most lower levels are INNOCENT of malignancy.
Thank You for reading my blog :)
Rudolf, John. (29 Nov, 2011). David Duke Arrested In Germany, Ex-Klan Leader Faces Deportation.
Huff Post: Crime. Retrieved from
Huff Post: Crime. Retrieved from
Woolf, Nicky. (31 Dec, 2013). David Duke: the former Ku Klux Klan leader at the centre of Scalise scandal. U.S.
News. Retrieved from
News. Retrieved from