Yay...Friday is for Chango, and He is One of my Astral Papa's so i am feeling happy to speak of Him in my honor the Orisha of the day blogs. The way He is with me is one of the reasons that i feel the Orishas should be talked about. Monotheism has called Voodoo evil, but it is a beautiful Nature based religion that is way older than most other religions. I have had great success in all spells in which i petition Chango. He is another One that we don't disrespect in anyway or ask for unjustly silly things, but for Justice True He is awesome sauce.
Actually, the message i have to relate is sexual in nature so i will write 2 blogs for Papa Chango out of respect for those who are sensitive about sex. This is @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/11/papa-chango-women-sex-magick_10.html
How Did I Know to Work with Chango???
I was working on a hexe for Justice at the time i had a doctor's appointment, and it had never occurred to me to call Chango, as i was waiting for Papa Legba to decide Who i should work with. Suddenly my ears filled with drumming and i heard "Chango" over and over echoing in my brain as in this chant i really love for it's drumming @ https://youtu.be/fWeDev0QWLc
Since stories and traditions regionally i gathered up some great quotes about Chango from different sources that will be presented in this blog.
what do other sources say about Chango???
God Checker says that Chango is "Good/Evil Rating : GOOD, quite approachable
He was long ago elevated to the ORISHAS after a glorious career as fourth King and warrior hero of the Yoruba. Now he bangs the drum for his people and plays rolling rhythms on his storm clouds.
When thunder is heard, you should salute him by crying ‘Cabio Sile Shango’, or words to that effect (Saunders & Allen, 2017).
Tribes of the Sun reports has a really detailed chart "also spelled: Shango
Traditional Colors: Red and white and gold
Number: 4 (or 6)
Areas of Influence: Life, Virility, Justice, Protection, Magick, The Element of Fire, Lightning and Thunder, Drumming
Entities associated with: St. Barbara
Symbols: Double headed axe, thunderstones, drums, lightning bolts, necklace made of alternating red and white beads, red and white stripes
Offerings: Alcohol, chili peppers, hot/spicy foods, tamales, corn bread, okra, tobacco
Feast Day: December 4th
Astrology: Leo, the planet Mars
Tarot: The King (or Knight in Thoth deck) of wands, the Prince of Wands
Chakra: Sacral chakra
Gemstones: Fire opals, carnelian, gold, diamonds
Animals: Cats, both large and small, Cardinals, Golden Tamarin Monkeys, Red Siamese fighting fish, Turtles
Entities of Similar Energy: Mars, Thor and Other War Gods
Plants associated with: Hibiscus, marijuana, chili peppers, sassafras, china berry and red oak trees" (Tribes of the Sun, 2016).
Chango's Characteristics
The Cuban Traditions Site tells us that "Changó (Saint Barbara) is the orisha of fire, lightening and thunders, wars, dances, music and masculine beauty.
He represents the largest number of human virtues and imperfections: good worker, brave, good friend, but also liar, womanizer, arrogant, and gambler. Thank to a secret resource Osain, the god of plants, prepared for him, he could throw fire by his mouth to defeat his enemies. So many stories are told about him that all of them could make a whole book. He wears a loose shirt and short pants under his knees, all white with red ribbons.
In his necklace alternate both colours. His number is six (Obbara). Friday is his day and the 4th day of every month. His specific day is December 4th. He is the patron of the warriors and the storms. He is considered the owner of all women, because he had love affairs with all the orishas, who were mad about him" (The Cuban Traditions Site, 2011, paras. 1-3).
History of Chango's Human Life
Wikipedia says that "Shango (Yoruba language: Ṣàngó, also known as Changó or Xangô in Latin America; and also known as Jakuta) (from '=shan, 'to strike') is an Orisha. He is syncretized with either Saint Barbara or Saint Jerome. Historically, Shango is a royal ancestor of the Yorubaas he was the third Alafin (king) of the Oyo Kingdom prior to his posthumous deification. Shango has numerous manifestations including Airá, Agodo, Afonja, Aganju, Lubé, and Obomin.[1][2] He is considered as one of the most powerful rulers in yoruba land. Also known for his anger.
