This article is a research proposal for testing MDMA assisted psychothereapy against psychotropic medication and therapy for PTSD, as well as cannabis oil against MPH, better known as Ritalin® for ADHD. The line of research of which the research project is meant to contribute, a critical analysis of supporting studies, studies that present a theoretical framework for the study, the instruments, measures, and methods of data collection and analysis, and a rationale for the proposed research will be presented in this article. First, the line of research of which the research project is meant to contribute will be reviewed.
The Line of Research of which the Research Project is Meant to Contribute
This research project is meant to contribute to helping people with ADHD and PTSD because everyone doesn’t react favorably to accepted treatments for them. This author proposes that many patients will respond better to cannabis oil in lieu of Ritalin for ADHD and to MDMA assisted psychotherapy in place of psychotropes for PTSD. The following section will elaborate with research summary.
The first section will consider cannabis. Hundreds of research
studies have been reviewed by Dr. Bearman who reveals that cannabis is
vital in retrograde inhibition that modulates the speed of
neurotransmission, and neurotransmission is too rapid when there aren't
enough cannabinoids which causes a rapid "assault" of sensory input to
the cerebral cortex which may cause difficulties in focusing (Medical
Marijuana 411, 2010). The impulses are decreased a few nanoseconds so
that the cerebral cortex has a better opportunity to focus with cannabis
(Medical Marijuana 411, 2010). Hadland, (2015) report that
future studies are needed to comprehend the manner in which children and
adolescents respond to cannabis developmentally. This study
proposes seeking adults whom just left adolescents and researching on
them with cannabis to gain a better understanding of its effects when
used for treating ADHD. Next MDMA will be considered.
This study proposes that we pick up where other studies have been
halted in order to expand the knowledge of healing our patients. Bouso, (2008) investigated the safety of different doses of
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy administered in a psychotherapeutic setting
with women possessing chronic PTSD. Six subjects were treated before
the study closed due to “political pressure” (Bouso,, 2008). The
study revealed that low doses of MDMA (between 50 and 75 mg) proved to
be both physiologically and psychologically safe for all of the tested
subjects (Bouso,, 2008). Whereas from 5% to 86% of patients
reported SRI discontinuation syndrome in one study (Zajecka,,
1997). The researcher has provided previous studies that reveal the
proposed study is viable. The next section will critically analyze
studies that support the research problem.
Critical Analysis of Supporting Studies
Studies that are concerned with psychotropes and youth are discussed here. Bottelier, (2014) report that there is concern about the safety of antidepressants to children and that there is potentially an increased risk of suicide associated with SSRIs. Bottelier, (2014) also claim that adult rats treated with MPH (Ritalin) do not display the depression-related and anxiety-behavior that is displayed by young rats in correlational studies and that clinical evidence exist that indicate related findings in humans. The psychostimulant methylphenidate (MPH, better known as Ritalin®) seems to provoke persistent neurobehavioral consequences such as decreased sensitivity to natural and drug reward, enhanced stress-induced emotionality, and long-term modulation of self-control abilities (Marco,, 2011). This researcher has noted that her own offspring who was subjected to years of MPH therapy displays every symptom that can be physically noted. There is still more evidence.
“There appears to be an association between antipsychotic medication use and impairment in executive/attentional functioning in these older institutionalized adults with dementia” (Eggermont,, 2009, para.17). Pacher & Kecskemeti (2004) present an extensive list of widely prescribed psychotropes that are associated with cardiovascular safety because “these drugs inhibit cardiovascular Na+, Ca2+ and K+ channels often leading to life-threatening arrhythmia…the new generation of antidepressants and antipsychotics also have clinically important cardiac as well as vascular effects” (para.1). Pope (2001) determined that although some cognitive deficits appear up to 7 days after heavy cannabis use seem to be reversible and not related to cumulative lifetime use so. It seems like any informed and sane
parent would not want their child on these if they knew these test results and compared them to un-lobbied research on cannabis oil. Next studies that present theoretical framework for this study will be discussed.
