Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Survival Skills 101~~~ chickens with some of Andre's food knowledge

You will not be financially supporting factory chicken farms, which is an important step towards dismantling them, a great contribution towards farm animal welfare.ouroneacrefarm.com

Chickens don't take up much room and eat scraps as well as keep pests out of our yards. If we raised and killed our own chickens and gathered our own eggs instead of buying from stores, it would be awesome in many ways. Containing and shipping animals is cruel and the stress releases bad chemicals in their bodies. A humane death at their homes is much better for them and us. Pulling feathers is not necessary because you can just grab the skin and pull the whole thing off, and it comes off very easy on young birds and the remaining chickens will eat the scraps from killing.
This is a reputable company that my family has ordered from throughout the years.  https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/index.html
We need to prepare a place for the baby chicks.  It can be simple.
The rocks in the water container do keep the chicks from drowning.  We must keep their little bohineys clean because they can stop up with poopoo.  The feeding container keeps them from scattering their food.  The house must be for them to feel safe.  The heat lamp is vital to keep them warm.


They do need to be secure from predators too.  We kept out precious babies in our home until they were ready for the chicken pen.  The vitamins that we add to water can be purchased from the hatchery.  Chicken starter is a necessity and it can be purchased at any feed store.

Hens will still lay without a rooster as long as they get laying pellets which are also available at the feed store.  This prevent noise in town.
Andre is one of my Source Mates and he is the picture of health.  I saved some of his words to one day publish.

1 egg contains 13 % of protein which means we need 8 eggs per day alone to have a daily protein requirement

Did u understood?

Sprouted seeds and grains r the highest protein value in 1 cup...The sprouted seed or grain contains more nutrition value like 10x more which means we don't need this statistics to be well informed abt food we can use our senses dont worry

Eat a few eggs or a full spoon of sprouted seed or grains and you'll see the feeling we will have...The egg has a certificate quallity written on it

On each egg...0 means the chickens r outside and eat non gmo and bio and have free space like 2 sq meters per chicken...1 means only bio and less space but still outside for fresh air like 0

2 means they r inside and the space is 2 sq foot per chicken and they eat gmo and non bio...3 means they r in cages vertically less than a sq foot per cage in 1 sq meter theirs several chickens suffering eating crap

We r what we eat

Our gut is our image

Thats y i let go of meats and fishes the eggs i eat only 0 or 1

1 egg contain 2.5 mg of fluoride

Cuz the tap water will go straight to the egg

Its equal to 4mg in 1l of tap water

Meats have much more mg alot more...

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