Politics ain't my thing, but the unethical behavior of the far left is very disturbing. One thing that i am obsessed with is the way Southerners are being demonized by the system. Other people that have been harmed by the banking families that run said system include Irish Folks, Africans, Pagans, and Native Americans, just to name a few. I did a Civil War blog goaded by spirits, and found out they lied to us in school. The war was about money and goaded by bankers who didn't want America to grow strong @
What is the point???
There is an alarming video going around that shows people parading an effigy of Trump around in a parade and kicking its ass @
it's easier to just post what i can people be so full of hatred ??? if they would turn this energy against the system it would be just awesome, but they are part of the troubles of the world....correct me if i am wrong....ain't these the "libtards" and "snowflakes" who hate Rebels??? sending bad energy to someone in "charge" of Ur country is detrimental...fucks sake...he won

is there more???
I did listen to this awesome young man's talk about 5 times to be sure that i paraphrased his words well because he was really cool. The next words are his.
Chezelle Soons (may not be spelled right) made a video in which he states that around 2016 he noticed that there are infiltrators in the Black Lives Matter movement who are using people's emotions to get them to do the dirty work of George Sorros posse. They are making fake pages, a lot of the black leaders are leading us to our demise. They, basically have us working for the far left. The are bad mouthing Neo Nazis and the far right by playing us emotionally because they need all of the help they can get. The BLM isn't even a black organization. It is endorsed by the Sorros and Clintons who are exploiting the black plight to make money. The evil demonic people are using us to work for them. Kudos...may his Guides and Ancestor bless him +++ase+++
A story from the other side in the Charlotteville incident was posted in a Southern group, but it seems sensible "A different side to the Charlottesville incident is here:
"I want to tell you what happened yesterday at that rally in Charlottesville. The police were obviously told to stand down and allow the ANTIFA and BLM to assault the people who came to protest the removal of General Lee's statue. There was no police buffer between the ANTIFA/BLM and the rally goers. This was deliberate so as to facilitate the physical attacks of the communists on the rally goers. There was a wide strip of land that separated the yard around the statue into two areas separated by police barricades and manned by Va. State Troopers at intervals of about 6 feet. This was done to separate the rally goers into two groups and thus dilute any advantage they might have in numbers. This plan would have worked except about one thousand people showed up to protest the removal of Lee's statue and only about three hundred spindly degenerate communists showed up to "counter protest." When the ANTIFA/BLM realized they were grossly outnumbered they began to throw bottles of urine and tear gas into the crowd of rally goers until finally the communists threw a smoke bomb into the rally goers midst. Someone picked up the bomb and threw it back whereupon the police, in violation of a federal court order, declared the rally an unlawful assembly and ordered the crowd to disperse. However they did not make the ANTIFA/BLM members disperse. It was quite a while later, after the pro Lee people were dispersed, that the incident with the car that plowed into the crowd occurred. The police refused to protect the people attending the pro-Lee rally from the ANTIFA and BLM. They physically dispersed the pro-Lee crowd, and they allowed the ANTIFA and the BLM to remain on the streets protesting and harassing people."
John Roddy
Divide and Conquer info from one of my Guides is @ if You're interested
Thank You for reading my blog :) Blessed Be )O(
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