Studies that Present a Theoretical Framework for the Study
The primary purpose of this section is to present reasons that MDMA assisted pyhchotherapy should be further tested without fear of too many adverse reactions. Win, (2006) report that memory impairment was not evident in in moderate MDMA users. Chang, (2000) explained that cerebral blood flow returned to normal in a short term after heavy MDMA use while low-dose recreational MDMA does not seem to affect cerebral blood flow in humans in a correlational study. Surprisingly, scans that were performed 2-3 months after MDMA treatment exhibited increase cerebral blood flow (Chang,, 2000). “Participants treated with a combination of MDMA and psychotherapy saw clinically and statistically significant improvements in their PTSD -- over 80% of the trial group no longer met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD…all three subjects who reported being unable to work due to PTSD were able to return to work following treatment with MDMA. (SAGE Publications UK., 2010, para.5). Chan, (1996) admit that evidence suggests that Δ9-THC is non-carcinogenic in
mice or rats. It is difficult to find research studies that publish positive effects of cannabis due to big pharma control on research funds and lobbying that keeps cannabis illegal ("of INTEREST"!?, 2012). This information is linked to the variable of MDMA that will be used in psychotherapy as well as the variable of the cannabis oil for ADHD. The instruments, measures, and methods of data collection and analysis supporting the research proposal's methodology and approach will be discussed next.
The Instruments, Measures, and Methods of Data Collection and Analysis
This study design is a complicated one. All participants for the cannabis oil study must be young adults to record their results in order to determine if adolescents may be researched on next. A control group of young adults on MPH will be compared in a correlational study to measure treatment differences when compared to young adults on cannabis oil. The next study features a control group on accepted psychotropes while the independent variable is MDMA assisted psychotherapy. The Buckingham Personal Adaptability test that is used to measure irritability would be a beneficial measure for this research (Buckinham, n.d.). The Miller Happiness Scale measures an individual's happiness which would benefit the present research as well (Miller, 1998). The Cognitive Assessment System is reliable for instructional decision making and may indicate cognitive awareness for this research (Naglieri,, 2014). Subject testing both prior to and post-tests is advised, and more measures may need to be added. Next a study rationale will be provided.
A Rationale for the Proposed Research
This section will point out some reasons that the proposed study should be done and what some of its contributions will be. "Contrary to popular mythology, prescription drugs are more lethal than illegal or street drugs. Prescription drug abuse and addiction kill far more people in the U.S. every year than all illegal drugs combined" (Bonn, 2014, para.4). Pacher & Kecskemeti (2004) informed us that clinicians should be more vigilant about potential cardiovascular adverse
reactions that are associated with antidepressants. "Adverse effects of antidepressant drugs can decrease compliance and delay recovery...there is no perfect antidepressant that works quickly and is completely free of adverse reactions" ( Khawam,, 2006, para.1). This study should be done because there are so many adverse side-affects associated with psychotropic medications. Some more rationale will be presented next.
Downs (2013) reports that individuals with ADHD are self-medicating with cannabis. The finding of one study support research linking relevant cannabinoid receptors to regulatory control (Downs, 2013). Dr. David Bearman reports that numerous patients have relayed to him that cannabis enabled them to better concentrate and focused (Medical Marijuana 411, 2010). Study
suggests that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy relieves treatment-resistant PTSD (SAGE Publications UK., 2010). Help for the debilitating effects of PTSD on sufferers is worth further research (SAGE Publications UK., 2010). The proposed study would contribute to knowledge about helping people live normal lives when they have ADHD or PTSD. The researcher pleas with the granters to approve this research because the public is realizing that psychiatry is a bit of a scam and would appreciate honest research and may remember the company that researched healing.
The line of research of which the research project is meant to contribute, a critical analysis of supporting studies, studies that present a theoretical framework for the study, the instruments, measures, and methods of data collection and analysis, and a rationale for the proposed research have been presented in this article. This article has provided many back ground studies and cited rationalizations for this study to happen, and the research hopes that the investors will listen to reason in order to improve the psychiatric and psychological industries before all faith is lost in us as outside research reveals transgressions in the industry.
