Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Day 31: Halloween Dancing with the Dead

The sweet little girl that felt the grass cry at cutting time matured into a women who learned to hide her heart in the darkness.  From terrified child to almost fearless Crone she has learned much.  Odd that one portion of a lifetime such as getting on-line brought such great change and soul growth for Paige.  From trusting humans and fearing those seen with the third eye to sensing security in the dark and fearing humans.  Chastised much she has been, even by her own beloved sisters for her choices.  The energy of many of her "friends"who claim to live in love and light soured in fear and not love for her once she stepped into the darkness. Those who claim "We Are One" yet fear a necessary part of existence have had much affect on her choices to turn away from the living.  She cares not because she knows what stopped her own troubles with negative spirits.  

Bourne of the 9 she is a Childe of Mercury.  Twas her destiny not to belong among the living; yet, to those Innocent souls lost in the dark she is a rare gem.  She will stretch her hand out and open her heart to those souls lost in darkness that are feared by many.  

The truth, as far as Paige can tell, is that there is no absolute truth.  The sincere Light Worker that communes with ETs and Ascended Masters, the heart felt Christian who resonates with Jesus and Angels, and the ethical Satanist with their Horned gods are all as genuine as Paige is in her Necromancy.  
Perhaps there is Oneness in the Great Elements such as the great power of Chango in every thunderstorm and fire, or the Awesome Power of Water as Oshun; alas, she will not claim Oneness with humanity.  It's not from lack of trying; but rather, from trying too hard and really seeing what "humanity" allows to continue in the world from the meat to the war industries.

Paige did grow into a woman with an activated kundalini who fears not those things unseen by most of humanity.  In fact, she now joins her beloved Maman Brigette in laughing at the weakly pathetic parasitic entities  The fear stems from the system which makes life difficult for her children with this fine and that fine for bullshit bureaucracy.   The fear of opening up because she knows how the majority of humans react to her.  She whose heart beats with Momma Earth's.  Regardless of her fears, there are steady and sure "Imaginary Friends" whose energy is much cleaner than most live people. Obsessing her and pushing to her to research and write.  

Despite deep concern when looking at what has been done to the world and people around her, she has created a reality in which she is loved, and is making differences in.  The wonderful relationship that she has built with another like her who is totally different than her is an anchor in this world.  At the times when the energy of those who call her crazy bear into her being, she can always go back to the vision that Robbie showed her about Willy being her Yin Yang.  Yes, that vision came true so why not believe in herself and fuck what everyone else says.  Life in the body is but a short span of time in comparison to the freedom of being in Spirit form, and one day she will most happily go back.  Until then, Paige will draw comfort and strength dancing with the dead.  Laughter is another key to keeping some semblance of sanity in an insane world.

Twiztid- "Rock The 

Dead" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtJVvusiiGE

Monday, October 30, 2017

Day 30: A Band of Angels End Amherst Road Terror

The infamous "devil worshiping place" of the little Texas town that paige and her sons called home was known as the Amherst bridge.  Corpses of cows and "satanic" ritual artifacts have been found under that old bridge on more than one occasion.  There were even tales around town of an upside down pentagram painted in  blood.  Perhaps the strangest thing about it is that more than one person has been found hanging from the tree branches as suicides on Old Amherst  Road.  Paige knew man from AA that hung himself out there, and one friend she trusted knew another man who met the same fate.  

Once Aarron's troubles began on the highway Paige remembered a time from her younger years when Kenneth, the AA Leader, informed the group that John's friends reported that he seemed fine one minute, and the next moment he looked dazed as he got up and left their party.  No-one knew where he was until his bloated and stinking corpse was seen by a sharp eyed man driving down Old Amherst Road.  Everyone was astonished because he seemed to be doing so good in group.

Many in town have tested the Amherst bridge by parking on it and killing their ride.  They would brave the old country dirt road that wound through the thick woods to get to the old steel bridge that supported wooden planks to drive across.   Sometimes the engines started back up; whereas, some folks reported being stranded for a little while before their vehicles would start again.  In her youth paige had tested it herself, but she had forgotten the Still house "legend" until Aarron began having "fits" on their way home from town.  

