a chant :) https://youtu.be/el7hM4NZA-E
So...what's new???
Darklordism has released an awesome video
about One of my Astral Daddies @ "Baron Samedi - The Skull and Bones
Degree" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rPpByGfQ-U&feature=youtu.be
The video makers inform that Baron's Feast Day is on November 2 which is also the Day of Dead. This is amazing because i
was particularly obsessed with anger for the
demonization of Darkness yesterday which was November 2. Some really cool channels
came yesterday, and i was moved to write a new article for Baron Samedi since then as well.
Copy and paste is just coolio because i can just add the channels received.
1) in the past 2 K years...twas a Sun Cult
decimating humanity...Sun = light ....purely logical...
2) duality comes from the oppressors

light and darkness are both needed ...when we shut out one we are only half !!!
3) there are many MANY MANY Innocents souls suffering and stuck in the "darkness" while people keep on demonizing the darkness like the evil Sun Cult of monotheism wants them to...Y'all wish U can see, but OBVIOUSLY U do not...for instance....the souls of the children used in sacrificail rituals....that is a CULT OF LIGHT killing them & then they are stuck in Darkness because of those of light.....
4) sooooooo many thought they will go to the heaven & now they stuck in what folks who don't get UNDERWORLD call hell...

5) i feel the hatred of darkness sooo... thick today....the despair of the Dead
So...what knowledge did Darklordism drop???
Remember that we will soon be where the dead already are and They have much wisdom for us.
Darklordism tells us that Mortuary Science is the most powerful, and that it should be approached with caution and protocol. Saturn Energy is the punisher energy, and it is about perfection. Baron Samedi does not allow mistakes. He is an powerful elite Loa in Their hierarchy society. There are many Barons Who are aspects of Baron Samedi as Osiris has multiple archetypes.
Baron Samedi should be honored first when we enter the cemetery. We should be clean and respectful when in the cemetery. Offerings should be left at a Crossroad.
Skull and Bones Society hold a key to our oppression because they deal with the Baron Criminal order, and the Saturn cemetery science is very powerful. People are scared of the science that can help free them.
The Ghedes are the Spirits who are unspoken for, or people who did not receive honor when they died, or that died in traumatic experiences. Their Day is December 2, and They make up the Ghede Nation as there are many of Them. It is honorable to remember the Spirits that were forgotten about. They are highly sexual as well as lewd while They enjoy vulgar language so They are not to be worked with if folks are easily offended. "They always tell the truth" (Darklordism).
The Underworld is a lot like this realm.
Baron is so powerful They can just deal with You while Ogun and Chango must fight You. Baron Energy is the true protection. The Warrior is needed and will protect; however, the Baron will take Your enemy out quick because it is not an energy to play with. Dumb curses like hexing a cheating boyfriend are not to be done Baron. Death science will work point blank. This is a serious science that will liberate all who deal with it properly. Once we get into this science they pay attention to You, and examine You.
Baron will initiate a person if He weighs them worthy. When we work with the dead we don't need readings because They do that for us. The Barons have wisdom or Divine Council. Insight goes to the next level when we council with the Barons. They will not initiate someone who will not work on themselves. The Baron doesn't like to mistakes very much as Saturn is a Planet of perfection.
They also said that He is the Grim Reaper and many of His Initiates saw Him when they were children. I was in my 20s when this happened, but that wreck i was in makes me child like to this day. http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-20-grim-reaper-in-clouds.html
Another point was about how Maman Brigette is the only One freaky enough for Him in the bed and She Guided me on this blog http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-exquisite-maman-brigette-astral-sex.html
What does Wikipedia say about Baron Samedi???
Wikipedia says that "Baron Samedi (French: Baron Saturday) also written Baron Samdi, Bawon Samedi, or Bawon Sanmdi, is one of the loa of Haitian Vodou. Samedi is a loa of the dead, along with Baron's numerous other incarnations Baron Cimetière, Baron La Croix, and Baron Kriminel. He is syncretized with Saint Martin de Porres[citation needed].
He is the head of the Guédé family of loa. His wife is the loa Maman Brigitte.
He is usually depicted with a top hat, black tail coat, dark glasses, and cotton plugs in the nostrils, as if to resemble a corpse dressed and prepared for burial in the Haitian style. He has a white, frequently skull-like face (or actually has a skull for a face), and speaks in a nasally voice. The former President for Life of Haiti, François Duvalier, modeled his cult of personality on Baron Samedi; he was often seen speaking in a deep nasal tone and wearing dark glasses.[1]
He is noted for disruption, obscenity, debauchery, and having a particular fondness for tobacco and rum. Additionally, he is the loa of resurrection, and in the latter capacity he is often called upon for healing by those near or approaching death, as it is the only Baron who can accept an individual into the realm of the dead.[2][3]
Baron Samedi spends most of his time in the invisible realm of vodou spirits. He is notorious for his outrageous behavior, swearing continuously and making filthy jokes to the other spirits. He is married to another powerful spirit known as Maman Brigitte, but often chases after mortal women. He loves smoking and drinking and is rarely seen without a cigar in his mouth or a glass of rum in his bony fingers. Baron Samedi can usually be found at the crossroads between the worlds of the living and the dead. When someone dies, he digs their grave and greets their soul after they have been buried, leading them to the underworld.
Connection to other loas[edit]
Baron Samedi is the leader of the Guédé, loa with particular links to magic, ancestor worship and death.[4] These lesser spirits, all dressed like the Baron, are all as rude and crude, but not nearly as charming as their master. They help carry the dead to the underworld.[5]
Working with[edit]
As well as being master of the dead, Baron Samedi is also a giver of life. He can cure any mortal of any disease or wound, if he thinks it is worthwhile. His powers are especially great when it comes to vodou curses and black magic. Even if somebody has been afflicted by a hexthat brings them to the verge of death, they will not die if the Baron refuses to dig their grave. So long as this mighty spirit keeps them out of the ground, they are safe.
He also ensures that all corpses rot in the ground to stop any soul from being brought back as a brainless zombie. What he demands in return depends on his mood. Sometimes he is content with his followers wearing black, white or purple clothes or using sacred objects;[citation needed] he may simply ask for a small gift of cigars, rum, black coffee, grilled peanuts, or bread. But sometimes the Baron requires a vodou ceremony to help him cross over into this world[citation needed]." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_Samedi
There are many goode links for the Ghede gathered @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/links-for-ghede.html
There are many goode links for the Ghede gathered @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2018/01/links-for-ghede.html
Thank You for reading my blog :) & Blessed Be )O(
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