Critical Analysis of Supporting Studies
Studies that are concerned with psychotropes and youth are discussed here. Bottelier, (2014) report that there is concern about the safety of antidepressants to children and that there is potentially an increased risk of suicide associated with SSRIs. Bottelier, (2014) also claim that adult rats treated with MPH (Ritalin) do not display the depression-related and anxiety-behavior that is displayed by young rats in correlational studies and that clinical evidence exist that indicate related findings in humans. The psychostimulant methylphenidate (MPH, better known as Ritalin®) seems to provoke persistent neurobehavioral consequences such as decreased sensitivity to natural and drug reward, enhanced stress-induced emotionality, and long-term modulation of self-control abilities (Marco,, 2011). This researcher has noted that her own offspring who was subjected to years of MPH therapy displays every symptom that can be physically noted. There is still more evidence.
“There appears to be an association between antipsychotic medication use and impairment in executive/attentional functioning in these older institutionalized adults with dementia” (Eggermont,, 2009, para.17). Pacher & Kecskemeti (2004) present an extensive list of widely prescribed psychotropes that are associated with cardiovascular safety because “these drugs inhibit cardiovascular Na+, Ca2+ and K+ channels often leading to life-threatening arrhythmia…the new generation of antidepressants and antipsychotics also have clinically important cardiac as well as vascular effects” (para.1). Pope (2001) determined that although some cognitive deficits appear up to 7 days after heavy cannabis use seem to be reversible and not related to cumulative lifetime use so. It seems like any informed and sane
parent would not want their child on these if they knew these test results and compared them to un-lobbied research on cannabis oil. Next studies that present theoretical framework for this study will be discussed.
Studies that Present a Theoretical Framework for the Study
The primary purpose of this section is to present reasons that MDMA assisted pyhchotherapy should be further tested without fear of too many adverse reactions. Win, (2006) report that memory impairment was not evident in in moderate MDMA users. Chang, (2000) explained that cerebral blood flow returned to normal in a short term after heavy MDMA use while low-dose recreational MDMA does not seem to affect cerebral blood flow in humans in a correlational study. Surprisingly, scans that were performed 2-3 months after MDMA treatment exhibited increase cerebral blood flow (Chang,, 2000). “Participants treated with a combination of MDMA and psychotherapy saw clinically and statistically significant improvements in their PTSD -- over 80% of the trial group no longer met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD…all three subjects who reported being unable to work due to PTSD were able to return to work following treatment with MDMA. (SAGE Publications UK., 2010, para.5). Chan, (1996) admit that evidence suggests that Δ9-THC is non-carcinogenic in
mice or rats. It is difficult to find research studies that publish positive effects of cannabis due to big pharma control on research funds and lobbying that keeps cannabis illegal ("of INTEREST"!?, 2012). This information is linked to the variable of MDMA that will be used in psychotherapy as well as the variable of the cannabis oil for ADHD. The instruments, measures, and methods of data collection and analysis supporting the research proposal's methodology and approach will be discussed next.
The Instruments, Measures, and Methods of Data Collection and Analysis
This study design is a complicated one. All participants for the cannabis oil study must be young adults to record their results in order to determine if adolescents may be researched on next. A control group of young adults on MPH will be compared in a correlational study to measure treatment differences when compared to young adults on cannabis oil. The next study features a control group on accepted psychotropes while the independent variable is MDMA assisted psychotherapy. The Buckingham Personal Adaptability test that is used to measure irritability would be a beneficial measure for this research (Buckinham, n.d.). The Miller Happiness Scale measures an individual's happiness which would benefit the present research as well (Miller, 1998). The Cognitive Assessment System is reliable for instructional decision making and may indicate cognitive awareness for this research (Naglieri,, 2014). Subject testing both prior to and post-tests is advised, and more measures may need to be added. Next a study rationale will be provided.