Paige's little family moved from town to a new trailer on paige's old lot on the land Granmommy had bought her family.  When paig'e Daddy died her Momma bought her a cute little house trailer so she could bring her sons to the country.  There was a fine school house made of rocks that was very small, and very good that her sons could attend.  Back in the haunted woods they were, but the next big issue occured  on the highway.

The first time that Aarron got uncomfortable as they approached the little bridge on the highway  that led to their home, paige was startled and couldn't figure out why.  But in a flash she remembered Amherst bridge.  "Oh fuck," paige screamed in head, "this creek is the same one that Amherst bridge spans.  It is said that spirits are attracted to running water.  I wonder if there are devil worshipping spirits from Amherst attached to the water in the creek?"

"Look at all of the monsters Momma," shrieked Aarron.  Paige grabbed the Arch Angel Michael prayer card that she kept in her windshield and began reciting the prayer that she had memorized. 

After what seemed like an eternity fit into a second Aarron said "can Y'all see the Angels?They are kicking the monsters asses."  Michael's expression revealed that he was even more relieved than paige to see the change in his big brother, Aarron.  From then on, paige remembered to be saying Michael's prayer and playing Christian music as they approached the bridge that spawned Amherst creek.  Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't; yet, life must go on.

My blogs 

"Victims of Sexual Abuse May Need a Goode Cleanse" @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/victims-of-sexual-abuse-need-goode.html  has information about attachments

"Protection from Astral Entities and a Light Cleansing Method" @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/protection-from-astral-entities-and.html  has some protection and cleansing methods gathered up that are not associated with my Voodooo gods

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Day 29: Arch Angel Michael Stops a Possession

Paige got a new job waiting tables at Sirloin Stockade, and her baby sitter didn't work out so that she had to leave her 3 year old son at the bosses daughter's house where he was raped.  CPS, the police, and the state people said that noting could be done about it because he was so young.  Presently, paige would get her own Justice with Hoodoo; however, back then she was still a slave to the system, and she trusted "God" to help her.  As more time passed he was molested at two other baby sitters while she was working.  Baby sitter hell for single Moms.  The only pain that could be worse for a good Mom is seeing her child be sick and die.  Only one struggle against malevolent spirits of many struggles will be related in this story.

Twas not long after this that Aarron started acting weird.  He didn't like it when paige left him places, and it was so difficult to have to leave him to go to work.  "If anyone touches you you in your private areas you start screaming i am gonna tell my Momma," she instructed Aarron.

"Yes Momma," i will.

"As soon as i get off of work i will be back for you.  Your little brother, Michael, will be with You too.  I want for Y'all to stay together.  Do you understand that Michael?"

"Yes Momma, i stay with Bubba," Michael piped in his sweet little voice.  Paige trusted God, but she was still fearful.     

She was taking her two sons to church every Sunday, and she did have total faith in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as well as the Blood of Jesus.  Nevertheless, there were times when Aarron would go berserk hollering and screaming which led up to him changing.  His eyes would roll back in his head, and his voice dropped down to a very low and deep growl.  The child was 5-years-old with no preconceptions of such strange behavior.  One time it even happened at the Salvation Army church, but the Chaplain freaked out a little bit himself.

Although paige had Aarron and Michael baptized as Catholic, she was going to her Dad's church, the Salvation Army.  One day the preacher man said that the blood of Jesus could make any demon go away.  The next time Aarron threw one of his "fits" paige pleaded the blood to no avail.  In fact, he hissed in a voice that was much lower than his own "muhahaha...i don't believe in Your Jesus.  He has no power of me." 

Paige was terrified, and she looked at Michael who was sitting on the bed with Aarron.  Michael's big blue eyes were wide open, and he was taking it all in.  "Sage", paige thought.  Her friend gave her some sage to cleanse the home that she shared with her two precious sons.  Once it was lit the sweet odor of the sage filled the bedroom.

Aarron snapped his head towards paige and growled "what is that smell, i can't stand that smell" when in reality he said he liked sage.  Paige saged herself, her home,a nd her sons often as the attacks scared the be-jesus out of her.

