Friday, July 14, 2017

Are "Dark Hearts" "Bad"??? Debunking Duality and Light/Dark Workers

"Yin is the Moon and Yang is the sun, and we need both for balance on our planet Earth."

New Age cites make so many claims about things like how awakening will be, who your Guardians are, or dark hearts are "bad" that it seems appropriate to release some information for the rare few folks who are like me.

"Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true." ~Adyashanti~

What's Awakening Like???

Many new age cites claim that awakening ends with connectiveness, bliss, and a feeling of one with all things. Although i sense a great oneness and connectiveness with Nature so much that i cannot even kill a roach, i save rats from my cats, and i mourn for the cut grass; i sense a great separateness among humanity. If we are one, we sure are doing a great job of harming of ourselves that it seems like another load of shyte. The more i see the nasty astral critters around some people and their shallow hearts and minds the more i wish to not be a part of them. It seems like so many are plugged into the dualistic hologram that Cameron Day speaks of and i see as a Veil that it is actually very sad. In short, for me awakening ended with great despair to see the huge numbers of people who are caught up in one system or the other, and the knowledge that has happened lifetime after lifetime. When we are awakened and see stuff that has not been laid out for us by one source or another, it leads to an even greater sense of separation because we fit in even less than before awakening. Although i don't buy that dark is bad, Mr. Day has some great information that i saw with my own 3rd eye prior to finding him, and it will be presented next.

"Planet Earth and much of our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time (para.2)...Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and that we must serve one side of duality or the other (para.3)... Humans have been conditioned to worship the holographic deception and the agents that perpetuate it. This hologram has been called Maya by the Hindus, and the Gnostics referred to it as the Corrupt Demiurge (para.4)...While some of these beings play for team dark, and some play for team (false) light, they are ALL ultimately playing for the corrupt demiurge that controls them. This, in essence, is the big secret of the archons: They are not just the 'evil, demonic beings' but also those who pretend to be angels and ascended masters (para.8)...The 'good' souls would seek out the (false) light team, and the 'bad' souls would seek out the dark team, but unknown to most of those souls, they are all serving the same system (para.9)...Most channeled beings will claim to be affiliated with the (false) light-based 'Spiritual Hierarchy' which includes 'arch angels,'ascended masters' and 'positive ETs.' These channeled messages are a dime-a-thousand, and more keep pouring out every day. The dirty little secret is that these beings are beholden to the corrupt demiurge, and are waging a psychological battle on people that don’t want to be associated with any formal religious structure. In other words, the 'new age' is a multidmeinsional psychological operation designed to channel the soul energy of the 'believers' of these teachings up to the 'ascended' teachers" (Day, 2015, paras. 11 & 12).

Mr. Day as well as many other authors tend to use too many words to say something so i just grabbed what seems relevant. Simply put there are entities that are light who don't have your best interest at heart because they work for the "system". El is for the god of the NWO and almost every religious or spiritual word with El is associated with the demiurge according to Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion. I have seen it with my own third eye, "angelic" beings around my friends who tell them stuff which causes them great harm, and it breaks my heart for someone so goode to trust lovely spirits of light who are actually deceiving them.

"Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but my making the darkness conscious." ~Carl Jung "The Philosophical Tree"~

Who Are Your Guardians???
New age cites claim all of your guardians are of the "light" such as animals, higher self, and Ancient "gods" which is true; however, some of them are from the Dark as well. It seems that one way to discern between light and dark is that the
Underworld and lower dimensions are of the Dark while higher dimensions and the sky seem to associated with Light.
Angels and Ghosts (n.d.) states that "the realm of spirit, or 'spirit world,' consists of many planes of existence, that which we shall try to describe based upon what we think is most plausible. There could be multiple levels of darkness. Some would call these, 'hells.' They are temporary places that mirror the condition of a soul lost within the mind absorbed in self-condemnation in all forms. These hellish planes would be where 'ghosts' dwell. The earth plane would run parallel to these lowest levels, allowing for (lower level) ghosts to be known in our world, from time to time. In contrast, we envision there are most likely infinite levels of heavens or planes of light that are also equal to the condition of one’s understanding. The heavens would hold those of a higher place of knowing" (para.3). "Hell, or darkness, can only be a place to work through lack of understanding, traumas, negative emotions and other mis-thinkings contrary to truth. Truth is light, and light removes darkness. Certainly, loved ones on the other side will assist ghosts in getting free from such ignorance and help them in ascending toward freedom" (Angels and Ghosts, n.d., para.6). As a Necromancer i call BULLSHIT!!!  Some Great and Strong souls prefer the darkness. 

Darkness is a part of nature just as light is. There are benign and powerful Spirits in the Darkness who may be more enlightened than those of light because they see the "real world" more clearly and are capable of affecting more change for goode due to their lower dimensions. If you want to help someone you don't demonize where they are or their state. My best Protectors appear as Shadow Beings from the Underworld. It seems like we all may have Ancestors who are still in the Dark for one reason or a thousand. If you truly want to be whole isn't a balance of light and darkness the best???

Another point is that the Sun Cult the Vatican has and continues to do despicable in the name of the "Sun" "Light" Jesus whose life is based on the Sun's astrological movements.

"If you comprehend the darkness, it seizes you. It comes over you like the night with black shadows and countless shimmering stars. Silence and peace come over you if you begin to comprehend the darkness. Only he who does not comprehend the darkness fears the night." ~Carl G. Jung~

Are "Dark Hearts" Bad???

NO!!! A heart can easily be darkened by separation, sadness, anger, even hatred for a system that has wronged and misled so many. Sometimes GREAT LOVE involves getting down in the Dark to help souls like those of the children who are used in rituals of the "elite" and trapped in the Underworlds, but not distressed from that but from what happened to them in life. A heart that is half dark can protect the half that is light from all that fake and shallow love that so many have. People who claim to be dark and demonize it right along with those of light such as those of the black flame are hardly more awakened or aware than those who live in "pure light". Some satanist and other "dark ones"are just as confused by the "system" as those they claim to despise. 

In short, the biblical "God" and "Satan" are two sides of the same coin of monotheism and are both creations of the "elite", and Darkness does not equal bad while light does not equal goode. The blog "the Biggest Trick that 'Satan' Ever Pulled Is Convincing the World that it's 'God'? & Sacrificial Rituals with Children" @ has more information about this subject.  


Angels and Ghosts. (n.d.). "What Is the Difference Between Ghosts & Spirits?". Retrieved from

Day, Cameron. (15 January, 2015). "Why I Am No Longer A Lightworker". in5d. Retrieved from


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I don't remember what was written. But how about the Ell-ines? We live in Ellas. The land of the Els, the greek is called hellin...

    1. Jordan Maxwelll says El is for Saturn/yahyew... idk :O weird huh