A Rationale for the Proposed Research
This section will point out some reasons that the proposed study should be done and what some of its contributions will be. "Contrary to popular mythology, prescription drugs are more lethal than illegal or street drugs. Prescription drug abuse and addiction kill far more people in the U.S. every year than all illegal drugs combined" (Bonn, 2014, para.4). Pacher & Kecskemeti (2004) informed us that clinicians should be more vigilant about potential cardiovascular adverse
reactions that are associated with antidepressants. "Adverse effects of antidepressant drugs can decrease compliance and delay recovery...there is no perfect antidepressant that works quickly and is completely free of adverse reactions" ( Khawam,, 2006, para.1). This study should be done because there are so many adverse side-affects associated with psychotropic medications. Some more rationale will be presented next.
Downs (2013) reports that individuals with ADHD are self-medicating with cannabis. The finding of one study support research linking relevant cannabinoid receptors to regulatory control (Downs, 2013). Dr. David Bearman reports that numerous patients have relayed to him that cannabis enabled them to better concentrate and focused (Medical Marijuana 411, 2010). Study
suggests that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy relieves treatment-resistant PTSD (SAGE Publications UK., 2010). Help for the debilitating effects of PTSD on sufferers is worth further research (SAGE Publications UK., 2010). The proposed study would contribute to knowledge about helping people live normal lives when they have ADHD or PTSD. The researcher pleas with the granters to approve this research because the public is realizing that psychiatry is a bit of a scam and would appreciate honest research and may remember the company that researched healing.
The line of research of which the research project is meant to contribute, a critical analysis of supporting studies, studies that present a theoretical framework for the study, the instruments, measures, and methods of data collection and analysis, and a rationale for the proposed research have been presented in this article. This article has provided many back ground studies and cited rationalizations for this study to happen, and the research hopes that the investors will listen to reason in order to improve the psychiatric and psychological industries before all faith is lost in us as outside research reveals transgressions in the industry.
Excellent work here! Very thorough literature review. You did a great job assessing previous studies and examining some of the issues that have been dealt with in this topic. Good job including an analysis of the measures and instruments and providing a rationale for your design and plan. You can add this section to the 10a proposal and begin to take a look at the next assignment--8a-- the metholodogy. Additional guidance will be provided on this shortly.
Prof M
Bonn, Scott A. Ph.D. (28 Apr, 2014). Prescription Drugs Are More Deadly Than Street Drugs: Many unethical doctors enable their drug-addicted patients. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https:// .../prescription-drugs...
Bottelier, M. A., Schouw, M. J., Klomp, A., Tamminga, H. H., Schrantee, A. M., Bouziane, C., & ... Reneman, L. (2014). The effects of Psychotropic drugs On Developing brain (ePOD) study: Methods and design. BMC Psychiatry, 14doi:10.1186/ 1471-244X-14-48 http://
Bouso, J. C., B.Sc, Doblin, R., PhD., Farré, Magí, MD, PhD, Alcázar, M. Á., PhD, & Gómez-Jarabo, G., PhD. (2008). MDMA-assisted psychotherapy using low doses in a small sample of women with chronic posttraumatic stress disorderdagger]. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 40(3), 225-36. Retrieved from
Buckingham, G. E. (n.d). Personal Adaptability Test. Available from: Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print, Ipswich, MA. Accessed August 13, 2016 from http://
Chan, P.C., Sills R.C., Braun A.G., J.K. Haseman J.K., J.R.. and Bucher J.R. (March, 1996). Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Fischer Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. Toxicological Sciences. 30 (1): 109-117. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/30.1.109
http:// content/30/1/109.short
Chang, Linda; Grob, Charles S; Ernst, Thomas; Itti, Laurent; Mishkin, Fred S; Jose-Melchor, Rosemarie; and Poland, Russell E. (28 February 2000). Effect of ecstasy [3,4-methylenedioxymethamp hetamine
(MDMA)] on cerebral blood flow: a co-registered SPECT and MRI study.