Then paige remembered the Arch Angel Michael card that her friend also gave her.  She was too scared to get the card from her purse so she screamed "Arch Angel Michael PLEASE come help my son!!!"  In no time, Aarron's eyes were looking forward instead of rolling back and his body relaxed.  Whew, what a relief.  Little Michael, and Momma relaxed too.  Paige turned on cartoon network so the boys could watch TV while she got their school clothes together, and prepared them for bed and the next day.  Thus began paige's journey to learn exorcisms.

My blogs 

"Victims of Sexual Abuse May Need a Goode Cleanse" @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/victims-of-sexual-abuse-need-goode.html  has information about attachments

"Protection from Astral Entities and a Light Cleansing Method" @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/07/protection-from-astral-entities-and.html  has some protection and cleansing methods gathered up that are not associated with my Voodooo gods

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Day 28: Willy Sees Paige's Ghosties

Paige was so stoked to be Willy's friend that she took a risk "don't i deserve to have a best friend?" she'd queried.  "You can be my best friend."  He definitely has the best energy for her purpose  in life of anyone else she knows.

"Ya", he agreed, and she could feel the emptiness in her relationship with Danni that gave her a renewed sense of freedom. 

What began as a misinterpretation of a vision given by Robbie when she first met Willy has developed into a fulfilling Yin Yang relationship of East meets West.  The story where  paige met Willy is here http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-9-of-2017-halloween-challenge-is.html

As paige and Willy got closer he finally video called her on wassup.  He showed her his altars and asked to see hers and while she was showing them he said he saw two ghosts, "an old man in a hat, and  a young girl".  Paige was so happy that she got too excited, and he couldn't even make out what she was saying anymore so they went back to message.

Paige still doesn't know how to get pics from fb to wassup on her phone on she took a picture of Susan, her bestie who died when Robbie did, from the computer screen and sent it to Willy.

"Is this the girl You saw?"

"Yes," he replied.  Paige knew who he saw when he said it.  He could not see the old man in the hat very clearly, but paige knew who that was too; it was the silver man.  Here is a shot of the Silver Man manifesting in the clouds that a lady visiting his monument caught.

Paige was so stoked and perplexed.  She couldn't figure out why she could not see Susan.  Willy fed Susan's soul with  astral gold so that she got strong enough for paige to talk to her again after all of these years of missing her never-to-be-replaced bestie.  Susan told her who was manifesting with her at the time Willy saw her, and it was the Silver Man, the Great Southern gentleman and General.  It's the stuff that fairy tales are made of.  Her best friend in a body is a ghost whisperer and her other best friend is a ghost who sorta like each other.  Willy is helping Susan heal, and Susan visits paige often now.  Her ghost best friend verifies paige isn't crazy as she often wonders due to her communion with "The Ghost of General Lee" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-MX0PXDWis  

Paige as a ghost whisperer is working with Confederate Civil War soldiers whom the General feels responsible for.  One thing for sure, the Universe conspires.

Shaman Willy made a very cool meme

"Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings" @ 


 has some really cool Shamanic type info

Willy is so cool, and he plays guitar as well as he does Shamanic stuff.  Please check out his music and subscribe to his channel.  He's a great guy.


WARRIORS @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghcmXSXaw-0

Friday, October 27, 2017

Day 27: Willy in Gold & Purple Namaste

As time moved along Willy must have gained more respect and trust for paige because he was paying more and more attention to her.  The story is now at the space in  time when the Exorcist was realizing she must get away from the "demon"; NOT because of  what Danni believes she is, but because of astral attacks concerning suicidal visions from Danni's husband who believes he's the anti-Christ.

In paige's mind, the energy from Willy helped her grow stronger so that she could "see" that she was being fed from bythe psy Vamp, Vlad,  according to Baron Samedi.  Yin Yang relationships truly do seem to be more powerful because of the combination of  energy forces co-mingling.

