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June 27, 2014 at 4:27pm ·
Paige Moore
awww !!! i appreciate Ur time so much !!!

But he is very temperamental so never make an exorcism on him. but don't call in inside your home never. call him by his name outside your house, near nature. always. and you can call Obatala and Yemoja so you can know he is the true one! African deities are more heavy than Angels as they work too close from Earth. They are deep , intense and ancient. So they have tempers like the Greek Gods. So you must know them, feel them, respect them and know when to leave them. Thwy are much different from angels, from all their story! 

Paige Moore sorry..i know U must be busy.... U r just awesome to teach me for the Gods & Goddesses...they appreciate Ur time too 

For example when I was young Esu Caveira was/is one of my protectors and I used to see him in my bedroom walls before sleeping! He scared me a lot (he has a skull face!) until my mother explained). He was just watching and taking care of me. And he does that all the time like angels 

Paige Moore oh...i will not!! no Exorcisms on them...
Unfortunately this Wikipedia article is not very good . The trick part is that he likes to create pratical jokes (not this partical Esu Caveira but other ones) but if he is a Guardian like this one he is loyal to you and he will never do that. He is the spirit of movement. Nothing happens without him, he is like Hermers from the Olimpo Gods or Mercury from the Roman Gods. Thats the biggest similarity you will find. He cannot be compared to any saint. He is really close to humans!And he is serious and we must be serious when approaching him, respectful, never show fear. Just ask want you want, focus your thought, show how you are strong because your focus and emotion and the catalyst for him , thank him , turn your back, walk away and never look back. It's like that When it's done remember him and thank him! It's that simple! 

he loves alcohol - Cachaca and dende oil. and Cigars! 

the bad gods have no influence as they are very weak...only in some parts of africa. they like war and suffering. the Good Orisas do not like that. They are here for help. let me check if I have a list (a good one from them for you!

Paige Moore cigars i can get thanx 

the ones you need to know are only these: Obatala, Esu, Yemanja, Oxumare , Ibeji, Osum, Oba, Ochossi, Oya, Shango, Ogum, Babaluaye, Ossain, Nana, Yewa, Iroko, Logunede (Telekompensu)...These are the ones that are worshipped. Oduduwa, Orumila and Olokun are not worshipped. They have they places but we cannot speak to them as they are not reachable for humans. .
Paige Moore lol...i can half ass speak to Mexicans but not Portuguese....
You can Trust Esu (Guardian) and Yemoja / Yemanja to help stop human traffic for sure! 

Paige Moore then i shhall petition them
such valued knowledge

Paige Moore
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Ur help is just so valued and i am much stronger already 

Paige Moore yesss... the Gods & Goddesses used my friend to teach me so fast we change... i am wondering if it was the Ghede, particularly, Baron Samedi and Maman Brigette, who came in my dream and saved my ass on the 9/11 exorcism before i knew anything about Them. Pretty sure, because i do see purple around Them. The African Loa are AMAZING ...could the Esux be the Ghede?? idk, but sounds so much alike
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