This blog is part 2 of the information given to me a pure soul who seeks not money for giving Spiritual knowledge. Her words will be in parenthesis. May she be blessed for her goodness +++ase+++ the first blog is @
"Yoruba Gods from Candomble!

I have written about Chango @
"1 of the 3 wives of Xango/Sango - Oba, Oya/Iansa and Oxum/Osum!

"He's a Snake and a Rainbow!

There is deeper information about Oshumare @
"Our Heads 
That is all of the information that she gave me except for what i will release about the Esux in my next blog.
Papa Legba heads the Eshus or is a later face of Eshu and i have written MANY blogs for Him. Here is agood one
This is some information i saved, but not sure of the source for which i apologize "Obatala is the Wise Old Man figure of African Spirituality. His name means 'King of the White Cloth', as white is his sacred color, signifying purity and clear sight. For this reason offerings are given to him of rice, white bread, milk and white candles. His altars and candles are always in white. He never accepts offerings of intoxicants. In fact, no one should ever approach him in a state of inebriation.
Obatala is everyone's compassionate Baba (revered father), the personification of dignity, wisdom and serenity. He's the paternal, patient and merciful counselor and the giver of clarity.
But Obatala is also motherly wisdom, in fact half the time Obatala comes down to Earth, it's disguised as a woman. In Cuba he was syncretized with Our Lady of Mercy. Her white robe and her title reminded the Lukumi of the spirit of Obatala.
It is said that Obatala used a chain made by Ogun (the divine worker of iron) to come down to Earth at the beginning of creation, in order to help civilize humanity.
He is white, like the cortex of the brain, like the bones that give structure and stability. In the same way, elders, keepers of knowledge and wise persons are like the pillars of a society.
He is pure white light energy, like the hair of the elders and the ancestors. It is said that Obatala always has a cool head ... and that his white hair is his crown.
He is white light energy, like the seminal fluids associated with fatherhood. He is the first, the eldest and the most respected of all the Orisha (deities) and the Father of all the Orisha and men. Sacred to him are the clouds, the tops of mountains and all the high places, for he is the highest and most sublime of the Orisha.
May the Earth and all her creatures be blessed and protected by his wisdom and the wisdom and love of all of our ancestors on this day and everyday. Ashé Babá!
'We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us' - a traditional Yoruba proverb"
Blogs have been prepared for each Orisha's Day:
"Sundays are for Obatala" @
"Monday is for Eshu" @
"Tuesdays are for the Orisha Ogun" @
"Sundays are for Obatala" @
"Monday is for Eshu" @
"Tuesdays are for the Orisha Ogun" @
"Babalu Aye has Wednesdays" @
"Thursday Is for Olorun" @
"Chango Gets Friday" @
"Yemoja Has Saturday" @
The blog @ gives the Days of the Weeks for some Orishas and an alternative as well as well written explanation for Their existence
The blog @ gives the Days of the Weeks for some Orishas and an alternative as well as well written explanation for Their existence
Thank You for reading my blog :) Blessed Be )O(
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