Willy told paige "if you get a phone, i can talk to you on wassup app.  The net is out here for house repairs and i can't get online".  Naturally, paige got a phone and she is convinced that the extra contact with Willy helped her power grow even more.  This led up to her escaping the clutches of Vlad @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-13of-exorcist-and-demon-part-3-end.html

On a day when paige was to have a Shamanic mushroom journey, she got permission from Willy to astral to him for sex for the benefit of spiritual growth.  Paige's goddess, Maman Brigette, encourages the once  celibate paige to keep her kundalini active in this manner, and even asked for a blog just about Her @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-exquisite-maman-brigette-astral-sex.html

As the Magick mushrooms began working paige went outside to chill with the Silver Man Incubus Whom Maman Brigette had empowered to keep Her Childe's root and sacral chakras "popping" to stimulate her kundalini.  The story in which paige meets the Silver Man is @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-17-obsession-with-civil-war-begins.html

He glided up in a silver cloud that shimmers on the astrals,  but he  was sad because he didn't want paige succubus feeding from Willy as energy exchange.  So, paige told Willy.  "No sex, we will just be friends and do regular energy exchange".  Willy is all about no attachment so he could not return deep love energy that paige received fromher Spirit Husband.  It doesn't matter if a soul is in a living body on the astral fields, they still have energy, Paige is a soul that needs love for sacral and root chakra expression even if it comes from another dimension.

Once that was settled, paige could meditate to see where her lesson of this Journey would be.  For her, each Shamanic Journey had it's own astral visits and lessons to be learned.
Choice of music does seem to affect the dimension that paige's astral self goes to.  She has much to learn from Willy as when his astral self leaves his body he just goes limp; however, she cannot get all the way out as she still feels what is happening in her physical body.  Willy explained to her that feeling and having physical signs of what happens on astral means that she is getting out but not 100%.  After 3 years of practicing, it's about time she gets out 100%; alas, one day soon.  At least her third eye works really great.

On this Day of Journey Paige saw a dimension that was higher than herself and flooded with light as golden as the dawn.  Twas a Holy place of great peace and serenity that filled her soul with  joy and hope.  She floated along approaching a figure sitting like a meditating Buddha on a  raised platform who she recognized as Willy.  It was obvious that she was looking into a dimension that is higher than where her soul dwells.  Golden Light emanated from Willy's soul as it beamed it's compassionate unattachment.  It was as if her soul lay down to bask in the lovely bright golden glow.

When she looked down she could see the Underworld where her gods dwell, and it was so beautiful.  The soft purple light that faded into shades of grey, silver, and black in the lower vibrating dimension felt like home to her.  Twas a Holy place as the Golden Light above with a different purpose and energy.

As she basked in the golden energy of compassion that Willy was beaming on her as well as the energy of protection and love from Her beloved Ghede gods she felt certainty that these two dimensions could exist in peace.  The energy of respect and acceptance was thick so that the only word that which comes to mind is Namaskar.

"Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings" @ 


 has some really cool Shamanic type info

Willy is so cool, and he plays guitar as well as he does Shamanic stuff.  Please check out his music and subscribe to his channel.  He's a great guy.


DAMIEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uc7t4joSgY

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Day 26 : Reunion With Willy 2: The Time Before the Exorcist and the Demon

This is part 2 of this story http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-25-reunion-with-willy.html

It seems like we are multi-dimensional beings as that is the best way to describe the freaky cool things that can happen to us when we explore spiritual things.  This story is being told to express how marvelous and powerful the soul really is; NOT because the author wishes to talk about sex.  Someday, maybe  someone else will benefit. Plus, charging money for knowledge seems shitty , and my Papa Legba & He is of Communication.

Paige started getting possessed in a way that felt like astral sex more and more often in the late afternoon so she started posting on her fb line when she had a "visitor".  She knew it was Willy and he was sleeping, no matter what Danni said, so she told him because he should know what his spirit was doing.  She even got an aura pic one day when he was "possessing" her.

As  shown, her normal aura does not have bright red, and at that time her root chakra was still very weak.

"No paige," he told her, "i have not been there."  She was quiet about it a little while longer, but she did not like Willy not knowing his astral was coming to her in his sleep.  So she INSISTED that he paid attention to what she said.  Truth be told, she said some really silly stuff about Vlad and Vampires, and she still wasn't as cool as she would get to be.  Plus she had a silly school girl crush on him, and Willy ignored her a lot.  This time he did listen though because his astral self did not come back for a long time.  

