Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Survival Skills 101~~~ Germinating Stevia and a Bit on Mugwort from Andre

Its germination rate its very very low so germinate wisely

Stevia will make every1 let go of cigarettes and alcohol automatically if eaten everyday replacing sugar forever

Stevia can be exaggerated no problem

It lowers sugar levels cuz it contains no sugar but something else...Grab 2 small containers like tea pots and 1 put hydrogen peroxyde just a few drops with water this will kill the fungus and let it sprout faster The other u put honey just a little and give it a taste if its sweet enought to u the seed will grab the sugars and and use it to her germination next u can plant it after u see her opening or just plant it...Soak the seeds until it drops to the bottom or wait a few hours like 24h max
The other container as well 6 to 12h

Strawberry seeds r rly dificult too this method will help much easier... SEED GERMINATION !!!

Hemp induces sleep and its relaxing with no high and mugwort we have yes and we drink tea with and vaporise it its awesome delicious and helps meditation and opens the third eye and it helps astral...The benefits of mugwort r endless...It is spescially made for the chakras mostly third eye...We bought from eBay labeled as tea...

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