As Mercury retrograde begins for Halloween of 2019, i am re-releasing this blog to honor Papa Legba, and help any one who will try.

As Mercury retrograde begins on March 22, 2018 i propose a theory, and hope to find someone willing to help me test it.
My theory is that Papa Legba is playing tricks on those who don't give Him His 3 pennies, candy, coffee, rum, cigars, or a 'em right cuz He is so cool and deserves some recognition. Seriously though, it doesn't necessarily mean that Papa Legba is doing it. It could just mean that the Planet Mercury has more power over our lives than we realize, much like Papa Legba as the Great Gate Keeper when we allow Him to be. This article will discuss what is Mercury Retrograde, what areas of life are ruled by Mercury, what are the Moon Phases and what Magick suits which Phase, what types of spells suit the full Moon, and will You help me with an experiment.
I propose that making an offering to the Mercury based god of our choice is a great way to get through this retrograde. It just so happens that my Mercury based god of choice is Papa Legba. It sure seems more effective than cleaning and meditating if we really have problems. Since i learned what Mercury retrograde actually is, i have been serving extra goodies for Papa Legba, and learned that this is a time a great blessings for me when those around me have difficulties.
Much like Papa Legba uses His "tricks" to help us reinvent ourselves and grow. In Voodoo based religions, Papa Legba must be petitioned first in all ceremonies to prevent trickery so i wonder if His power is more widespread than Vooodoo, but i don't know. Could He be tricking those who don't remeber Him as teh Force of Mercury???
What is Mercury Retrograde???
This is something that i first heard about in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and have heard many people complaining about since then, but i never really understood myself so i found a site that explained it in terms i could understand. Astrology Zone explains that "because Mercury is the planet situated closest to the Sun, its orbit is much shorter than Earth’s. About three or four times a year, Mercury speeds past Earth, and that is when we experience a Mercury retrograde period. If you were in a car and another car passed you, you could tell it was going faster than you. But if it slowed down and you then passed it, it would appear that that car was actually going backward. Then when the other car speeds up and passes you again, it kicks up all of the dust in the road. As Mercury speeds by, it is like a train flying past, creating a powerful, turbulent gust of 'wind' in its wake. The turbulence and disruption Mercury creates when it retrogrades can affect what we feel on Earth in our everyday lives."
Perhaps some diagrams will be helpful.
This gif is awesome, but i could not find one for Mercury. Now, i understand what Mercury Retrograde is. Maybe Papa Legba is passing by His Children with an opportunity to stay close just a little bit longer.
What Areas of Life Are Ruled by Mercury???
Back to Astrology Zone because i don't know, and i sail through this time without comprehending why some freak out so much about Mercury Retrograde. "In astrology, we always believe the following rule is true: 'As above, so too below.' By that we mean there is a fractal relationship between the orbits in the heavens and human activity down here on Earth. This idea pervades all of astrology and is a very good concept to keep in mind.
Mercury rules all types of communication, including listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. Mercury also rules all formal contracts and agreements, as well as important documents such as book manuscripts or term papers, agreements, deeds, contracts, leases, wills, and so forth.
Included under this planet’s domain are all types of code, including computer codes, as well as transportation, shipping, and travel. When this planet retrogrades, these areas tend to get scrambled or spin out of control.
Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for causing computers to crash and for machines, appliances, and other electronic devices to show signs of wear, requiring urgent repair. Backup your computer in advance of any Mercury retrograde period. If you had planned to install new software on your personal computer (or, if you work in IT, on your network), wait until the retrograde period is over to do so. Weird things happen during these periods. For example, you may suddenly discover that you were sold a defective hard drive, even though it may never have given you problems in the past, at least not until you created that vital document and your whole system went down.