Danni still balked when paige told her what was going on, and Danni didn't like paige's "guitar player".  It seems logical to pay attention when our friends make us feel like they are looking down on what we are experiencing.  In retrospect, that and Danni's discomfort with Papa Legba should have warned paige that something was amiss.  

Although she missed Willy, Papa Legba and Robbie were spending a lot of time with her and she had a lot of school work to keep her busy.  Vlad and Danni were very active in her life at this time as well, and paige was working to learn Vampire Magick.  She wanted to go visit Willy the way he had her because she thought he could get his attention then, and she told him she was trying. 

One day,  when paige was investigating Lucifer she slipped and called Him Father like she did when speaking to Danni to Vlad who tore into her.  He said "You are of Jesus, You cannot be Father's child".   Paige didn't really give a shit as she was just mimicking her Sister.  Paige was into Papa Legba, anyway.  This leads up to Vlad taking Robbie here http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-11-of-halloween-challenge-is.html

Willy did clean paige when she had to get away from her Sister and Vlad.  He was paying attention to her posts about Papa Legba, and he did start talking to her seriously after seeing that she was really over being brain washed by religion.  At this time she had been had been brain washed by psy Vamps.  At least paige had gained some respect from her favorite live human so she was happy even if he still ignored her sometimes.

"Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings" @ 


 has some really cool Shamanic type info

Willy is so cool, and he plays guitar as well as he does Shamanic stuff.  Please check out his music and subscribe to his channel.  He's a great guy.



Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Day 25: Reunion with Willy

The story in which paige meets Willy is @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-9-of-2017-halloween-challenge-is.html

This is just freaky weird because Willy sent me a song sent me a song this morning on day 24 after i decided to make a story out of the cool things about him.

Paddy and the Rats-Never Walk alone 

"I was prowling all night
down the Hell Street beside me a beggarman's stinky dog
Talking 'bout life so bona fide then woke up beside an old beggar mug Slept in the alley and dremt about Sally My pillow was my torn shoes Had a marvellous sleep on a drunk cold night Thank for the bittersweet booze If you don't see the light On drunken winter nights And the pain's deep in your bones And if you need a friend I'll be there to hold your hand Then you'll never walk alone Don't let the sun and the skies fall down Whisper the sound from your soul Hold my weak hands and don't say goodbye Then we'll never walk alone I'm prowling all night with my hands in my pocket They're harden into stone Just Pull me in deep so I dare to confess Sometimes you can't make it on your own Can't hear my heart beaten until it's covered with sorrow, we're two worlds apart As I can find a silent place I'm one foot close to my heart If you don't see the light On drunken winter nights And the pain's deep in your bones And if you need a friend I'll be there to hold your hand Then you'll never walk alone Don't let the sun and the skies fall down Whisper the sound from your soul Hold my weak hands and don't say goodbye Then we'll never walk alone How do you find the right way If there's no shining light? How do you trust your real belief If destiny's the one who's defied? How can be the pain so timeless If time is on your side? How do you find your real belief If there's no shining light? If you don't see the light On drunken winter nights And the pain's deep in your bones And if you need a friend I'll be there to hold your hand Then you'll never walk alone Don't let the sun and the skies fall down Whisper the sound from your soul Hold my weak hands and don't say goodbye Then we'll never walk alone Then we'll never walk alone Then we'll never walk alone"

When Willy had blocked paige for flipping out over thinking he was possessed by demons she felt lost.  The voices were telling her that demons were visiting her from astral, and that it wasn't him.  She  believed he was "demonic" because she was still a brainwashed Catholic at that time; even though, he had explained to her that Satanist is just a term for becoming his own god, and he did not work with demons or wish her harm.  Time passed very painfully, but she recovered. 

From the time in between being blocked by Willy, and the time she begged his forgiveness she learned much.  The main thing that opened her to mind and heart to realize that there is more to life than the bible was her 9/11 exorcism @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-23-911-exorcism.html

Paige had a google account that Willy hadn't blocked her on so she left a comment on one of his videos.  "You were right, Willy, the devil isn't real and i see that now.  Please forgive me and unblock me.  I am so sorry." 

In a few days, she received a pm from Willy, and he spoke to her shortly.  He has his fb where he cannot receive friend requests.  "Please send me a friend request.  I promise i'll be good," she asked him.

