Monday, October 23, 2017

Day 23: 9/11 Exorcism

Paige  did a spirit guided exorcism on the 9/11 "demons" that brought drastic changes to her religious beliefs.  The ritual was to take the whole month of October and be completed late on Halloween.  At this time, barb was guiding paige, and she told her to get copies of the "demon" , as well victims pictures from the computer.  Quartz crystals were used along with the Sun and Moon to feed the pictures of the willing victims and firefighters to help in the final attack on Halloween.  The demon pictures were sealed away in the dark with salt and obsidian to absorb the negative energy.

At the beginning of the month paige had 100% faith in the Catholic Trinity and Angels to get her through this exorcism.  She also believed that Muslims were responsible, and those were Muslim demons that Jesus could easily defeat.  The first couple of days of the month were okay, but lethargy overtook her.  She was under a severe psychic attack that was draining her down.

"I'll feel better tomorrow," she would tell herself.  "If i burn some candles for the angels it will help me".  "Blood of Jesus give me strength".  "Get behind me satan."  None of these phrases or her Catholic prayers helped her.  Exhausted, paige finally made a plea to her Ancestors.

A vision was received that delivered a solution which worked, and it was Vampiric Magick that saved her ass.  Time seemed to move so slow as she searched for the Dark Man who helped her.  The Universe does Conspire so that when paige learned He was Eshu she built Him an altar without really knowing anything about Him except that He made her feel safe.

So the fool hearty attempt to take on forces she did not really understand ended up teaching her that there are Forces in the world that are stronger and more pure than those given by monotheism.  An exorcism that was failing under monotheistic measures seemed to succeed with the African Orishas.  Most especially Eshu Who evolved to Papa Legba in the Haiti and New Orleans.  She ended the month chasing after the African Pantheon, never to return.  The only people who don't know 9/11 was an inside job don't want to know.  The Orsihas cannot or will not hold the humans hands.  They have to want Freedom.  Freedom is within ourselves anyway.

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