My communion with Obatala began when i became so obsessed with the pic on top that i knew His energy was calling me. Although i have petitioned Him many times with good results, i don't work with Him very much as i am very close to the Underworld gods who use alcohol. It is said that Obatala is the Sun, astrologically. Obatala has my utmost respect
and love, but He is not active in my dreams so i cannot really say much about Him. Information from other sources will be provided next.
and love, but He is not active in my dreams so i cannot really say much about Him. Information from other sources will be provided next.
"Obatala (known as Obatalá in Latin America and Yoruba Mythology) is an Orisha. He is the Sky Father and the creator of human bodies, which were brought to life by Olodumare's smooth breath. Obatala is the father of all Orishas and the owner of all ori. Any Orisha may claim an individual, but until that individual is initiated into the priesthood of that Orisha, Obatala still owns that head. Obatala's principal wife is Yemoo (known as Yemú in Cuba).
Obatala is the second son of Olodumare and is authorized by Olodumare to create land over the water beneath the sky, and founded the first Yoruba city, Ife. Obatala is Olodumare's representative on earth and the shaper of human beings.[1]
Obatala (known as Obatalá in Latin America and Yoruba Mythology) is an Orisha. He is the Sky Father and the creator of human bodies, which were brought to life by Olodumare's smooth breath. Obatala is the father of all Orishas and the owner of all ori. Any Orisha may claim an individual, but until that individual is initiated into the priesthood of that Orisha, Obatala still owns that head. Obatala's principal wife is Yemoo (known as Yemú in Cuba).
Obatala is the second son of Olodumare and is authorized by Olodumare to create land over the water beneath the sky, and founded the first Yoruba city, Ife. Obatala is Olodumare's representative on earth and the shaper of human beings.[1]"
Tribe of the Sun
traditional colors: white
Number: 8
Areas of Influence: Knowledge, leadership, fatherhood, justice and the legal system, geology, people with special needs, the military
Entities associated with: Our Lady of Mercy
Symbols: Mountains, snail shells, short whip made with white horsehair and cowrie shells, quartz crystals, white rocks, frogs, white animals
Offerings: White bland food (either the meat or the milk of a coconut, potatoes, eggs, rice, mushrooms, milk, water, etc), crushed up egg shells, cotton, snail shells, frankincense, myrrh or sandalwood incense, tobacco
Feast Day: September 24th
Astrology: Libra
Tarot: Justice, the Emperor
Chakra: Crown Chakra
Gemstones: Quartz crystal, howlite, chalcedony, lead crystal, diamonds, ivory
Animals: Snails, Elephants, Egrets, Blue Herons, Bald Eagles, Snow monkeys, Cotton-top Tamarin monkeys
Entities of Similar Energy: Tyr, Odin (as All-father), Ra, Damballah
Plants associated with: Garlic, hyssop, sage
Obatala is the father figure of the Orishas. He is also the chief and judge. He is very wise and compassionate. Obatala is married to Yemaya, the ocean goddess and mother-figure of the Orishas. They have been married a very long time and have many children. According to one story, Obatala is the father of human beings. However, while making humans from the earth, Obatala got thirsty and began to drink some palm wine. He got drunk and started to make some of the humans deformed. After he sobered up, he realized what he had done and he swore from that day forward he never drink and that he would take special care of people who are handicapped.
When Obatala was younger, he was very bold and brash. He was a strong warrior who saw a lot of horrible things on the battlefield. All of those experiences tempered him. Now, he is an Orisha who works for peace. As judge, Obatala is very much involved with issues of justice and law (man-made or karmic). He will be involved in any kind of court case or legal issue. However, you should not ask him to get involved in a legal case if you are guilty unless you are willing to face your punishment. Obatala also rules karmic justice. If a karmic injustice has been committed or if you need to make amends for something you have done, than go to him for help. Obatala teaches us to fight for what is right and to take responsibility for what we have done wrong.
obatala’s children
The children of Obatala are intellectual,
methodical organizers. They like to think their decisions through. They have strong ideas of what is right and wrong. They hold themselves to high standards. They can also be neurotic clean freaks. Many times, children of Obatala are impetuous and hot-headed when younger and then grow up to be cool, calm adults. They can suffer from frequent headaches or sinus problems and do not hold their liquor well. Many times they will be drawn to legal, military or careers involving geology and/or engineering. They like to get outdoors. Normally, their relationships (romantic and otherwise) will be very long-term. They are slow to anger but watch out when they do, it’s going to get ugly!
Santeria Church of the Orishas
Obatala encourages us to be patient and to handle matters with calm and reason. His ashé (power) is perfectly embodied within his favorite color: white. He is always dressed in white and all of his offerings are white to reflect his spiritual purity and the coolness of his energy. White is our most sacred color in Santeria because it represents Obatala. When olorishas attend ceremonies we wear white clothing as holy vestments and to surround ourselves with Obatala’s protective energy. Iyawos (new initiates) in Santeria have to wear white clothing from head-to-toe for a year for the same reason: as a symbol of purity and as an energetic protection against osogbo.
Obatala along with Oshun, Yemaya and Changó is one of the four pillar orishas that every olorisha receives at his kariocha initiation. Obatala is unique in that half of his roads are female and half are male. In that sense Obatala transcends gender, further demonstrating his ability to act impartially in orun (heaven) and with the orishas. If there is ever a debate about who a person’s guardian orisha is, they can safely be initiated with Obatala as he is the owner of all heads. Obatala is often depicted as elderly, with a full head of white hair, dressed in white robes.
Thank You for reading about Obatala
Blessed Be )O(
the days of week that i am using is @…/…/orisha-days-of-week.html
the Orishas are introduced @…/…/1-introduce-orishas.html
the Orishas are introduced @…/…/1-introduce-orishas.html
some insider info on the Orishas is provided @ &
i have a blog that compares Obatala to Jesus as they are both based on the Sun @ ... spoiler alert...much evil has been done in the name of Jesus
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