"Do you know now that there are no demons coming from me,"  he queried.

"Yes." she replied pleadingly, "there was voices of bad spirits tricking me who wanted me to remain weak.  If i did not believe in demons they would not have had any power over me.  I promise that i know they were able to affect me, even after You cleaned me, because i believed in them."

He did not reply, and waiting to hear from him was a difficult load to bear.  Finally, a few days later there was a friend request from Willy, and she was so stoked that she messaged Danni to tell her the great news.  Paige did not know Danni yet when she was friends with Willy the first time.

He hardly ever spoke to paige, but she was still glad not to be blocked by him.  Then Willy's astral self paid her a visit like back in the day when they were doing astral sex.  The thing about our astral self is that we are not always aware of what it is doing.  As Willy explained to paige, it is that part of You that is active when You sleep.  Sometimes we see this self in our dreams when we do things that are relevant to our lives.  Those who know Vampire Magick well can send the astral self out to go into people's dreams to feed on sex or whatever they feed on (ie. Incubus/Succubus).

Paige wasn't sure if Willy knew because it happened during his sleep time as it had  before, and Willy doesn't even do Vampire Magick so it seems to be a natural thing that some souls may do for energy exchange.  It was nice. Astral sex is akin to tantric sex as far as paige knew.  The sensation is similar to tinglies that come when the kundalini is activating accompanied by multiple orgasms that are less intense.  The kundalini is known as the inner Dragon that all humans have in Dragon Magick, and when it is activated it is AMAZING.  One thing for sure,when it happens there is no mistaking it for just being horny.

So, she just confided in her Sister, Danni, to get a second opinion.  Which was a mistake.  Danni insisted that paige was just horny and Willy hadn't been there.  At that moment of time paige still believed Danni had to be the Vamp Queen in her dream because her old man, Vlad, had paige convinced that he was Vlad the Impaler in a past life.  Paige would not have believed if not for the dream she had when she was young in which the Vampire King saved her from other Vamps.  Maybe sometimes things must happen to help us grow to become all we can be.

when it's all done this story will demonstrate how psychic Vamps get a hold of people... 

the dream  is here http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/embellished-for-detail-true-scary-story.html

my time being Sister to the "wife of the anti Christ/Vlad the Impaler" begins here http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/embellished-for-detail-true-scary-story.html

Willy is so cool, and he plays guitar as well as he does Shamanic stuff.  Please check out his music and subscribe to his channel.  He's a great guy.



Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Day 24: The Struggle to Stay Alive

The scariest thing about this story is  that the medical professionals knew paige was suicidal, and they still gave her access to large amount of dangerous psychotropes.  This story will begin with a citation because comprehension of the side effects of elavil or amitriptyline are relevant.

Amitriptyline Warnings

"The FDA requires amitriptyline to carry a black-box warning because of the risk of suicide.
In short-term studies, a small number of children, teen-agers and young adults (up to 24 years old) who took antidepressants such as amitriptyline became suicidal shortly after starting treatment.
You may have suicidal thoughts while taking an antidepressant, especially if you are younger than 24 years old.
Your family members or other caregivers should watch for changes in your mood or other symptoms.
You, a family member, or caregiver should tell your doctor right away if you experience any of the following symptoms while taking amitriptyline (especially during the first weeks of treatment or any time you change your dose):
  • Thoughts of harming or killing yourself
  • Worsening depression
  • Extreme worry or other new feelings of anxiousness
  • Agitation
  • Panic attacks
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Irritability
  • Unusual restlessness
  • Unusual mood or behavior changes
  • Unusual excitement or hyperactivity
  • Agitation, hostility, or aggressiveness
  • Unusually impulsive behavior
Children under age 18 should not take amitriptyline, but in rare cases, a doctor may decide the benefits outweigh the risks." https://www.everydayhealth.com/drugs/amitriptyline

The story of the wreck is here http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/10/day-10-of-2017-halloween-challenge.html