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging: Volume 98, Issue 1. Pages 15–28.
doi:10.1016/ S0925-4927(99)00048-7. Retrieved from http://…/S0925492…
Downs, David. (14 Nov, 2013). ADHD and Marijuana: Whole Lotta Self-Medication Going On.Smell the Truth. Retrieved from .../ adhd-and-marijuana-whole... /
Eggermont, L. P., de Vries, K., & Scherder, E. A. (2009). Psychotropic medication use and cognition in institutionalized older adults with mild to moderate dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 21(2), 286-294. doi:10.1017/ S1041610209008552
Hadland,Scott E. MD, MPH; Knight, John R. MD; and Harris, Sion K. PhD. (2015). Medical Marijuana: Review of the Science and Implications for Developmental Behavioral Pediatric Practice. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2015 Feb-Mar; 36(2): 115–123.
doi: 10.1097/ DBP.0000000000000129. Retrieved from
Khawam EA , Laurencic G , and Malone DA Jr. (2006).
Side effects of antidepressants: an overview. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine [2006, 73(4):351-3, 356-61]. (PMID:16610395). Retrieved from abstract/med/16610395
Marco, Eva M; Adriani, Walter; Ruocco, Lucia A; Canese, Rossella; Sadile, Adolfo G; and Laviola, Giovanni. (Aug, 2011). Neurobehavioral adaptations to methylphenidate: The issue of early adolescent exposure. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Volume 35, Issue 8, Pages 1722–1739. doi:10.1016/ j.neubiorev.2011.02.011. Retrieved from
Medical Marijuana 411. (2 Apr, 2010). David Bearman, M.D. Cannabis, Cannabinoids - ADD,Tourette's Syndrome, Migraines. Retrieved from watch?v=TTeagW1XONI
Miller, H. J. (1998). Miller Happiness Scale. Available from: Mental Measurements Yearbook
with Tests in Print, Ipswich, MA. Accessed August 13, 2016 from
Naglieri, J. A., Das, J. P., & Goldstein, S. (2014). Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition: Rating Scale. Available from: Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in
Print, Ipswich, MA. Accessed August 13, 2016 from
"of INTEREST"!? (23 Dec, 2012). Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic
Drugging - Full Movie (Documentary). "of INTEREST"!? Retrieved from watch?v=rk-ryvdWPgw
Pacher, Pal; Kecskemeti, Valeria. (20 Aug, 2004), Cardiovascular Side Effects of New
Antidepressants and Antipsychotics: New Drugs, old Concerns? Current Pharmaceutical Design, Volume 10, pp. 2463-2475(13). DOI: 1381612043383872
Pope, H.G. Jr, MD; Gruber, A.J., MD; Hudson, J.I., MD, SM; Huestis, M.A., PhD; and Yurgelun-Todd, D. PhD. (1 Oct, 2001). Neuropsychological Performance in Long-term Cannabis Users. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001;58(10):909-915.
doi:10.1001/ archpsyc.58.10.909. Retrieved from
SAGE Publications UK. (2010, July 20). MDMA (Ecstasy)-assisted psychotherapy relieves treatment-resistant PTSD, study suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 21, 2016 from releases/2010/07/ 100719082927.htm
Win, de, M.M; Brink, van den, W; Schmand, B; Reneman, L; Bakker, O; Booij, J; and Schilt, T. (2006). Memory function and serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism inecstasy (MDMA) users. Journal of Psychopharmacology, Volume 20, Issue 3. pp. 389-
399. doi: 10.1177/0269881106063266 Retrieved from
Zajecka, J; Tracy, KA; and Mitchell, S. (1997). Discontinuation symptoms after treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a literature review. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Retrieved from .../ discontinuation-symptoms...