Historical figure[edit]
Jakuta was the third Alafin of Oyo, following Oranmiyan and Ajaka.[2] Jakuta brought prosperity to the Oyo Empire.[3] According to Professor Mason's Mythological Account of Heroes and Kings, unlike his peaceful brother Ajaka, Jakuta (meaning: someone who fought with stones) was a powerful and violent ruler. He reigned for seven years which were marked by his continuous campaigns and many battles. His reign ended due his inadvertent destruction of his palace by lightning. He had three wives, namely Oshun, Oba, and Oya. The Oyo Empire declined in the 19th century which led to the enslavement of Fulani and Fon people. Among them were many followers of Ṣàngó, and worship of the deity thrived in the New World. Strong devotion to Ṣàngó led to Yoruba religions in Trinidad and Recife, Brazil to be named after the god.[4]
In Yorubaland, Sango is worshiped on the fifth day of the week in which is named Ojo Jakuta. Ritual worship foods include guguru, bitter cola, àmàlà, and gbegiri soup. Also, it is worshiped with Bata drum. One significant thing about this deity is that it is worshiped using red clothing, just as he is said to have admired red attire during his lifetime.[5]"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shango#Veneration_of_Sango
Jakuta was the third Alafin of Oyo, following Oranmiyan and Ajaka.[2] Jakuta brought prosperity to the Oyo Empire.[3] According to Professor Mason's Mythological Account of Heroes and Kings, unlike his peaceful brother Ajaka, Jakuta (meaning: someone who fought with stones) was a powerful and violent ruler. He reigned for seven years which were marked by his continuous campaigns and many battles. His reign ended due his inadvertent destruction of his palace by lightning. He had three wives, namely Oshun, Oba, and Oya. The Oyo Empire declined in the 19th century which led to the enslavement of Fulani and Fon people. Among them were many followers of Ṣàngó, and worship of the deity thrived in the New World. Strong devotion to Ṣàngó led to Yoruba religions in Trinidad and Recife, Brazil to be named after the god.[4]
In Yorubaland, Sango is worshiped on the fifth day of the week in which is named Ojo Jakuta. Ritual worship foods include guguru, bitter cola, àmàlà, and gbegiri soup. Also, it is worshiped with Bata drum. One significant thing about this deity is that it is worshiped using red clothing, just as he is said to have admired red attire during his lifetime.[5]"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shango#Veneration_of_Sango
Traits of Chango's Children
"Chango’s children are firey, high-energy people. They are charismatic, sexual, strong and bold. They love to be the center of attention. By their nature, they are risk takers and gamblers. His children also have bad tempers and are quick to anger. They are ferocious parents and will protect their children with their lives. Respect and honesty are important to these folks. It may seem like a contradiction, but children of Chango are some of the most honorable people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.
His children will be very popular with the opposite sex and may have multiple children from different people. The children of Chango are attracted to jobs like firefighting, police officers and the military. They are also plenty of musicians and strippers that belong to Chango. Even when they get older, these folks don’t usually lead normal lives" (Tribe of the Sun, 2016, paras. 7 & 8).
Chango is An Enemy of Evil
"One cannot help but notice the correspondences between Chango and the greek and roman dieties named Zeus and Jupiter. All were kings and all were owners of the thunderbolts. Mightiest of the gods! Such is the power of Chango. He is the enemy of evil, and woe unto those who do harm to his children! Chango is a very righteous Orisha and loves to do his part in righting wrongs. He is there to see that "what goes around comes around". Chango was literally a king in Africa, whose spirit after death was elevated to the level of an Orisha. While alive on earth, he showed no mercy to his enemies and his fame spread all over much of Africa, where even the Bantus of the Congo area came to honor him. There he was called Nsasi. The Araras of neighboring Dahomey called him Jevioso and Jakuta, which means the Thrower of the thunderstones. His popularity did not stop in Africa. In the New World, devotion to this great Orisha is increasing every day, as those unfamiliar with these Mysteries hear of the glorious exploits of our Beloved CHANGO" (Angel Fire, n.d., para.1).
Interesting that it looks like Chango and none was harmed in this volcano.
There is only one professional Witch that i feel comfortable recommending, and i am enclosing a link to her awesome store as well as reading business. Miss Kathie is experienced at working with Chango for those who prefer professional help. She can also do readings and help with Spiritual problems @ https://spiritualsuppliesandcandles.myshopify.com/?fbclid=IwAR3XkgVmBkbjJITDCn4dfuXwaVUpcMpfNJXl7Fhqmhv-2N_kxWvUuAl9DKI
This is an awesome facebook group for Folks interested in learning more abbout Magick in a safe environment @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/788666007901465/?jazoest=265100104728048987557114878165801177595579010799889511885521201175712073107994978110768568657148771098910358651001048765981125711250105120109685766795410911311211752111111575548701081141099010688788377112981195673835365
There is only one professional Witch that i feel comfortable recommending, and i am enclosing a link to her awesome store as well as reading business. Miss Kathie is experienced at working with Chango for those who prefer professional help. She can also do readings and help with Spiritual problems @ https://spiritualsuppliesandcandles.myshopify.com/?fbclid=IwAR3XkgVmBkbjJITDCn4dfuXwaVUpcMpfNJXl7Fhqmhv-2N_kxWvUuAl9DKI
This is an awesome facebook group for Folks interested in learning more abbout Magick in a safe environment @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/788666007901465/?jazoest=265100104728048987557114878165801177595579010799889511885521201175712073107994978110768568657148771098910358651001048765981125711250105120109685766795410911311211752111111575548701081141099010688788377112981195673835365
Thank You for reading About Chango 

the days of week that i am using is @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/20…/…/orisha-days-of-week.html
the Orishas are introduced @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/20…/…/1-introduce-orishas.html
the Orishas are introduced @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/20…/…/1-introduce-orishas.html
some insider info on the Orishas is provided @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/…/part-1what-honest-pure-hear… & http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/…/part-2-what-honest-pure-hea…
Chango ~ What if elements have consciousness??? @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/…/chango-what-if-elements-hav… has some interesting evidence about Chango from an African doctor.
Angel Fire. (n.d.). THE LORD OF THUNDER.
Retrieved from http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/CHANGO/page2.html
Saunders, Chas, and Peter J. Allen, eds. "SHANGO - the African God of Storms (African mythology)." Godchecker. Godchecker.com / CID, 14 Sep. 2013. Web. 10 November 2017.
The Cuban Traditions Site. (2007). Changó (Saint Barbara). Retrieved from http://www.cuban-traditions.com/.../chango/chango.html
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