Mercury also rules trade and commerce, so don’t buy or sell anything expensive during its retrograde phases. Often you will find that the item you want is out of stock. If you do buy something expensive, such as a car, computer, or jewelry, for example, you may regret your purchase later. If you are buying or selling a house, expect problems, errors, delays, and setbacks to arise. The only times you can buy something expensive during a retrograde period are if you are returning something you already bought.
Computers, high tech items, appliances, automobiles, and other machines and electronics are highly susceptible to Mercury in a retrograde period. Mercury rules moving parts, so that can be one reason. Yet, other things happen. You buy an air conditioner and 30 days later discover it has gone on sale for much less than what you paid. Or you by an expensive smartphone during a retrograde only to drop it (and crack its screen) or lose it soon afterward. It really does pay to wait to buy electronics."
This is very interesting because i knew that Papa Legba can navigate the computer and that He has powers that always amaze me. Really great explanation, and i feel grateful. May the author be blessed.
What are the Moon Phases and What Magick Suits Which Phase???
This is another area that i have always been vague about; however, now i will learn with the help of some great diagrams.
The phases will typed up with the type of workings usually done from left to right.
"New Moon ~ start new projects, new love, new job
Waxing cresent ~ bring wanted things into your life
Waxing gibbous ~ bring money and prosperity to you
Full Moon ~ psychic energy; use the full Moon to cleanse altar tools and crystals, and to restore your energy. Be at one with the goddess and be grateful for all you have. Think about what you wish to achieve.
Waning gibbous ~ expel negative energy from your life.
Waning quarter ~ clear out junk and unwanted people, feelings, and thoughts from your life.
Waning crescent ~ house cleanse with sage smudge stick or holy water."
I will start at the top and go clockwise in case the letters don't show upon your screen. First Quarter, Waxing Crescent, New, Waning Cresent, Third Quarter is on the bottom, Waning Gibbous, Full, Waxing Gibbous.
From left to right. New Moon with Waxing Crescent to First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous leads up to the Full Moon. Waning Gibbous is next, then the Last Quarter, Waning Crescent, is before the New Moon.
What Types of Spells Suit the Full Moon???
Angelfire tells us that "the Full Moon is a time of all-purpose magick. Prophecy and protection are very good things to work for here. Totems like the raven are called to bestow their gifts of divination. Divining now is especially effective, as our psychic powers are heightened at this time. Goddesses such as Arianrhod, Danu, Isis, Ashera and Selene are called as well as the Sisters of the Wyrrd, the Norns, and other Goddesses and Gods of fate. The Full Moon is also the time of legends -- reading them, studying them, or even making your own -- your creativity will be very active now. Power of course, is generated, regeneratd and used by the working Witch. Any working that needs a major punch can be done now. Your chances of success is very great.
Timing: The moon rises at sunset and sets at dawn therefore a midnight working will be most powerful.
Conjuring: The moon is fourteen to seventeen and a half days after the new moon. As I said before, the Full Moon is good for almost any workings, but certain things will be especially good work for:
These Include:
Artistic endeavors
Beauty, health and fitness
Change and decisions
Legal undertakings
Love and romance
Will You Help Me with An Experiment???
Do You have troubles in Mercury Retrograde??? Please comment as i am working on a theory, and need input from others if possible. I get blessed during this time, and i guess it's because Mercury is my Planet i LOVE the most and Papa Legba is Mercury, and i serve Him every day in some form or another. Just a theory that i would LOVE to explore. Seriously, i think giving offering to Mercury will help any one in this time, but my testimony is not enough. Whichever god form You prefer; there's Hermes, Thoth, Mercury and others, i am sure.
Thank You for reading my blog :) Blessed Be )O(
This one explains how American Horror Story lied on Papa Legba
As Mercury retrograde begins for Halloween of 2019, i am re-releasing this blog to honor Papa Legba, and help any one who will try.
As Mercury retrograde begins on March 22, 2018 i propose a theory, and hope to find someone willing to help me test it.
