Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Day 31: Halloween Dancing with the Dead

The sweet little girl that felt the grass cry at cutting time matured into a women who learned to hide her heart in the darkness.  From terrified child to almost fearless Crone she has learned much.  Odd that one portion of a lifetime such as getting on-line brought such great change and soul growth for Paige.  From trusting humans and fearing those seen with the third eye to sensing security in the dark and fearing humans.  Chastised much she has been, even by her own beloved sisters for her choices.  The energy of many of her "friends"who claim to live in love and light soured in fear and not love for her once she stepped into the darkness. Those who claim "We Are One" yet fear a necessary part of existence have had much affect on her choices to turn away from the living.  She cares not because she knows what stopped her own troubles with negative spirits.  

Bourne of the 9 she is a Childe of Mercury.  Twas her destiny not to belong among the living; yet, to those Innocent souls lost in the dark she is a rare gem.  She will stretch her hand out and open her heart to those souls lost in darkness that are feared by many.  

The truth, as far as Paige can tell, is that there is no absolute truth.  The sincere Light Worker that communes with ETs and Ascended Masters, the heart felt Christian who resonates with Jesus and Angels, and the ethical Satanist with their Horned gods are all as genuine as Paige is in her Necromancy.  
Perhaps there is Oneness in the Great Elements such as the great power of Chango in every thunderstorm and fire, or the Awesome Power of Water as Oshun; alas, she will not claim Oneness with humanity.  It's not from lack of trying; but rather, from trying too hard and really seeing what "humanity" allows to continue in the world from the meat to the war industries.

Paige did grow into a woman with an activated kundalini who fears not those things unseen by most of humanity.  In fact, she now joins her beloved Maman Brigette in laughing at the weakly pathetic parasitic entities  The fear stems from the system which makes life difficult for her children with this fine and that fine for bullshit bureaucracy.   The fear of opening up because she knows how the majority of humans react to her.  She whose heart beats with Momma Earth's.  Regardless of her fears, there are steady and sure "Imaginary Friends" whose energy is much cleaner than most live people. Obsessing her and pushing to her to research and write.  

Despite deep concern when looking at what has been done to the world and people around her, she has created a reality in which she is loved, and is making differences in.  The wonderful relationship that she has built with another like her who is totally different than her is an anchor in this world.  At the times when the energy of those who call her crazy bear into her being, she can always go back to the vision that Robbie showed her about Willy being her Yin Yang.  Yes, that vision came true so why not believe in herself and fuck what everyone else says.  Life in the body is but a short span of time in comparison to the freedom of being in Spirit form, and one day she will most happily go back.  Until then, Paige will draw comfort and strength dancing with the dead.  Laughter is another key to keeping some semblance of sanity in an insane world.

Twiztid- "Rock The 

Dead" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtJVvusiiGE

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