the first part of this blog without sex stuff and further info about Chango is @
they way i see my Guides
Chango was put into my mind by Papa Legba on a Justice hexe, and He has since told me to call Him Papa Chango. I was so happy when He said this that i posted it on fb. Papa Chango doesn't stay with me as much as the Baron and Maman or Papa Legba, but He comes very fast when i call Him. To me, Chango's energy vibrates low and slow in my root chakra with no sexual connotations, at all. He is red energy ; whereas, Papa Legba looks like a black puff of smoke or an Olde Man, the Ghede Queen and King are purple light with black Cemetery shapes when They come, and General Lee a is shiny silver mist. Next, my fb channel typings will be presented.
fb channels and Maman Brigette
gonna write about women who do sex to Chango; i know one who does too +++ase+++ hell fuckin time Papa Legba did sex to me...OMTs !!! but He is my Papa...we don't do that... BUT it is very interesting subject...Chango won't mind...He will pass out the goode lovens...true story ... actually !!!
the MOST active goddess or god in my life is Maman Brigette, the Voodoo sex goddess so it is very logical to be obsessed with writing abt this
the Exquisite Maman Brigette & Astral Sex @ is a blog given me by Maman Brigette right after a Shamanic Journey aided by shrooms. For the week after a Journey all my channels and abilities are greatly heightened.
My bog Could there possibly be a mushroom "god"? @ has further information about the Sacred Plant, Mushrooms which i revere spiritually for Shamanic Journeys.
My blog Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings @ has further information about two forms of Shamanisma and what it entails.
Maman Brigette could be called a Queen of Hell cuz Willy says the hells are the Underworld & She is Queen of it in Haitian & New Orleans Voodoo's Underworld

Pan gave me a great channel @ that has deeper info of the good side of sex
Chango's sex cult
I decided not to bother the Witch who i met that has sex with Chango because she is jealous of Him and it would just be too weird. One of my brothers tells me that he knew a whole widespread of Cult of women who do astral sex with Chango. I haven't and wouldn't because i LOVE Momma Oshun Who is One of His Wifes. But He told me to put this out there so i am. Astral sex is NOT for the inexperienced, but is a great way to awaken kundalini and grow our power.
Another cool Bro posted some info on fb right as a was gathering research on Papa Chango for this blog.
Human Orifices are Portals
Male Organs are the Earth Principle
Let us review all five of the male sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions:
Prostate Gland (hidden, accessed through rectum)
Right Testicle to Right Ureter
Left Testicle to Left Ureter
Because Male sexual organs are mostly external, they have slightly less vulnerability to energetic attack.
Female Organs are the Spiritual Principle
Let us review all six of the female sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions:
Cervix Opening to Uterus
Right Ovary
Left Ovary
Because Female sexual organs are mostly internal, and there is a culture of Misogyny on the earth, the female organs have a much higher vulnerability to energetic attack from consistent sexual abuse.
When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with male sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Twelve (12). The correct pattern of the electrical spin for the Universal Male principle is 12:12. The same architecture in the planet body is the 12 Tree Grid and when the 12:12 is projected as the first image of God as a Hu-Man (Adam), it is called the Albion.The Geometric Form of Six is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a female. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with female sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Thirteen (13). The correct pattern of the electrotonal spin for the Universal Female principle is 13:13. The same architecture exists in the planetary core as Mother Arc. When the 13:13 is projected as the first Sound field of God from the Universal Creatrix, it descends the Holy Spirit and the colors created fill the Albion with a palette of colored music. This music is called the Cathar.
When these electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff."
what do other sources say about Chango, sex & women???
According to Tribes the Sun (2016) Chango is "Chakra: Sacral chakra" which is the sex chakra. They also say "hide your daughters and say hello to the original bad boy. Originating from West Africa, Chango is manly and oh-so-sexy. He fights hard and plays hard" (Tribes of the Sun, 2016, para.1). "Chango loves women…all women. Big, little, short, tall…they’re all good. Ladies, when saying hello to him cup your breasts in your hands and hold ‘em high" (Tribes of the Sun, 2016, para.5).