My theory is that Papa Legba is playing tricks on those who don't give Him His 3 pennies, candy, coffee, rum, cigars, or a 'em right cuz He is so cool and deserves some recognition. Seriously though, it doesn't necessarily mean that Papa Legba is doing it. It could just mean that the Planet Mercury has more power over our lives than we realize, much like Papa Legba as the Great Gate Keeper when we allow Him to be. This article will discuss what is Mercury Retrograde, what areas of life are ruled by Mercury, what are the Moon Phases and what Magick suits which Phase, what types of spells suit the full Moon, and will You help me with an experiment.
I propose that making an offering to the Mercury based god of our choice is a great way to get through this retrograde. It just so happens that my Mercury based god of choice is Papa Legba. It sure seems more effective than cleaning and meditating if we really have problems. Since i learned what Mercury retrograde actually is, i have been serving extra goodies for Papa Legba, and learned that this is a time a great blessings for me when those around me have difficulties.
Much like Papa Legba uses His "tricks" to help us reinvent ourselves and grow. In Voodoo based religions, Papa Legba must be petitioned first in all ceremonies to prevent trickery so i wonder if His power is more widespread than Vooodoo, but i don't know. Could He be tricking those who don't remeber Him as teh Force of Mercury???
What is Mercury Retrograde???
This is something that i first heard about in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and have heard many people complaining about since then, but i never really understood myself so i found a site that explained it in terms i could understand. Astrology Zone explains that "because Mercury is the planet situated closest to the Sun, its orbit is much shorter than Earth’s. About three or four times a year, Mercury speeds past Earth, and that is when we experience a Mercury retrograde period. If you were in a car and another car passed you, you could tell it was going faster than you. But if it slowed down and you then passed it, it would appear that that car was actually going backward. Then when the other car speeds up and passes you again, it kicks up all of the dust in the road. As Mercury speeds by, it is like a train flying past, creating a powerful, turbulent gust of 'wind' in its wake. The turbulence and disruption Mercury creates when it retrogrades can affect what we feel on Earth in our everyday lives."
Perhaps some diagrams will be helpful.
This gif is awesome, but i could not find one for Mercury. Now, i understand what Mercury Retrograde is. Maybe Papa Legba is passing by His Children with an opportunity to stay close just a little bit longer.
What Areas of Life Are Ruled by Mercury???
Back to Astrology Zone because i don't know, and i sail through this time without comprehending why some freak out so much about Mercury Retrograde. "In astrology, we always believe the following rule is true: 'As above, so too below.' By that we mean there is a fractal relationship between the orbits in the heavens and human activity down here on Earth. This idea pervades all of astrology and is a very good concept to keep in mind.
Mercury rules all types of communication, including listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. Mercury also rules all formal contracts and agreements, as well as important documents such as book manuscripts or term papers, agreements, deeds, contracts, leases, wills, and so forth.
Included under this planet’s domain are all types of code, including computer codes, as well as transportation, shipping, and travel. When this planet retrogrades, these areas tend to get scrambled or spin out of control.
Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for causing computers to crash and for machines, appliances, and other electronic devices to show signs of wear, requiring urgent repair. Backup your computer in advance of any Mercury retrograde period. If you had planned to install new software on your personal computer (or, if you work in IT, on your network), wait until the retrograde period is over to do so. Weird things happen during these periods. For example, you may suddenly discover that you were sold a defective hard drive, even though it may never have given you problems in the past, at least not until you created that vital document and your whole system went down.
Mercury also rules trade and commerce, so don’t buy or sell anything expensive during its retrograde phases. Often you will find that the item you want is out of stock. If you do buy something expensive, such as a car, computer, or jewelry, for example, you may regret your purchase later. If you are buying or selling a house, expect problems, errors, delays, and setbacks to arise. The only times you can buy something expensive during a retrograde period are if you are returning something you already bought.