Bonn, Scott A. Ph.D. (28 Apr, 2014). Prescription Drugs Are More Deadly Than Street Drugs: Many unethical doctors enable their drug-addicted patients. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://
Bottelier, M. A., Schouw, M. J., Klomp, A., Tamminga, H. H., Schrantee, A. M., Bouziane, C., & ... Reneman, L. (2014). The effects of Psychotropic drugs On Developing brain (ePOD) study: Methods and design. BMC Psychiatry, 14doi:10.1186/
Bouso, J. C., B.Sc, Doblin, R., PhD., Farré, Magí, MD, PhD, Alcázar, M. Á., PhD, & Gómez-Jarabo, G., PhD. (2008). MDMA-assisted psychotherapy using low doses in a small sample of women with chronic posttraumatic stress disorderdagger]. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 40(3), 225-36. Retrieved from
Buckingham, G. E. (n.d). Personal Adaptability Test. Available from: Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print, Ipswich, MA. Accessed August 13, 2016 from http://
Chan, P.C., Sills R.C., Braun A.G., J.K. Haseman J.K., J.R.. and Bucher J.R. (March, 1996). Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Fischer Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. Toxicological Sciences. 30 (1): 109-117. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/30.1.109
Chang, Linda; Grob, Charles S; Ernst, Thomas; Itti, Laurent; Mishkin, Fred S; Jose-Melchor, Rosemarie; and Poland, Russell E. (28 February 2000). Effect of ecstasy [3,4-methylenedioxymethamp
Downs, David. (14 Nov, 2013). ADHD and Marijuana: Whole Lotta Self-Medication Going On.Smell the Truth. Retrieved from
Eggermont, L. P., de Vries, K., & Scherder, E. A. (2009). Psychotropic medication use and cognition in institutionalized older adults with mild to moderate dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 21(2), 286-294. doi:10.1017/
Hadland,Scott E. MD, MPH; Knight, John R. MD; and Harris, Sion K. PhD. (2015). Medical Marijuana: Review of the Science and Implications for Developmental Behavioral Pediatric Practice. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2015 Feb-Mar; 36(2): 115–123.
doi: 10.1097/
Khawam EA , Laurencic G , and Malone DA Jr. (2006).
Side effects of antidepressants: an overview. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine [2006, 73(4):351-3, 356-61]. (PMID:16610395). Retrieved from
Marco, Eva M; Adriani, Walter; Ruocco, Lucia A; Canese, Rossella; Sadile, Adolfo G; and Laviola, Giovanni. (Aug, 2011). Neurobehavioral adaptations to methylphenidate: The issue of early adolescent exposure. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Volume 35, Issue 8, Pages 1722–1739. doi:10.1016/
Medical Marijuana 411. (2 Apr, 2010). David Bearman, M.D. Cannabis, Cannabinoids - ADD,Tourette's Syndrome, Migraines. Retrieved from
Miller, H. J. (1998). Miller Happiness Scale. Available from: Mental Measurements Yearbook
with Tests in Print, Ipswich, MA. Accessed August 13, 2016 from
Naglieri, J. A., Das, J. P., & Goldstein, S. (2014). Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition: Rating Scale. Available from: Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in
Print, Ipswich, MA. Accessed August 13, 2016 from
"of INTEREST"!? (23 Dec, 2012). Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic
Drugging - Full Movie (Documentary). "of INTEREST"!? Retrieved from
Pacher, Pal; Kecskemeti, Valeria. (20 Aug, 2004), Cardiovascular Side Effects of New
Antidepressants and Antipsychotics: New Drugs, old Concerns? Current Pharmaceutical Design, Volume 10, pp. 2463-2475(13). DOI:
Pope, H.G. Jr, MD; Gruber, A.J., MD; Hudson, J.I., MD, SM; Huestis, M.A., PhD; and Yurgelun-Todd, D. PhD. (1 Oct, 2001). Neuropsychological Performance in Long-term Cannabis Users. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001;58(10):909-915.
SAGE Publications UK. (2010, July 20). MDMA (Ecstasy)-assisted psychotherapy relieves treatment-resistant PTSD, study suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 21, 2016 from
Win, de, M.M; Brink, van den, W; Schmand, B; Reneman, L; Bakker, O; Booij, J; and Schilt, T. (2006). Memory function and serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism inecstasy (MDMA) users. Journal of Psychopharmacology, Volume 20, Issue 3. pp. 389-
399. doi: 10.1177/0269881106063266 Retrieved from
Zajecka, J; Tracy, KA; and Mitchell, S. (1997). Discontinuation symptoms after treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a literature review. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Retrieved from
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