Twas a short passing of time since the wreck, and paige was still foggy as well as lost.  Her Momma and Daddy took her to get a cute little trailer house so she could move into her own place while paige was still 17-years-old.  The only bathroom had a huge garden tub that she especially loved.  The big windows all around the trailer gave her lots of sunshine for plenty of  plants to fill her home. She even had a gorgeous live in boyfriend who took great care of her; nevertheless,  all she could think about was killing herself so she could go be with Susan and Robbie.  The only reason she hung on was that she saw how bad Susan and Robbie's parents were hurting, and she did not want to do that to her Momma or Grandmommy.
Still, the struggle was real for her.  One day she began seeing visions of herself taking a bottle of elavil as it was called then.  Dr. Potts did seem to care for her, and he said he would give her pot for her treatment if he could, but that they would try elavil.  In actuality, she was put on this psychotrope right after her brain damage which is not wise, anyway.  In addition to complications from elavil, paige had spiritual visitors who are not nice thus the visions of taking pills.
Paige and Susan's favorite album was "Piece of Mind" by Iron Maiden, and the song they loved so much was "Still Life".  It even had backwards masking saying "if You don't understand it don't fuck with it", and that tickled the shit outta them.  Paige really LOVED Susan the most because Susan could see inside her, and accepted her strange powers.  She LOVED Robbie the most too for the same reason.  There could be no choosing  between them; alas, but to lose both of them at once was a serious blow.  The words to their favorite song  are alarmingly like what paige went through in her struggle to stay alive at this time in her life.
"Take a look in the pool and what do you see
In the dark depths there faces beckoning me
Can't you see them it's plain for all to see
They were there oh I know you don't believe me.

Oh...I've never felt so strange
But...I'm not going insane.

I've no doubt that you think I'm off my head
You don't say but it's in your eyes instead
Hours I spend out just gazing into that pool
Something draws me there I don't know what to do.

Oh...they drain my strength away
Oh...they're asking me to stay.

Nightmares...spirits calling me
Nightmares...they won't leave me be.

All my life's blood is slowly draining away
And I feel that I'm weaker every day
Somehow I know I haven't long to go
Joining them at the bottom of the pool.

Now...I feel they are so near
I...begin to see them clear

Nightmares...coming all the time
Nightmares...Will give me peace of mind.

Now it's clear and I know what I have to do
I must take you down there to look at them too
Hand in hand then we'll jump right into the pool
Can't you see not just me they want you too.

Oh...we'll drown together
It...will be forever.

Nightmares...forever calling me
Nightmares...Now we rest in peace."
On the really bad days paige drove out to Hippie's Point at the Lake and looked down at the water while hearing this song.  She wanted to go so bad. Her body hurt from being slammed around, she didn't fit with anyone anymore, and she couldn't always find weed to smoke that made her feel somewhat eased in her spirit.

"Sometimes i think about killing myself," paige admitted to her psychologist that she saw once a week on Daddy's insurance.  Paige wanted to be a psychologist too because he made almost a 100$ an hour for 50 minute hours of just talking.

"That's normal," said Dr. Crittenden as he moved onto something else.

"Wow." thought paige, "okay, i won't tell anyone else."

A few weeks later it got bad.  "I should kill myself" echoed throughout her mind along with the vision of her taking the high dosage elavils she had.  It was weird because she was doing what she was seeing in her head.  Feelings of regret for hurting her Momma filled her up so she went and told her Mom what she'd done.

Her Momma put her in the car and ran for some castor oil.  In Grandmommy's bathroom Vickie made paige drink that castor oil before running her to the hospital.  

Paige was out of it; she does not know what happened until she was back home.  Fortunately, paige began throwing up in the emergency room doorway so that she would be okay as long as too much did not already get into her blood stream.  The same Dr. Strom who spent hours pulling glass out of paige and sewing her left ear back on after the wreck was working the ER on the night she almost died  for a second time in a short while.  Then it was time for the sanitarium.
Which is a nightmare of it's own because they convince us that we're insane, and give us shitty drugs that make it worse.
"Welcome Home (Sanitarium)"

"Welcome to where time stands still
No one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
Just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, No windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep my friend and you will see
That dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
Can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there
Cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
Assuring me that I'm insane
They think our heads are in their hands
But violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
He's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
But they think this saves us from our hell

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on
Natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
Got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
Seems the only way
For reaching out again"