Computers, high tech items, appliances, automobiles, and other machines and electronics are highly susceptible to Mercury in a retrograde period. Mercury rules moving parts, so that can be one reason. Yet, other things happen. You buy an air conditioner and 30 days later discover it has gone on sale for much less than what you paid. Or you by an expensive smartphone during a retrograde only to drop it (and crack its screen) or lose it soon afterward. It really does pay to wait to buy electronics."
This is very interesting because i knew that Papa Legba can navigate the computer and that He has powers that always amaze me. Really great explanation, and i feel grateful. May the author be blessed.
What are the Moon Phases and What Magick Suits Which Phase???
This is another area that i have always been vague about; however, now i will learn with the help of some great diagrams.
The phases will typed up with the type of workings usually done from left to right.
"New Moon ~ start new projects, new love, new job
Waxing cresent ~ bring wanted things into your life
Waxing gibbous ~ bring money and prosperity to you
Full Moon ~ psychic energy; use the full Moon to cleanse altar tools and crystals, and to restore your energy. Be at one with the goddess and be grateful for all you have. Think about what you wish to achieve.
Waning gibbous ~ expel negative energy from your life.
Waning quarter ~ clear out junk and unwanted people, feelings, and thoughts from your life.
Waning crescent ~ house cleanse with sage smudge stick or holy water."
I will start at the top and go clockwise in case the letters don't show upon your screen. First Quarter, Waxing Crescent, New, Waning Cresent, Third Quarter is on the bottom, Waning Gibbous, Full, Waxing Gibbous.
From left to right. New Moon with Waxing Crescent to First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous leads up to the Full Moon. Waning Gibbous is next, then the Last Quarter, Waning Crescent, is before the New Moon.
What Types of Spells Suit the Full Moon???
Angelfire tells us that "the Full Moon is a time of all-purpose magick. Prophecy and protection are very good things to work for here. Totems like the raven are called to bestow their gifts of divination. Divining now is especially effective, as our psychic powers are heightened at this time. Goddesses such as Arianrhod, Danu, Isis, Ashera and Selene are called as well as the Sisters of the Wyrrd, the Norns, and other Goddesses and Gods of fate. The Full Moon is also the time of legends -- reading them, studying them, or even making your own -- your creativity will be very active now. Power of course, is generated, regeneratd and used by the working Witch. Any working that needs a major punch can be done now. Your chances of success is very great.
Timing: The moon rises at sunset and sets at dawn therefore a midnight working will be most powerful.
Conjuring: The moon is fourteen to seventeen and a half days after the new moon. As I said before, the Full Moon is good for almost any workings, but certain things will be especially good work for:
These Include:
Artistic endeavors
Beauty, health and fitness
Change and decisions
Legal undertakings
Love and romance
Will You Help Me with An Experiment???
Do You have troubles in Mercury Retrograde??? Please comment as i am working on a theory, and need input from others if possible. I get blessed during this time, and i guess it's because Mercury is my Planet i LOVE the most and Papa Legba is Mercury, and i serve Him every day in some form or another. Just a theory that i would LOVE to explore. Seriously, i think giving offering to Mercury will help any one in this time, but my testimony is not enough. Whichever god form You prefer; there's Hermes, Thoth, Mercury and others, i am sure.
Thank You for reading my blog :) Blessed Be )O(
Other Blogs About Papa Legba

To me, Papa is a Knde Olde Grandfatherly Figure with a twinkle in His eyes & heart full of compassion
Papa Legba's Day is Monday @
Part 1 of Exploring the Possibility that Ninghizzida and Nergal Could Be Papa Legba and Baron Samedi or Thought Form Beings @
This one explains how American Horror Story lied on Papa Legba
Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up??? @
Papa Legba OWNS 3, 6, 9 & the Cross & He Holds the Keys ~ Is He the Secrets of the Universe??? @
Could the Great Cross of the Zodiac Be Papa Legba's Cross??? Astrological Meaning of the Cross @
Thank You for reading my blog :)
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