"The lovers of Changó are too numerous to mention, but he was married at different times to Oyá, Obá, and Ochún. He stole Oyá away from Ogún, who is usually considered his brother or half-brother; this explains why some patakís talk about rivalry between Changó and Ogún. When Changó goes to war, he prefers Oyá's company because she's just as fierce as he is. The sound of thunder followed by lightening means that Changó and Oyá are riding together into battle in the heavens above us. Ochún is Changó's favorite lover because of her sensual and seductive ways. Obá cut off her own ear in a misguided attempt to please her husband, but he rejected her and she, broken-hearted, retired to live in the cemetery. Some patakís say that Changó was the son of Agayú and Yemayá, but she gave him away to Obatalá, who raised him and made him king on earth. A variation on this story says that Yemayá was the foster mother of Changó, and Obatalá (in a female avatar) was his birth mother. Changó is the owner of the sacred batá drums and he's the greatest dancer among the Orichás. This wasn't always the case, according to a patakí that says that Changó was originally the best diviner and Orúnmila (Orula) was the best dancer. But, Changó and Orúnmila agreed to exchange talents, because Changó cared more about dancing. Changó is still a skilled diviner, but now he does divination using the dilogún (cowrie shells), not the opuele (divination chain) and tablero (wooden divining board), which belong solely to Orúnmila and his priests, the Babalawos." (About Santeria, n.d., para.3).
"Very much the ladies man, SHANGO does have a relationship with OYA which can at times get pretty tempestuous. He does not get on well with his brother OGUN and is not averse to a good punch-up. But on the whole he’s a great God to have on your side as he is loyal, protective and — as far as we’re concerned — extremely groovy" Saunders & Allen, 2017).
Angel Fire (n.d.) says that "any of the stories about Chango have to do with his relations with women. Yemaya was his mother. He had relationships with Ochun, Oya, and Obba. Obba was his legitimate wife, but he spent more time with Ochun and Oya. He was a true womanizer and women loved him. After he exchanged his divinatioin tools with Orunla in exchange for Orunla's ability to dance, there was no stopping him. Of course all of this caused problems and Chango often had to spend much time at war. Chango was a keen diviner and used his "ache" to come out victorious on many occasions. The children of Chango usually are born with good psychic abilities, also. So, if Chango is your father, try to develop your spirituality to the utmost."
what are Chango's Children like???
"Chango’s children are firey, high-energy people. They are charismatic, sexual, strong and bold. They love to be the center of attention. By their nature, they are risk takers and gamblers. His children also have bad tempers and are quick to anger. They are ferocious parents and will protect their children with their lives. Respect and honesty are important to these folks. It may seem like a contradiction, but children of Chango are some of the most honorable people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.
His children will be very popular with the opposite sex and may have multiple children from different people. The children of Chango are attracted to jobs like firefighting, police officers and the military. They are also plenty of musicians and strippers that belong to Chango. Even when they get older, these folks don’t usually lead normal lives" (Tribe of the Sun, 2016, paras. 7 & 8).
top image bottom image
Interesting that it looks like Chango and none was harmed in this volcano.
Thank You for reading About Chango

the days of week that i am using is @
the Orishas are introduced @
some insider info on the Orishas is provided @ &
Chango ~ What if elements have consciousness??? @ has some interesting evidence about Chango from an African doctor.
the Exquisite Maman Brigette & Astral Sex @ has more info about astral sex as does
Safe Astral Sex is Possible with the Ghedes 369" @
"the Other Side of Spiritual Spouses"
@ has more info on astral stuff
Signs of Astral Attack and a Goode Light Cleasnsing Method @ would be helpful to know if You wish to play
About Santeria. (n.d.). Changó, Lord of Fire and Lightning. Retrieved from
Angel Fire. (n.d.). THE LORD OF THUNDER. Retrieved from
Saunders, Chas, and Peter J. Allen, eds. "SHANGO - the African God of Storms (African mythology)." Godchecker. / CID, 14 Sep. 2013. Web. 10 November 2017.
Tribe of the Sun. (2016). Chango. Retrieved from
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