Sunday, October 15, 2017

Day 15: The Army of the Dead and the Voodoo Priest

One day when paige was reliving her favorite movie series, the first Lord of the Rings trilogy, she was inspired to build her own Army of the Dead.  So, she made a call for all Souls who were willing to help her with the victims of the sacrificial rituals.  Spirits can do beneficial tasks such as finding and cursing bad people, comforting the souls of the  children, whispering things in the ears of the living to affect action, and protecting her from counter attack.

Many African souls gathered around paige so that she felt an even higher degree of safety than she had before They came.  The Army of Souls seethed with the great power of anger and hatred so that They seemed very scary to anyone who did not comprehend why They were so angry.  These souls were trapped in the Underworld due to anger caused by injustice wrought against them in the slave trade.  Paige did not even know what the word Eguns meant at the time, but she  was grateful for the army of spirit helpers whom were with her.  She could see a Golden Light coming into her crown chakra and beaming out her heart chakra, but she did not even know what that means.

Even if it was her own fantasy in her own mind, it was a goode one.  She would see the vast army African souls Who emitted a strong pulsing black energy that was 100% different than the sucking in energy of those she had come to think of as astral Vampires.  Sometimes she could see the souls attacking the pedo "demons", and it was a beautiful sight for her third eye.  The clash of blacknesses that were alike yet different was an amazing and heart warming site to her gentle heart that ached for the children she was throwing hexes for.  Soon, she was to find out that maybe what she saw was more real than she could ever hope.

Then after a short while passed, paige met an initiated Priest of Papa Legba from the Voodoo religion.  It was strange because Papa Legba told paige that He was sending someone to help her.  Then boom, there was a message from one of Legba's own Priest who affirmed that He was sent by Legba to teach her.  

Paige took every word he said to heart and did her best to learn, but one day he messaged her that he was blocking her because she shared the Alex Jones and David Duke interview on her facebook wall.  This is when Papa Legba gave paige her first writing assignment.  She was to design this article and go to the Priest on her other  fb page to give it to him.

"Divide and Conquer Must End" @

Before she could finish the article, the Priest had unblocked her.  "Call Your People off.  I will teach You.  My wife has a headache that will not go away" he pleaded with paige.

Paige replied, "i have not done anything to seek revenge against You.  I harbor no ill will."

"That doesn't matter" he said, "I was supposed to teach You and i blocked You, instead."

"I am sorry, Sir, i don't know how it happened," paige replied.  "Since Papa Legba controls the Gates, how could anyone attack You unless He allowed it?"

"It's Your Eguns," he explained.

"What are Eguns," she inquired.

"They are the Spirits of the dead who stay with you and help you, and They are attacking my wife," he admitted to her.

"Oh no.  I promise that i did not ask anyone to hurt You.  Okay, i will call Them off.  May Papa Legba bless You and Your wife and close all Gates from my Eguns so that no harm will come to You or Your Family, ase."

"Thank you," he said "You do not realize Your own power.  I will teach You how to use it."

"Okay," replied paige, "thank You.  I do have an article from Papa Legba that i am working on that i will have for You soon.  Blessed Be )O(."

Once  she finished her article Papa Legba told her that He had simply used the Priest to demonstrate to paige the true power of her Eguns, and Papa's connection to her.  Legba told paige to give the Priest the article, thank Him, and explain that she did not need a teacher because Papa Legba teaches her Himself, and block him.  That is what she did.

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